Trying to add a ToolStrip to a ToolStripPanel side-by-side with an existing ToolStrip - user-interface

I'm using .net 2.0 with Visual Studio 2005 and I am trying to add two different toolstrips to the top of the form such that they show up side-by-side. I want it to be like Word 2003, where you can add multiple toolstrips to the same row and have them show up in line with each other, rather than dedicating a row to each toolstrip.
So I added a ToolStripPanel and docked it to the top of the form (I didn't use a ToolStripContainer because I don't need all the extra panels; I just need the one at the top). I added both toolstrips and set their Stretch properties to False. I can get them to show up in the designer window side-by-side, but at runtime the ToolStripPanel separates the toolstrips and gives each toolstrip its own dedicated row. As if to add insult to injury, when i stop debugging and return back to the designer, I am finding that the designer is moving the toolstrips to their own row as well! Am I doing something wrong here?
I have been Googling all day and found some information about a ToolStripPanelRow object, but I don't see an easy way to add toolstrips to it (i.e. it doesn't have a ToolStripPanelRow.Controls.Add method or anything like that), all it has is a Controls() property that returns an Array of control objects, and I haven't had much luck trying to add items to that array. I also found some documentation on the ToolStripPanel.Join method, which sounds like it should do the job, so I tried all 3 overloads but they don't work as advertised. No matter what I do or which options I try, it always adds the new toolstrip to the top of the panel on its own row and pushes everything else down.
In the interests of full disclosure I should warn you that I have the ToolStripPanel and one of the toolstrips added to a baseclass form, and I am trying to add the other toolstrip to a subclass form that inherits from the baseclass form. The ToolStripPanel and ToolStrip in the baseclass form are both declared "Protected Friend", so this should be working. As I mentioned, the subclass form's designer window will allow me to do it (at least, for a time).
If anyone can help me get this working or at least shed some light on why it isn't, I would be extremely grateful.

I created a custom ToolStripPanel so that I could overload the LayoutEngine;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace CustomGUI
class CustomToolStripPanel : ToolStripPanel
private LayoutEngine _layoutEngine;
public override LayoutEngine LayoutEngine
if (_layoutEngine == null) _layoutEngine = new CustomLayoutEngine();
return _layoutEngine;
public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size proposedSize)
Size size = base.GetPreferredSize(proposedSize);
foreach(Control control in Controls)
int newHeight = control.Height + control.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical;
if (newHeight > size.Height) size.Height = newHeight;
return size;
Then the custom LayoutEngine lays out the ToolStrips;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace CustomGUI
class CustomLayoutEngine : LayoutEngine
public override bool Layout(object container, LayoutEventArgs layoutEventArgs)
Control parent = container as Control;
Rectangle parentDisplayRectangle = parent.DisplayRectangle;
Control [] source = new Control[parent.Controls.Count];
parent.Controls.CopyTo(source, 0);
Point nextControlLocation = parentDisplayRectangle.Location;
foreach (Control c in source)
if (!c.Visible) continue;
nextControlLocation.Offset(c.Margin.Left, c.Margin.Top);
c.Location = nextControlLocation;
if (c.AutoSize)
c.Size = c.GetPreferredSize(parentDisplayRectangle.Size);
nextControlLocation.Y = parentDisplayRectangle.Y;
nextControlLocation.X += c.Width + c.Margin.Right + parent.Padding.Horizontal;
return false;
One thing that took a while is that changing the location / size of one ToolStrip item will cause the layout to re-fire, with the controls reordered. So I take a copy of the controls before the layout loop.
And you cant use AddRange(...) to add items to the Custom Panel for some reason - need to Add(...) them one at a time.
hope that helps (it's based on MSDN LayoutEngine Example, fixed for ToolStripPanels)

System.Windows.Forms.FlowLayoutPanel can do the job.
Just put the ToolStrip controls in it with correct order.

I think in your case you can get away with just setting the LayoutStyle on your ToolStrip to ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow rather than need your own custom LayoutEngine.
I asked a different question on a similar topic on how to handle layout with dynamic items to have better control of the overflow.


Unity 4.6 (new UI): Button click with complex image

I have a Button (Canvas>Panel>Button) with a complex image (is not square), the issue here is that I want it to execute the on click event when i click on the IMAGE (excluding parts of the image with no opacity) but since the new UI doesn't work with colliders I can't achieve the same click behaviour that could be achieved with a polygon collider, and its feels completely wrong to click outside the button (image) where the alpha is cero (0) and still execute the click events..
I hope my problem is clear enough and someone can help me, thanks in advance.
I found a solution, Unity should have an option to achieve this but at least this works perfectly:
I found another (probably better) solution for this problem. I used a Collider2D (PolygonCollider2D) to define the clickable shape and then used this RaycastFilter:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
[RequireComponent (typeof (RectTransform), typeof (Collider2D))]
public class Collider2DRaycastFilter : MonoBehaviour, ICanvasRaycastFilter
Collider2D myCollider;
RectTransform rectTransform;
void Awake ()
myCollider = GetComponent<Collider2D>();
rectTransform = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
#region ICanvasRaycastFilter implementation
public bool IsRaycastLocationValid (Vector2 screenPos, Camera eventCamera)
var worldPoint =;
var isInside = RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(
out worldPoint
if (isInside)
isInside = myCollider.OverlapPoint(worldPoint);
return isInside;
Using a collider for this is a bit hacky but the result is much simpler, probably faster and makes it much easier to adjust the clickable shape.
This could be improved by creating a custom alternative to replace the Collider2D but that's a bit too much work for what I need.

Teleric RadEditor - Can I register client OnClientSubmit events in the skin file?

There is a known issue with the Telerik RadEditor that causes odd character insertions, as documented here.
The work around requires the insertion of a client-side script to strip out the offending character in the OnClientSubmit event.
We use this control in many places and have three styles defined in our skins file for it. We also derive a custom control from the RadEditor in a custom control we call RichEdit.
The question is - will this approach work to guarantee that all instances of our RichEdit control receive the required client-side event?
1) In the RichEdit.cs OnLoad, register a client script block containing the required javascript function
2) In the skin file, add the required OnClientSubmit method call to each skin?
So - will it work? And if not, what DO I need to do?
And the answer is yes.
Adding a call to this method in the page load section:
private void AddRichEditGarbageCharacterWorkaround()
string scriptName = "RadEditorOnClientSubmit";
Type csType = GetType();
ClientScriptManager csm = Page.ClientScript;
if (!csm.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(csType, scriptName))
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
sb.Append("\tfunction RadEditorStripGarbage(editor, args) {");
sb.Append("\t\tvar html = editor.get_html();");
sb.Append("\t\thtml = html.replace(/\u200b/g, \"\");");
csm.RegisterClientScriptBlock(csType, scriptName, sb.ToString());
And adding this to the skin:
<nt:RichEdit runat="server" SkinID="SpellCheckOnly" ...
OnClientSubmit="RadEditorStripGarbage" >
Successfully added the code and the hook to every instance.

Scrolling won't move

I have a LWUIT form which contains a list, a number of items has been added to the list, items themselves are strings (I want to make them as statements).
My simple problem is that end user cannot see the whole statements(strings). I tried the below method but the scrolling won't move.
All of form.setScrollableY(true), form.setScrollabelX(true), and form.setScrollable(true).
This is the code
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.layouts.*;
import com.sun.lwuit.*;
public class HelloLWUITMidlet3 extends MIDlet
public void startApp()
final com.sun.lwuit.Form form = new com.sun.lwuit.Form("");
final com.sun.lwuit.List l = new com.sun.lwuit.List();
l.addItem("MY favourite Science is computer Sciences");
l.addItem("MY favourite computer Science subject is programming");
l.addItem("MY favourite programming language is java ");
form.addComponent(l); );
public void pauseApp()
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional)
First of all, scrolling horizontally back and forth to read content is
really bad UX. This answer will solve only the vertical scrolling issue.
The problem with your code is that you are adding a scrollable (List)
inside another scrollable
(Form). This leads to unexpected results, since it is
not clear which component should handle scrolling. This can be fixed by
using the BorderLayout in the form and placing the list at the center.
form.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
form.addComponent(BorderLayout.CENTER, l);
This will enable vertical scrolling, but the horizontal scrolling will not
Clarification about scrolling:
LWUIT's approach
to scrolling is based on Focus, which means that a Container scrolls
because the focused element is out of the screen. This has the consequence
that LWUIT does not support scrolling elements bigger than the screen and, thus,
that your List will not be scrollable horizontally. (Source:LWUIT mini FAQ )
The maximum element height is taken as the component height in a List. This
makes the List component adequate to show data that is "pre-formatted" in
a specific way, like contact lists of a folder's details list. If you
want to stack pieces of text of variable length, you should
use a Form with BoxLayoutY and put your text in various TextAreas.
void startApp() {
final Form form = new Form("Title");
addItem(form, "String..");
// as many times as you like
addItem(form, "String..");
form.setLayout(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
void addItem(Form f, String s) {
TextArea t = new TextArea(s);

SWT: paint on parts of a given composite control like Table-headers or the button of a Combo

The title is pretty self-explanatory, i'm currently adding PaintListeners to all the children, grand-children and so on, of the control i'd like to paint on. I have graphical errors with Tables and Combos at the moment, the PaintListener apparently doesn't apply to the header or the button in the combo.
How can i do this?
This is the code i use to add the listeners:
List<Control> controls = Lists.newArrayList();
while (! controls.isEmpty()) {
Control c = controls.remove(0);
if (c instanceof Composite) {
controls.addAll(Arrays.asList(((Composite) c).getChildren()));
c.addPaintListener(new ControlPaintListener());

How do you handle displaying navigation and sub navigation in an MVC app?

I'm having trouble determining where to place navigation for an MVC app. For example, say you have the following structure:
South Eastern Conference
Florida Gators
Georgia Bulldogs
Arkansas Razorbacks
Big East etc...
How would you best create a structure for implementing a 'main' navigation and subsequent 'sub' navigation? Using the hypothetical example, You'd have specific sub navigation for each conference, showing its respective colleges (and only that conferences colleges).
Is this something you'd handle in the main view and just hide the non-selected conference?
Or would you create a menu helper (or yet another partial) and call that from each individual college's view?
Best way is to use multiple, nested master pages. e.g. Site.master would contain your top-level nav (list of conferences?) then you'd have a different master page for each conference that would 'extend' site.master. You can, in theory, have as many nested master pages as you want. Finally, Florida Gators etc would be 'real' views (i.e. non-master pages).
The tricky part is telling any parent master page which navigation item is currently selected. Because you can't bind master pages to the ViewModel you'll have to use the View Dictionary e.g. View["SelectedMainNavItem"].
Why not use some global layout template that always displays the main navigation, and relies on some helper to render the subnav? (The helper may be superfluous -- you might just output the subnavigation inline in the layout template)
Your controller passes current category/sub-category, and some data structure describing the current subnavigation options, to the view.
After contemplating this issue for a while along with the suggestions, I came up with this solution. Since my subnavigation will always be below the main navigation, I decided to go with the Convention over Configuration method.
In my Site.Master, I have the following two render partials. One displays the main navigation and the other makes a call to BuildSubNavigation to display get the name of a partial to render:
<% Html.RenderPartial("_MainNavigation"); %>
<% var submenu = ViewContext.BuildSubNavigation();
if (submenu != null) {
Granted, this could be thrown into a Helper, and I intend to do that, this is more explicit and aids in the understanding of the issue.
What this does is call the BuildSubNavigation method. It goes with the convention that if a controller is to have a specific sub navigation, there will be a partial in the form of "_Navigation" So in the spirit of the example, one partial would be "_SouthEasternConferenceNavigation" What I do is then check to see if the current view actually exists. If it does, I return the name, where it's then used to render the partial.
public static string BuildSubNavigation(this ViewContext vc) {
var controller = vc.RouteData.Values["controller"] ?? "";
var viewName = "_" + controller + "Navigation";
if (ViewExists(vc.Controller.ControllerContext, viewName, null)) {
return viewName;
} else {
return null;
And this is the method that checks whether the View actually exists against the current View Engine:
public static bool ViewExists(ControllerContext cc, string viewName, string masterName) {
if (ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(cc, viewName, masterName).View != null) {
return true;
} else { return false; }
I'm unsure if this is the best way to do this, but it's working rather well for a small project I'm currently working on.
Thanks for the answers!
