Agile 40-hour week [closed] - project-management

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Have you ever worked on a (full-time) project where using Agile methodologies actually allowed you to accomplish a 40-hour work-week? If so, what were the most valuable agile practices?

Yes, I'm on a 40 hour (actually it's 37.5 hours or so, that's what my contract says) on a project that was run with SCRUM from the beginning. That was about 2 years ago and the first time we implemented SCRUM. It's the project with the least amount of overtime for me personally, and it's also a PC game we're developing. I'm not even in "crunch" mode right now even though we're shipping an open beta on Friday.
We have learned a lot since then about SCRUM and agile. The single most valuable lesson from my point of view is: pod sizes must be reasonable ... we started out with pods with 12-20 members, that didn't work out well at all. A maximum of 10 should not be exceeded. It's too easy to agree on "flaky" and "vague" tasks because otherwise the standup & task planning meetings would take too long. So keep the pod size small and the tasks specific and get the product owner or sign-off's together with those who will work on the task.
Also, with a bi-weekly task planning schedule you have to get every Product Owner to agree on the task list and priorities for the current sprint, and new task requests should be issued before that planning meeting or else it will be ignored for the current sprint. This forced us to improve on inter-pod communication.

Scrum and management that is willing to buy into it.
Fair sprint planning. When you negotiate your own sprint you can choose what your team can accomplish rather than have tasks being handed down from above. Having your sprint commitment locked in (management can't change it mid-sprint) gives freedom from the every changing whims of people.
A well maintained, prioritized backlog that is maintained cooperatively by the product owner and upper management is very useful. It forces them to sit down and think about the features they want, when they want them and the costs involved. They will often say they need a feature now, but when they realized they have to give up something else to get what they want their expectations become more realistic.
Time boxing. if you are running into major problems start removing features from the sprint rather than working extra hours.
You need managerial support for you process without it agile is just a word.
Did I mentioned enlightened management?

Not being able to complete the tasks in a 40 hour week could be due to several things.
I see that this could happen in the early sprints of a Scrum project because the team wasn't sure of:
the amount of work they can do in the sprint and might bite off more than they can chew, and
their ability to estimate accurately the amount of points to award to blocks of work, or
the amount of effort required to perform "a point's worth" of work.
They may also be overly optimistic in what they can accomplish in the time alloted.
After that we get into several of the bad smells of Scrum, specifically:
a team isn't allowed to own its own workload, and maybe
management overrides decisions on what should be in a sprint
If any of these cut in then you are:
doing Scrum in name only, and
"up the creek without a paddle."
There's nothing much you can do apart from correct any problems in the first list, but this will only come with experience.
Correcting the two points in the second list will require a major rethink of how the company is strangling, not employing, Scrum best practises.

It may sound tough, but let's be realistic. Use of agile or any other flavour of a software process has nothing to do with a 40 hour week. Normally the amount of weekly work hours is stipulated within the employment contract and developer can use their discretion to put any additional unpaid work.
Please let’s not attribute magic healing powers to whatever your preferred software process. It can provide a different approach to risk management, different planning horizon or better stakeholder involvement; however, unless slavery is still lawful there you live the working day starts when you come through the door and ends when you go home.
It is as much up to a developer to make sure that the contract of employment is not breached as to their management. Your stake is limited by the amount of pay you get and the amount of honest work hours you agreed to give in return, regardless of a methodology used.

For the me the most important things that helped (in order of importance):
Cross-functional team - having programmers, testers, technical writers and sales/services people in the same team and talking to each other daily (daily call) was great.
Regular builds and continuous integration
Frequent reviews/demos to stakeholders and customers. This reduces the risk and time lost to it only for the period of iteration (Sprint).
Daily Call or Stand up meeting

Adding to all of the above (inaccurate estimates, badly implemented Scrum, etc.), the problem could to be the lack of understanding of your team's Velocity, something as simple as "how much work a team can accomplish", but which is not that easy to find as it may seem.

I've worked at several shops that practices various agile methodologies. The most interesting one had 4 "sessions" throughout the day that were about an hour and a half long, with a 20 minute break in between. Friday was Personal Dev day, so the last two sessions were for whatever you wanted to work on.
The key things for us were communication, really nailing down the concept of user stories, defining done to mean "in production", and trust. We also made sure to break the stories down into chunks that were no more than a day long, and ideally 1-2 development sessions. We typically swapped pairs every session to every other session.
Currently I run a 20+ person dev team which is partially distributed. The key tenant for me is sustainable pace - and that means I don't want my teams working > 40 hour weeks even occasionally. Obviously if someone wants to stay late and work on things, that's up to them, but in general I fight hard to make sure that we work within the velocity a 40-hour week gives us.

As both a Scrum Master and personnel manager, I have been a strong advocate of the 40-hour work week. I actively discourage team members from working over 40 hours as productivity drops quickly as the work-life balance shifts. I have found recuperating from an late-night work day often takes longer than the extra hours worked.
When it is well-run, Scrum aids in minimizing the "cram" that often occurs at the end of an iteration by encouraging (requiring?) a consistent pace throughout and tools like velocity and burndowns work well to plan and track progress.


Adding more structure to our development processes? [closed]

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I work with a small team (4 developers) writing firmware and software for our custom hardware. I'm looking into better ways to organise the team and better define processes.
Our Current Setup
Developers are generally working on 2-3 projects at a time.
We have projects that work in an iterative sort of way, where a developer is in regular contact with the customer and features are slowly added and bugs fixed.
We also have projects with fixed delivery dates, and with long lead times, final hardware might appear only a few weeks before delivery. The fixed projects are usually small changes to an existing product or implementation and the work is somehow intermingled.
We are also moving from consulting to products, so we are occasionally adding features that we think will add value, at our own cost.
The Issues
We have a weekly meeting where proportions of time are allotted to each project. "Customer A wants to test feature X next week", so the required time is allotted. "Customer B is having issues with Y, could developer P drive down and take a look?", etc.
When we're busy, these plans are very loosely followed. Issues arise and lower priority stuff gets pushed back. Sometimes, priorities are not clear to developers so there is friction when priorities appear to change. The next week there will be a realisation that we're getting behind on project Z and we all pull-off some long days.
I'm told that this is all quite common for a small start-up in our industry, but I'm just looking for ways to limit the number of "pizza in the office" all-nighters.
Developers are generally working on 2-3 projects at a time.
Multitasking is incredibly inefficient. Switching the brain from one task to another requires time for the gears to change over.
When we're busy, these plans are very loosely followed.
Then why create plans at all?
Is it all possible to dedicate just one developer to one task / product / customer? So developer P is the only one who talks to customer B? (Certainly the developer would need to document exactly what he's doing in case he gets hit by a bus, but he should be recording issues and roadmaps anyway.)
The next week there will be a realisation that we're getting behind on project Z and we all pull-off some long days.
If there had been only one developer on project Z anyway, he wouldn't have been distracted by customer A's problems.
Don't think in terms of a pool of developers serving a pool of customers, think of one developer for a given customer. (This can make vacation planning a little tougher, but if you're constantly pulling all-nighters, you aren't spending enough time away from the office anyhow.)
I'm told that this is all quite common for a small start-up in our industry, but I'm just looking for ways to limit the number of "pizza in the office" all-nighters.
Aren't we all.
"Customer A wants to test feature X next week", so the required time is allotted.
Allotted by whom?
Do you create your own schedules? If not, the only response to management creating a schedule for you is all-nighters.
Realistic non-all-nighter schedules will bother management. Until you can prove that your customers want a better schedule with fewer all-nighters, there isn't much you can do.
The only way to reduce the all-nighters is to get stuff done sooner. But if the hardware doesn't arrive sooner, there isn't much you can do, is there?
Two thoughts: drive quality and improve estimates.
I work in a small software shop that produces a product. The most significant difference between us and other shops of a similar size I've worked in a is full time QA (now more than one). The value this person should bring on day one is not testing until the tests are written out. We use TestLink. There are several reasons for this approach:
Repeating tests to find regression bugs. You change something, what did it break?
Thinking through how to test functionality ahead of time - this is a cheek-by-jowl activity between developer and QA, and if it doesn't hurt, you're probably doing it wrong.
Having someone else test and validate your code is a Good Idea.
Put some structure around you estimation activity. Reuse a format, be it Excel, MS Project or something else (at least do it digitally). Do so, and you'll start to see patterns repeating around what you do building software. Generally speaking include time in your estimates for thinking about it (a.k.a. design), building, testing (QA), fixing and deployment. Also, read McConnell's book Software Estimation, use anything you think is worthwhile from it, it's a great book.
Poor quality means longer development cycles. Most effective step is QA, short of that unit tests. If it were a web app I'd also suggest something like Selenium, but you're dealing with hardware so not sure what can be done. Improving estimates means the ability to attempt forecasting when things will suck, which may not sound like much, but knowing ahead of time can be cathartic.
I suggest you follow the Scrum Framework. Create a Scrum Environment with an enterprise product. Have product Teams working on the features for their own individual products, which is a part of the combined enterprise product. If you have the resources have a production/issues support and infrastructure Scrum Team. If the issues are coming your way too quickly, have the infrastructure Team try following Kanban or Scrumban.
The Scrum Framework in itself will solve most of your problems if adopted properly.

Assessment of a project manager's volume of work - what is a good methodology? [closed]

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Currently, my company utilizes agile as its development principal. I was approached by my boss to determine some methodology for determining the amount of work a project manger does on a given project in flight. To be honest, I can't really think of anything fool proof.
I guess the best question is how do we assess how busy, on a day to day basis, a project manager is?
Remember that ANY metrics you can come up with is most likely going to be gamed.
[ Do I get a badge for on-topic link to Joel On Software? :) ]
Having said that, you can try a union of the following approaches:
Developer feedback!!! (e.g. a good PM's feedback would be "I had problems X, Y and Z and he made them disappear"). Not so good for measuring how "busy" a PM is but really good for measuring how effective he/she is.
Volume and rated clarity of project plans (easily gamed)
Rate of change of project plans (easily gamed)
Amount of meetings/meeting time (easily gamed)
Success rates of projects (on timeliness vs. % of features delivered vs. customer satisfaction). Not easily gamed but devil's own work to normalize this across projects.
Timesheets will measure the amount of work in one sense (you can see how their day breaks down and so on) but not I think in the sense you want.
Ultimately I don't believe there is a useful metric for Project Managers in this sense, but I don't think that's an issue.
I think ultimately you should measure project success rather than "busy-ness". After all, why do you care how busy the PM is if they deliver successful projects?
One PM may spend half a day putting together a risk log and mitigation plan which contains 20 risks, another may spend 2 days putting together one which only has 5 risks but none of those numbers are any more useful as a metric than lines of code. The key thing is not how long you spent doing it, how many risks you identified, how big your mitigation plans are, but whether you actually managed risk on the project successfully.
You're better off looking at what a Project Manager is meant to do, which is to deliver projects on-time, to budget and to customer satisfaction (which I'd use as the ultimate measure of quality rather than defects).
After all, do you measure how "busy" the CEO is? Or is he just judged on the profit the company makes?
To do this:
Time - The only way it can really be gamed is by massively padding estimates and plans and this can be minimised by reviewing the plans and estimates and having all relevant parties agree them (developers, PM, client). The other side of this is that the PM must agree to the plan rather than have the implementation date foisted on him or her. You might want to measure this on either the overall implementation or each milestone.
Budget - Measurable but gameble. For most development projects the key thing her is honest timesheets from the developers and the best way to ensure this is to make it so the PM is the PM but not their line manager. That way the developers have someone to fight their corner (a technical director for instance) if they're being pressured to fill in timesheets to keep the budget down. Again the PM should agree the budget, it's not reasonable to expect him to deliver on something he's told you is unreasonable.
Customer satisfaction - Hard to measure so I'd suggest that you keep it simple and go with a straight forward post project review with the account manager and marks out of 10 for communication, delivery and whatever else is important. It is subjective but ultimately so is customer satisfaction.
But a lot of it depends on the company culture. For some organisations the key thing will be billable hours, others developer satisfaction will be part of the mix.
I am trying to understand WHY you have been asked to estimate the amount of work that a project manager does on a project.
At best it is just a request for a rule of thumb, otherwise it indicates that your boss just don't know the first thing about running a project. Even when projects looks very similar there will always be something unique about a project:
The team is not identical (teaching
the new guy the ropes takes time)
The spec might vary just a tiny bit
(and that tiny bit might double the
Even the season might influence the
and so on and so forth
Each and every condition on the project might change the workload of the project manager, so it will always be a subjective assessment.
I would suggest you use the same Burn Down and Level of Effort that you use for the developers. A PM's task in an Agile environment is a bit different (and from shop to shop it's different), but the PM should be able to provide a list of tasks, etc. I'm thinking positive and seeing it as your bosses approach to determining how much availability the PM has.
Most project managers equate responsibility with status, so a project manager who has spare capacity is quite likely to volunteer to take on a new responsibility, because it's in his/her own best interest. In all but the most functional organizations it's often better to be visibly overloaded, for that heroic look.
It's more likely to be in the organization's best interest to slightly under load its project managers, so that there is some spare capacity available should something start to go wrong. A project manager might well choose to apply his/her spare capacity in some constructive way in any case. Excessive politicking or other unconstructive activity is a good indicator of someone who could be more constructively deployed. Even on agile projects, workload tends to be uneven across a project cycle - e.g. delivery is often a management-intensive activity - somebody who is continuously heavily loaded probably has too much to do, and may be ignoring or hiding a serious problem.
If the next level of management conducts regular project reviews, pays attention to how many problems are being escalated, whether the project reports correlate with the news from the grapevine, and does some basic estimation on workload projections for each project manager, then the organization should be able to run a reasonably efficient system.
Managers tend to be political and psychological animals. Any methodology that doesn't take that into account is ignoring reality, so a good methodology for this problem is likely to be based more on observed behaviors than on hard numbers.
Excuse me if I am being to purist, but the tag and the question calls for Agile. What would be a project manager in Agile? You might either be trying to asses the work being done by a product owner or a scrum master?
In any case, both roles perform several tasks that are hard to measure, so probably your boss is looking at the wrong picture.
For instance, a scrum master is "The person responsible for supporting the development team, clearing organizational roadblocks, and keeping the agile process consistent". Basically is a coach and a facilitator. Blocking disruptive requests or distractions created by higher levels of management by negotiation or persuasion to follow scrum practices is one of the skills commonly used by scrum masters. Several of these soft skills are hard to measure as "work" since they do not involve working on a computer or producing a report.
I think a the metric that your boss would benefit most from is more related on how effective the team is and how a scrum master is described to facilitate the work of his team-mates. DVK then has a very valid point, the metrics you create can be "gamed", so it is best to trust that your managers are busy if your projects are progressing and your teams are happy and work as a team.

Giving estimates for large scale projects in an Agile Environment [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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My firm just got its first large-scale development project inquiry and I would like to use an Agile process. The client has a vision for the application but openly admits to having very few requirements and recognizes that we will have to charge by the hour. Because of this, I've all but sold him on an Agile approach.
The problem is that he wants a figure to budget around. I've read a number of articles that pretty much advocate against giving up an estimate because the client will budget for that number and even as requirements change, the number in their head and in the books doesn't.
I've read there are a number of ways to factor in pricing in the contract, but almost all of them (save one) incorporate an up-front number. This just seems to violate the entire set of principles of Agile development.
So my question is, if you're an Agile shop, how do you manage to circumvent this Catch-22 of Agile development?
Here's the fundamental question.
When will the client think they're done?
If they think they'll be done by June, then you put an Agile team in place. That's 4-6 people for 6 months. That's the budget. Essentially, you do the multiplication for them. team * rate * 6 months.
If they think they'll be mostly done by June, but there will be more work after that, then you're possibly looking at 9 months of work. Again, you're just doing a multiply that they could do for themselves. team * rate * 9 months.
If they think that you'll be their development team for the foreseeable future, give them a price that will get the project through to the end of the year. team * rate * 12 months.
Since each release is an opportunity to reprioritize, you should be pricing each release as as separate piece of work based on the things you will get done in that release. Since it's their priority scheme, they control what you build, they control the budget, phase by phase.
Often your client really wants to know how much a particular feature set will cost. Instead of ask that, they ask about overall budget (which is silly). Spend a lot of time on the first release showing what they get and how much that first release will cost.
Eventually, they'll see the fundamental truth.
They're buying the features from most important to least important. If they prioritize correctly, they can stop spending money at any time and have something useful.
Done is a relative term. Some projects are "done" because there's no more money. Others are done because there's no more time. Rarely (at least in software development) is a project ever done because we ran out of things to do.
For this situation, we've provided an estimate for the first chunk of work, and then let the client purchase more sprints as required to complete the work to the desired level.
As you get more of the system developed, and incorporate feedback from the client into the sprint deliverables, you will both get a better feeling for the amount of work involved, and hence the costs involved.
Edit: Cool. Way excellent! From the fact that you've sold them on an Agile approach, BTW good one!, chances are you will be able to seel them on approaching it from an agile point of view in terms of features to be implemented. Maybe have a listen to this "Intro to Scrum" podcast. You might be able to sell them on the fact that they probably won't need to have all the bells and whistles that they think tha they need right now.
Look, there's a core fact here. You will be asked to estimate cost, contract for a particular delivery date, and commit to a full set of delivered features.
You can't do all three.
Not "you shouldn't" or "it would be wise not to"; you (for all practical purposes) can't. By which I mean that the probability of successfully doing all three is extremely small.
The best answer is to commit to a cost and schedule, and to an iterative process with quick iterations and regular feedback, and then write the agreement so that what is done unde the fixed cost and schedule is what will be delivered. That is, you keep delivering new features (and modifications) until the time and money runs out.
The truth is, even if you do sign up to all three, the best you'll ever be able to do is two out of three anyway. Might as well be open about it.
Here's how a crusty old government contractor I know recently put it: "As the prostitutes say, first you gotta get them upstairs."
That doesn't answer your question, but it's worth remembering. If they won't come upstairs without number up front (and they won't), you have to give them a number.
Anybody sponsoring a software project needs to have an idea of what kind of return they're going to get on their investment, so that they can evaluate whether or not the investment is worth making. A project may be worth doing if it costs $1m and takes 12 months. It may not be worth doing if it costs $2m and takes 24 months.
The real question is: can you do this project within a time frame and budget that makes it possible for the client to realize an appropriate return on their investment? If your answer to that question is anything but "yes," then they shouldn't hire you to do the project. Otherwise, they're just spending money and rolling the dice.
If your current answer to that question is "we don't know yet," then they shouldn't hire you to do the project. But that doesn't mean that they shouldn't hire you to find out whether or not the project is worth doing. A good consulting-firm buzzword for this is "preliminary scoping exercise."
Agile development is about managing a curve in three dimensions: money spent, calendar time, and feature set. It's a given that if the budget and schedule are fixed, the feature set must be variable. You can't know what the final feature set will be, given those constraints. But you can know if a feature set that you'll be able to produce within those constraints falls inside a range that your client will find acceptable.
You can know this, and you can find it out. Finding that out is something that your firm can do and your client can't. It's a service that you can provide to them and that they should pay you for. Avoid the temptation to do this for free and call it a cost of sales. Project scoping is every bit as much a part of professional services as software development. You're not doing this to close a sale; you're doing this to help your client make a business decision that they don't yet have enough information to make.
But first you gotta get them to come upstairs.
These answers are really great. I don't have a lot of experience to share, but I thought of an analogy:
Last year my wife and I remodeled our kitchen. The contractor proposed billing on time & materials instead of giving an estimate, because we didn't know what we'd discover with respect to plumbing, subfloor damage, and so on. We agreed, because I'm working from home and I was available continuously to answer questions. The contractor and I had a good rapport so when something came up, he felt free to knock on my office door and we'd discuss it. Decisions got made quickly and the work was done the way I wanted it. That seems similar to the Agile priority on frequent customer review.
By contrast, my wife's cousin is also remodeling his house. He's an ER doctor and he is not available on site during the remodel. So he described being regularly surprised by the contractors making major decisions without consulting him ("What? I didn't want that picture window blocked off! Tear out the wall and reframe the window the way it was!"). This is of course painfully expensive and blows the schedule out of the water. Definitely not Agile.
So one way to convince a client that a time & materials mode will work may be to assure them you'll make frequent progress reports to get their feedback. I believe this is already a core recommendation of most Agile methodologies. To begin, of course this requires the customer give their trust to the consultant.
As a separate resource, I searched and found a book on this subject: "Agile Estimating and Planning" by Mike Cohn. Read the praise quotes on that page, from an impressive set of Agile experts.
First of all, I want to say I think it's great you've sold him an on agile approach and per hour pricing. That's very hard to do.
Regarding your dilemma, I think you should present him with a rough pricing estimate and the features / scope it includes. During the development process, if you see something important coming up that will change the scope / cost, you say to the client "stop - this is great, but understand that it changes the original scope we discussed."
At this point the client has the privilege of agreeing, being aware that he will pay more than he originally thought, or halting the new development for now. Many agile projects are built in many mini-stages - for which you can give pretty accurate estimate of price / time. Before any new mini-stage commence, it's important that you and the client see eye to eye on what is up next and how much time / cost will be spent on it.
As always there's quality, functionality and time (=resources) which are your main parameters. We're not messing with quality any more, so there's only features and resources left. Fairly often you can get away with convincing that a certain amount of resources will at minimum reach a certain feature set. So as long as you can find an amount of resources that delivers a plausible feature set I believe this is enough for quite a few customers. The upside is that they can control progress while on the move, and there's always the option of backing out.
The way that I have done this is to use my current velocity and estimate a range based on rough estimates of complexity (number of stories). You would update this as you begin planning the application so that the range estimate gradually becomes better and better.
For example, give an estimate from 6mos to 2 years (if you're sure that it will take less time than 2 years. As you break it down into features, then plan for those features, you come up with better and better estimates so that after 6mos you can reliably say (absent any other changes), we'll be done in another 2-3 months (total of 8-9 months). Eventually, you get to the point where you can say, we'll be done after the next iteration (2weeks to 1month).
You need to pair this with letting the customer know that adding features will increase the time to completion, then let them decide how to proceed -- either drop the feature or increase the time. For any given project, scope and time are really the only variables that you can effectively change. Quality and resources are pretty much fixed. Actually, you can add resources, but generally you see an increase in time and decrease in quality initially so this only works if your time horizon is long.
One approach you could take is to give the client a general estimate that you believe is relatively close. Also give a percentage. The percentage will be an increase or decrease allotment in the budget due to changing requirements.
Example: General estimate of $10,000 but since the requirements are vague and the project could change course easily there is a +/- 30% price adjustment option.
This way the client can have a general idea of what to budget and you have some flexibility in charging to the project.
This is a really tough issue. See what Robert Glass has to say on the subject in his book "Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering". (Note that Amazon has books available new for less than they're available second-hand! [as of 2009-01-05 12:20 -08:00]; also at Google books.)
If you have successfully sold the customer an on Agile approach, and billing by the hour, do not give them an estimate for how much it will cost to complete the project!. Even if they say they want it only for budgeting purposes, do not do it!.
The reason is that any estimate of cost will come to be treated as a definite commitment; no matter how many times you say it isn't, and how many times the customer says they understand that, it will be treated as a commitment. Even if the customer understands, their boss won't, and although they won't be able to legally force you to deliver for the price you said, you will come to known as a company that doesn't deliver what it promised. Providing an estimate throws away all the advantage of being agile in the first place.
What I suggest is telling them that you will spend no more than such-and-such an amount before the end of the financial year (or whatever other billing period your customer is interested in). That should be enough for them to plan financially without in any way saying that the project will be finished by then.
This was my answer to a closed question related to story points. I use this all the time for macro estimation.
When I switched to points, I decided to it only if I could meet the two following points; 1) find and argument that justify the switch and that will convince the team 2) Find an easy method to use it.
It took me a lot of reading on the subject but a finally found the argument that convinced me and my team: It’s nearly impossible to find two programmers that will agree on the time a task will take but the same two programmers will almost always agree on which task is the biggest when shown two different tasks.
This is the only skill you need to ‘estimate’ your backlog. Here I use the word ‘estimate’ but at this early stage it’s more like ordering the backlog from tough to easy.
Putting Points in the Backlog
This step is done with the participation of the entire scrum team.
Start dropping the stories one by one in a new spreadsheet while keeping the following order: the biggest story at the top and the smallest at the bottom. Do that until all the stories are in the list.
Now it’s time to put points on those stories. Personally I use the Poker Planning Scale (1/2,1,2,3,5,8,13,20,40,100) so this is what I will use for this example. At the bottom of that list you’ll probably have micro tasks (things that takes 4 hours or less to do). Give to every micro tasks the value of 1/2. Then continue up the list by giving the value 1 (next in the scale) to the stories until it is clear that a story is much bigger (2 instead of 1, so twice bigger). Now using the value '2', continue up the list until you find a story that should clearly have a 3 instead of a 2. Continue this process all the way to the top of the list.
NOTE: Try to keep the vast majority of the points between 1 and 13. The first time you might have a bunch of big stories (20, 40 and 100) and you’ll have to brake them down into chunks smaller or equal to 13.
That is it for the points and the original backlog. If you ever have a new story, compare it to that list to see where it fits (bigger/smaller process) and give it the value of its neighbors.
Velocity & Estimation (macro planning)
To estimate how long it will take you to go through that backlog, do the first sprint planning. Make the total of the points attached to the stories the teams picked and VOILA!, that’s your first velocity measure. You can then divide the total of points in the backlog by that velocity, to know how many sprints will be needed.
That velocity will change and settle in the first 2-3 sprints so it's always good to keep an eye on that value

How do you apply Scrum to maintenance and legacy code improvements? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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As the title suggest...
How can I apply a scrum process to anything that doesn't work on new code and can be estimated to some degree?
How can I apply a scrum process to maintenance and emergency fixes (which can take from 5 minutes to 2 weeks to fix) type of environment when I still would like to plan to do things?
Basically, how do I overcome unplanned tasks and tasks that are very difficult to estimate with the scrum process? or am I simply applying the wrong process for this enviroment?
Basically, how do I overcome unplanned tasks and tasks that are very difficult to estimate with the scrum process? or am I simply applying the wrong process for this enviroment?
You're using the wrong process for this environment. What you need is a stack/queue management process which is separate to your planned/estimated SCRUM development process.
The reason for this is simple and twofold:
As you mention in your post, it is
often very difficult to estimate
maintenance tasks, especially where
legacy systems are involved.
Maintenance tasks in general and
legacy systems specifically have a
tendency to involve 'curly'
problems, or have a long 'tail',
where one seemingly simple fix
requires a slightly more difficult
change to another component, which in
turn requires an overhaul of the
operation of some subsystem, which in
turn... you get the point.
Quite often when dealing with
maintenance tasks, by the time you
have finished estimating, you have
also finished solving the problem.
This makes the process of estimation
redundant as a planning tool. Those who insist on dividing estimation from solving the problem
for maintenance tasks are
simply adding unnecessary overhead.
Put simply, you need a queueing system. It will have these components:
A 'pool' of tasks which have been
identified as requiring attention.
Newly raised items should always go
into the pool, never the queue.
A process of moving these tasks out of
the pool and onto the queue. Usually a combination of business/technical knowledge is required.
A queue of tasks which are clearly ordered
such that developers responsible for
servicing the queue can simply pick
from the front of it.
A method for moving items around in the queue
(re-prioritising). To allow 'jumping the queue' for critical/emergency items.
A method for delivering the completed items which does not interrupt servicing the queue. This is important because the overhead of delivering maintenance items is usually significantly lower than development work. You don't want your maintenance team sitting around for a day waiting for the build and test teams to give them the ok each time they deliver a bugfix.
There are other nuances to queue management, but getting these in place should set you on the right path.
If you have that much churn in your environment, then your key is going to be shorter iterations. I've heard of teams doing daily iterations. You can also move towards a Kanban type style where you have a queue which has a fixed limit (usually very low, like 2 or 3 items) and no more items can be added until those are done.
What I'd do is try out one week iterations with the daily stand-ups, backlog prioritization, and "done, done". Then reevaluate after 5 or 6 weeks to see what could be improved. Don't be afraid to try the process as is - and don't be afraid to tweak it to your environment once you've tried it.
There was also a PDF called Agile for Support and Operations in 5 minutes that was recently posted to the Scrum Development list on Yahoo!
No one said that backlog items have to be new code. Maintenance work, whether bug fixes, enhancements or data fixes can be put into the Product Backlog, estimated and prioritized. This is actually one of the biggest benefits of using Scrum - no more arguments with users about whether something is a bug fix or an enhancement.
With Waterfall, there's a tacit understanding that bugs are the responsibility of the developers. Somehow, they are on the hook to fix them without impacting the development of new code and features. So they are "free" to the users, but a massive inconvenience to the developers.
In Scrum, you recognize that all work takes time. There is no "free". So the developers freely accept that something is a bug but it still goes into the Product Backlog. Then it's up to the Customer to decide if fixing the bug is more important than adding new features. There are some bugs that you can live with.
As the title suggest... How can I
apply a scrum process to anything that
doesn't work on new code and can be
estimated to some degree?
On the contrary, I've heard teams find adopting Scrum easier in the maintenance phase.. because the changes are smaller (no grand design changes) and hence easier to estimate. Any new change request is added to the product backlog, estimated by devs and then prioritized by the product owner.
How can I apply a scrum process to
maintenance and emergency fixes (which
can take from 5 minutes to 2 weeks to
fix) type of environment when I still
would like to plan to do things?
If you're hinting at fire-fighting type of activity, keep a portion of the iteration work quota for such activities.. Based on historical trends/activity, you should be able to say e.g. we have a velocity of 10 story points per iteration (4 person-team 5day-iteration). Each of us spend about a day a week responding to emergencies. So we should only pick 8 points worth of backlog items for the next iteration to be realistic. If we don't have emergency issues, we'll pick up the next top item from the prioritized backlog.
CoryFoy mentions a more dynamic/real-time approach with kanban post-its in his response.
Basically, how do I overcome unplanned
tasks and tasks that are very
difficult to estimate with the scrum
process? or am I simply applying the
wrong process for this enviroment?
AFAIR Scrum doesn't mandate an estimation technique.. Use one that the team is most comfortable with.. man days / story points / etc. The only way to get better at estimation is practice and experience I believe. The more the same set of people sit together to estimate new tasks, the better their estimates get. In a maintenance kind of environment, I would assume that it's easier to estimate because the system is more or less well known to the group. If not, schedule/use spikes to get more clarity.
I sense that you're attempting to eat an elephant here.. I'd suggest the following bites
Working Effectively with Legacy code
Agile Estimating and Planning
Agile Project Development with Scrum
Treat all fixes and improvements as individual stories and estimate accordingly. My personal view is that things that take less then 10-15 minutes to fix should just be done straight away. For those that take longer, they become part of the current 'fix & improvement' iteration cycle. As with estimating regular requirements, you take a best guess as a team. As more information comes to light, and the estimates are off adjust the iteration and upcoming sprints.
It's hard to apply a iteration cycle to fixes and improvements as more often then not, they prevent the system from working as they should and the 'business' puts pressure for them to go live asap. At this point it may work out better moving to a really short iteration cycle, like one or two weeks.
You ask about how to use a process for emergencies. Try to reserve the word "emergency" for things that require hacking the code in the production environment with the users connected at the same time. Otherwise, stakeholders are likely to abuse the word and call an emergency on anything they would like to have really fast. Lack of process does not mean out of control: somebody must be accountable for declaring the emergency, and somebody (best practice is somebody else) must authorize the changes outside the normal process and then take responsibility for it.
Other than that, the suggestion of using each iteration to complete a number of fixes and improvements is probably the best way to go.
This depends a lot on the application life cycle. If this is a 'Sunset' application to be retried soon, of course, the focus would only be on fixing the top priority bugs.
If the product is 'Mature' and has a roadmap and is continuing to evolve you would have fixes and enhancements to take care of. There's a lot of impetus to keep the design clean and evolve by refactoring. This may mean periodic minor and major releases [except for eFixes - emergency fixes/hotfixes]. You can pratice agile to your hearts delight as enhancement and fixes could be story boarded and made part of your Sprint backlog. The entire list would make your Product Backlog.
Bottom line: If you want to refactor and keep your application design clean [programmers tend to take shortcut if the focus is exclusively bug fixing], it could only happen with a 'living' application. One that is evolved and updated. And agile is natural fit.
Even if you have only fixes (that it's a Turing Complete ;) or Sunset application), it helps if they can all be rolled into a sprint and rolled into production end of each sprint. If the fixes need be rolled into production as and when they're fixed, it's much more difficult to apply Scrum.
We have applied scrum in this context.
Some of the keys of success.
1. Everyone in the enterprise buy the scrum idea ( this is crucial for success )
2. Sprint of about 2 weeks (our 2-3 firsts sprint where of 1 week to understand the process)
3. Under no circumstance a point could be added to the current sprint
4. If a real emergency arise stop the sprint, do a retrospective and start a new sprint.
5. Take time for retrospection (time to share though about the last sprint and to analyze it)
6. In a sprint insert at least one task to improve the process (often added to the backlog in the retrospective); it's good for the troop morale and in the end of the day you will be in your way to have less emergency.
7. TIME BOXED daily stand up meeting
For the estimation, usually the more you estimate the more precise you become. What is good with Scrum is that each programmer pick his task and can set a new estimate if he think it's not realist. And if you still have some issue with estimation, let your team find a solution... you can be surprise with what they come with.
For the 2 weeks fix. If it's the original estimation, cut it in smaller pieces. If you did an more optimistic estimation (let say 2-3 days), the issue should rise as a blocker in the stand up meeting. Maybe somebody else have ideas about how to fix it. You can decide to do some pair programming to find a solution. Sometime, just to describe the bug to another programmer help a lot to debug. You can also delay it after other task in the sprint. The idea is to deliver fully functional tasks. If you don't have time to fix it in full and to demonstrate it, even if your at 90% done (yeah! we know what it means), you consider it not done in the sprint. In the next sprint you will be able to address it with the correct time estimation.
Finally, from what I understood, Scrum is more about having "tools" to improve your process. You start with something simple. You do small iteration. In each iteration you have a FIX TARGET to complete instead of an infinite bug list. Because you pick your tasks from the list in the planning (oppose to being assign them), you become more engage to deliver it. With the stand up meeting, you meet your pair every day with your TODO list... you want to respect your engagement you did the day before. With the iteration, you take the time to talk to each other and to identified what's going good and what's should be improve. You also take action to improve it and to continue doing what's working. Don't be afraid to change anything, even what I said ;) / even any basic of the Scrum itself... The real key is to adapt Scrum to what your team need to be happy and productive. You will not see it after one iteration, but many of them....
I'd highly recommend looking at what value sprints/iterations would give you. It makes sense to apply them when there are enough tasks to do that they need to be prioritized and when your stakeholders need to know roughly when something will be done.
In this case I'd highly recommend to combine three approaches:
schedule as many incoming tasks as possible for the next iteration earliest
use Yesterday's Weather to plan for how much buffer you need to plan for to deal with tasks that have to be dealt with immediately
use very short sprints, so as to maximize the number of tasks that can wait until at least the start of the next iteration
In fact that is true vor every Agile/Scrum project, as they are in maintenance mode - adding to an existing, working system - from iteration 2.
In case that iterations don't provide enough value, you might want to take a look at a kanban/queuing system instead. Basically, when you are finished with a task, just pull the next task from a prioritized task queue.
In my opinion it depends on how often you have a 'real' release. In our specific case we have one major release each year and some minor releases during the year.
This means that when a sprint is done, it's not immediately deployed on our production server. Most of the times a few sprints will take place before we have our complete 'project' finished. Of course we demo our sprints and we deploy our sprints on our testing-server. The 'project' in his totality will undergo some end-to-end testing and will finally be deployed to our production servers -> this is a minor release. We may decide that we will not deploy it immediately to our production server, when it's for instance dependant on other products/projects that need to be upgraden first. We then deploy this in our major release.
But when issues arrise on our production server, immediate action may be required. So, no time to ask a product owner for the goal or importance (if we even have one for sunc an issues) because it blocks our clients from working with our application. In such an urgent cases, these kind of issues will not be put into a Product Backlog or sprint but are pure maintenance tasks to be solved, tested and deployed as soon as possible and as an individual item.
How do we combine this with our Sprint? In order to keep our Team members focused on the sprint, we decide to 'opt in - opt out' our people into the Team. This means that one or more people will not be part of a Team for a certain Sprint and can focus on other jobs like these urgent fixes. The next Sprint this person will again be part of the Team and someone else will be responsable for emergency calls.
Another option could be that we foresee like 20% of the time in a Sprint for 'unplanned tasks' but this will give wrong indication about the amout of work we can do in a Sprint (we will not have the same amount of urgent fixes during each sprint). We also want our Team members to be focused on the Sprint and doing these urgent fixes in a Sprint will distract our team members. 'context-switching' will also mean time-loss and we try to avoid that.
It all depends on your 'environment' and on how fast urgent issues should be fixed.
Treat all "bug fixes" that don't have a story as new code. Estimate them, and work them as normal. By treating them as new stories you will build up a library of stories and tests. Only then can you begin to pin the behavior of the application.
Take a look at Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers. Here is a link to an excerpt.
I have had some success by recognizing that some percentage of a Sprint consists of those unplanned "fires" that need to be addressed. Even in a short sprint, these can happen. If the development team has these responsibilities, then during sprint planning, only stories are committed to the sprint that allow enough headroom for these other unplanned activities to occur and be handled as needed. If during the sprint, no "fires" ignite, then the tam can pull in stories from the top of the backlog. In many ways, it becomes a queue.
The advantage is that there is commitment to the backlog. The disadvantage is that there is this hole in capacity that can be communicated as an opportunity to drag the team into non-critical tasks. Velocity can also vary widely if that gap in capacity is filled with unplanned work that is not also tracked.
One way I have gotten around part of this is to create a "support" story that fills out the rest of that capacity with a task that represents the available hours the team can allocate to support activities. As support situations enter the sprint that cannot be deferred to the backlog, then a new story is created with tasks, and the placeholder support story and tasks are re-estimated to account for the new injection. If support incidents do not enter the sprint, then this support story is reduced as backlog items come in to fill the unused capacity.
The result is that sprints retain some of the desired flow and people feel like they aren't going to get burned when they need to take on supporting work. Velocities are more consistent, burndowns track normally, but there is also a record of the support injections that happen each sprint. Then during the sprint retrospective we can evaluate the planned and unplanned work and if action needs to be taken differently next sprint, we can do so. If that means a new sprint duration, or a pointed conversation with someone in the organization, then we have data to back up the new decisions.

What are the major benefits of scrum as a methodology? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I work in the technical department of a design agency. We use XP to manage our department's software development. I have been asked to give a short presentation describing Scrum and whether it would be suitable, in a broader context, for managing client project work.
Scrum would be applied to cross functional teams containing graphic designers, information architects, content editors, user experience engineers, web designers and software developers.
What benefits could scrum bring to this sort of team?
Based on my experience, I would say the key features of Scrum are:
High visibility of progress.
Regular feedback from customer.
Predictable rhythm.
Measurable productivity (via burndown, velocity, etc.).
Cross-functional, self-organising teams.
Inspect and adapt.
Low bureaucratic overhead (meetings, documentation, etc.).
Emphasis on face-to-face communication.
And these features lead to the following benefits:
Project can respond easily to change.
Problems are identified early.
Customer gets most beneficial work first.
Work done will better meet the customers needs.
Improved productivity.
Ability to maintain a predictable schedule for delivery.
If we're talking about the benefits only they are pretty much obvious.
Using a proper methodology you work better, i.e. you have higher rate of successful projects. If your projects are already 100% successful you probably do not need to change anything.
For us using Agile helps to:
Increase the quality of the deliverables (because of the strict iteration rules, when you expect everything to be working by the end of the iteration instead of 'coding being complete' it works wonders)
Cope better with the changes (and expect the changes. It's mostly psychological issue but it really helps when your developers expect that a requirement will change at some point)
Provide better estimates and spend less time doing them
Be more in control of the project schedule and state (short iterations, clear, unambiguous ways of calculating the velocity etc.)
As a result we achieve higher customers satisfaction rate in general
In my experience, the main benefit is that your manager gets to say you are doing Scrum, and you get to waste more time going to daily meetings instead of getting work done.
... it's possible they weren't doing it right ;-).
For the team you describe I see these main benefits:
Visibility into what's happening and accountability. During the SHORT daily meeting you get a better idea of what's happening, what was finished and what was not. After some time you start to see trends: who's good estimating, who is not, who is telling you they are working when they really are not. You have a better picture of when you are going to be done.
Self organization. The team members are the ones that pick what to do and when for the given iteration. This takes time when people are not used to it, but ends up making team members happier because nobody is dictating who gets to do what. They decide.
Improved ability to rapidly react to requirements changes. The concepts of time boxing , daily status checks and user involvement will make it easier to both capture feedback and change your priorities.
I don't see much differences between XP and Scrum. If you already have XP, you likely don't need to switch. Maybe adopt some Scrum specific practices for better scalability like Scrum-of-Scrums. Almost all the other practices exist in XP like daily meetings, iterations, roles separation, retrospectives, etc.
In fact I am not sure that such separation have benefits. It is bette to decide what you are doing bad during retrospective meetings and apply practices from any process (or create own solutions) to your specific problems. XP and Scrum give you a framework that will help to be adaptive and creative. While traditional processes gives you a set of rules that impedance any creative behavior.
Your team and your project IS special. Think and communicate to sharpen your development process.
First of all Scrum is a methodology for project management not for can be combined with XP or RUP...
Scrum is good for you if you have a project that changes...when your requierements changes you need to keep up with these changes... Scrum has short iterations (2-4 weeks) and this provides more response to the changes... and the client can have a early release of his product and you can have all that feedback you need... maybe this is the first benefit...
Another benefit: your team will be always working syncronized specially when they depend on each other...
As I understand it, daily Scrum meetings are for the team to discuss progress and blocking issues. The Scrum master facilitates. The product owner can be invited if the team decides to do so, but the meeting is not intended to provide any progress status to a boss or a manager.
I hope I am correct.
When you say "Scrum" I don't know if you mean agile, or just the daily meeting. Assuming you just mean what is the advantage of the daily meeting I see 3
1 - You have an opportunity to expose any issues you are having to the entire team and can get help an advice from people you might not have thought to ask. It's more efficient that having to interrupt coworkers throughout the day to try to get help for some problems you're having.
2 - Group teams get a better picture of what the entire group is doing and you have an opportunity to influence development you're not immediately involved in.
3 - You generally get to spend less time writing progress reports because everyone, including your boss, hears everyday what you're working on and what progress you've made.
That's my experience with scrum
I've been "Scruming" for two years and my experience tells me that it's much easier to know "where we are" at any point because the development process is in fixed length periods (Sprints) that allows to evaluate what's been done. And in the middle of those periods having the Daily Scrum (those meetings Dmitriy was talking about) and the Burndown Chart (the graphic of the remaining work) allows the team and the manager to always know what's already done and what's the team is working on.
In your case you'll probably need to have several smaller Scrums, instead of a large one, because Scrum works best with smaller teams. This book has some insights about that:
You won't get deadlines getting late :)
I think scrum is more of a habit than a method or practice. There are lot of teams operating in scrum without knowing that they are doing agile and there could be lot of teams claiming that they are agile and not following the basic principles of scrum.
I have worked with kanban, waterfall, agile scrum and others while development software products and with my experience, I am more comfortable with scrum. It gives you sense of achievement and keep you awake in the light of what needs to be achieved further and how to do it.
Scrum product development methodology is based on incremental and iterative product development process where solutions grow due to collaboration between cross-functional and self-organizing teams. Here are the major benefits of scrum
Simplicity and transparency of processes
Adaptive planning
Quick adaptability to change
Evolutionary development and delivery model
Iterative approach
Quick learning cycles
Automated testing offers a stable platform
Rapid market release
Integrated and flexible teams which can change requirements anytime based on user feedback
I feel I have made enough justice to the answer.
Here is where you can learn more on my experience:
Team Spirit
High visibility of progress.
Frequent demonstration and early feedback from stakeholders
Problems are identified early
Quality of product and Improved productivity
Higher customer satisfaction
