Continuous Integration setup for ruby projects on linux server - ruby

I would like to use open source tools if possible.
here are 2 links I found but haven't tried them -

Try this CruiseControl.rb
CruiseControl.rb is written in Ruby and designed for ruby.
Another one is Hudson, it is built in Java, but it has a plugin for ruby

Give Cinabox a try (I'm the author). It is intended to make this as simple as possible, and uses cruisecontrol.rb. There is a screencast and readme. If you have problems, open a ticket using the LightHouse link in the readme.
Good Luck!

There is a lightweight CI server written in Sinatra called Integrity which you might want to take a look at. I mainly used it because it supports git.
Git Reference


Github use ruby on rails?

I know uses Rails.
But what template language does Github use? And what css framework does Github use?
Yes, Github uses Ruby on Rails.
When asked about the technology stack that they use to Sam Lambert, Director of technology he said:
MySQL is our core data store that we used for storing all data that powers the site as well as the metadata around the users. We also use Redis a little bit for some non-persistent caching, and things like memcached.
C, Shell, Ruby — quite a simple, monolithic stack. We’re really not an overcomplex shop, we don’t intend to try and drop new languages for every small project.
Here's a link to see the projects that power Github.
The original question was somewhat confusing and seemed to conflate Github with Rails. My answer below aimed to clarify the difference. The changes/clarifications made to the question later (after I posted my answer) have lead to the answer below to no longer respond to the question as (now) posted, but I cannot delete the answer as it has been marked as accepted...
It's hard to tell from the wording, but I think you're confused about several languages/tools that are found in Rails. Maybe this will help:
Git ( a version control tool ( used frequently in Rails projects. It's used to manage the source code in your projects (versions, branches with different functions, etc.)
Github ( is a place you can store source code that is managed with Git
the default language used in Rails views is called ERB (introduction example here:
rails 3.1 uses Sass to create CSS files by default (
Those are the languages you've mentioned having trouble with, and they're a portion of the languages you'll need to familiarize yourself with if you want to use Rails to its full extent.
You can learn more about Rails online (for example:,, or with books ( and are 2 good books. The first one is easier for beginners, the second one goes into more detail and is for more advanced readers).
It appears github has moved towards converting their monolith from rails into microservices made in other languages. Doubtful rails is completely out of the picture IMHO.

CoffeeScript on Windows?

How can I try CoffeeScript on Windows?
The installation instructions are only for *nix:
Since I asked this a while ago, many new answers have appeared. The number ( and quality ) of options for Windows users has been increased a lot. I "accepted" an answer a long time ago, then changed to other ( better ) answers as they came up, but I have now decided to not accept any answer, and let the community ( votes ) show which answers are best. Thanks to everyone for the input.
UPDATE: See my other answer to this question, How can I compile CoffeeScript from .NET? for a far more accurate and up-to-date list of the current options.
CoffeeScript-Compiler-for-Windows works well.
Maybe it was more complicated when this question was posted. But as of 2012, CoffeeScript is as easy to use on any platform. The instructions are the same for Windows, Mac, or Linux
Install Nodejs from
Install CoffeeScript globally with the node package manager npm install -g coffeescript or locally npm install --save-dev coffeescript
Write a script in your favourite text editor. Save it, say as
Run your script coffee or compile it coffee -c (to hello.js)
Node.js runs on Cygwin these days, so that's probably your best bet with getting CoffeeScript running on Windows. I'd try that first.
If you have a different preferred JavaScript runtime, you can probably use the prebuilt-compiler (extras/coffee-script.js). For example, if you include that script on a webpage, you can call
... to get back the compiled JavaScript string.
UPDATE 2012-04-12: Cygwin is no longer needed to run Node on Windows. Microsoft
worked with Joyent through 2H 2011 to improve node's support for
Windows IOCP async IO. Node 0.6 was the first release of node to
natively support Windows.
You can run the CoffeeScript compiler under good old Window Script Host (cscript.exe), a standard component on Windows since Windows 98. Admittedly I tried this a while back and it didn't work, but I tried again recently and now all the standard CoffeeScript tests compile just fine.
A bit of plumbing code using a *.wsf file and coffee-script.js is all you need. My code is on GitHub:
I blogged about it here:
You can use jcoffeescript as a command-line solution.
It uses a Java-based javascript engine (Rhino) and wraps up the task of compiling coffee-script.js from the CoffeeScript project. This allows it to run the CoffeeScript compiler as a Java program.
The command to use (on Windows/Linux) looks like this:
java -jar jcoffeescript-1.0.jar < > foo.js
You will need to download & build the Java source code (use IntelliJ Community Edition to avoid downloading Ant) or a pre-built download for CoffeeScript v1.0.
I now use jcoffeescript in place of the Ruby solution (another answer here), because this allows me to keep up with the latest CoffeeScript version.
You can use a command-line version of CoffeeScript by installing Ruby on Windows and then installing the CoffeeScript Gem.
After that, the command-line is available, for example, 'coffee' - to compile your CoffeeScript code down to JavaScript code.
The only disadvantage doing it this way (not using Node.js) is that the Ruby version of CoffeeScript is restricted to version 0.3.2 - the last version written in Ruby before it was moved over to Node.js.
*However, I still use the Ruby version of CoffeeScript in my current employment and my personal web page and I don't see much of a problem as this version of CoffeeScript is quite mature and most of the features listed on the CoffeeScript website can be used.
*striked out this last statement which was correct at the time but is becoming more incorrect every few days; CoffeeScript has now advanced a long way since 0.3.2 and is past 1.1
There're already bunch of answers here, but let me add mine. I wrote a .NET library for compiling CoffeeScript on Windows.
As jashkenas suggested, I've used the pre-compiled extras/coffee-script.js file.
Together with the Jurassic JavaScript compiler I've wrapped it all up in a single library: CoffeeSharp
The library also ships with a commandline tool and a HttpHandler for ASP.NET web development.
I've used this one:
looks working well, althouth you need to manually need to update coffee.script from 0.95 to 1.0.1.
Since node.js is now ported to Windows, this is actually pretty easy:
If you want to use CoffeeScript in an ASP.NET application then you can use this HTTP handler to serve compiled CoffeeScript code.
I haven't tried this myself yet, but it seems to be an answer. (I've downloaded and installed but not used it yet.)
There's an add-in for Visual Studio 2010 that adds CoffeeScript editing to VS (among other things).
It's called Web Workbench and is downloaded as a vsix. (i.e. can be downloaded from within the VS UI.)
I'm only putting this in only as an answer to the more general implied question for "How can I try" tools that don't normally run on Windows or have yet to be ported. Use a virtual machine running a UNIX-like OS such as Linux or BSD.
Provided you have enough RAM and are willing to learn enough to get around, it will make trying open source software a lot easier. In the CoffeeScript case you can still do things like --watch on a shared folder and remain in Windows land most of the time. You also won't pollute your system with tools and services you try and don't buy into, which is handy if you do that a lot.
Consider using Chocolatey to install on Windows.
(Installing Chocolatey :

Can Ruby + Crate + Windows work?

I've got a project for work I'd like to do in Ruby that will have to run on Windows, but perturbing the filesystem for a Ruby install or RubyScript2Exe unpack isn't an option (this is supposed to be the harness for a testing system). Has anyone successfully used Crate to package up something on Windows? If so, what was your build environment like and can you pass on any other hints?
I've tried and worked in getting Crate work under Windows, but is a more complicated system than I would expect.
If extraction of code for your system is your problem. I recommend take a look to Exerb, and specially: exerb-mingw hosted on GitHub exerb-mingw
It will generate a single executable like Ocra or RubyScript2Exe, but with the difference that the source code will not be extracted and extensions will be dynamically loaded.
This works perfectly with RubyInstaller packages, and is being used with Pik (Ruby version manager for Windows).
Hope this helps.
You can embed a Ruby interpreter and script into a C program, which may be easier than trying to run Crate. Here are some helpful links that describe how to do this, and may provide enough sample code to use as a skeleton for what you are trying to build.

What is the ruby test tool called that 'breaks' your code to see how tight your tests are?

A wee while ago I ended up on a page which hosted several ruby tools, which had 'crazy' names like 'mangler' or 'executor' or something. The tool's job was to modify you production code (at runtime) in order to prove that your tests were precise.
Unfortunately I would now like to find that tool again, but can't remember what it was called. Any ideas?
I think you're thinking about Heckle, which flips your code to make sure your tests are accurate. Here:
Maybe you're thinking of the Flay project and related modules:
Also you can try my mutant. Its AST based and currently runs under MRI and RBX in > 2.0 mode. It only has a killer for rspec3, but others are possible also.

sharing ruby code within an organisation

Me and my team are starting to build up a few re-usable scripts. They're re-usable within our org only as they work with proprietry apps and our particular server environment. So not really suitable for rubyforge or github, etc.
My question is, what is the best practice for ensuring we're all using the latest and greatest scripts across all users? We pretty much run these scripts on one server, but may need to expand to others.
Should we bundle them into gem(s) and start a private gem server?
Or something simpler like a common, shareable lib directory. Perhaps with a script to download/update from our SCM?
Other ideas?
This depends on some factors, like how many people want to change the code (only your team, or someone else too), or how much money you have for this?
Personally I'd create a build+gem server, where you can upload the scripts using some versioning system (like git or svn, depends on how many people are working on the project), and then create a cron job, that would automatically genereate the gems from the sources at generic intervals and store them as different versions. This way you can be sure that you always have an authorative server that stores your applications gems, and you can always get an earlier version if something breaks. Your script might create separate gem version names, like "appserv-edge" or "appserv-stable"
You might also want to check out github's closed source options too, if you have the money to afford that. I don't know however whether they have gem building and hosting facilities for non open-source programs.
I've created a private gemserver and it's dead easy. The only tricky bit is deciding how you want your users to upload gems. Personally, I just use a PHP upload form, and have it check to make sure that it's not masking any existing gems.
At my office we're using a bit of a hybrid approach for some of our shared scripts and libs. We do bundle them all in to a gem, but rather than using a gem server we keep them in source control, and then build the gem (using newgem) and install it locally as necessary.
The downside of this approach is that it takes two commands instead of one to install the gem, but this is largely mitigated in qa and production environments, since we use Capistrano for deployment.
The upsides are that it's dead simple, and in development there is a very short edit/build/deploy cycle if you're working with something that requires changes to the gem. I'm currently pulling a lot of common functionality in to the shared gem, so I'm really appreciating that aspect.
