I have an application where I have a main.m that returns NSApplicationMain(argc, (const char **) argv);.
I want to run code on -applicationDidFinishLaunching:, but I just dont see how to do it.
Can anyone help or have an example?
The applicationDidFinishLaunching: method of the NSApplication delegate will be called when the app has finished loading. Many of the project templates setup a delegate. If you are using one just add the appropriate method to it.
If your project does not have an app delegate set up you will need to do that yourself. First, make a new class to act as your delegate (you can use an exiting one if there is something logically appropriate). Now make sure that class is instantiated in your MainMenu.nib. Finally, hook the delegate property of the "File's Owner" object to the instantiate delegate in IB.
Louis' answer is concise and spot-on. However, if the concept of delegate methods is new to you, you'd do well to check out the relevent documenation.
I know the question is a bit generic but I guess my issue is generic as well.
I'm developing a small application in my free time and I decided to do it with Cocoa. It's nice, many things works almost automagically, but sometimes it's quite hard to understand how the framework works.
Lately I'm facing a new problem. I want to manage all the windows of the application from a single class, a front controller basically. I have a main menu and an "Import data" function. When I click it I want to show another window containing a table and call a method for updating the data. The problem is that this method is inside the class that implements the NSTableViewDataSource protocol.
How can I have a reference to that class? And more important, which should be the right way to do it? Should I extend the NSWindow class so that I can receive an Instance of NSWindow that can control the window containing the table (and then call the method)?
I may find several ways to overcome this issue, but I'd like to know which one is the best practice to use with cocoa.
PS: I know that there are tons of documentations files, but I need 2 lives to do everything I'd like to, so I thought I may use some help asking here :)
The problem is that this method is inside the class that implements the NSTableViewDataSource protocol.
How can I have a reference to that class?
These two sentences don't make sense, but I think I understand what you're getting at.
Instead of subclassing NSWindow, put your import window's controlling logic – including your NSTableViewDataSource methods – into a controller class. If the controller corresponds to a window, you can subclass NSWindowController, though you don't have to.
You can implement -importData: as an IBAction in your application delegate, then connect the menu item's selector to importData: on First Responder. That method should instantiate the import window controller and load the window from a nib.
In your import window controller's -awakeFromNib or -windowDidLoad method, call the method which updates the data.
Here's the pattern I'd suggest using in your app delegate:
#property (retain) ImportWindowController *importWC;
- (IBAction) showImportWindow:(id) sender {
if (!self.importWC)
self.importWC =
[[ImportWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"ImportWindow"];
[self.importWC refreshData];
[self.importWC.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
I can access an app-wide delegate instance using [NSApp delegate] after adding an NSObject to the mainmenu.xib, setting the name of the object to the name of my appDelegate and setting the mainmenu.xib delegate to this object.
Now, what I would like to do, is to access to an object's Document, i.e. the active NSDocument that the object "belongs" to. It would be a doc-wide delegate instance I guess. Sometimes [self document] works, but not always. Is there a generic way?
There is no need to pass a reference explicitly. You may access the document from NSViewController in the following way:
id document = self.view.window.windowController.document;
What about [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] currentDocument] ?
Be careful nevertheless.
Please read
NSDocumentController currentDocument returning nil
For any sub windows that are part of the document, it turns out that it's very easy to make a very simple subclass of NSViewController and store the required information in there. These view controllers are set up within the main Document implementation so it is easy to pass the address of the NSDocument object. Any actual subview can then be controlled by a view controller that is a subclass of this "managing controller".
This solution does not work for every object, but it does take the biggest hurdle and solves my problem...
I have the following code in a Cocoa application:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
NSArray* arrayAppList = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] runningApplications];
My intention is to use KVO to detect an application when changes its state between inactive to active.
I read that I have to use the instance method -addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:
And then use -observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: to respond to change notifications.
I understand that -observeValueForKeyPath is a callback method where I can write code to respond to the properties changes I am interested in.
Nevertheless, I feel confused in how I must to use the addObserver method in order to be notified when the active property of the runningApplications change. Now, I am wondering where is the place to make the registration, for now I am using -applicationDidFinishLaunching but not sure if is the right place to do it. Additionally if I use the -observeValueForKeyPath callback method, I have to implement it in the class that inherits from NSObject and is the same class where I am registering the notification?
You should call the addObserver:… method on each object in the runningApplications array (using isActive as the key path).
Starting the observing after your app finishes launching sounds about right. Time-wise, that is. As for the place, there should be a separate class dedicated to these observations. By implementing the observation code right in the app delegate you would violate the single-responsibility principle (and that means headache in the long term).
The observeValueForKeyPath:… callback should be implemented by the object that called the addObserver:… methods.
I've added a custom subclass of NSWindowController to my Cocoa project, and added an instance of my subclass to my application's nib. I expected to see my override of the -initWithCoder: method called when the nib was loaded, but it was not. To debug, I added a regular -init method and set a breakpoint on it — and sure enough I hit the breakpoint while loading the nib.
This could actually make some things simpler for me (e.g. setting the windowNibName) but I don't understand why Cocoa is behaving this way. All the documentation I have read suggests that -initWithCoder: is where I should be overriding. Why is this case any different?
I'm assuming that to instantiate your window controller in Interface Builder, you dragged a generic NSObject instance to the nib file, then assigned your custom NSWindowController subclass as the object's class, is that correct? If so, then I think they key difference going on here is that you're dealing with instantiating a generic object rather than a custom object included in one of IB's palettes.
Most of the time, when you create and configure an object using IB, the settings that you specify in the various inspectors gets encoded using the encodeWithCoder: method when the nib file gets saved. When you then load that nib file in your application, those objects get initialized using the initWithCoder: method.
However, in the case of that generic object instance, Interface Builder doesn't necessarily know anything about the class of the object being instantiated. Since you can specify any class name at all to be instantiated, if you specify a class that IB doesn't have loaded via a palette or framework, there's no way it can serialize that object using NSCoding. So I believe that when you instantiate a generic object like that, it gets initialized using init rather than initWithCoder: because it wasn't saved using encodeWithCoder: in the first place when the nib file was saved.
I don't know if this is documented anywhere, but I think that's why you're seeing a difference there. I also don't think it's specific to NSWindowController, but rather you'd see the same behavior from any object instantiated as a generic NSObject in IB, regardless of the specific class.
I still don't have a formal answer why Cocoa behaves this way, but in practical use it seems to be convenient. I have defined an NSWindowController subclass with the following -init method and it works like a charm.
- (id)init;
if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibName:#"MumbleMumbleSheet"]) != nil) {
return self;
If -initWithCoder: were being called I would have to figure out how to fulfill the implicit obligation to call the super -initWithCoder: method and still get the right -windowNibName used for loading. It's much more straightforward this way.
I would still appreciate a pointer to some documentation that says this class is different and explains why and how… But in the absence of documentation there is empirical evidence.
The coder methods are used for classes that have been serialised and saved to file.
What you are doing here is different. You are building your controller class into your executable. This means that there's no need to read the class itself from file as it's a part of the running application binary.
When using this controller class you need provide an init method where you provide the nib file name. Why? Well, you have the compiled class as a part of your exe but no knowledge about what the nib file is. This is how you provide that knowledge.
Think of it this way. You controller class is a part of the exe. Some link between it and the nib file needs to be made. One way would be to scan through all the nib files looking for references to this controller. That would be inefficient. Provide the name in the init and everything bootstraps.
In other words you have learnt some important lessons from your experiments. Well done, on being so observive.
I'm beginning to think that my Cocoa application is not really done according to the principles of MVC. My problem is the following:
I have some classes in my project, one of called Copier.h and another called DropReciever.h. Copier is sort of my main view controller, as it has all the bindings and main methods. DropReciever is a custom implementation of an NSView to allow the app to accept files via drag and drop.
Now, is there an easy way to send messages to Copier from DropReceiver? Right now, the two don't know each other, and I can't think of an elegant way to connect them, since since they are both kinda instantiated seperately. How can I make them see each other? Or, is there an elegant, Coca-ish way to do this better?
(If you want to look at my source code, it's here.)
Another way would be to expose a property of the drop receiver as a binding, and bind the copier to it (programmatically). Then, in the drop method, have the drop receiver set the dropped content as the value of this property (which you would name something like droppedObject).
When you set the property, the magic of Bindings will set the bound property of your copier. The copier can react appropriately there in its setter method.
I would have a delegate property on the DropReceiver. Whatever is responsible for tying these things together would set the delegate. The delegate object can be an id, or you could create a protocol for it (both idioms are common in Cocoa). I do this all over the place. You get the separation you need, without having to work around the houses too much.
The only downside, if you don't set the delegate on initialisation, is that all your calls to it need to be protected by if( delegate ) checks.
The way I usually do it is to instantiate DropReceiver in the nib and then add an IBOutlet DropReceiver * to your Copier.h, then drag a connection from the Copier instance to your DropReceiver in the window