What is Ruby doing with gsub here? - ruby

I'm working on converting code from Ruby to Node.js. I came across these lines at the end of a function and I'm curious what the original developers were trying to accomplish:
url = url.gsub "member_id", "member_id__hashed"
url = url.gsub member_id, member_id_hashed
I'm assuming that url at the end is Ruby's equivalent to return url;
as for the lines with gsub, from what I've found online that's the wrong syntax, right? Shouldn't it be:
url = url.gsub(var1, var2)?
If it is correct, why are they calling it twice, once with quotes and once without?

gsub does a global substitute on a string. If I had to guess, the URL might be in the form of
If so, the code has the following effect:
url.gsub "member_id", "member_id__hashed"
# => "http://somewebsite.com?member_id__hashed=123"
Assuming member_id = "123", and member_id_hashed is some hashed version of the id, then the second line would replace "123" with the hashed version.
url.gsub member_id, member_id_hashed
# => "http://somewebsite.com?member_id__hashed=abc"
So you're going from http://somewebsite.com?member_id=123 to http://somewebsite.com?member_id__hashed=abc
Documentation: https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.6/String.html#method-i-gsub

I'm assuming that the url at the end is Ruby's equivalent to return url;
If that code is part of a method or block, indeed, the line url is the value returned by the method. This is because by default a method in Ruby returns the value of the last expression that was evaluated in the method. The keyword return can be used (as in many other languages) to produce an early return of a method, with or without a return value.
that's the wrong syntax, right? shouldn't it be
url = url.gsub(var1, var2)?
The arguments used to invoke a method in Ruby may stay in parentheses but they may, as well, be listed after the method name, without parentheses.
url = url.gsub var1, var2
url = url.gsub(var1, var2)
are correct and they produce the same result.
The convention in Ruby is to not put parentheses around method arguments but this is not always possible. One such case is when one of the arguments is a call of another method with arguments.
The parentheses are then used to make everything clear both for the interpreter and the readers of the code.
If it is correct, why are they calling it twice, once with quotes and once without?
There are two calls of the same method, with different arguments:
url = url.gsub "member_id", "member_id__hashed"
The arguments of url.gsub are the literal strings "member_id" and "member_id__hashed".
url = url.gsub member_id, member_id_hashed
This time the arguments are the variables member_id and member_id_hashed.
This works the same in JavaScript and many other languages that use double quotes to enclose the string literals.
String#gsub is a method of class String that does search & replace in a string and returns a new string. It's name is short of "global substitute" (it replaces all occurrences). To replace only the first occurrence use String#sub.


How to have ruby conditionally check if variables exist in a string?

So I have a string from a rendered template that looks like
"Dear {{user_name}},\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\n{{company_name}}\r\n{{company_phone_number}}\r\n"
All those variables like {{user_name}} are optional and do not need to be included but I want to check that if they are, they have {{ in front of the variable name. I am using liquid to parse and render the template and couldn't get it to catch if the user only uses 1 (or no) opening brackets. I was only able to catch the proper number of closing brackets. So I wrote a method to check that if these variables exist, they have the correct opening brackets. It only works, however, if all those variables are found.
here is my method:
def validate_opening_brackets?(template)
text = %w(user_name company_name company_phone_number)
text.all? do |variable|
next unless template.include? variable
template.include? "{{#{variable}"
It works, but only if all variables are present. If, for example, the template created by the user does not include user_name, then it will return false. I've also done this loop using each, and creating a variable outside of the block that I assign false if the conditions are not met. I would really, however, like to get this to work using the all? method, as I can just return a boolean and it's cleaner.
If the question is about how to rewrite the all? block to make it return true if all present variable names have two brackets before them and false otherwise then you could use something like this:
def validate_opening_brackets?(template)
variables = %w(user_name company_name company_phone_number)
variables.all? do |variable|
!template.include?(variable) || template.include?("{{#{variable}")
There are multiple ways to do this, but the easiest way I can think of is to simply prefix/postfix a regular expression with the escaped characters used by Mustache/Liquid, and using alternation to check for each of your variable names within the template variable characters (e.g. double curly braces). You can then use String#scan and then return a Boolean from Enumerable#any? based on the contents of the Array returned by from #scan.
This works with your posted example, but there may certainly be other use cases where you need a more complex solution. YMMV.
Example Code
This solution escapes the leading and trailing { and } characters to avoid having them treated as special characters, and then interpolates the variable names with | for alternation. It returns a Boolean depending on whether templated variables are found.
def template_string_has_interpolations? str
var_names = %w[user_name company_name company_phone_number]
regexp = /\{\{#{var_names.join ?|}\}\}/
Tested Examples
template_string_has_interpolations? "Dear {{user_name}},\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\n{{company_name}}\r\n{{company_phone_number}}\r\n"
#=> true
template_string_has_interpolations? "Dear Customer,\r\n\r\nThank you for your purchase. If you have any questions, we are happy to help.\r\n\r\n\r\nCompany, Inc.\r\n(555) 555-5555\r\n"
#=> false

Ruby string interpolation with substitution

I have a given method that adds keys to urls with:
url % {:key => key}
But for one url I need the key to be escaped with CGI.escape. I cannot change the method, I can only change the url, but substitution does not work:
Is there a way to achieve this only by changing the url string? I cannot use additional variables or change the method, thus I cannot do the escaping in the method and send the escaped key to the url string.
It isn't clear how your given method is supposed to work. Can you give an example where the method works, and one where it doesn't? Ignoring the method part of your question, and focusing on the URL bit,
>> key = "Baby Yoda"
=> "Baby Yoda"
>> %{key}
=> "key"
is the expected result, regardless of whether you have a variable named key, set to any value. See: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby_Programming/Syntax/Literals#The_.25_Notation
Unless you have a method defined which overloads '%' to do something else special for URLs, but that isn't clear in your question.
If you just want to CGI escape the value of 'key' within your URL string, don't use the percent notation:
>> key = 'Baby Yoda'
=> "Baby Yoda"
>> "https://www.example.com?search=#{CGI.escape(key)}"
=> "https://www.example.com?search=Baby+Yoda"
It just seems not possible. I worked around by defining a syntax ${...}
Then I first do subtitution of %{key} and then use eval to do CGI.Escape (or any method for that matter) with
gsub(/\${(.+?)}/) { |e| eval($1) }

Use embedded string as variable name

I have a YAML file that uses the encoding __firstname__ as a placeholder which signifies that an existing method firstname should be used, rather than the literal string in a subsequent process.
I am trying to understand the most ruby way to to do this. Basically, I need to extract the part between the underscores and send it to an object. Here is pseudocode:
variable = '__firstname__'
if variable is prefixed and suffixed with underscores
result = object.send(variable.removeunderscores)
result = variable
puts result
I was about to write this procedurally like this, but this is the type of thing that I think ruby can less clunkily if only I knew the language better.
What is a clean why to write this?
There's nothing wrong with verbose code if it's clear to read IMO.
I'd do something like this using String#start_with? and String#end_with?:
variable = '__firstname__'
if variable.start_with?("__") && variable.end_with?("__")
result = object.send(variable[2...-2])
result = variable

What is my method returning here?

I have a question that I've already found the solution to (or perhaps it is just chance), but I'm hoping someone can explain why it works, and what Ruby is doing being the scenes here.
I'm doing something with fixed width output text and ANSI color codes. I don't want the escaped characters to count towards my length, so I wrote a little method for the String class to calculate the length excluding the color codes:
def length_minus_codes
color_codes = [ "\033[30m",
"\033[0m" ,
#Create new variable to strip
stripped_self = self
#loop through color code array
for index in 0 ... color_codes.size
#strip color codes from string
#return variance of self to stripped self to
#get length of string not including color codes
return self.length - (self.length - stripped_self.length)
I thought it was working fine, until I realized that after it was called, the string it was called on had the character codes stripped from it.
I tried a few things, before decided to change this:
To this:
stripped_self = stripped_self.gsub(color_codes[index],"")
Now it is working fine.
What I don't understand is why? I understand the basic concept of in place methods (!) which I was using on the gsub, but it wasn't modifying self, but rather a variable that I set in the method, and second I only want to return the length of the string, not an actual string.
Can anyone explain what is happening here?
When you do
stripped_self = self
you are simply creating a new reference to the self string object, you are not creating a new string. So any in-place modifications (by gsub! in this case) will be reflected on the self object.
If you want to create a new object that is not a reference, you need to duplicate the object:
stripped_self = self.dup
Possibly a simpler solution here is just to use the non-bang version of gsub and save that to a variable. gsub! changes the receiver as bang methods often do, gsub will simply return a modified object safely without effecting the receiver.

Ruby: replace a given URL in an HTML string

In Ruby, I want to replace a given URL in an HTML string.
Here is my unsuccessful attempt:
escaped_url = url.gsub(/\//,"\/").gsub(/\./,"\.").gsub(/\?/,"\?")
path_regexp = Regexp.new(escaped_url)
html.gsub!(path_regexp, new_url)
Note: url is actually a Google Chart request URL I wrote, which will not have more special characters than /?|.=%:
The gsub method can take a string or a Regexp as its first argument, same goes for gsub!. For example:
>> 'here is some ..text.. xxtextxx'.gsub('..text..', 'pancakes')
=> "here is some pancakes xxtextxx"
So you don't need to bother with a regex or escaping at all, just do a straight string replacement:
html.gsub!(url, new_url)
Or better, use an HTML parser to find the particular node you're looking for and do a simple attribute assignment.
I think you're looking for something like:
path_regexp = Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(url))
