Debug XP application on Vista computer - visual-studio

I am building an MFC application for both XP and Vista. I have Visual Studio 2008 installed on the XP machine but I need to debug the application on Vista. How can I do that? Do I really have to install Visual Studio on a Vista machine?
When using remote debugging I assume that all executable and library files must be in my Vista virtual machine. But I can seem to copy the MFC debug DLLs to the Vista VM, and as a result I keep getting side-by-side configuration errors.
I would prefer to remote debug the application without having to copy any files, how can I do that? And if I can't, how can I install the MFC DLLs without having to install Visual Studio on the Vista machine?
Note: I have Vista installed on a virtual machine using Virtual PC. I just don't know how to run the debug version of my application there.

You can install VirtualPC (or other virtualization software) and install Vista as virtual system, so you don't need two computers. For this part of the debugging, it probably better that you explicitly do not install visual studio to make sure there's not some hidden dependency in your program that visual studio provides. At this point you want to be testing the fully-deployed version of the app.
The biggest rule I've found so far for developing for vista is making sure that you never write anything to the same folder where the program is installed. Write to the Application Data folder instead. This was a rule for XP, too, but it's much more strictly enforced in vista.

If you have Visual Studio Pro or Team, you can give remote debugging a shot. There's just a tiny stub that gets installed on the remote computer.
If you want to run a debug build of your application, you will need to install the debug runtime files on the virtual PC as well.


Remote Debugging code running on a Windows XP machine without Visual Studio installed

I want to remote debug an executable that is running on a Windows XP machine. This machine does not have Visual Studio installed. I am running Visual Studio .NET from another machine on the network. (I'm easily able to remotely debug other XP machines which have Visual Studio .NET installed).
I located the remote debugging tool (msvsmon.exe in this case) copied the folder to a local directory on the machine I wish to debug and ran it. The cmd window indicated that I was running "Visual C++ Remote Debug Monitor (x86) Version 7.00.96"
I attempt to select the machine from VS in order to attach to the process and I received an error:
Unable to connect to the machine . The debugger is not
properly installed. Run setup to install or repair the debugger.
As I'm not able to find debugging tools online that are old enough, I'm not sure how to proceed.
While there is still time, you should get a copy of VS2010 Service Patch 2, and install it, the version of msvsmon.exe in VS2010 is the LAST release which supports XP remote debugging. In my work we develop for XP Embedded, and have a large installed base used in manufacturing globally. Our customers would scream bloody murder if we changed the runtime which would break/damage/shutdown manufacturing. So we are now forced to migrate to VS2019 and yet we build for XP clients. Our new products do run newer Windows Embedded versions, but the legacy products are still in demand, and are XP embedded based. There is no remote debug capability to my knowledge with VS2019, and our firm is not allowed to distribute VS2010 to our clients so they can single step debug. Very frustrating.

Visual Basic program cannot find DLL in applications root folder

I have built a program using Visual studio 2013 in visual basic. I am using a set of DLLs to communicate to some external hardware. The computer I developed the software on is a Win7 64bit machine and I can compile and run the software with no hiccups on it. I also have another computer (Surface Pro 3 64bit) that I use to test my software on and that works as well. Basically I just locate the debug directory of the development computer and copy the EXE and support DLLs to the new computer and run the EXE. This all works with my surface pro 3 computer.
My company purchased some other surface pro 3 computers for our production department and I am trying to get the software running on those as well. I do the same thing. Grab the EXE and support DLLs from the debug directory of the development computer. Except on these computers when I run the software program it tells me it can't find the DLL for the program. The DLL is sitting right in the application's folder, yet it says it can't find it.
I have tried multiple things, like publishing the software and including the DLLs in the installation, then running the installation on the "problem" computers. This still doesn't work. Same issue, it can't find the DLL.
This could be a number of things:
Incorrect version of .NET - do the new computers have the target version of .NET installed on them?
A required DLL is not being found, you should enable assembly bind failure logging and try again - How to enable assembly bind failure logging (Fusion) in .NET
So it turns out that the DLL I was referencing requires the VC++ redistributable packages to be installed on the computer. I downloaded and installed these on all of the problem computers and now the software recognizes the DLL and run.

Windows Installer ability to place short-cut with different URIs

I have a windows form application which is being installed on client pc by using msi file trough active directories, application is a 32bit app which is being deployed to a 32 bit and 64 bit windows systems and as we know application folder names are different between 32 and 64 bit systems, Program Files and Program Files(x86), also during installation application shortcut is placed in startup folder so app will be started when PC us powered up.
Question: Is there a chance to build msi by Windows Installer provided by Visual Studion in such a way that it will check what operating system its being installed at and place the shortcut in to start up folder with correct URI, to Program Files\Applicaiton\ or Program Files(x86)\Applicaiton?
Thank you!
Windows Installer packages are platform aware (x86, x64 ). Windows Installer doesn't support 64bit packages running on 32bit platforms or 32bit packages writing to 64bit ProgramFiles.
You can compile your EXE as AnyCPU and even though it's installed as 32bit it'll execute as 64bit. Although the Visual Studio team has moved away from that and compile as x86 by default in recent versions of Visual Studio.
Upon initialization, the Windows Installer gathers information about the operating system and automatically sets properties that can be used in optional conditional statements used by the setup application, such as VersionNT64 and "System Folder Properties"
In cases where it is necessary for the setup to know this information, it is preferred practice to allow the Windows Installer service to determine folder locations rather than try to hard-code this information into the package.

The 32-bit version o fthe Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor cannot be used to debug 64-bit processes?

I am trying to run my visual studio (2010) C++ project on an old Windows XP machine that is running VS2010. However, when I run it, I get the error listed in the title of this question. Why is this, and how can I fix it?
Same error was throwing for me when I had Silverlight debugger enabled. To resolve this issue
Open project properties
Under web tab look for Debuggers
Remove the tick mark on "Silverlight"
In general, a debugger should be the same bitness as the debuggee (or at least it must be able to understand the architecture of the target). In any common siutation, an x86-based debugger will not be able to debug an x64 application.
The Visual Studio documentation says:
To debug a 64-bit application that is running on a remote computer,
you need to install the 64-bit remote debugger on the remote computer.
The 64-bit remote debugger is available on the last disc of your
Visual Studio installation set.

Remote debugging in visual studio: remote debugger does not support this edition of windows

I am trying to remote debug my application in VMware workstation 7 and Visual studio 2010 ultimate. I habe several images (win 7 ultimate,vista,etc).
I am following this tutorial:
Whenever I try to start msvsmon.exe on the remote computer it will say :
"The visual studio remote debugger does not support this edition of windows"
tried it with win 7 ultimate, vista premium and xp home, same situation.
Could someone help me out here?
The error message "The visual studio remote debugger does not support this edition of windows" appears because the remote debugger tries to use Windows Authentication by default, and this is only supported in the "Pro" versions of Windows, and up.
However, the remote debugger does work with the "Home" versions of Windows, you just have to tell it not to use authentication via the command line.
(Why it doesn't let you do this after launching it without any arguments, why the error message is so misleading (and contradicts the official list of supported OS), and why there is so little info about this on the web, I don't know. :))
To launch it, run this:
msvsmon.exe /noauth /nosecuritywarn
Of course, this launches it in the lowest security mode, so you'd only want to do this on a secure network. (But that's usually the mode one ends up using msvcmon in anyway, as the other mode is an even bigger PITA to set up than it is normally. Very useful tool, but really could use some streamlining.)
No need to use VMWare features.
Inside the guest VM run the version of msvsmon that came with your copy of visual studio 2010 (A setup package for just the remote deubgging stuff can be found on the disc/image) (use x86 if debugging a 32-bit process or x64 if debugging 64-bit one ,Itanium if you need to laugh).
through the msvsmon GUI disable authentication and select allow any user to connect.
disable the firewall in the VM.
on the host machine you should be running visual studio 2010, under the debug dropdown select "attach to process..." and then on the window that pops up select remote from the dropdown that should say local or something initially, enter the IP address (should be private network IP i.e. 10.1.?.?) of the guest VM, alternatively use the server name displayed by the msvsmon GUI. You should get the process list for the guest and should only attach to any process that matches the version of msvsmon you ran (x86 or 64 ...or Itanium laugh).
NOTE: These are basic instructions to show you it definitely works but these instructions will only work for native code since managed requires a secure connection.
If you are debugging a .NET app using the VMWare VS Plugin and are getting a "file not found" type of error...make sure you have the .NET runtime installed! :)
Like a moron, I set up a fresh XP VM and forgot to install the .NET runtime and wasted a good day trying to get the VMWare VS Plug-In to work!
VSID is not supported by visual studio2010
