vb6 Open File For Append issue Path Not Found - vb6

Open App.Path & "\Folder\" & str(0) For Output
Seems to get a path not found however if directly before that I do
MsgBox App.Path & "\Folder\" & str(0)
It Provides the correct directory/filename that I want
and if I replace that string with the direct path in quotes it works fine however that won't be very good for other users of my app :( Anyone know why this doesn't work?

You can open a file that doesn't exist. I tried it with:
Open "c:\temp\test.txt" & Str(0) For Output As #1
Close #1
When it ran it created c:\temp\test.txt 0
Note that I added "As #1" to the Open statement, and taht Str(0) adds a leading space for the optional minus sign (CStr(0) doens't add a leading space)

Comment: You can open a file that doesn't exist.
Only true if your folder exist. If both your folder and file does not exist, it will give a "path not found" error.

Here something easy i made for you:
Function CreateLog(Destination As String, MyMessage As String)
Dim PathToCreate, FolderPath, FileName As String
'Check for Unnecessary Spaces
Destination = Trim(Destination)
FolderStr = Destination
'Gather only FolderPath of Destination
FolderStr = Mid(FolderStr, 1, Len(FolderStr) - 1)
Loop Until Right(FolderStr, 1) = "\" Or Len(FolderStr) < 1
'Gather only FileName
FileName = Mid(Destination, Len(FolderStr) + 1, Len(Destination) - Len(FolderStr))
'If the path does not exist than create it
'Recursive approach
For Each Folder In Split(FolderStr, "\")
If InStr(1, Folder, ":") = 0 Then
PathToCreate = PathToCreate & "\" & Folder
PathToCreate = Folder
End If
If fso.FolderExists(PathToCreate) = False And PathToCreate <> "" Then
fso.CreateFolder PathToCreate
End If
'Open file and add the message in it
Open PathToCreate & "\" & FileName & ".txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, MyMessage
Close #1
End Function
CreateLog "D:\Test\NewTest\NewFolder\AnotherFolder\atlastthefile.abcdefg", "Hello!"
Doesnt matter what fileExtention given cause ill add ".txt" anyways..


Configure Multi Disc Macrium Auto Restore .vbs file

A previous team where I work created a vbs script that can automatically start a restore of a Macrium Image File located on inserted optical media. The problem is that the Macrium Image File is now too big for one disc, and now we have it split onto 2 separate discs, so now the vbs script doesn't function the way it should.
When Automatic Restore is launched, it should detect disc 1, which ends in 00.00.mrimg and know that it is part of a multi-disc install, at which point it asks for the next disc, ending in 00-01.mrimg.
I know this probably makes no sense, especially if anyone reading is not familiar with Macrium. But I will do my best to answer any questions.
I would normally plug away and try to figure it out myself, but i'm not very familiar with VBS and the problem is pretty time sensitive. Any help I can get will be much appreciated.
Opened AutoRestore.vbs script to see if I could fix the issue, but I don't know enough about vbs to fix it.
Dim fso, d, dc, s, n , Root, u, racine, folder, folderName, restoreString, foundFile, cdDrive
Dim wipe
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set dc = fso.Drives
foundFile = false
restoreString = "00-00.mrimg"
For Each d in dc
Root = d.Driveletter & ":"
racine = d.Driveletter & ":\"
u= Detect(Root)
if (( u="CD-ROM") ) then
cdDrive = cdDrive & racine & " "
if (d.isReady) then
folderName = racine & "IAS\"
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(folderName)
end if
end if
If IsNull(folder) or IsEmpty(folder) Then
MsgBox "Could not locate IAS folder containing restore image." & vbCrLf & "The following optical disk drives were searched: " & cdDrive & vbCrLf & "Please verify the media is the drive or use manual restore.", 48, "Folder Not Found"
For each file in folder.Files
If instr(1,file.Name, restoreString, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
return = objShell.run("""%ProgramFiles%\macrium\diskrestore.exe""" & folderName & file.Name & " -r -g -u --targetnum 0 --reboot --eject",1,false)
foundFile = true
Exit For
End If
if (foundFile = false) Then
MsgBox "Cannot locate .mrimg file in " & folderName & "." & vbCrLf & "Please use manual restore.", 48, "File Not Found"
End If
End If
Function Detect(DrivePath)
Dim fso, d, s, t
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set d = fso.GetDrive(fso.GetDriveName(fso.GetAbsolutePathName(DrivePath)))
Select Case d.DriveType
Case 0: t = "Unknown"
Case 1: t = "Removable"
Case 2: t = "Fixed"
Case 3: t = "Network"
Case 4: t = "CD-ROM"
Case 5: t = "RAM Disk"
End Select
Detect = t
End Function
Expected Results: Run AutoRestore.vbs, the script sees the 00-00.mrimg file in IAS folder of the optical media, then prompts to insert the optical media containing the 00-01.mrimg file.
Actual Results: Run AutoRestore.vbs, then Macrium states "Backup set is not complete. At least one file may be missing."
You could first copy all the mrimg files to a temporary folder on the machine's hard drive. Once you have them all, you can then run Disk Restore with that folder instead of the CD-ROM drive.
Most of your existing code would work. After the For Each d in dc loop, you know the drive where the discs are being inserted. You could add another loop:
Dim tempFolder
Set tempFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\AutoRestore\")
Do While MsgBox("Please insert disc and click OK. When all discs have been inserted, click Cancel", vbOKCancel, "Auto Restore") = vbOK
For Each file In folder.Files
If InStr(1, file.Name, ".mrimg") > 0 Then
' Copy file to Temp folder
fso.CopyFile file.Path, tempFolder.Path & "\", True
End If
After this, you should have all the mrimg files in the tempFolder location. I am not familiar with the parameters the Marcium command expects but this is where you would specify the new folder:
objShell.run("""%ProgramFiles%\macrium\diskrestore.exe""" & tempFolder.Path & "\" & file.Name & " -r -g -u --targetnum 0 --reboot --eject",1,false)

Move multiple files within in a single Windows command

I have a folder which contains various tif files.I am using a simple move command which reads as
move "Source path/File name" "Destination path/"
I have tried a command which reads as:
move "Source path/File 1, File 2. File 3" "Destination Path/"
I am looking for a similar formula which can help me out. The reason why this code is important for me
In a scenario where iam moving only one file to destination folder
In another scenario, I have to choose 3 or more files to another destination folder. If I do this with generic formula it takes a longer time to accomplish.
Please do suggest on this.
move "Source path/File 1, File 2. File 3" "Destination Path/"
In a scenario where I am moving only one file to destination folder.
In another scenario, I have to choose 3 or more files to another destination folder.
If I do this with generic formula it takes a longer time to accomplish.
You might try the code below.
Sub MoveFiles()
Dim DestinationPath As String
Dim SourcePath As String
Dim FileNames As String
Dim Sp() As String
Dim i As Integer
SourcePath = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop"
DestinationPath = "H:\TestFolder"
FileNames = "File1.txt,File2.txt,File3.txt"
If Right(SourcePath, 1) <> "\" Then SourcePath = SourcePath & "\"
If Right(DestinationPath, 1) <> "\" Then DestinationPath = DestinationPath & "\"
If Len(FileNames) Then
Sp = Split(FileNames, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(Sp)
Sp(i) = Trim(Sp(i))
If Len(Dir(SourcePath & Sp(i))) Then
Name SourcePath & Sp(i) As DestinationPath & Sp(i)
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
Set the Source and Destination paths according to your system. Enter as many or as few file names in one comma separated string. All named files will be moved if they exist at the SourcePath. If the destination path doesn't exist an error will occur.

Renaming multiple files in a loop

I have a folder with 8 Excel files with the following naming convention:
These files are used for monthly reports, therefore the date will obviously always be different.
I will be using a macro to manipulate the data in each worksheet, however I cannot create the macro due the changing file name (the date) - the only guarantee I have is that each of these files will DEFINITELY contain a partial string match.
I have a script that finds the files in the location and will rename the file, but it only renames 1 file and its not the first file in the folder.
My issue is using the For Each loop effectively.
Here's the code I have:
Dim fso, folder, file
Dim folderName, searchFileName, renameFile1, renameFile2, renameFile3, renameFile4, renameFile5, renameFile6, renameFile7, renameFile8
folderName = "C:\test\"
'Future FileName
renameFile1 = "All Groups.csv"
renameFile2 = "Groups Excluded.csv"
renameFile3 = "No Exclusions.csv"
renameFile4 = "HR.csv"
renameFile5 = "AD Users.csv"
renameFile6 = "Encryption Status.csv"
renameFile7 = "ePO4 Not Encrypted.csv"
renameFile8 = "ePO5 Not Encrypted.csv"
' Create filesystem object and the folder object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(folderName)
' Loop over all files in the folder until the searchFileName is found
For Each file In folder.Files
' See If the file starts with the name we search
If InStr(file.Name, "All_Groups") then
file.Name = renameFile1
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "Groups_Excluded") Then
file.Name = renameFile2
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "No_Exclusions") Then
file.Name = renameFile3
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "HR") Then
file.Name = renameFile4
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "AD_Users") then
file.Name = renameFile5
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "Encryption_Status") then
file.Name = renameFile6
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "ePO4") then
file.Name = renameFile7
End If
If InStr(file.Name, "ePO5") then
file.Name = renameFile8
End If
Exit For
' echo the job is completed
WScript.Echo "Completed!"
The original code I found was exactly as above, but with only one If statement inside the For Each loop and the Exit For was inside the If statement.
Currently when I execute the script, the code renames only one file and its always the HR file first.
If I execute the script again, it then starts with All Groups, then Groups Excluded, and so on.
And the "Echo Completed" does not do anything either.
If you just want to rename your files to "canonical" names you could do something like this, assuming that you just want the date from the beginning of the filename removed and the underscores replaced with spaces:
Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_(.*\.csv)"
For Each f In folder.Files
For Each m In re.Execute(f.Name)
f.Name = Replace(m.Submatches(0), "_", " ")
If the files have the same "date" you only need Find for that, for excample (if the date is a iso date "YYYYMMDD") (Date Returns "today" date)
IsoDate=CStr(Year(Date)) & Right("0" & CStr(Month(Date)),2) & Right("0" & CStr(Day(Date)),2)
And the for each:
For Each file In folder.Files
If InStr(file.Name, IsoDate) = 1 then 'if is in the start of the string
file.Name = Mid(file.Name, Len(IsoDate)+1) 'The same name with out date
End IF

If file exists then delete the file

I have a vbscript that is used to rename files. What I need to implement into the script is something that deletes the "new file" if it already exists.
For example: I have a batch of files that are named like this 11111111.dddddddd.pdf where the files get renamed to 11111111.pdf. The problem is that when I rename to the 11111111.pdf format I end of with files that are duplicated and then makes the script fail because you obviously cant have 2 files with the same name. I need it to rename the first one but then delete the others that are renamed the same.
Here is what I have so far for my IF statement but it doesnt work and I get and error that says "Type mismatch: 'FileExists". I am not sure how to get this part of the code to execute the way I would like. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
dim infolder: set infolder = fso.GetFolder(IN_PATH)
dim file
for each file in infolder.files
dim name: name = file.name
dim parts: parts = split(name, ".")
dim acct_, date_
acct_ = parts(0)
date_ = parts(1)
' file format of a.c.pdf
if UBound(parts) = 2 then
' rebuild the name with the 0th and 2nd elements
dim newname: newname = acct_ & "." & parts(2)
' use the move() method to effect the rename
file.move fso.buildpath(OUT_PATH, newname)
if newname = FileExists(file.name) Then
end if
end if
next 'file
You're close, you just need to delete the file before trying to over-write it.
dim infolder: set infolder = fso.GetFolder(IN_PATH)
dim file: for each file in infolder.Files
dim name: name = file.name
dim parts: parts = split(name, ".")
if UBound(parts) = 2 then
' file name like a.c.pdf
dim newname: newname = parts(0) & "." & parts(2)
dim newpath: newpath = fso.BuildPath(OUT_PATH, newname)
' warning:
' if we have source files C:\IN_PATH\ABC.01.PDF, C:\IN_PATH\ABC.02.PDF, ...
' only one of them will be saved as D:\OUT_PATH\ABC.PDF
if fso.FileExists(newpath) then
fso.DeleteFile newpath
end if
file.Move newpath
end if
fileExists() is a method of FileSystemObject, not a global scope function.
You also have an issue with the delete, DeleteFile() is also a method of FileSystemObject.
Furthermore, it seems you are moving the file and then attempting to deal with the overwrite issue, which is out of order. First you must detect the name collision, so you can choose the rename the file or delete the collision first. I am assuming for some reason you want to keep deleting the new files until you get to the last one, which seemed implied in your question.
So you could use the block:
if NOT fso.FileExists(newname) Then
file.move fso.buildpath(OUT_PATH, newname)
fso.DeleteFile newname
file.move fso.buildpath(OUT_PATH, newname)
end if
Also be careful that your string comparison with the = sign is case sensitive. Use strCmp with vbText compare option for case insensitive string comparison.
IF both POS_History_bim_data_*.zip and POS_History_bim_data_*.zip.trg exists in Y:\ExternalData\RSIDest\ Folder then Delete File Y:\ExternalData\RSIDest\Target_slpos_unzip_done.dat

VBS script 'Path not found' error when setting file system folder object reference

I am writing a script to determine the combined size of all instances of a particular subfolder within the profile folder of each user who has logged onto a Windows 2003 server, e.g. all users' desktop folders or all users' local settings folders.
Option Explicit
Dim colSubfolders, intCount, intCombinedSize, objFolder2, objFSO1, objFSO2, objUserFolder, strOutput, objSearchFolder, objSubfolder, strSearchFolder, strSubfolderPath
intCount = 0
intCombinedSize = 0
strSearchFolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\"
Set objFSO1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objSearchFolder = objFSO1.GetFolder(strSearchFolder)
Set colSubfolders = objSearchFolder.SubFolders
For Each objUserFolder in colSubfolders
strSubfolderPath = objUserFolder.Path & "\Desktop\"
Set objFSO2 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objSubfolder = objFSO2.GetFolder(strSubfolderPath)
intCount = intCount + 1
intCombinedSize = intCombinedSize + objSubfolder.Size
MsgBox "Combined size of " & CStr(intCount) & " folders: " & CStr(intCombinedSize / 1048576) & " MB"
This code throws a 'Path not found' error (Code 800A004C) at line 15:
Set objSubfolder = objFSO2.GetFolder(strSubfolderPath)
If I print out strSubfolderPath, however, I find that all the strings returned are valid directory paths, so I don't understand why I'm getting this error.
I've tried with and without the trailing backslash at the end of the path and I've tried with 8.3 style paths to remove spaces but to no effect.
When I run your code I get the same error.
Upon further inspection, on my computer there is a folder named C:\Documents and Settings\machinename, where machinename is the name of my computer. This folder only contains one subfolder named ASPNet.
I'm guessing you have something similar.
To minimize multiple-backslash confusion, use the FileSystemObject methods consistently instead of relying on string concatenation:
strSubfolderPath = objFSO1.BuildPath(objUserFolder.Path,"Desktop")
