Looking for a good WebDAV enabled windows editor [closed] - windows

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Within our company we use a proprietary template engine, which stores its templates in a MySQL database. We recently developed a WebDAV interface for this, which allows us to use standard tools to edit them, instead of a nasty <textarea>.
The standard operating-system webdav clients aren't great though, so for OS/X we went with Coda, which has amazing WebDAV support and saves us a ton of time.
Some of our devs are on Windows though, is anyone aware of a good editor that comes with built-in WebDAV support?

I ended up using Netdrive. Even though it has it's own share of problems (bad, bad multi-user support) the client behaves a lot smoother than Windows' and does a lot of built-in caching.
Upvoted both other answers for helpfulness

You can mount the WebDAV URI as a local drive and then access it using a standard editor, like notepad.exe or slightly fancier ones such as Notepad++.

The oXygen XML editor can use WebDAV. It might be worth checking if one can edit non XML files with it as well.

You can use a good FTP client (such as CrossFTP that handles SFTP, WebDav, and Amazon S3 protocols) to edit your remote files with your favorite editor.

There are Bluefish, gedit, Kate etc. They are primarily built for Linux but Windows ports are available in the links I have posted. They are all full blown editors too as you would hardly miss a feature. For questions like this the best source to have a primary lookup is wikipedia.

Microsoft Expression Web 4 is actually a good fit for this. As of December 2012 it is now free (as in beer) but unsupported (as in development has ceased).
I use it to edit HTML and CSS files and publish to my host via WebDAV. It does everything you would expect, syntax-highlighting, auto-complete, syncing changes and probably much more.
I am not terribly bothered by the fact that it is abandonware, it definitely is the best fit for my needs right now. More info on Wikipedia


Where can I find source code for Windows commands? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been messing around with command prompt for a few days now, but I want to have a better understanding of what's actually going on under the hood. Searching the Internet has been of no use so far, as almost all the results there will show, you the syntax of the commands, which is not I want.
Is it possible to retrieve the source code for any of the Windows commands?
Source code for some parts of Windows is open sourced. .NET for example. Other parts of the source code are available via various programs, described here. One program that I've used is Code Center Premium. In this program you are assigned a smart card/PIN and use a specific URL to access the source code for the various versions of Windows. Generally only RTM (release to manufacturing) code is available on CCP (as opposed to patched versions of the code).
If you are an individual you probably won't be able to get access via any of these programs, except possibly the MVP program. But if you were an MVP you probably would already understand "what's going on under the hood" to a large extent.
As an individual I suggest the book Windows Internals, which you can find as a PDF on the web. Note that the book is over 1000 pages, so a huge amount of information is available within. Also, there are various examples in the book in the way of commands that control/monitor various aspects of Windows (no source code, but an explanation of how the command works)
Note that a book will be much more comprehensible than the Windows source code which if I remember correctly is well over 100,000,000 lines currently.
Note that for "vanilla" commands like COPY, DIR, etc., perusing the Win32 API set for file & directory I/O on MSDN will yield the APIs that CMD.EXE uses. Many samples are also available on MSDN and elsewhere.

Can you Host Windows Apps Online? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can you host demos of open source apps online, similar to how http://php.opensourcecms.com/ does for CMSs? For example, could you host a demo of Open Office for people to try out online? Maybe by connecting to a server that has Windows 7 installed or some Windows 7 simulator. How would you do that if you could?
It would certainly be possible, using something like a combination of remote desktop and virtual servers, however I haven't seen any solution like that.
The main reason for that is of course that it would require a lot of hardware. While a web server can handle thousands of concurrent users, a server running virtual remote sessions would be able to handle something in the range of 10-20 concurrent users.
Being somewhere around 100 times more expensive than running web servers, one can easily see why there is little demand for such technology.
There are various ways in which the visual display and mouse interaction of a Windows app can appear on a user's machine while actually running remotely. Refer to—for instance—the RFB protocol which is used by VNC.
It even appears there are some efforts to embed such remote screens into browsers using Flash. I haven't tried it:
As #Guffa points out, this really won't scale very well. But at smaller scales it's important to be aware of: I'm a big advocate of using approaches like this when someone has a niche legacy intranet application written in something like Visual Basic that only a few people use. (Why rewrite something that already works in Ruby-on-Rails or whatever if only 10 people in the world will ever use it?)
At a meta-level, I think dropping users into an app they don't know how to use isn't always the best way of selling it. With pervasive Internet video I think there's a big potential for screencasts to explain and introduce software, or teach them features:
It shows people what's possible, is easy for them to pass around, and is a lot less of a development/administrative/security effort on your part.

Task management for team [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for a web application to manage tasks (not necessary programming-oriented) for a small team. It must be easy to setup and maintain, and I don't look for an SaaS solution. It must offer file upload and mail users in case of a change. There is hundred of solutions available but most are too complex for what we want or are not "stable" (not updated since a long time, not very well programmed). i was wondering if stack overflow's folks have some recommendations...
lighthouse - http://lighthouseapp.com/
gemini - http://www.countersoft.com/home.aspx
We had a very similar requirement and after much searching we eventually decided on Redmine.
Does all that you require and more. Setup couldn't be easier if you use one of the Bitnami stacks. We went down the virtual image route as we had a VMWare server - but installers for existing platforms are also available.
I tried Basecamp some time ago but I don't need a web based solution. But it was pretty good.
Redmine is a great project management, used by many open source projects. It is also quite actively maintained and really stable.
It's worth mentioning that even though Redmine is software oriented, it can easily be used as a project management software. All you have to do is ignore all the parts about repositories and you have a full-fledged project management software.

RapidWeaver-like editor for windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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After seeing a friend using RapidWeaver and producing wonderful results in a few clicks, I was astonished and started searching if a tool like that exists for Windows. Unfortunately, so far my search yielded no result, so I'm writing here the criteria I'm using hoping that anybody will come up with a relevant suggestion:
Must work (well!) on Windows (Vista/7)
Must not be web based (I don't care about webapps allowing me to create sites off of crappy templates)
Template-based (and possibly with many templates available)
Pretty flexible (nothing like Dreamweaver, but I wouldn't like being stuck with just entering text into some prebuilt templates)
Intuitive (and possibly good looking) UI
Producing standards-compliant markup (office-like HTML is not an option)
Here is what I don't care about:
Price/License (if it's commercial it's probably even better for my purpose, as if the tool is good I will want fast, quality support)
Good code editing features (when I'll get my hands dirty with the markup I want things to be looking already pretty good so I'll just have to improve certain areas based on my requirements...)
Server-side scripting (I'm handling that otherwise, for this tool I just care about the design part)
Here's a list of commonly recommended tools I consider unfit for my needs:
Microsoft Expression Web
Microsoft Visual Web Designer
Adobe Dreamweaver (good, but too good for my needs. At this stage, I'd prefer something quicker, even if it means having lower quality html)
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Probably too late, and not sure if this helps you anyway:

I am looking for a webbased text editor that supports collaboration [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for a web based text editor that supports collaboration with 2 or more people.
I am hoping to work on a fairly 'small' project with a couple other people from afar and would really like for us to be able to work on the same file at the same time and see the changes each other make in 'real time'.
Language built on is not much of an issue, would prefer to have syntax highlighting, but not really required.
EtherPad is ideal for realtime collaborative editing, much better than google docs if you're ok with strictly plain text.
Try it out here: http://etherpad.org/
I just tried out CollabEdit for comparison and it seems it really can't handle two people typing at the same time.
See also these similar questions:
How do you collaborate with other coders in real time?
What Features Should Tomorrow's Wiki Include?
google docs would be a save bet. it allows for simultanous editing.
Try out Bespin the new one from Mozilla! It is supposed to have collaboration tools built in, Though I'm not sure if all the features are available yet.
I saw this linked in another question and it seems to fit the bill 100%, web-based and syntax highlighting.
Have you looked at Google Apps? Myself and two others were using the spreadsheet for planning on a project. You can see the other people moving around their curors and entering text. It's very very cool.
Look at DocSynch
I saw demo of the plugin for eclipse, i dont' remember it's name... maybe this one
Also this wiki page has a list of the collaborative editors.
I hear Mozilla's new "cloud" text editor, Bespin, looks interesting.
