Visual Studio cannot find debuggerutils.h - visual-studio

I've installed Visual Studio 15.9.0, Preview 3 and created a project using the new platform support for C++/winrt. The project runs fine until I set a breakpoint. When the break is hit VS tells me "You need to find debuggerutils.h to view the source for the current call stack frame" It tells me this file was originally at onecore\com\combase\inc\debuggerutils.h, though it doesn't tell me the path to onecore. Search can't find such a file. Does anyone know how to find that file or install it? I had just assumed that VS would automatically include debugging capability.
[Update] Appears it is not the setting of a breakpoint but a bug causing a break before that. But I'm still mystified by the error message.

Someone asked this question on github's WinObjC issues:
From the discussion:
edvv commented on Nov 22, 2019
Ah, now I remember what this means: "This is a false message. What really happened is that your app silently terminated (maybe by a console abort(), i.e.: crashed ) and when the app failed to launch (aborted) the front end gave that message. You need to look at the Windows Console window in VS while in debug mode."


Visual Studio 2013 ignoring breakpoints

Going mad here!
Visual Studio is ignoring breakpoints, skipping with a "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version" alert and the breakpoint turns white.
Simple test - new WinForms project with a few lines in the form load event.
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Set a breakpoint on any of those lines, I get the above error, the console outputs as expected (1/2/3) and the form loads with no pause break.
Fresh boot of PC makes no difference.
Running VS 2013, Update 4, on Windows 7 x64.
In my case I was trying to run the unit test via a test agent. This does not allow debugging to occur. I changed my testsettings.settings file so that the role read "local" instead of remote, and then I was able to debug.
I also came across same problem. I rebuild my solution and checked Warnings. There were several warnings, one was of reference missing, due to which break point was ignored. As i fixed the reference missing warning, it started working.

Webmatrix crashes when site is opened or created

When I open WebMatrix it works without problem and shows the start page.
When I click 'My sites' and choose my site or choose My site by click 'Open'=> My site or create new site (and choose the site type: Empty, App Gallery or Template Gallery) WebMatrix crashes. Note: It crashes when it needs to show the site pages.
I tried to re-install WebMatrix but that didn't help. I also tried to change the Workspace(by clicking 'Options' on the start page).
When it crashes, I get the message 'Windows is looking for a solution to the problem.' (My computer isn't in English so that might not exactly be the words) and then I am asked if I want to close/debug the program. I click 'Debug' and choose Visual Studio. I don't know how to debug a program, but I tried and it says to me that:
System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in Microsoft.WebMatrix.Core.dll
Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [-translated].
I have searched on the internet and here and I didn't find any solution to my problem.
Actual Answer
This bug is in the market for a time now. I have seen similar issue on another forum too, where the user was facing the same issue and same thing he tried but all in vain.
I think you need to wait for the next Update for your System, or try removing each and every component that WebMatrix installed, that means all the .NET Frameworks (4th version), Sql Dependencies Sql Server Ce, and all other files that were shipped along with WebMatrix to your computer. Remove them, and start the installing process once again freshly.
If nothing does the job, please uninstall WebMatrix 3 and install WebMatrix 2: Click here for link. I know it is awkward to go back a version, but you'll have to. Secondly you can mention this bug on their support/suggestion page. They would fix it.
I hope that would help you. And you'd be back in developing the apps :-)
Just for information
Secondly, do you understand what is meant by debug? Debugging is a method or process to remove the bugs from a software or an application etc. When you chose Visual Studio, it provided you or not provided you with the WebMatrix source code, I am not sure I never tried it. And you tried out debugging it. The exception is gave you, was a message saying that the parameter you're passing onto the next stage is a null. Which means it doesn't even exist and thus the value or the method cannot be executed and it breaks.

How can avoid the window "No source available" while stepping into debug mode on VS2010 SL5

How to avoid the window "No source available" while stepping into debug mode on VS2010 SL5
In Tools, Options, Debug, General Page. Check if you have 'Enable .NET Framework source stepping' enabled, if it is enabled, disable.
I tried all the suggested fixes; Nothing worked for me.
I finally figured out the solution after several hours of trial & error iterations.
It turns out that the 'No Source Available' error is due to a stack-overflow within the VS debugger env.
The C/C++ code function that was supposed to be stepped-into (by VS debugger), was using a variable that was initialized to a stack array of a few MB in size. When I replaced this with a heap allocation, VS was successfully able to step into the code.
This worked for me.
Please note that in my case, the actual code (with the stack allocation) ran without a stack-overflow error within the debugger (if I skip the No source available error). It was just that VS's debugger's was not able to step-into a particular function sitting inside another C/CPP file, because of the internal stack overflow.
Hope this helps.
You can hit Shift+F11 to step out and it will complete whatever unavailable function it is in and stop at the next line (it may be unavailable as well, but continue to use Step Out until you get to code you want to examine.)
Regarding VS2019, a description for the issue is provided at MSDocs.
For the requisite vcruntime and ucrt source files, the problem can occur after importing from a previous VS version which has since been uninstalled.
To prevent VS from using the old directories, find the solution property pages and navigate to the Debug Source Files Dialog Box.
Click the tick button to check the entries where any invalid ones can be removed.
The vcruntime and ucrt source should always exist in the directories, and the path at the top of the Browse to find source code dialog should always show the correct path.
In my case, because of a venerable drive bug, it is given to prompt for the "D" drive instead of the "C" drive. Further, the provided path cannot be pasted over to refresh the view, so, if none the wiser, one has to use the dialog to navigate all the way up to the required location from the desktop or equivalent.
Here there is an extension for this issue:
But in my own experience before finding this article (I was in page but I was trying to fix it myself without reading article) I have fixed this problem just by accepting a confirmation message saying something like "Selected source file is different from compiled assembly. Are you sure you want to use this file for debug?". But I can't remember exactly what I did to get this message. I think there was a linklabel which I clicked on "No source available" window and then confirmation message appeared and after confirm the problem ran away.

How to debug in VS instead of JIT Debugger?

UPDATE: navigating to the process via menu:DEBUG / Attach Process / iexplore.exe shows "Automatic: Silverlight code". i.e. VS 2010 already attached to the process. Why doesn't it go to debug view?
I have a frustrating debug behaviour going on on my laptop which I'd like to fix. I was following along with the demo called Silverlight TV 46: What's Wrong with my WCF Service?
On my computer, I noticed that putting throw new ArithmeticException() in the RIA service causes the just-in-time debugger to get involved (a bad thing -- I want VS). I can put a break point on the the throw new ArithmeticExpression() line, and VS stops as it normally does. Press F10, and I still get the just-in-time debugger kicking in.
On Yvor's computer (the presenter in the Ch 8 link above), the visual studio debugger kicks in instead of the just-in-time one. What am I doing wrong? Could having Redgate Reflector installed previously have caused this (it is gone now).
Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger
Code: 4004
Category: ManagedRuntimeError
Message: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid.
Check ...
Possible Debuggers:
New instance of MS VS 2010,
New instance of VS 2008.
[checked] Set currently selected debugger as the default.
[unchecked] Manually choose the debugging engines
Action: Hit Yes.
2nd ERROR:
Unable to attach to the crashing process. A debugger is already attached.
I've spent several hours looking for a way to solve this.
Browser is IE9 / Silverlight 4.
Previously, I started starting the silverlight app directly via the VS2010 environment... but then decided to get more deployment compliant (again).
Down the bottom they mention repairing from control panel / VS2010. Did that. Waited for ages, made coffee, did something else. Finally complete. Problem sill there. Included this step just-in-case the fix is cumulative (you get superstitious after a while with these things).
I then deleted zap files, switched startup page from html to the aspx one. Wired aspx to the xap (it wasn't pointing to the /debug/ folder). [note: looks like you can remove the debug via Silverlight Project / build / Output path: Replace Bin\Debug\ with Bin. With Silverlight I feel that the relative Uri path should match up to your html / aspx files no matter what -- wheather you are in Debug or Release.
project properties / Web / Specific Page
debugging works again!
Did .html stop debugging? Casual inspection reveals the same javascript stuff firing up Silverlight. On the surface it looks the same. hmmm. I guess it isn't.
... here are a few extra things to look at for those who still have issues (I may as well list them
while they are fresh in my mind).
project / properties / Web / Debuggers: I now only have Silverlight checked. ASP.Net is not checked any more. (Not sure if this influences my result at this stage)
make sure your web project points to the silverlight project in project / properties / Silverlight Applications. This ensures that the silverlight project's binary "xap" is copied to a folder within the Web Site / Web App. Note: hitting the add button reveals a destination folder (should be ClientBin).
Your build configuration will add an additional sub foler e.g. debug.
Make sure your .aspx or .html files have the right path. For me, I just included the .ClientBin/debug/ folder. I don't think this is deploy friendly, so I will search for a better way later.
IE9 settings.
[X] Disable script debugging.
[X] Disable script debugging (Other)
[ ] Display notification about a script error
[ ] Show friendly HTTP error message
Again, unsure if these later setting have an impact.
Lastly, there's something that I forget about sometimes. Be sure to check Debug VS2010 / Exceptions / Common language Runtime. This ups the ability to catch exceptions.
I had a similar problem, but the above did not resolve it. However, starting the application without debugging (Ctrl-F5) and triggering the exception would allow me to select the Visual Studio instance that I started the application from. Amazingly, I got a sensible stack trace and resolve the problem within a few minutes.

adding/removing a file in VS2010 causes "WebDev.WebServer20.exe has stopped working" error

This is driving us crazy... In VS2010, MVC2 projects, not all projects.... both on a project that was upgraded from 2008/mvc1 and on a brand new project created within 2010/MVC2, we have the following behavior:
1) develop as normal..
2) hit F5 or CTRL-F5 to open up a browser
3) works great!
4) add a CSS file (or JS file or any file, or remove any file) in the project
5) immediately the dialog pops up "WebDev.WebServer20.exe has stopped working"
You have to close the program, and "F5" again - and all is right with the world...
Say we then modify an existing css file. No problem. But adding or removing one, immediate crash.
It seems like the development webserver is "locked on" to the project file and when it detects a change, it dies.
The Event Viewer is pretty unhelpful. The following is logged:
Faulting application WebDev.WebServer20.exe, version 10.0.30319.1, time stamp 0x4ba204ca, faulting module KERNEL32.dll, version 6.0.6001.18215, time stamp 0x49953395, exception code 0xe053534f, fault offset 0x000442eb, process id 0x%9, application start time 0x%10.
This is happening on all of our developer workstations, which include some with Windows Sever 2008, some with Windows XP, and some with Windows 7. All are running VS2010 Premium with ReSharper.
Also, the same thing happens on projects which target the 4.0 framework, only the error message referrs to WebDev.WebServer40.exe instead.
Google has revealed nothing. We've already tried "setting a static port" instead of a dynamic port - no help.
Please help if you can.
So, as it turns out, the problem was due to a certain use of MVCTurbine and StructureMap, but it seems likely that the problem would also occur with other IOC Containers, not just StructureMap.
The author of MVCTurbine has expressed that the fix will be in version 2.2 of that product.
In the meantime, one extra line of code in your Global.asax will solve this problem:
//VNEXT: after Turbine 2.2 we wont need this line anymore...
protected override void ShutdownContext() { CurrentContext = null; ServiceLocator = null; }
This article shows the particular use case we were addressing. The "normal plain vanilla" use of MVCTurbine and StructureMap would not have this problem.
Obviously, great thanks to Javier for being so responsive to help requests!
