Is there any way of batch renaming files in sub directories?
For example:
Rename *.html to *.htm in a folder which has directories and sub directories.
Windows command prompt: (If inside a batch file, change %x to %%x)
for /r %x in (*.html) do ren "%x" *.htm
This also works for renaming the middle of the files
for /r %x in (website*.html) do ren "%x" site*.htm
find . -regex ".*html$" | while read line;
A=`basename ${line} | sed 's/html$/htm/g'`;
B=`dirname ${line}`;
mv ${line} "${B}/${A}";
In python
import os
target_dir = "."
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(target_dir):
for file in files:
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
new_file = filename + ".htm"
if ext == '.html':
old_filepath = os.path.join(path, file)
new_filepath = os.path.join(path, new_file)
os.rename(old_filepath, new_filepath)
If you have forfiles (it comes with Windows XP and 2003 and newer stuff I think) you can run:
forfiles /S /M *.HTM /C "cmd /c ren #file *.HTML"
In Bash, you could do the following:
for x in $(find . -name \*.html); do
mv $x $(echo "$x" | sed 's/\.html$/.htm/')
In bash use command rename :)
rename 's/\.htm$/.html/' *.htm
# or
find . -name '*.txt' -print0 | xargs -0 rename 's/.txt$/.xml/'
#Obs1: Above I use regex \. --> literal '.' and $ --> end of line
#Obs2: Use find -maxdepht 'value' for determine how recursive is
#Obs3: Use -print0 to avoid 'names spaces asdfa' crash!
I'm sure there's a more elegant way, but here's the first thing that popped in my head:
for f in $(find . -type f -name '*.html'); do
mv $f $(echo "$f" | sed 's/html$/htm/')
On Linux, you may use the 'rename' command to rename files in batch.
AWK on Linux. For the first directory this is your answer... Extrapolate by recursively calling awk on dir_path perhaps by writing another awk which writes this exact awk below... and so on.
ls dir_path/. | awk -F"." '{print "mv file_name/"$0" dir_path/"$1".new_extension"}' |csh
On Unix, you can use rnm:
rnm -rs '/\.html$/.htm/' -fo -dp -1 *
rnm -ns '/n/.htm' -ss '\.html$' -fo -dp -1 *
-ns : name string (new name). /n/ is a name string rule that expands to the filename without the extension.
-ss : search string (regex). Searches for files with match.
-rs : replace string of the form /search_regex/replace_part/modifier
-fo : file only mode
-dp : depth of directory (-1 means unlimited).
there is pretty powerfull forfiles command:
forfiles /? gives u hint of what is possible with the command.
in this case it can be used like:
forfiles /S /M *.html /C "cmd /c rename #file #fname.htm"
I have a dictionary.txt which i will be using to search some files using find command.
example of dictionary.txt:
I am trying to make this command works but no luck
cat dictionary.txt | xargs -i find /d -iname '"{}"'
You have used single quotes in the wrong way.
Change your command in cat dictionary.txt | xargs -i find /d -iname "{}"
I have a bunch of files in a folder. Some of them are of the format:
I would like to rename such files into
YYYY-MM-DD junk.ext
Example: IMG_20170214_3939233.jpg becomes 2017-02-14 3939233.jpg
So far I was successful in filtering files I need:
find *.jpg *.jpeg *.png | egrep '^IMG_[0-9]{1,8}'
and I know I need to use sed but I am getting no where specifying and referencing match-groups in my regex for further filename transformation. I know I may have to use xarg later on in the pipe but so far I wasn't successful in transforming each file name just to print it out.
Perhaps, sed is not the best option here.
With Perl‘s standalone rename command and bash‘s option nullglob:
shopt -s nullglob
rename -n 's/.*_(....)(..)(..)_([0-9]+.*)/$1-$2-$3 $4/' *.jpg *.jpeg *.png
If everything looks fine remove option -n.
A logic in bash with NO external tools!
You can run the below script from inside the folder containing these images.
for file in *.{jpg,jpeg,png}; do
IFS="_" read -ra fileNameList <<<"$file"
targetFileName="${year}-${month}-${day} ${fileNameList[2]}"
# Remove this line and uncomment the line with 'mv' if things look OK
echo "$file" "$targetFileName"
#mv -v "$file" "$targetFileName"
The idea is tot split the file name on _ and store them in array. Then parse the individual digits from the number and form the final name from the combined elements.
With GNU Parallel it looks like this:
find *.jpg *.jpeg *.png |
parallel mv {} '{= s/IMG_(....)(..)(..)_/$1-$2-$3 / =}'
parallel mv {} '{= s/IMG_(....)(..)(..)_/$1-$2-$3 / =}' ::: *.jpg *.jpeg *.png
I assume you're not really interested in the find command, but in nailing down the sed regex:
find ~ -type f -maxdepth 1 -name IMG*.jpg | sed -e 's/\(IMG_\)\([0-9]\{4\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)_/\2-\3-\4 /g'
Your example:
echo "IMG_20170214_3939233.jpg" | sed -e 's/\(IMG_\)\([0-9]\{4\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]\{2\}\)_/\2-\3-\4 /g'
2017-02-14 3939233.jpg
A mostly-bash solution using its regex-matching operator, =~, which supports capture groups that can be accessed via the built-in "${BASH_REMATCH[#]}" array variable:
for file in *; do
[[ $file =~ ^IMG_([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})_(.+\.(jpg|jpeg|png))$ ]] || continue
mv "$file" "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}-${BASH_REMATCH[2]}-${BASH_REMATCH[3]} ${BASH_REMATCH[4]}"
I have a text file that contains a list of files like this:
Contents of list.txt:
I need to search through a directory (and it's subdirectories) to find each file and copy it into another directory.
Current directory:
In this example, I might:
find file1.txt in subdir3
find file2.txt in subdir1
file3.txt might not exist
In this case, it would copy file1.txt & file2.txt into outputdir
I don't have much experience will doing this on the command line, but have 1200 files to move, so I can't do it manually. This is the closest thing I've gotten to the right thing, but it doesn't find any of the files because they are all in subdirectories:
xargs -a list.txt cp -t outputdir
An explanation of the command you give would also be immensely helpful. Searches around have also brought up "bash for loops", which I tried to use but couldn't figure out all the intricacies:
FOR /R "%~dp0" %%I IN (.) DO for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("%~dp0list.txt") do echo d |xcopy "%%I\%%a" "outputdir" /e /i
If you have bash 4, use the following:
shopt -s globstar nullglob
while IFS= read -r fname; do
if (( ${#files[#]} > 0 )); then
cp "${files[#]}" "$outputdir"
done < list.txt
The while loop reads from list.txt one line at a time. The ** pattern matches zero or more directories; files could contain 0 or more matching files. If the array is not empty, all file names are passed to cp for copying.
For older versions, use find:
while IFS= read -r fname; do
find "$dir" -name "$fname" -type f -exec cp {} "$outputdir" \;
done < list.txt
This simply locates all matching files under $dir and runs cp on each.
I have a directory containing hundreds of files (each having several chars). I want to join them into a single file with a separator, "|".
I tried
find . -type f | (while read line; do; cat $line; echo "|"; done;) > output.txt
But that created an infinite loop.
You can exclude output.txt from the output of find using -not -name output.txt (or as you already pointed out in the comments below, simply place the output file outside the target directory).
For example:
find . -type f -not -name output.txt -exec cat {} \; -exec echo "|" \; > output.txt
I've also taken the liberty to replace your while/cat/echo with a couple of -exec params so we can do the whole thing using a single find call.
*To answer the title of the question, since it's the first in google results (the output.txt problem is actually unrelated):
This is what I use to join .jar files to run Java app with files in lib/:
ondra#lenovo:~/work/TOOLS/JawaBot/core$ ls
catalog.xml nbactions.xml nb-configuration.xml pom.xml resources sql src target workdir
ondra#lenovo:~/work/TOOLS/JawaBot/core$ echo `ls -1` | sed 's/\W/:/g'
The file listing may be of course replaced with find ... or anything.
The echo is there to replace newlines with spaces.
Final form:
java -cp $(echo `ls -1 *.jar` | sed 's/\W/:/g')
I reused Ondra's answer, but with absolute path instead.
Command :
echo $( \find '/home/user/[path-to-webapp]/WEB-INF/lib' -name '*.jar' -print0) | \
sed 's#\.jar/#.jar:#g'
Note: I use # as sed's separator to not match the last jar in the list.
and so
Then, I can use this output in a javac -classpath command.
I need to convert about 12000 TIF files in many directories, and try to write bash-script:
find -name "*.tif" | while read f
convert "$f" "${f%.*}.png"
rm -f "$f"
Why it say: 6: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "do") and what I should to do?
Great thanks to you all, men, but I was cheated: the computer on which this should be run out works under Windows. I don't know how to work with strings and cycles in DOS, now my script look like:
FOR /R %i IN (*.tif) DO # (set x=%i:tif%png) & (gm convert %i %xtif) & (erase /q /f %i)
%i - one of the .tif files.
%x - filename with .png extension
gm convert - graphics magick utility, work similarly with image magick's convert on linux.
The syntax looks okay, but if it's a problem with EOLs, try adding a semicolon before the do to fix the syntax error (or check the newlines are actually present/encoded as ghostdog74 suggests):
find -name "*.tif" | while read f ; do # ...
Note that the find/read pattern isn't robust. Use can use find's exec capability directly (thanks Philipp for the inline command):
find -name "*.tif" -exec sh -c 'file=$0 && convert "$file" "${file%.tif}.png"' '{}' ';' -delete