how can I save the output of windows internal FTP client? - windows

UPDATED: on win2k it seems it works OK. Sorry for the confusion.
MS Windows Vista internal ftp client has a strange behavior.
When redirecting its output and error to a file, the errors do not show up there:
ftp -n -s:commands.txt host >output.log 2>&1
When running it from Task Scheduler inside a batch file, I don't get any error messages if connection refused. Even if echo is on or with the -d option.
Do you have a workaround for it?

Not sure what's happening to you. I'd check the batch file that's running it, or maybe how you're scheduling the job.
The output is confusing as the error seems out of order, but redirecting stderr seems to work on my XP machine:
C:\Temp>ftp -s:ftpcmds.txt >ftplog.txt 2>&1
C:\Temp>type ftplog.txt
ftp> Not connected.
ftp> USER sconners
Invalid command.
ftp> PASS
Not connected.
ftp> PUT test.txt test1.txt
> ftp: connect :Unknown error number

have you tried it without the "2>&1"?
we do this all the time but in this format
ftp -s:FTPCMD.FTP > R:\foo\bar\FTPGET.LOG


sftp batch file not able to execute

I have a windows batch file to connect from Server A (Windows) to
Server B (UNIX) via sftp to get a file. The script is as below:
sftpg3 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oIdentityFile=EAPIINSTADM_hostnameA ftpeapsg#hostnameB
get GENUOBGW1 /sftp/ftphrssg/HRSSG/EAPSG
When I run the script it stops after running the first line i.e sftpg3 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no...
D:\APPBASE\EAPSG\GEMSSG>sftpg3 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oIdentityFile=EAPIINSTADM_hostnameA ftpeapsg#hostnameB
Warning: ignoring unsupported option -o
Warning: ignoring unsupported option -o
Remote system type is POSIX.
It didn't execute below lines:
get GENUOBGW1 /sftp/ftphrssg/HRSSG/EAPSG
If I run the command manually one line at a time it works.
Any idea why the script does not run completely?
Thank you.
That's because sftpg3 is a sftp like client which prompt an interactive session with the server waiting for input. so your first line in the script just opens the session and wait until that command (which is the prompt opened) to exit. you need to redirect the input into that prompted session (in unix like using <<) I don't know how it is done in windows. but if the aim from writing that script is to copy a file from the server you can just use scpg3

Using ftp.exe to create some kind of log [duplicate]

I am writing a batch command to send data via FTP. Before sending the actual data I need to find if the FTP server is active/running. How do I check that in batch command?
The server responds with "220 server ready" message when it is connected.
Do something like this:
YourFTPCommand | find /i /v "220 server ready" && goto :ServerNotReady
Pipe the output of your FTP command to FIND
Do a case insensitive (/i) search for output that does not contain (/v) the string "220 server ready"
Go to someplace if such a string is found (&&)
I do not think there's a reliable way to do this with Windows ftp.exe.
It blindly keeps running the commands, no matter if connection or previous commands succeeded.
It won't even report the result via exit code.
All you can do is to parse the ftp.exe output.
You should better use a 3rd-party FTP client.
For example with WinSCP scripting you can use:
#echo off /log=ftp.log /command ^
"open" ^
"put c:\local\path\file.txt" ^
If connection (the open command) fails, WinSCP won't execute the following commands (the put).
See also Converting Windows FTP script to WinSCP FTP script.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)

Suppress welcome message on bash remote command execution

I'm executing some commands on remote server within a shell script like this:
ssh user#host <<ENDSSH
Upon login I'm getting a standard server welcome message echoed. Is there a way to send it to \dev\null but to keep displaying the output of executed commands?
Create a file ~user/.hushlogin on the remote host. This will suppress output from the login program when user logs in (such as time of last login and any message of the day).
You can edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config (for debian/ubuntu, your server might be different file) and turn the following setting to 'no'.
PrintMotd no
PrintLastLog no

store ftp command output in a variable

I am using bash a script to connect to an FTP server for deleting a file.
I would like to store the output message and code of the delete command executed on the FTP server into a variable of my script.
How could I do this ?
Here is my snippet :
function delete_on_ftp{
ftp -i -n $ftp_host $ftp_port <<EOF
quote USER $ftp_login
quote PASS $ftp_pass
delete $1
output_cmd=$(delete_on_ftp $myfile)
By the way I do above I only get the message, no way to get the returned code. Is there another way allowing to get the code and the message, in 1 or 2 variables ?
Thanks, Cheers
I just tested the following curl command, which make your task easy.
curl --ftp-ssl -vX "DELE oldfile.pdf" ftp://$user:$pass#$server/public_html/downloads/
Please do not forget the slash at the end of your directory, it is necessary.
curl: (19) RETR response: 550
550 oldfile.pdf: No such file or directory
curl: (19) RETR response: 250
250 DELE command successful
curl is available at
One of the ways to get FTP to act automatically is to use a Netrc file. By default, FTP will use $HOME/.netrc, but you can override that via the -N parameter. The format of a netrc file is fairly straight forward. A line is either a Macrodef or a line that contains login information. Here's an example below:
Netrc File
mysystem login renard password swordfish
another login renard password 123456
default login renard password foofighter
macdef init
cd foo
get bar
delete bar
macdef fubar
The three first lines are the logins for various systems. The default is a login for any system which you don't define a particular login for. The lines that start with marcodef are macros you define to do a series of steps for you. The init macro automatically runs right after login. If the last line is quit, it will quit out of FTP for you. There should be a blank line to end the macro, (although most systems will take an End of the File as the end of the macrodef too).
You can create a Netrc file on the fly, enter your FTP command in that, and then, run your FTP command with that Netrc file:
cat > $netrc_file <<<EOF
$ftp_host login $ftp_login password $ftp_password
macdef init
delete $my_file
ftp -N $netrc_file
You can capture the output via STDOUT, or in a variable and then parse that for what you need:
ftp -N $netrc_file | tee $ftp_output
Other answers on this question should provide you what you want.
However, if you are keen on specifically using ftp command, you can use expect command for the same...
Note, that this is not the best way to achieve what you are trying.
expect -c "log_user 0;
spawn ftp -i -n $ftp_host $ftp_port;
expect \"<add ftp login username: prompt details here>\"
send \"quote USER $ftp_login\r\n\"
expect \"<add ftp login password: prompt details here>\"
send \"quote PASS $ftp_pass\r\n\"
expect \"<add ftp shell prompt details here>\"
log_user 1; send \"delete $1\r\n\"
log_user 0;
expect \"<add ftp shell prompt details here>\"
send \"quit\r\n\";
You may need to add some more lines in the above for the login & shell prompts returned by the ftp command.

Telnet inside a shell script

How can I run telnet inside a shell script and execute commands on the remote server?
I do not have expect installed on my solaris machine because of security reasons.
I also do not have the perl net::telnet module installed.
So with out using expect and perl how can I do it?
I tried the below thing but its not working.
telnet <<!
When I execute it, this is what I am getting:
> cat
telnet <<EOF
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection to closed by foreign host.
Some of your commands might be discarded. You can achieve finer control with ordinary script constructs and then send required commands through a pipe with echo. Group the list of commands to make one "session":-
sleep 5
echo user
sleep 3
echo password
sleep 3
echo ls
sleep 5
echo exit
} | telnet
I had the same issue...however, at least in my environment it turned out being the SSL Certificate on the destination server was corrupted in some way and the server team took care of the issue.
Now, what I'm trying to do is to figure out how to get a script to run the exact same thing you're doing above except I want it to dump out the exact same scenario above into a file and then when it encounters a server in which it actually connects, I want it to provide the escape character (^]) and go on to the next server.
