Steps to compile darwin for arm on ubuntu gcc - gcc

Has anyone got the steps to compile darwin libraries on gcc for arm on ubuntu?

There is a site that provides patches for and arm darwin kernel.
Darwin on ARM develops and provides patches for the Apple Darwin-xnu kernel sources so that it can be cross-compiled to run on an ARM processor.
This ubuntu forum entry shows how to install the arm-linux-gcc cross compiler.
Put the two together and you should get what you asked for.
step by step install it ref to


What is the better way to build arm64 binaries?

I have a number C/C++ project which must be compiled for arm64 (aarch64) Linux platform, then packet into both RPM and DEB packages, then published. Creating and publishing Linux software for arm64.
How to build aarch64 binaries using amd64 Linux host system?
I have the following linux
katya7#katya7-comp:~$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="KDE neon"
ID_LIKE="ubuntu debian"
PRETTY_NAME="KDE neon User - 5.25"
VARIANT="User Edition"
Have you tried cross compiling? There is a nice blog post on how to do cross compiling for aarch64 on a build platform with a different architecture.

Compile and run a 32bit binary on Armv8 (aarch64) running 64bit linux

I'am trying to compile and run a 32 bit binary on a Cortex-A72 Armv8 using gcc compiler but i am not able to do it. I followed this prior thread Having trouble compiling 32-bit binary on 64-bit linux armv8 machine and i am realized too that the -m32 flag is not supported on ARMv8 linux machines.
Looking at i didn’t find anything interesting.
In according to the AArch64 gcc options are:
-mbig-endian -mlittle-endian -mgeneral-regs-only -mcmodel=tiny -mcmodel=small -mcmodel=large -mstrict-align -momit-leaf-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -mtls-dialect=desc -mtls-dialect=traditional -march=name -mcpu=name -mtune=name
So my question is: is it possible to compile and run a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit linux Armv8 machine ? and is so, how ?
Thank you.
EDIT: this worked for me
You can download the AArch32 target with hard float (arm-none-linux-gnueabihf) toolchain from the Cortex-A toolchain Arm site.
The archive file name is gcc-arm-10.2-2020.11-aarch64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz, in the AArch64 Linux hosted cross compilers section.
You may need to install additional packages on your Aarch64 system - search for How to run 32-bit (armhf) binaries on 64-bit (arm64) and your Linux distribution name.

GCC cross compilation tool for fedora

I need to compile a code with gcc for ARMv7-A architecture on x86 system, how can i install tools on fedora??
gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi package is not available in fedora and sudo dnf install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi did not work.
Arm provides prebuilt GNU cross-toolchains which is available from
For A-profile cores -
For R and M profile cores -
Hope that helps.

Build gcc for running on arm

I have some issue with Linaro gcc. Durig build arm image gcc package was included. But as result gcc command work but there are no headers and no crtl1.o.
Could someone suggest me how build image with full working gcc toolchain for arm.
P.S. I don't need crossplatform compiler on linux target. It should be working gcc on arm platform (on board).

compiling valgrind using uCLibc

I am working on a project and i want to compile valgrind using uClibc.
Can anyone suggest me something about how to proceed?
I am using fedora and i386 platform. the target platform is also i386 at the moment later on would work on MIPS.
Valgrind does not support the MIPS instruction set, so unless you put some significant effort to port Valgrind on MIPS, it is not possible to use Valgrind on this architecture.
we can use toolchain provided by buildroot. Just install it and cross compile the valgind .
