How to export and import environment variables in windows? - windows

I found it is hard to keep my environment variables sync on different machines. I just want to export the settings from one computer and import to other ones.
I think it should be possible, but don't know how to do it. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

You can use RegEdit to export the following two keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
The first set are system/global environment variables; the second set are user-level variables. Edit as needed and then import the .reg files on the new machine.

I would use the SET command from the command prompt to export all the variables, rather than just PATH as recommended above.
C:\> SET >> allvariables.txt
To import the variablies, one can use a simple loop:
C:\> for /F %A in (allvariables.txt) do SET %A

To export user variables, open a command prompt and use regedit with /e
Example :
regedit /e "%userprofile%\Desktop\my_user_env_variables.reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment"

Combine #vincsilver and #jdigital's answers with some modifications,
export .reg to current directory
add date mark
set TODAY=%DATE:~0,4%-%DATE:~5,2%-%DATE:~8,2%
regedit /e "%CD%\user_env_variables[%TODAY%].reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment"
regedit /e "%CD%\global_env_variables[%TODAY%].reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
Output would like:

You can get access to the environment variables in either the command line or in the registry.
Command Line
If you want a specific environment variable, then just type the name of it (e.g. PATH), followed by a >, and the filename to write to. The following will dump the PATH environment variable to a file named path.txt.
C:\> PATH > path.txt
Registry Method
The Windows Registry holds all the environment variables, in different places depending on which set you are after. You can use the registry Import/Export commands to shift them into the other PC.
For System Variables:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
For User Variables:

My favorite method for doing this is to write it out as a batch script to combine both user variables and system variables into a single backup file like so, create an environment-backup.bat file and put in it:
#echo off
:: RegEdit can only export into a single file at a time, so create two temporary files.
regedit /e "%CD%\environment-backup1.reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment"
regedit /e "%CD%\environment-backup2.reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
:: Concatenate into a single file and remove temporary files.
type "%CD%\environment-backup1.reg" "%CD%\environment-backup2.reg" > environment-backup.reg
del "%CD%\environment-backup1.reg"
del "%CD%\environment-backup2.reg"
This creates environment-backup.reg which you can use to re-import existing environment variables. This will add & override new variables, but not delete existing ones :)

Here is my PowerShell method
gci env:* | sort-object name | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "MyApp*"} | Foreach {"[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('$($_.Name)', '$($_.Value)', 'Machine')"}
What it does
Scoops up all environment variables
Filters them
Emits the formatted PowerShell needed to recreate them on another machine (assumes all are set at machine level)
So after running this on the source machine, simply transfer output onto the target machine and execute (elevated prompt if setting at machine level)

A PowerShell script based on #Mithrl's answer
# export_env.ps1
$Date = Get-Date
$DateStr = '{0:dd-MM-yyyy}' -f $Date
mkdir -Force $PWD\env_exports | Out-Null
regedit /e "$PWD\env_exports\user_env_variables[$DateStr].reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment"
regedit /e "$PWD\env_exports\global_env_variables[$DateStr].reg" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"

Not being satisfied with answers from 12 years ago I've approached this a little differently. This approach could work with Win OS flavors older than Win 8 by using SET instead of SETX which is when SETX began being used.
Be sure to tune the RegEx for your preferred editor to achieve desired
results. For RegEx specific questions please seek help from various
sources including tutorials available from here. I'm using Sublime Text 4 for search and replace RegEx examples.
I would like to point out that following this process
blindly with copy and paste will most likely clobber existing settings
with the source data extracted. It DOES NOT merge the two sets of
data. That is your responsibility and I take no responsibility for
any damage that may result. Additionally, you should take time to
remove settings from the extracted env variables that pose issues or
no value such as changed paths and different hardware metrics such as
CPU core counts.
This approach avoids mixing System env variables with User env variables which a handful of previous answers are plagued with.
reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment">>SystemEnvVariablesSourceMachine.txt
reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment">>UserEnvVariablesSourceMachine.txt
Clean up the files that were just created! Import success depends on this!
Use a RegEx capable editor and use the following search and replace:
NOTE: Some RegEx engines/tools require use of the $ character to
represent backreference in the Replace Pattern. If your not getting
the expected results in search and replace give that a try.
Search Pattern:
(?:\A\r?\n|^HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment\r?\n?|^HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment\r?\n?|^\r?\n$|\r?\n\Z)
Replace Pattern (Literally Empty):
Literally Empty
and then
Search Pattern:
Replace Pattern:
Its strongly advised you take a moment to do the same steps above on the destination machine using these file names:
This also will serve as a backup for the upcoming import.
Once the DestinationMachine versions of the files are cleaned up its time to make a copy. Copy of each of the DestinationMachine files and name them something like:
We're not done yet, that's just a version of the file you can feel safe to edit. Leave the DestinationMachine version of the files alone. Consider them a backup.
Next we will merge the SourceMachine files into the FinalMerge files. This provides a means to
manual review for cleanup of duplicates and bad data followed by a final output. There are plenty of ways
to do this, but the easiest way I've used is to prepare the data for comparison, then compare and merge, and then reassemble the data back
so that its importable.
Apply this search and replace RegEx pattern to each Source and FinalMerge file:
Search Pattern:
Replace Pattern:
Then compare each Source to FinalMerge using a diff tool such as Beyond Compare 4, Meld, or Winmerge. My personal favorite is Beyond Compare 4. Keep in mind the data at this time may not be sorted
so you can take care at this time to sort the data taking care not to mix up variables from key to value structure. How to use those tools is out of scope here. Delete env variables that you do not wish to import at this time from the FinalMerge version of the file.
Once you're satisifed with the merge with cleanup applied save the changes in the FinalMerge files then restore the key to value mapping with the following RegEx pattern:
Search Pattern:
Replace Pattern:
Then on the destination machine import the variables with powershell:
Get-Content .\UserEnvVariablesFinalMerge.txt | ForEach-Object {
$envVarDataSplit = $($_).split("=")
if($($envVarDataSplit).count -gt 0)
Write-Output "Key: $($envVarDataSplit[0]) ~ Value: $($envVarDataSplit[1])"
SETX $envVarDataSplit[0] "$($envVarDataSplit[1])"
Run powershell as administrator for this to succeed or you will
get an error.
Get-Content .\SystemEnvVariablesFinalMerge.txt | ForEach-Object {
$envVarDataSplit = $($_).split("=")
if($($envVarDataSplit).count -gt 0)
Write-Output "Key: $($envVarDataSplit[0]) ~ Value: $($envVarDataSplit[1])"
SETX $envVarDataSplit[0] "$($envVarDataSplit[1])" /M
If you encounter an error here its likely due to a need to
escape a character. You'll need to either manually enter that env
variable or figure out the proper escaped character sequence to get
around it.
If things have gone horribly wrong you should be able to revert to your DestinationMachine versions of the env variables using the previous command with the backup.


Adding things to the user PATH | Powershell SETX Error [duplicate]

I followed this procedure in order to permanently add a path to SumatraPDF using powershell. The last few commands from the link are meant to check that the path has indeed been added.
When I access the path using the following command,
(get-itemproperty -path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name PATH).Path.split(';')
the result includes the path to SumatraPDF
However when I access it using the following command,
the result does not contain the path to SumatraPDF:
Finally, actually passing sumatrapdf does not works, which indicates to me that the real path is the one accessed using the get-itemproperty command.
Why does the path set in the registry not correspond to the one set in $env:path? Is there a mistake in the procedure shown in the link I followed? How can I correct it?
I should mention I have already tried restarting the shell but it doesn't help.
See the middle section for helper function Add-Path
See the bottom section for why use of setx.exe should be avoided for updating the Path environment variable.
The procedure in the linked blog post is effective in principle, but is missing a crucial piece of information / additional step:
If you modify environment variables directly via the registry - which, unfortunately, is the right way to do it for REG_EXPAND_SZ-based environment variables such as Path - you need to broadcast a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message so that the Windows (GUI) shell (and its components, File Explorer, the taskbar, the desktop, the Start Menu, all provided via explorer.exe processes) is notified of the environment change and reloads its environment variables from the registry. Applications launched afterwards then inherit the updated environment.
If this message is not sent, future PowerShell sessions (and other applications) won't see the modification until the next logon / reboot.
Unfortunately, there's no direct way to do this from PowerShell, but there are workarounds:
Brute-force workaround - simple, but visually disruptive and closes all open File Explorer windows:
# Kills all explorer.exe processes, which restarts the Windows shell
# components, forcing a reload of the environment from the registry.
Stop-Process -Name explorer
Workaround via .NET APIs:
# Create a random name assumed to be unique
$dummyName = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
# Set an environment variable by that name, which makes .NET
# send a WM_SETTINGCHANGE broadcast
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($dummyName, 'foo', 'User')
# Now that the dummy variable has served its purpose, remove it again.
# (This will trigger another broadcast, but its performance impact is negligible.)
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($dummyName, [NullString]::value, 'User')
Workaround by calling the Windows API via an ad hoc-compiled P/Invoke call to SendMessageTimeout() in C#, via Add-Type:
While this is a proper solution, it invariably incurs a noticeable performance penalty due to the ad hoc-compilation the first time it is run in a session.
For details, see this blog post.
The approach in the blog post has another problematic aspect:
It retrieves the expanded environment-variable value from the registry, because that is what Get-ItemProperty and Get-ItemPropertyValue invariably do. That is, if directories in the value are defined in terms of other environment variables (e.g., %SystemRoot% or %JAVADIR%), the returned value no longer contains these variables, but their current values. See the bottom section for why this can be problematic.
The helper function discussed in the next section addresses all issues, while also ensuring that the modification takes effect for the current session too.
The following Add-Path helper function:
Adds (appends) a given, single directory path to the persistent user-level Path environment variable by default; use -Scope Machine to target the machine-level definition, which requires elevation (run as admin).
If the directory is already present in the target variable, no action is taken.
The relevant registry value is updated, which preserves its REG_EXPAND_SZ data type, based on the existing unexpanded value - that is, references to other environment variables are preserved as such (e.g., %SystemRoot%), and may also be used in the new entry being added.
Triggers a WM_SETTINGCHANGE message broadcast to inform the Windows shell of the change.
Also updates the current session's $env:Path variable value.
Note: By definition (due to use of the registry), this function is Windows-only.
With the function below defined, your desired Path addition could be performed as follows, modifying the current user's persistent Path definition:
Add-Path C:\Users\921479\AppData\Local\SumatraPDF
If you really want to update the machine-level definition (in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry hive, which doesn't make sense with a user-specific path), add -Scope Machine, but not that you must then run with elevation (as admin).
Add-Path source code:
function Add-Path {
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]
[string] $LiteralPath,
[ValidateSet('User', 'CurrentUser', 'Machine', 'LocalMachine')]
[string] $Scope
Set-StrictMode -Version 1; $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$isMachineLevel = $Scope -in 'Machine', 'LocalMachine'
if ($isMachineLevel -and -not $($ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'; net session 2>$null)) { throw "You must run AS ADMIN to update the machine-level Path environment variable." }
$regPath = 'registry::' + ('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment')[$isMachineLevel]
# Note the use of the .GetValue() method to ensure that the *unexpanded* value is returned.
$currDirs = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $regPath).GetValue('Path', '', 'DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames') -split ';' -ne ''
if ($LiteralPath -in $currDirs) {
Write-Verbose "Already present in the persistent $(('user', 'machine')[$isMachineLevel])-level Path: $LiteralPath"
$newValue = ($currDirs + $LiteralPath) -join ';'
# Update the registry.
Set-ItemProperty -Type ExpandString -LiteralPath $regPath Path $newValue
# Broadcast WM_SETTINGCHANGE to get the Windows shell to reload the
# updated environment, via a dummy [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable() operation.
$dummyName = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($dummyName, 'foo', 'User')
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($dummyName, [NullString]::value, 'User')
# Finally, also update the current session's `$env:Path` definition.
# Note: For simplicity, we always append to the in-process *composite* value,
# even though for a -Scope Machine update this isn't strictly the same.
$env:Path = ($env:Path -replace ';$') + ';' + $LiteralPath
Write-Verbose "`"$LiteralPath`" successfully appended to the persistent $(('user', 'machine')[$isMachineLevel])-level Path and also the current-process value."
The limitations of setx.exe and why it shouldn't be used to update the Path environment variable:
setx.exe has fundamental limitations that make it problematic, particularly for updating environment variables that are based on REG_EXPAND_SZ-typed registry values, such as Path:
Values are limited to 1024 characters, with additional ones getting truncated, albeit with a warning (as of at least Windows 10).
The environment variable that is (re)created is invariably of type REG_SZ, whereas Path is originally of type REG_EXPAND_SZ and contains directory paths based on other environment variables, such as %SystemRoot% and %JAVADIR%.
If the replacement value contains only literal paths (no environment-variable references) that may have no immediate ill effects, but, for an instance, an entry that originally depended on %JAVADIR% will stop working if the value of %JAVADIR% is later changed.
Additionally, if you base the updated value on the current session's $env:Path value, you'll end up duplicating entries, because the process-level $env:Path value is a composite of the machine-level and current-user-level values.
This increases the risk of running into the 1024-character limit, especially if the technique is used repeatedly. It also bears the risk of duplicate values lingering after the original entry is removed from the original scope.
While you can avoid this particular problem by retrieving the scope-specific value either directly from the registry or - invariably in expanded form - via [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'User') or [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'Machine'), that still doesn't solve the REG_EXPAND_SZ problem discussed above.
Use setx to permanently update an environment variable. Don't hack the registry.
After you invoke setx, just update the Path environment manually in the current session. Powershell: Reload the path in PowerShell

INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s) doing `where git`

I have git installed under C:\Program Files\Git\ I do the following from a setupenv.bat:
set PATH="C:\Program Files\Git\bin";%PATH%
So doing the following I can see it:
echo %PATH%
The following will then work:
git --version
>git version
But this won't:
where git
>INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s)
The issue, is most likely that you have surrounded your location string with double-quotes.
The locations listed within the %Path% string value content are delimited with semi-colons, for that reason your intended addition to that value content should not be double-quoted.
If you take a look at the existing %Path% content, by typing Path at the Command Prompt, and pressing the ENTER key, you'll note the absence of double-quotes, and most likely that there are paths which include space characters.
The solution therefore is to change your set command from:
set PATH="C:\Program Files\Git\bin";%PATH%
set PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\bin;%PATH%
However, I will add that the recommended syntax for the Set command is:
Set "VariableName=Variable Value"
So you should really write it thus:
Set "PATH=C:\Program Files\Git\bin;%PATH%"
It should be noted too that the locations listed within the value of Path are searched in order, which means that you should consider carefully whether your new location should be located and therefore searched first, or last. The precedence could be important depending upon what else is being done within that script.As the Path value string should already be semi-colon terminated, you could just as easily locate it at the end:
Set "Path=%Path%C:\Program Files\Git\bin;"
Also note that there is already an environment variable available for the normal \Program Files\ directory, so you could additionally incorporate that instead:
Set "Path=%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin;%Path%"

Command prompt batch renaming results in syntax error

I need to rename 80k files in multiple folders & subfolders in the same directory. I have been trying to use ren but have been unsuccessful; I get an incorrect syntax error.
My old name looks like this:
c:/users/alice/BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company,LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\Company LLC A and A - Aug2017.pdf BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company, LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\document_# (x.y.z)-test~.pdf
and my new name looks like this:
c:/users/alice/BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company,LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\Company LLC A and A - Aug2017.pdf BiDIR_DOCS_2017_Nov08020423\Company, LLC##NA##7967425.00##7967425.00\system, a old name~ ` to # system b document (xyz)-test.pdf
I have the existing directory print in one column of Excel and in the next column what I want the directory print to be.
I'm not sure if I'm starting my ren command at the right hierarchy of my directory, or if I need quotation marks to keep the spaces and symbols in my new name.
I have tried improvising and testing on my own without success and I cannot find an article online on point.
Try FAR (find and replace) - it a free utility that works well.

Post-Build Event Works With one Project But Not the Other

I have 2 projects for which I am trying to create a generic Post-Build event batch file.
Here is the command in Visual Studio:
Post-Build event
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release ("$(ProjectDir)PostBuildRelease.bat" "$(TargetDir)" #(VersionNumber) "$(TargetFileName)" "$(TargetName)")
So I am calling the file PostBuildRelease.bat with 4 parameters:
Bin\Release Directory
Project Version
File Name With Extension
File Name Without Extension
Project 1
This works perfectly with this batch script:
SET parameter=%1 REM Full path to new bin\release\
SET parameter=%2 REM Full Version Number
SET parameter=%3 REM File name + extension
SET parameter=%4 REM File name - extension
SET "productionpath=Z:\Unused\Apps\LyncVdiChecker\"
MOVE %productionpath%%3 %productionpath%"_archive\"%4"."%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~6,4%"-"%2
XCOPY %3 %productionpath%
Where the assembly is copied to Z:\Unused\Apps\LyncVdiChecker\ and the existing version copied to _archive in the same folder. The archived version also has the date and version number replace the file extension.
Project 2
This batch script also works perfectly (it does the same thing but in a different folder and for a different project):
SET parameter=%1 REM Full path to new bin\release\
SET parameter=%2 REM Full Version Number
SET parameter=%3 REM File name + extension
SET parameter=%4 REM File name - extension
SET "productionpath=Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\"
MOVE "Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\"%3 "Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\_archive\"%4"."%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~6,4%"-"%2
XCOPY %3 "Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App"
However, if I try using the same script from Project1 (the more generic version) in Project2, I get errors, even though the 2 scripts are equivalent:
The command "if Release == Release ("C:\Users\Seb.Kotze\Source\Repos\Applications\ITSelfHelp\ITHelp\PostBuildRelease.bat" "C:\Users\Seb.Kotze\Source\Repos\Applications\ITSelfHelp\ITHelp\bin\Release\" 2.0.6100.20905 "IT Self Help.exe" "IT Self Help")" exited with code 4.
Output Window:
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Invalid number of parameters
This error is rather unhelpful, so I tried commenting out the 2 lines MOVE and XCOPY and build again:
Removed MOVE
Same error as above.
Output window:
Invalid number of parameters
Remove XCOPY
No Visual Studio Error, but this appears in the output window:
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Parameter Output
When I echo out the parameters being used in Project2, everything seems to be in order:
"IT Self Help.exe"
"IT Self Help"
Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\
How can I debug this issue? How is it possible that my script runs fine without any issues, but when run against a different project none of the commands are recognised? Any help with this is much appreciated!
You should normalize all your arguments, so they don't contain outer quotes.
Then you can use them in a reliable way.
The syntax set "variable=%~1" avoids outer quotes in the variable itself.
set "TargetDir=%~1"
set "VersionNumber=%~2"
set "TargetFileName=%~3"
set "TargetName=%~4"
SET "productionpath=Z:\IT Support App\"
set "dateStamp=%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~6,4%"
MOVE "Z:\IT App\%TargetFileName%" "Z:\IT App\_archive\%TargetName%.%dateStamp%-%VersionNumber%"
XCOPY "%TargetFileName%" "Z:\IT App"
The problem is that the script is messing with the double quotes resulting in invalid paths and invalid number of arguments passed. When dealing with paths built dynamically, it's best to strip any existing " from the parts, and after the path is complete, surround it in ".
Dealing with batch arguments is explained on MSDN. Same thing for variables can be found on SS64.
I've played a bit with the file, and I was able to run it (from command line). The changes you should make in your (Project1) file:
SET productionpath="Z:\Unused\Apps\LyncVdiChecker\"
MOVE "%productionpath:"=%%~3" "%productionpath:"=%_archive\%~4.%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~6,4%-%~2"
XCOPY "%~3" "%productionpath:"=%"
I moved the " from the productionpath line to the beginning of its contents. That way will work with paths that contain SPACE s.
In the MOVE and XCOPY lines, I did what I explained above: even if the syntax is not that clear, it's more robust (the last "%productionpath:"=%" could be simple written as %productionpath%, but I left it in the the 1st form for consistency).
Note: You could remove the CMD command at the beginning of your batch, since it starts a new cmd instance(process) that doesn't end.
I found a solution to this, but I am still not sure what the cause was.
I suspect it has something to do with either one of:
Spaces in productionpath causing the command parameter declaration to escape
Quotes around one or more of the parameters creating a non-existent file path
After trying out a few changes to the script, I found that changing the productionpath declaration to SET productionpath="Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\" solved the issue:
SET parameter=%1 REM Full path to new bin\release\
SET parameter=%2 REM Full Version Number
SET parameter=%3 REM File name + extension
SET parameter=%4 REM File name - extension
SET productionpath="Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\"
MOVE "Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\"%3 "Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\_archive\"%4"."%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~6,4%"-"%2
XCOPY %3 "Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App"
Making the same change to the Project1 script did not cause that to break either, so this seems safe.
After reading some of the other answers, I amended the script once again to the following:
SET "TargetDir=%~1"
SET "VersionNumber=%~2"
SET "TargetFileName=%~3"
SET "TargetName=%~4"
SET "ProductionPath=Z:\Unused\Apps\IT Support App\"
SET "ArchivePath=%ProductionPath%_archive\"
SET "DateStamp=%DATE:~0,2%%DATE:~3,2%%DATE:~6,4%"
MOVE "%ProductionPath%%TargetFileName%" "%ArchivePath%%TargetName%.%DateStamp%-%VersionNumber%"
XCOPY "%TargetFileName%" "%ProductionPath%"
Notice the "normalisation" of the paramaters - this removes all quotation marks from their values.
Also now using named parameters.

How do I add a multiline REG_SZ string to the registry from the command line?

As part of a build setup on a windows machine I need to add a registry entry and I'd like to do it from a simple batch file.
The entry is for a third party app so the format is fixed.
The entry takes the form of a REG_SZ string but needs to contain newlines ie. 0xOA characters as separators.
I've hit a few problems.
First attempt used regedit to load a generated .reg file. This failed as it did not seem to like either either long strings or strings with newlines. I discovered that export works fine import fails. I was able to test export as the third party app adds similar entries directly through the win32 api.
Second attempt used the command REG ADD but I can't find anyway to add the newline characters everything I try just ends up with a literal string being added.
You can import multiline REG_SZ strings containing carriage return (CR) and linefeed (LF) end-of-line (EOL) breaks into the registry using .reg files as long as you do not mind translating the text as UTF-16LE hexadecimal encoded data. To import a REG_SZ with this text:
1st Line
2nd Line
You might create a file called MULTILINETEXT.REG that contains this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
To encode ASCII into UTF-16LE, simply add a null byte following each ASCII code value. REG_SZ values must terminate with a null character (,00,00) in UTF-16LE notation.
Import the registry change in the batch file REG.EXE IMPORT MULTILINETEXT.REG.
The example uses the Environment key because it is convenient, not because it is particularly useful to add such data to environment variables. One may use RegEdit to verify that the imported REG_SZ data contains the CRLF characters.
If you're not constrained to a scripting language, you can do it in C# with
Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(#"software\classes\something", true).SetValue("some key", "sometext\nothertext", RegistryValueKind.String);
You could create a VBScript(.vbs) file and just call it from a batch file, assuming you're doing other things in the batch other than this registry change. In vbscript you would be looking at something like:
set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOMEKEY", "value", "type"
You should be able to find the possible type values using Google.
Another approach -- that is much easier to read and maintain -- is to use a PowerShell script. Run PowerShell as Admin.
# SetLegalNotice_AsAdmin.ps1
# Define multi-line legal notice registry entry
Set-Location -Path Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\
$contentCaption="Legal Notice"
$contentNotice= #"
This is a very long string that runs to many lines.
You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is provided for USG-authorized use only.
By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you consent to the following conditions:
-The USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this IS for purposes including, but not limited to, penetration testing, COMSEC monitoring, network operations and defense, personnel misconduct (PM), law enforcement (LE), and counterintelligence (CI) investigations.
# Caption
New-ItemProperty -Path . -Name legalnoticetext -PropertyType MultiString -Value $contentCaption -Force
# Notice
New-ItemProperty -Path . -Name legalnoticetext -PropertyType MultiString -Value $contentNotice -Force
