Clojure IDE on Windows? [closed] - windows

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How do you develop in Clojure on Windows systems?

Personally I use emacs because no other IDE feels right with sexpression languages to me. Swank/slime/emacs/clojure is just such a powerful repl setup nothing else feels right to me. If you want it set up easily (assuming you don't already have emacs set up) check out clojurebox
Preconfigged to just work on windows after running an installer.

On the site, the first thing you would read when getting started lists all your current options.
There is a netbeans add-in, emacs mode and vim syntax highlighting.

There is also an eclipse plug-in here:
Edit: changed link per js' comment

Enclojure (in Netbeans) is now released and works well on Windows.
VimClojure is a good lightweight solution.

I don't. I'm waiting on the release of Enclojure, the netbeans plugin that fixes some of the windows problems.
UPDATE: I do now, Enclojure ROCKS! :D

Another interesting IDE under development is a project funded through, the Light Table IDE:
The IDE is heavily inspired by the concepts Bret Victor presented at CUSEC 2012: Inventing on Principle
Chris Granger felt so inspired by Bret's ideas, that he quickly put together a proof-of-concept for a new Clojure IDE, which he calls Light Table. The project got $300k of funding through Kickstarter, and very early releases of the IDE are available through the project playground. Installation is as easy as a single download and click, if you have Java and Chrome installed on your system.
The IDE is in a very early stage, but has some very distinctive features, especially the "live" view of your code in the right panel. Check this screenshot of Light Table running in Chrome:

I have been experimenting with Clojure last two months and in my
learning process I used several applications.
So, I have made a package and want it to share it with everybody that
want to learn Clojure.
What's wrong with the existing Clojure Box? well... nothing at all;
but if you are like me and want to avoid the complexity of learning a
new programming language in a new ide (for me) like emacs you may be
find this package useful.
You have a customized version of scite, an application named
WinCommand to work more confortable with Clojure repl and JSwat to
debug your code.
Remember that WinCommand is developed using .Net framework (VS 2008)
but it was developed 4-5 years ago and my programming skills wasn't
the bests, so if you find something that can be fixed you can suggest
Give it a try and let me know what do you think about it!
Ahh...jejeje... well.. if you want to download it you can find here:

Jetbrains recently released "La Clojure", a Clojure plugin for their already excellent (but commercial) Java IDE IntelliJ IDEA. Once you have IDEA installed you can install the plugin from the plugin manager, or download it from the plugin website.

I tried to use VimClojure but found it uninviting. I'm a Vim person, but the idea that I have to compile my editor before even trying it out is definitely not what I'm looking for. The fact that the author says he doesn't care about Windows support any more adds to my disinclination to use it. On top of that, the documentation is pretty poor.
I'm attracted to ClojureBox which is Clojure and Emacs in an easy-to-use installer. Maybe it's time to give Emacs another shot. It comes right up in the REPL.

Clooj is good for learning. Not, probably, a practical IDE for real development — for that I'd use Emacs — but it's a perfect way to get started with no complex setup.

If anyone new to clojure like I am. Intellij + Cursive seems to be very friendly to newbie.

I use Lighttable to develop Clojure apps. Its pretty fantastic! I would recommend.


Installing environment for GO programing language

I would like to start programming in GO. As I am a Windows user, I understand that it possible to do so using the GO plugin for NetBeans.
Until now, I have written GO programs in text files and run them using the command prompt, but I prefer to use another platform/environment so I would be able to debug the programs.
The code examples in this forum are syntax highlighting and seem to be taken from an environment like Visual Studio. Does anyone know about the environment?
I would appreciate a simple solution. Thank you! :)
IDEs built specifically for Go and still actively maintained:
Portable and fast with build in debugger
Based on NetBeans 7.3, standalone application or NetBeans plugin
Googling you can find several IDE, for instance: or
You may find this question gets closed as it's quite subjective, and a FAQ. However, the simple answer: from your description, it seems likely that you would be comfortable with goclipse.
More complete answer: there is no "one true environment" for Go development. The code examples you see here are coloured using Stack Overflow's syntax highlighter, and were submitted in plain text. You'll probably find highlighting and utilities available for most major editors. For example, I use Vim which has a plugin to run gofmt on the current buffer.
I believe some Windows users are fond of Sublime Text 2's GoSublime plugin. A more complete list of development tools can be found here.
You don't really need an IDE to develop using Go. I'd encourage you to spend more time working with a good editor and the command line. Getting to know the tools already distributed with the language is essential IMHO (go, godoc, gofmt). See also Debugging Go Code with GDB.

Is there an IDLE-like editor for ruby on Windows or Ubuntu? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to introduce my young cousin to a bit of programming. Ideally ruby, as that's what I'm familiar with. However finding a suitable text editor is a real pain. All I need of the editor is the ability to type a few lines of code, press 'Run' and get some results (or not, as the case may be). The simpler the editor the better, I don't need Netbeans, Eclipse etc. What I want to avoid is the necessity of using the terminal to run scripts, TextWrangler, Textmate and IDLE for Python can do this.
Unfortunately I need something that will work on Windows, or Ubuntu, otherwise I would have just installed Textmate on his laptop.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You can do this in SciTE, which is bundled with the Windows Ruby installer or can be downloaded here. Click Tools > Go or press F5. It's an all-around good (and fast) editor with not a lot of bells and whistles.
This might require some configuration to make sure SciTE knows where your Ruby executable is. I believe the configuration for this is in Options > Open > command.go.*.rb.
On Ubuntu... How about the good old Gedit application? The Tool Launcher Plugin will enable you to run any external task (including the execution of the current open file.
Many thanks for all the suggestions, though having tried multitudes of editors, the option I've went with is Geany.
I couldn't get ScITE to work properly with standard input on either Windows or Ubuntu.
Ruby is a great language that could also be attractive to absolute beginners, however, the fact that the ruby installer does not include a basic editor that can be used in a self contained manner (to write and run scripts) really hinders its use for beginners.
This struggle to find an editor that could be used for writing and running ruby scripts almost had me resorting to python!
redcareditor has a "run" option under plugins -> execute
it's quick and dirty :)
I've used SciTE before for that sort of purpose. It reportedly works on Linux as well as Windows, but I haven't tried the Linux version myself.
Take a look at FreeRIDE for an IDE-type solution. You can also run code directly from the SciTE editor.
Well, on Windows, you can get E-Text Editor. It's basically a TextMate clone for Windows that runs TextMate commands and snippets.
30 day trial, then a little under $50 for full version.
I have no affiliation with the creators/owners of E-Text Editor
I use two editors that way, one is old school but only for Windows: Textpad , it also lets you enter parameters. Because of its popularity and power i'm trying to switch to Sublime Text, it is multi OS.
It takes some effort getting used to because i worked with textpad for many years but is is very powerfull and for Ruby development it is now my favorite workhorse. You can also find many tutorials and Youtube demos because of it's popularity.

What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Windows? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The SciTE editor comes with the Ruby installer, and it's just a generic code editor. I installed FreeRIDE but it seems a little buggy; it actually just crashed on me for no reason. :(
So my question is...
What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Windows? What are the best editors out there?
Netbeans IDE is quite good.
You can use either Eclipse with the Aptana Plugin and then install the Aptana RadRails plugin or you can use Aptana as a stand-alone application.
I like to use Eclipse with the Aptana plugins because Aptana seems to provide the best support for HTML, Javascript, and CSS that I've seen in an Eclipse plugin, and you still get the full benefit of using the core Eclipse application.
E-Texteditor is great.
Farawla code editor.
Disclaimer: I built it.
i think sublime text editor is best for pure ruby files.
its lite and fast.
I have been using Notepad++ for a while now. It has the basic features I want:
Drag & Drop file opening.
Detects changes to open files on the disk.
Ruby syntax highlighting (works out of the box).
Eclipse with RDT plugin.
I've been using Aptana Studio, it's quite good, with lots of features (even in the free version, you probably don't need Pro).
If you want something more minimalistic, there is E Text Editor, which supports TextMate bundles (not free, though).
Your individual needs should dictate whether/when you use a full-featured IDE or a lighter weight code editor.
For lightweight tasks, I still prefer SciTE, tweaking the settings and functions to meet my own needs.
For larger projects I use the NetBeans Ruby IDE. I tried NetBeans a couple years ago and wasn't impressed. But they've come a long way since, especially with regards to Ruby and Rails. Nothing against Eclipse/Aptana; NetBeans just seems to fit me better.
Textmate is very popular on Mac OS, and E (not free, but inexpensive) is the closest thing to it on Windows, and supports TextMate bundles. It seems to have gained many fans.
After seeing alot of screenshots from Mac-guys writing ruby-code in TextMate I went for the E-TextEditor and I'm very pleased with it.
At first I didn't find any option in the GUI for changing the default tab-size from 4 to 2 but today I found it down on the statusbar :)
RubyMine is really great, even though it's $99 for commercial purposes (there are free flavors available) I think it's well worth the money.
It has great support for HAML/SASS, the most common revision control systems, console tools, templates, keyboard shortcuts, etc...
You can find many IDE's for rails in windows such as
Ruby in Steel
Aptana Studio
. For me NetBeans is the best IDE for rails developments but it may depend on your familiar IDE because earlier I have many experience with java developments in NetBeans. So if u have experience in NetBeans it could be the best but if you have experience with Visual Studio then Ruby in Steel would be good choice.
RedCar. It's a Ruby editor. And it's free.
Ruby in Steel, is integrated in visual studio, but not free of charge ($199)
Another vote for E from
Vim with the help of a few plugins (Rails.vim, Project and Fuzzy File Finder Textmate) Really makes for a good--and cross platform--editor.
If you like the plugins but can't take the keybindings there is always Cream.
Textmate from Macromates has a clone call e-texteditor
I totally recommend it, it is actually made by a friend of the textmate author
rored is really nice for rails apps on windows
I use NetBeans most of time, but occasionally Intype fit my needs for some quick code editing.
Intype has a simple project manager, also support bundles and snippets.
Go for Eclipse for everything. I tried Netbeans but it sucks! It doesn't even have a word-wrap feature! Can you believe that?

Clojure editor/IDE recommendations on Mac OS X [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am starting to learn the Clojure programming language. Are there any recommendations for Clojure editors/IDEs on Mac OS X?
Update 2009-09-23: The Clojure space has changed tremendously since I originally posted this question. Many of the links below, especially those that refer to clojure-mode with Emacs, are out-of-date. The best Clojure IDE I found was the Enclojure Netbeans plugin which was recently released (2009-08-25).
Update 2010-04-30: Another very good article on this subject is Clojure IDEs - The Grand Tour by Lau B. Jensen. Also, for my own clojure development, I have actually moved to Emacs / swank-clojure.
For setting up Aquamacs, Slime and Clojure, there's a screencast on (broken link)
That's a nice alternate screencast you found Jman. I've added it to my answer so it's a bit more comprehensive.
Emacs+SLIME is going to be the most productive if you are going to be spending your time editing Lisp code and not doing much Java.
Paredit is also a must-have since it makes it almost difficult to insert invalid s-expressions. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it is emphatically worth it.
You can try NetBeans with Enclojure.
One of the "big 3" Java development IDEs is IntelliJ IDEA. It used to get less market share because it's not free as in beer. JetBrains is now providing a Community Edition of IntelliJ IDEA . I'm not a regular Mac user myself, but the OS X 'I use this' folks say it runs there too.
IDEA has a plugin called La Clojure, available directly from the plugin manager under "Settings," that makes Clojure development pleasant and productive.
Previously, I tried
WaterFront, for which "IDE" is IMO a bit of a reach;
Counterclockwise, a pretty good Eclipse plugin; and
Enclojure, the NetBeans plugin.
but anticipate staying with IDEA and La Clojure
Rich Hickey uses Aquamacs in all of his demos. He has commented about this, saying that he switched to it after someone created a Clojure mode for Emacs. I have also created a Clojure mode for jEdit.
At the moment, tool support for Clojure is pretty limited. I think you're either stuck with some Emacs variant or jEdit.
If you go the emacs route, I highly recommend using clojure-paredit. Paredit takes some getting used to, but it really reinforces the "code is data" notion.
This is an old question, but the landscape of the Clojure tooling has evolved quite a bit.
Nowadays the options are :
Light table, very easy to get started.
IntelliJ + Cursive or La Clojure. Someone once recommended me Cursive.
vim + fireplace. I know some very productive people use it.
Emacs + CIDER and Paredit, my personal choice. Apparently Rich Hickey uses Aquamacs.
I personally learnt to use Emacs to use it with Clojure, although some may argue that learning two things at the same time is not a good idea.
There is a survey here regarding the popularity of IDE/Editors :
Emacs rocks !
Emacs with Slime may be a good choice. See this article that explains a setup.
Emacs Carbon with SLIME and clojure-mode works like a charm. I tried Aquamacs before and it feels too different from the command line emacs for me. I really don't like and after months fighting against it I decided to migrate to Carbon.
TextMate is a great editor and has a Lisp bundle, which will suffice for Clojure (there's also an in-progress bundle available here). I've always used TextMate + the Lisp bundle for writing Clojure code.
I'm using Vim for Clojure and am enjoying it. I installed the Vim Clojure plugin mentioned in the wiki and also followed the instructions there for making the REPL more user friendly using rlwrap.
Light Table is pretty great; unfortunately I can't run it on my Mac because I'm stuck on OS X 10.6 and it requires 10.7+.
I've been using Light Table on another Mac and on several Windows computers – it's pretty nice.
[I used to help out with the open source project.]
Bill Clementson has updated his setup.
You may also try IntellliJ IDEA with La Clojure plugin.
I use Clojure on MacOSX for about 3 months. I am very happy with Emacs and use it for more an more tasks. The start was quite hard but now i would say it was worth the efforts to learn emacs.
For IntelliJ 10 the La Clojure Plugin has been updated so that it should work now with Clojure 1.2.0 again.

What Ruby IDE do you prefer? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've been using Eclipse with RDT (not RadRails) a lot lately, and I'm quite happy with it, but I'm wondering if you guys know any decent alternatives. I know NetBeans also supports Ruby these days, but I'm not sure what it has to offer over Eclipse.
Please, list any features you think are brilliant or useful when suggesting an IDE, makes it easier to compare.
Also, I said Ruby, not Rails. While Rails support is a plus, I prefer things to be none Rails-centric. It should also be available on Linux and optionally Solaris.
RubyMine from JetBrains. (Also available as a plugin to IntelliJ IDEA)
Have you tried Aptana? It's based on Eclipse and they have a sweet Rails plugin.
Redcar has been getting some attention lately, as well. Still early in its life, but it shows promise.
On Mac OS X, TextMate is a godsend.
The latest Netbeans IDE (6.1) has a pretty solid Ruby support.
You can check it out here.
Once I found Geany (Ubuntu), I switched from TextMate (OSX) and never looked back.
Geany is a lean, clean, speedy IDE that can be used either as a text editor or a light-weight IDE. It supports not only text editing features (syntax highlighting, code folding, auto-completion, auto-closing, symbol lists, code navigation, directory tree, multi-tabbed open files etc.) but also normal IDE features such as simple project management, compile-build-run within the main window. Unlike TextMate, it has a Terminal screen within its own window; you do not have to go back and force between your editor window and terminal window. Unlike TextMate, it supports international languages. Unlike TextMate, it supports multi-platforms, Unlike TextMate, it is open-source and free. Geany is now my favorite C/Ruby/XML development tool.
RubyMine is so awesome. Everything just works. I could go on and on. Code completion is fast, smooth, and accurate. Formatting is instantaneous. Project navigation is easy and without struggle. You can pop open any file with a few keystrokes. You don't even need to keep the project tree open, but it's there if you want. You can configure just about any aspect of it to behave exactly how you want.
NetBeans, Eclipse, and RubyMine all have more or less the same set of features. However, RubyMine is just so much more cleanly designed and easy to use. There's nothing awkward or clunky about it. There are all these nice little design touches that show how JetBrains really put thought into it instead of just amassing a big pile of features.
Incidentally RubyMine can do a lot of the things that Vim can do like select and edit a column of text or split the view into several editing panels with different files in them.
NetBeans has some really solid Ruby support.
I have used Komodo and it's pretty good. I use TextMate now.
For very simple Linux support if you like TextMate, try just gedit loaded with the right plugins. Easy to set up and really customizable, I use it for just about everything. There's also a lot of talk about emacs plugins if you're already using that normally.
Gedit: How to set up like TextMate
In last 3 months, I have tried RadRails, Netbeans and RubyMine and finally settled on RubyMine not so much for features but for responsiveness and stability reasons.
In terms of features, RubyMine has slightly better code completion, debugging and code navigation, but only ruby beginners(like myself) need them most. Relying on code completion and code navigation is anti-ruby/rails, as ruby/rails names are supposed to be natural and each line of code needs to be in its convention determined location.
NetBeans is good because you can use it on Windows and Mac OS X.
Most IDEs present the project structure in a top down manner. This is great way to explore at a high level when joining an existing project. However, after working on the same project for more than a year, I realized that this approach can become counter-productive.
After Oracle declared the end of Ruby in NetBeans, I switched to Vim. By using a command line and an editor as the only tools, I was forced to mentally switch to a bottom-up perspective. To my amazement, I discovered that this made me more focused and productive. As a bonus, I got first class HAML and SASS syntax support.
I recommend Vim + Rails plugin for anyone that will work on a single project for an extended period of time.
While TextMate is not an IDE in the classical sense, try the following in terminal to be 'wowed'
cd 'your-shiny-ruby-project'
mate .
It'll spawn up TextMate and the project drawer will list the contents of your project. Pretty awesome if you ask me.
Aptana more or less is RadRails, or it's based on it. I've used it, and it's really good, but it does have some problems. For instance, it breaks the basic search dialog on my system (giving a raw java exception to the end user), and it clutters the interface with add like notices and upgrade bars and news feeds and...
But all in all it's pretty good, especially its editors (ERB, HTML/XML, ...) are top notch.
I prefer TextMate on OS X. But Netbeans (multi-platform) is coming along quite nicely. Plus it comes with its IDE fully functional debugger.
Textmate on osx
I started out using gEdit (ubuntu user), but even with all the plugins and modifications (class/file browser, terminal, darkmate scheme, etc, etc) it still always seemed to come up short. I've also tried like hell to get Aptana RadRails and Studio to work, but none of them ever really seemed to sync up with my workflow. I've even tried using Eclipse, but again, it just didn't work for me.
RubyMine also seemed like it would be great, but I found it to be way too buggy, even after the upgrade to 3.0.
So far, my favorite Ruby editor is Komodo Edit. It's got syntax highlighting and can detect errors and recognize your code based on user-specified ruby versions. Syntax highlighting schema are easily customizable and easy on the eyes. There are some very nice plugins for git, it can have split-screen editors (love that feature), and a great file-browser. I really wish Komodo had built-in terminal (multiple terminal) support, but everything else about it I've really come to love, and haven't found anything better yet.
E Text Editor is great (TextMate compatible sort-of-clone for Windows).
emacs with ruby-mode, rdebug and a ruby interactive inferior shell.
I'd recommend NetBeans 6.1 too. Very nice IDE and makes working with Ruby a pleasure.
I started out with RadRails then moved to Aptana when they took it over, wasn't too bad. Got a macbook and have been using Textmate, never going back.
Ruby in Steel:
A Visual Studio based Ruby IDE. Fast Debugger. Intellisense.
+1 for TextMate on Mac OS X.
See also answers to this question. I recommend trying NetBeans if you're on Windows.
On Mac OS there is also XCode.
