Can I change the Visual Studio text editor's cursor? - visual-studio

The tiny text entry cursor in the Visual Studio 2005's editor is driving me nuts. I'd ideally like to be able to highlight (say in yellow) the entire line that I'm currently on, but I'll settle for just making the cursor bigger and/or a different colour. Any help gratefully received!

CodeKana allows you to highlight the current line among other nice features. AFAIK Visual Studio has no built-in support for highlighting or otherwise making the current line obvious.

Under Control Panel, Personalization, Choose Mouse Pointers, try different color schemes/pointers for the Text Select cursor, "Windows Inverted (system scheme)" seems to work very well for me.
I found this solution here:


Visual Studio - Background Highlighting

In notepad++ there is a function to highlight specific parts of code with a background-color. This is very usefull when the code grows up. Is there anything equal for Visual Studio (using the community-version here).
Here's the function of notepad++:
Would be seriously very handy having this kind of highlighting possible in Visual Studio. Google wasnt a help so far. I mean, instead of searching for code 10% of the time I could better invest it into coding itself.
Thanks very much!
look at Tools-> Options-> Fonts and Colors -> Select Show Setting For and change Dispay Items to Highlight current line.
take care.

Better color coding for visual studio (2013)

I'm learning both Java and C# right now. I started with Java first, back in august. The class I'm using uses BlueJ as a compiler. BlueJ has this cool color coding, where it's not just key words or such, the background changes based on what exactly you're typing in.
(Because I'm terrible at explaining things, it looks like this:
It's made it so easy on my eyes. Now that I've started coding in C#, my eyes can't seem to adjust back to not having the colors. I find myself getting lost in where an if statement begins and ends, and end up having to put ridiculous amounts of space and comments between code to help me follow it better. Does Visual studio have any options to do this, or do I just have to suck it up and learn to adjust?
The colour coding is in the Fonts and Colors options. To get there select Tools/Options. In the dialog, select Environment/Fonts and Colors. For the code, you can set the options in the text editor but you can do it for all the other windows in visual studio too.
You can download an extension. In Visual studio code, click on the button that has four squares on the right hand side of the VS code's window. Then, in the search bar, search for "Bracket Pair Colorizer 2." This extension should aid your vision when looking at code. Here's an example
picture. Also, this extension is customizable, letting you add any color you'd like to resemble different types of lines of code.
To customize your extension, under the extension name you will find a settings dial, similar in shape to the windows settings logo. Click on that, and then click on "Extension settings". From there, you have access to many useful settings.
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Visual Studio 2010 - cannot find color setting for identifier-matching

I am looking for the option to set the background/highlight color for identifier-matches on Visual Studio.
For example, if I have an identifier:
int myNumber=0
Now, I put my cursor on into the middle of myNumber. Visual Studio highlights all other occurrances of myNumber on the page.
I cannot, for the life of me, find the color settings for this highlighting. At the moment in my color scheme it looks very much like the color for selected text. So, it is confusing and affects my productivity.
If anyone can track this down, you will be my hero.
It's a few months late, but the setting you're looking for is Highlighted Reference.
Since this comes up in the first Google search result, I'll also add that you may also have to enable the option if the colour you have selected isn't working. This is located in various places:
Text Editor, [Basic, C#], Advanced, "Highlight references to symbol under cursor"
Text Editor, C++, Advanced, "Disable Reference Highlighting"

What color is that? Building a color theme for Visual Studio

When customizing my Visual Studio color scheme I am often confounded by the "Fonts and Colors" area.
Often, I want to change a specific color, say: the color used for TODO lines, but I need to read through 100s of color names just to figure out what that is. Often I am unable to figure what what color is what.
Is there any documentation out there that lists which colors are which?
Or even better, is there a plugin that allow me to highlight text in the editor and change the scheme of the selected text (figure out what color/s it is)?
I totally agree that this list is messy.
I personally find the Studio Styles page helpful to create Visual Studio color schemes.
If you click on Create a scheme and hover over the different code elements it will show you a tooltip with the naming of that item to find it in Visual Studio (like Keyword, User Types(Delegates), Brace Matching(Rectangle) etc.):
Of course you could also just build the complete theme then on their page and export it. It also provides an import functionality to change your pre-existing Visual Studio scheme directly there.
Anyhow, I would also love to have an extension to do so directly in Visual Studio ;)
Nice question.
I think the answer is no.
Point it out at the place where they monitor.

ViM-like search highlight in Visual Studio possible?

ViM has this option hlsearch where a searched string is displayed in highlight mode at all places in the file it is found. Is there a way to do the same in Visual Studio?
That is, if I search for "foobar", then all the foobar in the file are shown highlighted and this display remains until my next search. I find this very useful to see the places in a function where a certain variable is used (without having to manually search for the next appearance of that string).
I am aware of the Visual Studio Task List which can be used to look up strings like TODO. I hope the reader realizes that this is not a good fit for my problem which is more general text search and highlight.
If you like vim and are using Visual Studio you may want to check out Viemu.
The hlsearch Feature is of course included.
Example Picture:
Viemu hlsearch
With best regards.
Visual Assist X does this, along with something akin to light-symbol-mode. Among other things, of course.
Visual Studio 2010 now supports Reference Highlighting. Click on or move the cursor to any symbol such as names of variables, classes, methods, properties, etc. and it will highlight all other references in the file. It also allows you to navigate between the references using:
ctrl+shift+down arrow or ctrl+shift+up arrow
I use the RockScroll add-in. It has multiple features, one of them is that if you double click on a word it will be highlighted everywhere in the file. This is very similar to what you describe. It is free (as in beer).
If you happen to really like Vim, you might want to look into ViEmu for Visual Studio . I'm just a really happy user of it :)
