Usage of observer pattern with EJB and AJAX - ajax

I want to build an Ajax gui, that is notified on any state changes happening in my ejb application. To achieve this, I thought I build an stateful ejb (3.0) that implements the Observable interface to which the Ajax client is added as an observer.
First, is this possible with Ajax. If yes, is this a good design idea or is there a more propriate way to do this?
Thanks in advance!

It sounds like you are interested in 'Reverse-Ajax', where the client is notified when an event happens server side. This is different than standard Ajax, where an asynchronous event is sent to the server based on some client action. Reverse Ajax is possible, and one framework that does a very good job of allowing this is and simplifying the underlying complexity is DWR.
You'll want to read up on the performance implications of the various ways to implement based on your expected load, webapp container, etc. regardless of which framework you use.
As for whether or not it is good practice, that really depends on your application. If it is important to get near-real time data pushed back to the client and you don't want to use something like Flex or other heavier frameworks, then I'd say you are on the right track. If the data does not need to be real time, or if your load is extremely high, then perhaps a more simple approach like a scheduled page refresh will save you some complexity and help with performance.

Now, some time later there is a new possible answer to your question: Usage of Websockets
From the previously linked website by Pete: "The web was not designed to allow web servers to make connections to web browsers..." That is changing now with html5.


Best Practice for Queuing Activities

Am currently working on an Xamarin Form application, which requires me to interact with a Web API. There are, however times, when the call may fail, due to internet connectivity or server breaks down. In such situations, I would like to put the data that needs to be send in a queue, and try later on.
I was able to put in a queue, however, my question is, how I can run some kind of timers so that I can keep trying the API at regular interval for the ones in queue. Could someone guide me in understanding what is the best practice in such scenarios ?
If you don't want to implement this yourself there is a Library for that.
Especially take a look at the Retry keyword.

zk vs gwt zk too many requests

Hi I am trying to compare the performance of zk and gwt.
In my comparision I cant write any javascript by myself if the framework itself converts some code into js its ok(like gwt) but I cant write js by myself
On writing code in the above way for almost anything done on browser a request is sent to the server in ZK.
Hence eventually if you compare the no of request sent by zk to server is too high as compared to gwt.
i would like to ask the following.
whose performance is better zk or gwt while ignoring the above.
if we dont ignore the above then is my conclusion that gwts performance is better than zk right ?
I know that there might be other parameters when comparing performance... but if the difference between requests are so high i cant really see zk beating gwt which some people have said on some forums
pls help
GWT and ZK are very different architecturally. GWT is client-centric so it sends less requests to the server. With GWT you can basically control everything by yourself. This on the otherhand means, the developer is responsible for handling server requests and asynchornouse data transfer between server and client. If you are an experienced web developer then the result could be great. If you are not then it could be pretty challenging and complex as there are some network and security issues you need to take care.
On the other hand, ZK is server-centric, it handles these server-client async communication for you. With ZK developers can focus more on the business logic without taking care of client-server issues. As the framework takes care of client-server talk, there are more requests by default. If you wish to minimize the request, you can probably follow their developer's guide to do some tuning.
IMO ZK and GWT are both matured framework. You can probably think about your project requirements and your experiences in Web development then choose the solution.
The previous posts are basiclly, but there are some features in zk that,I think, must be talked about.
Remember, every request is a zk-event, cos zk is completely event-based.
Client-Side Event-Handling
Zk allows you to implement client-side event-handling just as well as server-side,
which includes preventing zk from firing an event to the server.
You can simple manipulate the client objects in js as you can do it in Java on the
server-side or just do some post processing and and then...
Use Client-Side Event-Firing
Zk got that usefull js method zAu.send(zk.Event,int) that let's you send custom
or standart events to the server.
Deferrable Event-Listeners
Deferrable-events are queued at client-side, so you can minimize the number of
Stubonly is a way to make a component client-side only. But by now this is only
available for zk EE.
So, you can see, if you like, you can limit the requests to maybe the same amount of requests of GWT.
If it make sense or not depandce on you/your applycation. But I think you can say that zk is more powerfull than GWT.
You maybe interested in iZUML and defer rendering too.
ZK is server side focused, since GWT is all in the browser, so ZK needs much more ajax hits to the server to get js fragments, screen portions, etc. whereas GWT just hit the server at the beginning to download the js app (which will be cached in the client for ever) and whenever the app needs some data from the backend.
Said that, IMHO GWT should perform better since you dont need any sort of view logic being executed in the server (lighter servers), and there are less requests in the wire.
GWT and ZK are kind of different.
I've done some ZK projects and also some GWT projects. I didn't have performance issues in either cases,but I feel I need to write more code when I use GWT.
My experience from real world projects with two teams, one writing using the zk framework and the second using GWT. Identical UI projects having data served from the same data service layer. The zk team completed the project in one third of the time the GWT team consumed. Both projects deployed in production. Users were happy using either app. Finally we kept the zk version in production. Why? Simply because the maintenance of the zk app was so much faster and simple compared to GWT! Sorry GWT... Nice technology backed up by a giant but we will keep going with zk.

What technologies are used in a seemingly 'live' data driven website?

Maybe the title could be rephrased slightly better but basically I'm wondering how the likes of facebook have implemented a 'live' interface with regards to new notifications/messages etc. I know that the complexity behind such a social network is too much to discuss in this one small SO thread but if anyone has any idea as to the technologies used in order to notify it's users almost immediately of new records (I'm assuming DB records) then I'd be curious to hear it.
If I were to guess, I'd say that there were timers on client-side code that would periodically check the database via AJAX and then react accordingly. Is this right?
It is via Comet and long polling via node.js or similar non-thread based web servers.
If I were to guess, I'd say that there were timers on client-side code that would periodically check the database via AJAX and then react accordingly. Is this right?
You are partially right. The client opens a connection and the server only responds once it has something to return to the client.
I think they are trying to use HTML5 WebSockets but as a fallback they using Comet, AJAX, Long pooling with a good backend.

What does pubsubhubbub mean for a front-end developer?

Google's introductory text to pubsubhubbub describes it as a server-to-server protocol.
Google's video introduction includes an example where a web page is updated very quickly when an entirely separate blog is edited. It is stated that AJAX is in use. (Correct me if I'm wrong but AJAX is only ever going to be a polling technique)
I get the impression that, with the use of pubsubhubbub, although servers might not have to poll each other (because subscribers also run servers hubs can POST to), browsers have to poll with AJAX in the usual way (or use Comet or websockets). Is this correct?
Am right in thinking that from the perspective of the front-end developer, nothing changes? No new techniques are required if pubsubhubbub is being used?
browsers have to poll with AJAX in the usual way (or use Comet or websockets). Is this >correct?
Yes, I believe it has no effect on the browser end of things.
Am right in thinking that from the perspective of the front-end developer, nothing changes?
I think you are!

How to most quickly get small, very frequent updates from a server?

I'm working on the design of a web app which will be using AJAX to communicate with a server on an embedded device. But for one feature, the client will need to get very frequent updates (>10 per second), as close to real time as possible, for an extended period of time. Meanwhile typical AJAX requests will need to be handled from time to time.
Some considerations unique to this project:
This data will be very small, probably no more than a single numeric value.
There will only be 1 client connected to the server at a time, so scaling is not an issue.
The client and server will reside on the same local network, so the connection will be fast and reliable.
The app will be designed for Android devices, so we can take advantage of any platform-specific browser features.
The backend will most likely be implemented in Python using WSGI on Apache or lighttpd, but that is still open for discussion.
I'm looking into Comet techniques including XHL long polling and hidden iframe but I'm pretty new to web development and I don't know what kind of performance we can expect. The server shouldn't have any problem preparing the data, it's just a matter of pushing it out to the client as quickly as possible. Is 10 updates per second an unreasonable expectation for any of the Comet techniques, or even regular AJAX polling? Or is there another method you would suggest?
I realize this is ultimately going to take some prototyping, but if someone can give me a ball-park estimate or better yet specific technologies (client and server side) that would provide the best performance in this case, that would be a great help.
You may want to consider WebSockets. That way you wouldn't have to poll, you would receive data directly from your server. I'm not sure what server implementations are available at this point since it's still a pretty new technology, but I found a blog post about a library for WebSockets on Android:
For a Python back end, you might want to look into Twisted. I would also recommend the WebSocket approach, but failing that, and since you seem to be focused on a browser client, I would default to HTTP Streaming rather than polling or long-polls. This jQuery Plugin implements an http streaming Ajax client and claims specifically to support Twisted.
I am not sure if this would be helpful at all but you may want to try Comet style ajax
