What are some reasons why a sole developer should use TDD? [closed] - tdd

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I'm a contract programmer with lots of experience. I'm used to being hired by a client to go in and do a software project of one form or another on my own, usually from nothing. That means a clean slate, almost every time. I can bring in libraries I've developed to get a quick start, but they're always optional. (and depend on getting the right IP clauses in the contract) Many times I can specify or even design the hardware platform... so we're talking serious freedom here.
I can see uses for constructing automated tests for certain code: Libraries with more than trivial functionality, core functionality with a high number of references, etc. Basically, as the value of a piece of code goes up through heavy use, I can see it would be more and more valuable to automatically test that code so that I know I don't break it.
However, in my situation, I find it hard to rationalize anything more than that. I'll adopt things as they prove useful, but I'm not about to blindly follow anything.
I find many of the things I do in 'maintenance' are actually small design changes. In this case, the tests would not have saved me anything and now they'd have to change too. A highly iterative, stub-first design approach works very well for me. I can't see actually saving myself that much time with more extensive tests.
Hobby projects are even harder to justify... they're usually anything from weekenders up to a say month long. Edge-case bugs rarely matter, it's all about playing with something.
Reading questions such as this one, The most voted on response seems to say that in that poster's experience/opinion TDD actually wastes time if you've got less than 5 people (even assuming a certain level of competence/experience with TDD). However, that appears to be covering initial development time, not maintenance. It's not clear how TDD stacks up over the entire life cycle of a project.
I think TDD could be a good step in the worthwhile goal of improving the quality of the products of our industry as a whole. Idealism on it's own is no longer all that effective at motivating me, though.
I do think TDD would be a good approach in large teams, or any size team containing at least one unreliable programmer. That's not my question.
Why would a sole developer with a good track record adopt TDD?
I'd love to hear of any kind of metrics done (formally or not) on TDD... focusing on solo developers or very small teams.
Failing that, anecdotes of your personal experiences would be nice, too. :)
Please avoid stating opinion without experience to back it. Let's not make this an ideology war. Also the skip greater employment options argument. This is simply an efficiency question.

I'm not about to blindly follow anything.
That's the right attitude. I use TDD all the time, but I don't adhere to it as strictly as some.
The best argument (in my mind) in favor of TDD is that you get a set of tests you can run when you finally get to the refactoring and maintenance phases of your project. If this is your only reason for using TDD, then you can write the tests any time you want, instead of blindly following the methodology.
The other reason I use TDD is that writing tests gets me thinking about my API up front. I'm forced to think about how I'm going to use a class before I write it. Getting my head into the project at this high level works for me. There are other ways to do this, and if you've found other methods (there are plenty) to do the same thing, then I'd say keep doing what works for you.

I find it even more useful when flying solo. With nobody around to bounce ideas off of and nobody around to perform peer reviews, you will need some assurance that you're code is solid. TDD/BDD will provide that assurance for you. TDD is a bit contraversial, though. Others may completely disagree with what I'm saying.
EDIT: Might I add that if done right, you can actually generate specifications for your software at the same time you write tests. This is a great side effect of BDD. You can make yourself look like super developer if you're cranking out solid code along with specs, all on your own.

Ok my turn... I'd do TDD even on my own (for non-spike/experimental/prototype code) because
Think before you leap: forces me to think what I want to get done before i start cranking out code. What am I trying to accomplish here.. 'If I assume I already had this piece.. how would I expect it to work?' Encourages interface-in design of objects.
Easier to change: I can make modifications with confidence.. 'I didn't break anything in step1-10 when i changed step5.' Regression testing is instantaneous
Better designs emerge: I've found better designs emerging without me investing effort in a design activity. test-first + Refactoring lead to loosely coupled, minimal classes with minimal methods.. no overengineering.. no YAGNI code. The classes have better public interfaces, small methods and are more readable. This is kind of a zen thing.. you only notice you got it when you 'get it'.
The debugger is not my crutch anymore : I know what my program does.. without having to spend hours stepping thru my own code. Nowadays If I spend more than 10 mins with the debugger.. mental alarms start ringing.
Helps me go home on time I have noticed a marked decrease in the number of bugs in my code since TDD.. even if the assert is like a Console trace and not a xUnit type AT.
Productivity / Flow: it helps me to identify the next discrete baby-step that will take me towards done... keeps the snowball rolling. TDD helps me get into a rhythm (or what XPers call flow) quicker. I get a bigger chunk of quality work done per unit time than before. The red-green-refactor cycle turns into... a kind of perpetual motion machine.
I can prove that my code works at the touch of a button
Practice makes perfect I find myself learning & spotting dragons faster.. with more TDD time under my belt. Maybe dissonance.. but I feel that TDD has made me a better programmer even when I don't go test first. Spotting refactoring opportunities has become second nature...
I'll update if I think of any more.. this is what i came up with in the last 2 mins of reflection.

I'm also a contract programmer. Here are my 12 Reasons Why I Love Unit Tests.

My best experience with TDD is centered around the pyftpdlib project. Most of the development is done by the original author, and I've made a few small contributions, but it's essentially a solo project. The test suite for the project is very thorough, and tests all the major features of the FTPd library. Before checking in changes or releasing a version, all tests are checked, and when a new feature is added, the test suite is always updated as well.
As a result of this approach, this is the only project I've ever worked on that didn't have showstopper bugs appear after a new release, have changes checked in that broke a major feature, etc. The code is very solid and I've been consistently impressed with how few bug reports have been opened during the life of the project. I (and the original author) attribute much of this success to the comprehensive test suite and the ability to test every major code path at will.
From a logical perspective, any code you write has to be tested, and without TDD then you'll be testing it yourself manually. On the flip side to pyftpdlib, the worst code by number of bugs and frequency of major issues, is code that is/was solely being tested by the developers and QA trying out new features manually. Things don't get tested because of time crunch or falling through the cracks. Old code paths are forgotten and even the oldest stable features end up breaking, major releases end up with important features non-functional. etc. Manual testing is critically important for verification and some randomization of testing, but based on my experiences I'd say that it's essential to have both manual testing and a carefully constructed unit test framework. Between the two approaches the gaps in coverage are smaller, and your likelihood of problems can only be reduced.

It does not matter whether you are the sole developer or not. You have to think of it from the application point of view. All the applications needs to work properly, all the applications need to be maintained, all the applications needs to be less buggy. There are of course certain scenarios where a TDD approach might not suit you. This is when the deadline is approaching very fast and no time to perform unit testing.
Anyways, TDD does not depend on a solo or a team environment. It depends on the application as a whole.

I don't have an enormous amount of experience, but I have had the experience of seeing sharply-contrasted approaches to testing.
In one job, there was no automated testing. "Testing" consisted of poking around in the application, trying whatever popped in your head, to see if it broke. Needless to say, it was easy for flat-out-broken code to reach our production server.
In my current job, there is lots of automated testing, and a full CI-system. Now when code gets broken, it is immediately obvious. Not only that, but as I work, the tests really document what features are working in my code, and what haven't yet. It gives me great confidence to be able to add new features, knowing that if I break existing ones, it won't go unnoticed.
So, to me, it depends not so much on the size of the team, but the size of the application. Can you keep track of every part of the application? Every requirement? Every test you need to run to make sure the application is working? What does it even mean to say that the application is "working", if you don't have tests to prove it?
Just my $0.02.

Tests allow you to refactor with confidence that you are not breaking the system. Writing the tests first allows the tests to define what is working behavior for the system. Any behavior that isn't defined by the test is by definition a by-product and allowed to change when refactoring. Writing tests first also drive the design in good directions. To support testability you find that you need to decouple classes, use interfaces, and follow good pattern (Inversion of Control, for instance) to make your code easily testable. If you write tests afterwards, you can't be sure that you've covered all the behavior expected of your system in the tests. You also find that some things are hard to test because of the design -- since it was likely developed without testing in mind -- and are tempted to skimp on or omit tests.
I generally work solo and mostly do TDD -- the cases where I don't are simply where I fail to live up to my practices or haven't yet found a good way that works for me to do TDD, for example with web interfaces.

TDD is not about testing it's about writing code. As such, it provides a lot of benefits to even a single developer. For many developers it is a mindshift to write more robust code. For example, how often do you think "Now how can this code fail?" after writing code without TDD? For many developers, the answer to that question is none. For TDD practioners it shifts the mindset to to doing things like checking if objects or strings are null before doing something with them because you are writing tests to specifically do that (break the code).
Another major reason is change. Anytime you deal with a customer, they can never seem to make up their minds. The only constant is change. TDD helps as a "safety net" to find all the other areas that could break.Even on small projects this can keep you from burning up precious time in the debugger.
I could go and on, but I think saying that TDD is more about writing code than anything should be enough to justify it's use as a sole developer.

I tend to agree with the validity of your point about the overhead of TDD for 'one developer' or 'hobby' projects not justifying the expenses.
You have to consider however that most best practices are relevant and useful if they are consistently applied for a long period of time.
For example TDD is saving you testing/bugfixing time in a long run, not within 5 minutes after you've created the first unit test.
You're a contract programmer which means that you will leave your current project when it will be finished and will switch to something else, most likely in another company. Your current client will have to maintain and support your application. If you do not leave the support team a good framework to work with they will be stuck. TDD will help the project to be sustainable. It will increase the stability of the code base so other people with less experience will not be able not do too much damage trying to change it.
The same applies for the hobby projects. You may be tired of it and will want to pass it to someone. You might become commercially successful (think Craiglist) and will have 5 more people working besides you.
Investment in proper process always pays-off, even if it is just gained experience. But most of the time you will be grateful that when you started a new project you decided to do it properly
You have to consider OTHER people when doing something. You you have to think ahead, plan for growth, plan for sustainability.
If you don't want to do that - stick to the cowboy coding, it's much simpler this way.
P.S. The same thing applies to other practices:
If you don't comment your code and you have ideal memory you'll be fine but someone else reading your code will not.
If you don't document your discussions with the customer somebody else will not know anything about a crucial decision you made
etc ad infinitum

I no longer refactor anything without a reasonable set of unit tests.
I don't do full-on TDD with unit tests first and code second. I do CALTAL -- Code A LIttle, Test A Little -- development. Generally, code goes first, but not always.
When I find that I've got to refactor, I make sure I've got enough tests and then I hack away at the structure with complete confidence that I don't have to keep the entire old-architecture-becomes-new-architecture plan in my head. I just have to get the tests to pass again.
I refactor the important bits. Get the existing suite of tests to pass.
Then I realize I forgot something, and I'm back to CALTAL development on the new stuff.
Then I see things I forgot to delete -- but are they really unused everywhere? Delete 'em and see what fails in the testing.
Just yesterday -- part way through a big refactoring -- I realized that I still didn't have the exact right design. But the tests still had to pass, so I was free to refactor my refactoring before I was even done with the first refactoring. (whew!) And it all worked nicely because I had a set of tests to validate the changes against.
For flying solo TDD is my copilot.

TDD lets me more clearly define the problem in my head. That helps me focus on implementing just the functionality that is required, and nothing more. It also helps me create a better API, because I'm writing a "client" before I write the code itself. I can also refactor without having to worry about breaking anything.

I'm going to answer this question quite quickly, and hopefully you will start to see some of the reasoning, even if you still disagree. :)
If you are lucky enough to be on a long-running project, then there will be times when you want to, for example, write your data tier first, then maybe the business tier, before moving on up the stack. If your client then makes a requirement change that requires re-work on your data layer, a set of unit tests on the data layer will ensure that your methods don't fail in undesirable ways (assuming you update the tests to reflect the new requirements). However, you are likely to be calling the data layer method from the business layer as well, and possibly in several places.
Let's assume you have 3 calls to a method in the business layer, but you only modify 2. In the third method, you may still be getting data back from your data layer that appears to be valid, but may break some of the assumptions you coded months before. Unit tests at this level (and above) should have been designed to spot broken assumptions, and in failing they should highlight to you that there is a section of code that needs to be revisited.
I'm hoping that this very simplistic example will be enough to get you thinking about TDD a little more, and that it might create a spark that makes you consider using it. Of course, if you still don't see the point, and you are confident in your own abilities to keep track of many thousands of lines of code, then I have no place to tell you you should start TDD.

The point about writing the tests first is that it enforces the requirements and design decisions you are making. When I mod the code, I want to make sure those are still enforced and it is easy enough to "break" something without getting a compiler or run-time error.
I have a test-first approach because I want to have a high degree of confidence in my code. Granted, the tests need to be good tests or they don't enforce anything.
I've got some pretty large code bases that I work on and there is a lot of non-trivial stuff going on. It is easy enough to make changes that ripple and suddenly X happens when X should never happen. My tests have saved me on several occasions from making a critical (but subtle) error that might have gone unnoticed by human testers.
When the tests do fail, they are opportunities to look at them and the production code and make sure that it is correct. Sometimes the design changes and the tests will need to be modified. Sometimes I'll write something that passes 99 out of 100 tests. That 1 test that didn't pass is like a co-worker reviewing my code (in a sense) to make sure I'm still building what I'm supposed to be building.

I feel that as a solo developer on a project, especially a larger one, you tend to be spread pretty thin.
You are in the middle of a large refactoring when all of a sudden a couple of critical bugs are detected that for some reason did not show up during pre-release testing. In this case you have to drop everything and fix them and after having spent two weeks tearing your hair out you can finally get back to whatever you were doing before.
A week later one of your largest customers realizes that they absolutely must have this cool new shiny feature or otherwise they won't place the order for those 1M units they should have already ordered a month ago.
Now, three months later you don't even remember why you started refactoring in the first place let alone what the code you are refactoring was supposed to do. Thank god you did a good job writing those unit tests because at least they tell you that your refactored code is still doing what it was supposed to do.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
..story of my life for the past 6 months. :-/

Sole developer should use TDD on his project (track record does not matter), since eventually this project could be passed to some other developer. Or more developers could be brought in.
New people will have extremely have hard time working with the code without the tests. They will break things.

Does your client own the source code when you deliver the product? If you can convince them that delivering the product with unit tests adds value, then you are up-selling your services and delivering a better product. From the client's perspective, test coverage not only ensures quality, it allows future maintainers to understand the code much more readily since the tests isolate functionality from the UI.

I think TDD as a methodology is not just about "having tests when making changes", thus it does not depend on team- nor on project size. It's about noting one's expectations about what a pice of code/an application does BEFORE one starts to really think about HOW the noted behaviour is implemented. The main focus of TDD is not only having test in place for written code but writing less code because you just do what make the test green (and refactor later).
If you're like me and find it quite hard to think about what a part/the whole application does WITHOUT thinking about how to implement it, I think its fine to write your test after your code and thus letting the code "drive" the tests.
If your question isn't so much about test-first (TDD) or test-after (good coding?) I think testing should be standard practise for any developer, wether alone or in a big team, who creates code which stays in production longer than three months. In my expirience that's the time-span after which even the original author has to think hard about what these twenty lines of complex, super-optimized, but sparsely documented code really code do. If you've got tests (which cover all paths throughth the code), there less to think - and less to ERR about, even years later...

Here are a few memes and my responses:
"TDD made me think about how it would fail, which made me a better programmer"
Given enough experience, being higly concerned with failure modes should naturally become part of your process anyway.
"Applications need to work properly"
This assumes you are able to test absolutely everything. You're not going to be any better at covering all possible tests correctly than you were at writing the functional code correctly in the first place. "Applications need to work better" is a much better argument. I agree with that, but it's idealistic and not quite tangible enough to motivate as much as I wish it would. Metrics/anecdotes would be great here.
"Worked great for my <library component X>"
I said in the question I saw value in these cases, but thanks for the anecdote.
"Think of the next developer"
This is probably one of the best arguments to me. However, it is quite likely that the next developer wouldn't practice TDD either, and it would therefore be a waste or possibly even a burden in that case. Back-door evangelism is what it amounts to there. I'm quite sure a TDD developer would really appeciate it, though.
How much are you going to appreciate projects done in deprecated must-do methodologies when you inherit one? RUP, anyone? Think of what TDD means to next developer if TDD isn't as great as everyone thinks it is.
"Refactoring is a lot easier"
Refactoring is a skill like any other, and iterative development certainly requires this skill. I tend to throw away considerable amounts of code if I think the new design will save time in the long run, and it feels like there would be an awful number of tests thrown away too. Which is more efficient? I don't know.
I would probably recommend some level of TDD to anyone new... but I'm still having trouble with the benefits for anyone who's been around the block a few times already. I will probably start adding automated tests to libraries. It's possible that after doing that, I'll see more value in doing it generally.

Motivated self interest.
In my case, sole developer translates to small business owner. I've written a reasonable amount of library code to (ostensibly) make my life easier. A lot of these routines and classes aren't rocket science, so I can be pretty sure they work properly (at least in most cases) by reviewing the code, some some spot testing and debugging into the methods to make sure they behave the way I think they do. Brute force, if you will. Life is good.
Over time, this library grows and gets used in more projects for different customers. Testing gets more time consuming. Especially cases where I'm (hopefully) fixing bugs and (even more hopefully) not breaking something else. And this isn't just for bugs in my code. I have to be careful adding functionality (customers keep asking for more "stuff") or making sure code still works when moved to a new version of my compiler (Delphi!), third party code, runtime environment or operating system.
Taken to the extreme, I could spend more time reviewing old code than working on new (read: billable) projects. Think of it as the angle of repose of software (how high can you stack untested software before it falls over :).
Techniques like TDD gives me methods and classes that are more thoughtfully designed, more thoroughly tested (before the customer gets them) and need less maintenance going forward.
Ultimately, it translates to less time doing maintenance and more time to spend doing things that are more profitable, more interesting (almost anything) and more important (like family).

We are all developers with a good track record. After all, we are all reading Stackoverflow. And many of us use TDD and perhaps those people have a great track record. I get hired because people want someone who writes great test automation and can teach that to others. When working alone, I do TDD on my coding projects at home because I found that if I don’t, I spent time doing manual testing or even debugging, and who needs that. (Perhaps those people have only good track records. I don’t know.)
When it comes to being a good automobile driver, everyone believes they are a “good driver.” This is a cognitive bias all drivers have. Programmers have their own biases. The reasons developers such as the OP don’t do TDD are covered in this Agile Thoughts podcast series. The podcast archive also has content on test automation concepts such as the test pyramid, and an intro about what is TDD and why write tests first starting with episode 9 in the podcast archive.


Why do we refactor? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know the reasons that we do refactoring and justify it. I read a lot of people upset over the idea of refactoring. Refactoring was variously described as:
A result of insufficient upfront
Undisciplined hacking
A dangerous activity that needlessly risked destabilizing
working code
A waste of resources.
What are the responsible reasons that lead us to refactor our code?
I also found a similar question here how-often-should-you-refactor, it doesn't provide the reason for refactoring.
Why do we refactor?
Because there's no actual substitute for writing code. No amount of upfront planning or experience can substitute actual code writing. This is what an entire generation (called waterfall) learned the hard way.
Once you start writing the code and be in the middle of it, you reason about the way it works on a lower level you do notice things (performance, usability or correctness things) that escaped the higher design view.
Refactoring is perfecting.
Ask yourself: why do painters do multiple strokes with the brush on the same spot?
Refactoring is the way to pay the technical debt.
I'd like to briefly address three of your points.
1. "A result of insufficient up-front design"
Common sense (and several books and bloggers) tell us we should strive for the simplest, cleanest design possible to address a given problem. While it's quite possible that some code is written without sufficient work on developing an understanding of the requirements and the problem domain, it's probably more common that "poor code" wasn't "poor" when it was written; rather, it is no longer sufficient.
Requirements change, and designs have to support additional features and capabilities. It's not unreasonable to anticipate some future changes up-front, but McConnell et al. rightly caution against high-level, overly-flexible designs when there's no clear and present need for such an approach.
3. "A dangerous activity that needlessly risks destabilising working code"
Well, yes, if done improperly. Before you seek to make any significant modification to a working system, you should put in place proper measures to ensure that you're not causing any harm - a sort of "developmental Hippocratic oath", almost.
Typically, this will be done by a mixture of documentation and testing, and more often than not, the code wins out, because it's the most up-to-date description of the actual behaviour. In practical terms, this translates into having decent coverage with a unit test suite, so that if refactoring does introduce unexpected problems, these are identified and resolved.
Obviously, when you seek to refactor, you're going to break a certain number of tests, not least because you're trying to fix some broken code contracts. It is, however, perfectly possible to refactor with impunity, provided you have that mechanism in place to spot the accidental mistakes.
4. "A waste of resources"
Others have mentioned the concept of technical debt, which is, briefly, the idea that over time, the complexity of such systems builds up, and that some of that build-up has to be reduced, by refactoring and other techniques, in order to reasonably facilitate future development. In other words, sometimes you have to bite the bullet and go ahead with that change you've been putting off, because otherwise you'll be making a bad situation appallingly worse when you come to add something new in that area.
Obviously, there's a time and a place to pay off such things; you wouldn't try and repay a loan until you had the cash to do it, and you can't afford to go around refactoring willy nilly during a critical stage in development. Nevertheless, by making the decision to address some of the problems in your code base, you save future development time, and thus money, and maybe even further into the future, avoid the cost of having to abandon or completely rewrite some component that is beyond your understanding.
In order to keep a maintainable code base?
Code is more read than written, so it is necessary to have a code-base that is readable, understandable and maintainable. When you see something that is poorly written or designed, it can be refactored to improve the design of the code.
You clean your house also regularly, don't you? Although it may be considered a waste of time, it is necessary in order to keep your house clean, so that you have a nice environment to live in.
You may need to refactor if your code is
Hard to extend
Hard to maintain
It all boils down to the original code not being very good, so you improve it.
If you have reasonable unit tests it shouldn't be dangerous at all.
Because hindsight is easier than foresight.
Software is one of the most complex things created by humans, so it is not easy to consider everything beforehand. For large projects it can even be impossible for the team (at least for one consisting of humans ;) ) to consider everything before they actually start developing it.
Another reason is that software isn't constructed, it's growing. That means software can and has to adapt to ever changing requirements and environments.
As Martin Fowler says, the only thing surprising about the requirements for software changing is that anyone is surprised by it.
The requirements will change, new features will be requested. This is a good thing. Enhancement efforts succeed most of the time, and when they fail, they fail small, so there is budget to do more. Big up front design projects fail often (one statistics puts the failure rate at 66%), so avoid them. The way to avoid them is to design enough for the first version, and as enhancements are added, refactor to the point where it looks like the system intended to do that in the first place. The lifespan of a project that can do this (there are issues when you publish data formats or APIs - once you go live you can't always be pristine anymore) is indefinite.
In response to the four points, I would say that a process that shuns refactoring demands:
A static world where nothing changes
so that the upfront design can hit a
non-moving target perfectly.
result in ugly hacks to work around
design flaws that aren't being
Will lead to dangerous
code duplication as the fear of
changing existing code sets in.
waste resources over engineering the
problem and building large design
artifacts in anticipation of
requirements that never end up
getting built, causing large amounts
of code and complication to drag the
project down while not providing any
One caveat, though. If you don't have the proper support, in an automated tool for simple cases, and thorough unit tests in the more complicated cases, it will hurt, there will be new bugs introduced, and you will develop a (quite rational) fear of doing it more. Refactoring is a great tool, but it requires safety equipment.
Another scenario where you need refactoring is TDD. The textbook approach for TDD is to write only the code you need to pass the test and then refactor it to something nicer afterwards.
...because coding is like gardening. Your codebase grows and you domain changes as time passes. What was a good idea back then often looks like a poor design now and what is a good design now may well not be optimal in the future.
Code should never be considered a permanent artifact nor should it be considered too sacred to touch. Confidence should be garnered through testing and refactoring is a mechanism to facilitate change.
While a lot of other people have already said perfectly valid reasons, here's mine:
Because it's fun. It's like beating your own time in steeplechase, having the stronger bicep in armwrestling or improving your highscore in a game of your choice.
A straightforward answer is, requirements change. No matter how elegant your design is, some requirements later on will not buy it.
Poor understanding of the requirements:
If developers don't have a clear understanding of the requirements, the resulting design and code cannot satisfy the customer. Later as the requirements become more clear, refactor becomes essential.
Supporting new requirements.
If a component is old, in most of the cases it will not be able handle the radical new requirements. It then becomes essential to go for refactoring.
Lots of bugs in the existing code.
If you have spent long hours in office fixing quite a few nasty bugs in a particular component, it becomes a natural choice for refactoring at the earliest.
Upfront: Refactoring does not need to be dangerous when a) supported by tools and b) you have a testsuite that you can run after the refactoring in order to check the functioning of your software.
One of the main reasons for refactoring is that at some point you find out that code is used by more than one code path and you don't want to duplicate (copy&paste) but reuse. This is especially important in cases where you find an error in that code. If you have refactored the duplicated code into an own method, you can fix that method and be done. If you copy&paste code around, there is a high chance that you don't fix all places where this code occurs (just think of projects with several members and thousands of lines of code).
You should of course not do refactoring just because of the sake of refactoring - then it is really a waste of resources.
For whatever reason, when I create or find a function that scrolls off the screen, I know it's time to sit back and consider whether it should be refactored or not - if I'm having to scroll the whole page to take in the function as a whole, chances are it's not a shining example of readability or maintainability.
To make insane stuff sane.
I mainly refactor when the code has suffered so much under copy + paste and a lack of architectural guideance that the action of understanding the code is akin to re-organising it and removing the duplication.
It is human to err, and you're ALWAYS going to make mistakes when you develop software. Creating a good design from the beginning helps a lot, and having skilled programmers on the team is also a good thing, but they will invariably make mistakes, and there will be code that is hard to read, tightly coupled or non-functional, etc. Refactoring is a tool to mend these flaws when they've already occurred. You should never stop working on preventing these things from happening to begin with, but when they do happen, you can fix them.
Refactoring to me is like cleaning my desk; it creates a better working environment because over time it will get messy.
I refactor because, without refactoring, it becomes harder and harder to add new features to a codebase over time. If I have features A, B, and C to add, feature C will be finished sooner, with less pain and suffering on my part, if I take time to refactor after features A and B. I'm happier, my boss is happier, and our customers are happier.
I think it's worth restating, in any conversation involving refactoring, that refactoring is verifiably behavior-preserving. If at the end of your "refactoring" your program has different outputs, or if you only think, but can't prove, that it has the same outputs, then what you've done isn't refactoring. (That doesn't mean it's worthless or not worth doing -- maybe it's an improvement. But it's not refactoring and shouldn't be confused with it.)
Refactoring is a central component in any agile software development methods.
Unless you fully understand all the requirements and technical limitations of your project you can't have a complete upfront design. In this case instead of using a traditional waterfall approach you're probably better off with an agile method - agile methods focus on adapting quickly to changing realities. And how would you adapt your source code without refactoring?
I've found code design and implementation, particularly with unfamiliar and large projects to be a learning process.
The scope and requirements of a project change over time, which has consequences on the design. It may be that after spending some time implementing your product you discover that your planned design is not optimal. Perhaps new requirements were added by the client. Or perhaps you're adding additional functionality to an older product and you need to refactor the code in order to sufficiently provide this functionality.
In my experience code has been written poorly and the refactoring has become necessary to prevent the product from failing and to ensure it is maintainable/extendable.
I believe an iterative design process, with prototyping early on is a good way to minimise refactoring later on. This also allows you to experiment with differing implementations to determine which is most suitable.
Not only that, but new ideas and methods for what you're doing may become available. Why stick with old, fallible code that could become problematic if it can be improved?
In short, projects will change overtime, which necessitates changes in structure to ensure it meets new requirements.
From my own personal experience I refactor because I find if I make software the way I want it made from first go that it takes a very long time to create something.
Therefore I value the pragmatism of developing software over clean code. Once I have something running I then begin to refactor it into the way it should be. Needless to say, the code never devolves into a piece of unreadable tripe.
Just a side note - I did my degree in software engineering after reading some material from Steve Mcconnell as a teen. I love design patterns, good code reuse, nicely thought out designs and so on. But I find when working on my own projects that designing things initially from that point of view just doesnt work unless I'm an absolute expert with the technology I'm using (Which is never the case)
Refactoring is done to help make code easier to understand/document.
To give a method a better name - perhaps the previous wasnt clear or incorrect.
To give variables more descriptive / better names.
Break up a really long method into many smaller methods representing the steps involved in solving the problem.
Move classes to a new package(namespace) to assist organisation.
Reduce duplicate code.
Does point number one even matter? If you're refactoring, the up-front design was obviously flawed. Don't waste time worrying about the flaws in the original design; it's old news. What matters is what you have now, so spend that time refactoring.
I refactor because proper refactoring makes maintenance SO much easier. I've had to maintain a TON of bad, awful code and I don't want to hand down any that I've written for someone else to maintain.
Maintenance costs of smelly code will almost always be higher than maintenance costs for sweet smelling code.
I refactor because:
Often my code is far from optimal first time around.
Hindsight is often 20-20.
My code will be easier to maintain for the next guy.
I have professional pride in the work I leave behind.
I believe time spent now can save a lot more time (and money) further down the track.
All your points are common descriptors of why people do refactor. I would say that the reason people should refactor lies within point #1: A Big Design Up Front (BDUF) is almost always imperfect. You learn about the system as you build it. In trying to anticipate what could happen you often end up building complex solutions to deal with things that never actually happen. (YAGNI - You ain't gonna need it).
Instead of the BDUF approach, a better solution is therefore to design the parts of the system you know you are going to need. Follow the principles of single responsibility principle, use inversion of control/dependency injection so that you can replace parts of your system when needed.
Write tests for your components. And then, when the requirements for your system change or you discover flaws in your initial design, you can refactor and extend your code. Since you have your unit tests and integration tests in place, you will know if and when the refactoring breaks something.
There is a difference between large refactorings (restructuring modules, class hierarchies, interfaces) and "unit" refactorings - within methods and classes.
Whenever I touch a piece of code I do a unit refactoring - renaming variables, extracting methods; because actually seeing the code in front of me gives me more information to make it better. Sometimes refactoring also helps me to better understand what the code is doing. It's like writing or painting, you extract a fuzzy idea out of your head; put a rough skeleton onto paper; then into code. You then refine the rough idea in the code.
With modern refactoring tools like ReSharper in C#, this kind of unit refactoring is extremely easy, quick & low risk.
Large refactorings are harder, break more things, and require communication with your team members. It will become clear to everyone when these need to happen - because requirements have changed so much that the original design no longer works - and then they should be planned like a new feature.
My last rule - only refactor code that you are actually working on. If code's functionality doesn't need to be changed, then it's good enough & doesn't need further work.
Avoid refactoring just for refactoring's sake; that's just refactorbating!

Test-Driven Development "Barriers to Entry"?

I'm in the process of doing a study on Test-Driven Development and one of the discussion points is the "Barrier to Entry" associated with TDD. Does anyone have any experience around this area, on any projects you've worked on that decided not to use TDD because the barrier to entry was too high?
From what I can tell the only barrier to entry is knowledge (and as such experience) of individual developers, with most not being entirely accustomed to the process and it being slightly alien. Financially it seems to be very appealing given most of the market leading tools are open source, freely available, well documented and well supported.
Thoughts/feelings appreciated.
EDIT - does anyone know of any high profile quotes of people advocating TDD? Would love to see how high it goes up the chain. Cheers.
Some barriers include:
An existing code base which doesn't lend itself to unit testing.
A problem domain that is hard to unit test meaningfully, such as GUI work or integrations with third party systems.
A perception of integration problems over unit problems (in other words, if it doesn't work end to end it doesn't do anything, so what is the point of testing the unit).
A mindset that wants to design ahead of time and have a clear system design rather than have tests drive design
A political culture where design is done by a different person/group than development, and that design is not unit-test friendly.
An inability to get over the fact that TDD is not about testing for conformance (arguments like "the one who writes the tests shouldn't be the one who codes it, they will be too lenient on themselves" and such variants).
It isn't they way they have coded until now, so the shift is harder.
Sometimes a certain test can be hard to set up, so the method will get abandoned because it "feels" slower.
Design requirements that don't lend themselves to evolving design well or at all (think Nuclear Plant control software or other systems were actual lives depend on their functioning correctly).
If everyone isn't running the test before checking in code, tests start to break often for wrong reasons (that is the intended behavior of the code changed, but the test didn't keep up, so the test is wrong, not the code) so they can be perceived as a drag.
In terms of barriers to entry, effectively, because you are explicitly writing tests that must pass before code is considered to be complete, the lead time in the dev cycle involved in getting functional code is longer. Now, when using TDD, you're effectively guaranteeing a certain level of quality on the code (whatever level of quality you choose to test against) and so that is generally more than enough compensation for the lag in lead time, but strictly speaking, there IS a greater lead time to getting functional code using TDD.
Effectively, if you have coders that write bug-free code, TDD will be a drag on your development cycle. The value of TDD, of course, is that there aren't any coders who can always write bug-free code, and so the cost of fixing bugs has to be factored in somewhere; in TDD, the cost of the test infrastructure is front-loaded.
Note that this is not in any way a negative thing about TDD; I'm just saying, that front-loading COULD be considered to be a "barrier to entry". Personally, as a coder, I would say that the Return on Investment is more than worth the effort, and I think most experienced dev managers would as well.
Team and/or management buy-in is the biggest obstacle in some companies. If you're the lone developer trying to use TDD and you can't get others on the project interested, it can be very frustrating.
Of course that's not a financial barrier at all. The biggest perceived financial barrier is probably time. If you have a large code base that you need to write unit tests for, it can seem quite daunting. Your manager (or someone above them) will question why you want to spend time writing code that will not add features/functionality to the code. Many people don't realize that writing the tests up front (as you do in TDD) can actually save you time, both immediately and in the long run when you're maintaining that code.
I think one major barrier is how it requires you to change the way you think.
Before I tried TDD, I would create a class, say Employee, then I would stub in things like FirstName, LastName, Email, etc. Then I would write some logic and forget that I missed a few fields or something else. And before I knew it I had a pretty complex class without knowing if those fields were ever necessary.
Also, it's a complete change from how we are used to writing software. We are used to writing software as we receive features from the guys who sign our checks. We are not used to writing code which doesn't compile, making it compile, then making it work to make our tests pass.
The first time you do this, you feel a bit.. well silly and stupid. Why am I making my code intentionally fail? It seems illogical to the "make it work" philosophy we've all been taught for so long.
A few reasons why it has failed so far where I work:
Most of the project at work on are older apps. Not pre-.NET but, .NET 2.0 and in some cases .NET 1.0.
Some of these projects are not well factored, either because the technology wasn't there in 1.0, or it was built quickly because they needed something NOW..
As Jon pointed out, some things are still a PIA (pain-in-the-***) to unit test, UI, database, etc.
Expensive tools. If you are only allowed to Microsoft tools, it's a high price tag to do this the "right way". We use resharper, so it really isn't a problem.
Time. I'm in a team of three guys supporting a department of 30 people. We are considered overhead, and many of our development consists of interfacing systems together
Yes the main barrier to entry is in your head or in the head of other programmers.
In the beginning you don't know what to srite in your tests.
The trick is to think about how your code will be used instead of focusing on how you re going to write it. Easier said than done ...
When you start to "get it", it's a bit hard to know where to stop writing tests.
You have to remember that tests prove nothing so you just can't write tests to covers all cases, you have to select the most useful ones ... and that's already a lot !
I've certainly seen plenty of resistance. The barriers I've encountered are:
Unit testing user interfaces (web or thick client) is tricky. I know there are lots of attempts to solve the problem, but I don't think any of them have made it really simple - because it's a naturally hard problem.
At the other end, although there are various ways of making it easier to test the code involved with the database, it's still tricky and time-consuming.
While good tests definitely speed up development overall, testing is a skill - and while you suck at it, unit testing may well be more trouble than it's worth, which means you never build up the skill...
Managers often see it as an optional extra to development - a nice to have rather than critical. This means it's the first thing to go when the project inevitably has a resource squeeze.
I wrote a long-ish article about this a few weeks back, "Why I write tests first".
I think the biggest barrier is building the discipline to start with tests first, but I don't believe the TDD (or any practice for that matter) should be approached as an always, absolutely, 100% of the time solution.
TDD is a tool in each developer's arsenal. I tend to think it works well for me most of the time. A developer that isn't as accustomed to writing tests (first or otherwise) may it difficult to get anything done if TDD is forced on them because they can't think in terms of writing the test first.
I consider myself an experienced test-writer, but I can't always think in terms of tests. Some problems don't lend themselves well to it, or at least my head doesn't get wrapped around it some days. And some types of code (such as UI and client-side code) doesn't lend itself well to always writing tests.
If you have a team of developers that do not write tests as a matter of habit, I'd push that first. I have no problem requiring that all new code have accompanying unit tests where possible/practical. Once testing is a discipline, converting developers to TDD individually or as a team is much easier.
One non-obvious barrier (non-obvious to me, at least) is the build infrastructure. If developers don't have control over the build process, or if the infrastructure is too baroque to be manageable, then integrating tests into the build process is going to be shunted to the side in the name of "efficiency". (Of course, in these situations it's the build infrastructure that should be shunted aside in the name of efficiency.)

Legacy Code Nightmare [closed]

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I've inherited a project where the class diagrams closely resemble a spider web on a plate of spaghetti. I've written about 300 unit tests in the past two months to give myself a safety net covering the main executable.
I have my library of agile development books within reach at any given moment:
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
Code Complete
Agile Principles Patterns and Practices in C#
The problem is everything I touch seems to break something else.
The UI classes have business logic and database code mixed in. There are mutual dependencies between a number of classes. There's a couple of god classes that break every time I change any of the other classes. There's also a mutant singleton/utility class with about half instance methods and half static methods (though ironically the static methods rely on the instance and the instance methods don't).
My predecessors even thought it would be clever to use all the datasets backwards. Every database update is sent directly to the db server as parameters in a stored procedure, then the datasets are manually refreshed so the UI will display the most recent changes.
I'm sometimes tempted to think they used some form of weak obfuscation for either job security or as a last farewell before handing the code over.
Is there any good resources for detangling this mess? The books I have are helpful but only seem to cover half the scenarios I'm running into.
It sounds like you're tackling it in the right way.
Test again
Unfortunately, this can be a slow and tedious process. There's really no substitute for digging in and understanding what the code is trying to accomplish.
One book that I can recommend (if you don't already have it filed under "etc.") is Refactoring to Patterns. It's geared towards people who are in your exact situation.
I'm working in a similar situation.
If it is not a small utility but a big enterprise project then it is:
a) too late to fix it
b) beyond the capabilities of a single person to attempt a)
c) can only be fixed by a complete rewriting of the stuff which is out of the question
Refactoring can in many cases be only attempted in your private time at your personal risk. If you don't get an explicit mandate to do it as part of you daily job then you're likely not even get any credit for it. May even be criticized for "pointlessly wasting time on something that has perfectly worked for a long time already".
Just continue hacking it the way it has been hacked before, receive your paycheck and so on. When you get completely frustrated or the system reaches the point of being non-hackable any further, find another job.
EDIT: Whenever I attempt to address the question of the true architecture and doing the things the right way I usually get LOL in my face directly from responsible managers who are saying something like "I don't give a damn about good architecture" (attempted translation from German). I have personally brought one very bad component to the point of non-hackability while of course having given advanced warnings months in advance. They then had to cancel some promised features to customers because it was not doable any longer. Noone touches it anymore...
I've worked this job before. I spent just over two years on a legacy beast that is very similar. It took two of us over a year just to stabilize everything (it's still broke, but it's better).
First thing -- get exception logging into the app if it doesn't exist already. We used FogBugz, and it took us about a month to get reporting integrated into our app; it wasn't perfect right away, but it was reporting errors automatically. It's usually pretty safe to implement try-catch blocks in all your events, and that will cover most of your errors.
From there fix the bugs that come in first. Then fight the small battles, especially those based on the bugs. If you fix a bug that unexpectedly affects something else, refactor that block so that it is decoupled from the rest of the code.
It will take some extreme measures to rewrite a big, critical-to-company-success application no matter how bad it is. Even you get permission to do so, you'll be spending too much time supporting the legacy application to make any progress on the rewrite anyway. If you do many small refactorings, eventually either the big ones won't be that big or you'll have really good foundation classes for your rewrite.
One thing to take away from this is that it is a great experience. It will be frustrating, but you will learn a lot.
I have (once) come across code that was so insanely tangled that I couldn't fix it with a functional duplicate in a reasonable amount of time. That was sort of a special case though, as it was a parser and I had no idea how many clients might be "using" some of the bugs it had. Rendering hundreds of "working" source files erroneous was not a good option.
Most of the time it is imminently doable, just daunting. Read through that refactoring book.
I generally start fixing bad code by moving things around a bit (without actually changing implementation code more than required) so that modules and classes are at least somewhat coherent.
When that is done, you can take your more coherent class and rewrite its guts to perform the exact same way, but this time with sensible code. This is the tricky part with management, as they generally don't like to hear that you are going to take weeks to code and debug something that will behave exactly the same (if all goes well).
During this process I guarantee you will discover tons of bugs, and outright design stupidities. It's OK to fix trivial bugs while recoding, but otherwise leave such things for later.
Once this is done with a couple of classes, you will start to see where things can be modularized better, designed better, etc. Plus it will be easier to make such changes without impacting unrelated things because the code is now more modular, and you probably know it thoroughly.
Mostly, that sounds pretty bad. But I don't understand this part:
My predecessors even thought it would
be clever to use all the datasets
backwards. Every database update is
sent directly to the db server as
parameters in a stored procedure, then
the datasets are manually refreshed so
the UI will display the most recent
That sounds pretty close to a way I frequently write things. What's wrong with this? What's the correct way?
If your refactorings are breaking code, particularly code that seems to be unrelated, then you're trying to do too much at a time.
I recommend a first-pass refactoring where all you do is ExtractMethod: the goal is simply to name each step in the code, without any attempts at consolidation whatsoever.
After that, think about breaking dependencies, replacing singletons, consolidation.
If your refactorings are breaking things, then it means you don't have adequate unit test coverage - as the unit tests should have broken first. I recommend you get better unit test coverage second, after getting exception logging into place.
I then recommend you do small refactorings first - Extract Method to break large methods into understandable pieces; Introduce Variable to remove some duplication within a method; maybe Introduce Parameter if you find duplication between the variables used by your callers and the callee.
And run the unit test suite after each refactoring or set of refactorings. I'd say run them all until you gain confidence about which tests will need to be rerun every time.
No book will be able to cover all possible scenarios. It also depends on what you'll be expected to do with the project and whether there is any kind of external specification.
If you'll only have to do occasional small changes, just do those and don't bother starting to refactor.
If there is a specification (or you can get someone to write it), consider a complete rewrite if it can be justified by the foreseeable amount of changes to the project
If "the implementation is the specification" and there are a lot of changes planned, then you're pretty much hosed. Write LOTS of unit tests and start refactoring in small steps.
Actually, unit tests are going to be invaluable no matter what you do (if you can write them to an interface that's not going to change much with refactorings or a rewrite, that is).
See blog post Anatomy of an Anti-Corruption Layer, Part 1 and Anatomy of an Anti-Corruption Layer, Part 2.
It cites Eric Evans, Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software:
Access the crap behind a facade
You could extract and then refactor some part of it, to break the dependencies and isolate layers into different modules, libraries, assemblies, directories. Then you re-inject the cleaned parts in to the application with a strangler application strategy. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Good luck, that is the tough part of being a developer.
I think your approach is good, but you need to focus on delivering business value (number of unit tests is not a measure of business value, but it may give you an indication if you are on or off track). It's important to have identified the behaviors that need to be changed, prioritize, and focus on the top ones.
The other piece of advise is to remain humble. Realize that if you wrote something so large under real deadlines and someone else saw your code, they would probably have problems understanding it as well. There is a skill in writing clean code, and there is a more important skill in dealing with other people's code.
The last piece of advise is to try to leverage the rest of your team. Past members may know information about the system you can learn. Also, they may be able to help test behaviors. I know the ideal is to have automated tests, but if someone can help by verifying things for you manually consider getting their help.
I particularly like the diagram in Code Complete, in which you start with just legacy code, a rectangle of fuzzy grey texture. Then when you replace some of it, you have fuzzy grey at the bottom, solid white at the top, and a jagged line representing the interface between the two.
That is, everything is either 'nasty old stuff' or 'nice new stuff'. One side of the line or the other.
The line is jagged, because you're migrating different parts of the system at different rates.
As you work, the jagged line gradually descends, until you have more white than grey, and eventually just grey.
Of course, that doesn't make the specifics any easier for you. But it does give you a model you can use to monitor your progress. At any one time you should have a clear understanding of where the line is: which bits are new, which are old, and how the two sides communicate.
You might find the following post useful:
As it is said in the post, don't discard a complete overwrite that easily. Also, if at all possible, try to replace whole layers or tiers with third-party solution like for example ORM for persistence or with new code. But most important of all, try to understand the logic (problem domain) behind the code.

Should I start using TDD on a project that doesn't use it already

I have a project that I have been working on for a while, just one of those little pet projects that I would like to one day release to open source.
Now I started the project about 12 months ago but I was only working on it lightly, I have just started to concentrate a lot more of my time on it(almost every night).
Because it is a framework like application I sometimes struggle with a sense of direction due to the fact I don't have anything driving my design decisions and I sometimes end up making features that are hard to use or even find. I have been reading about how to do TDD and thought maybe this will help me with some of the problems that I am having.
So the question is do you think it's a good idea to start using TDD on a project that doesn't already use it.
EDIT: I have just added a bit to clarify what I mean by struggle with a "sense of direction", it properly wasn't the best thing to say without clarification.
In my opinion, it's never too late to adopt a better practice - or to drop a worse one - so I'd say "Yes, you should start".
However ... (there's always a "but") ...
... one of the biggest gains of TDD is that it impacts on your design, encouraging you to keep reponsibilties separate, interactions clean and so on.
At this point in your project, you may find it difficult to get tests written for some aspects of your framework. Don't give up though, even if you can't test some areas, your quality will be the better for the areas you can test, and your skills will improve for the experience.
Basically, you can't do any harm by adding TDD for any new code you write, and any changes you make to existing code. Obviously it would be tricky to go back and retro-fit accurate tests to existing code, but it certainly couldn't hurt to cover the primary use-cases.
Maybe consider having a look at Brownfield Application Development in .NET? It is full of pragmatic and practical advice for exactly this scenario (one of the definitions offered for "Brownfield" is "without proper unit tests").
Yes, absolutely a good idea to start doing TDD.
You will pay a start-up cost for at least two reasons:
Learning a new skill TDD/unit testing.
Retrofitting your code to be testable.
You'll need to do some of both, but as you work if you find yourself struggling think of which of those two is the source of the effort.
But the end result is worth it. From what you describe this is a project you intend to live with for quite a while. Remember that when you lose an hour here or there. In a year you'll be very happy that you made this investment both in your skill set and the code base.
At worse, you can just do TDD on new stuff, while you slowly create tests for your existing code base.
Yes, it's never too late to start using TDD. I have introduced TDD to a commercial project that was already running for five years when I joined, and it was definitely a good decision.
While you are new to the technique, you should probably concentrate on using it for the code that you are writing from a clean slate - new classes, new methods etc. Once you got a hang on it, start writing tests for code that you change.
For some of the code, the latter might prove to be difficult, because the code you have written until now is unlikely to be written with testability in mind. There are some techniques to deal with that, but it's probably too early to care about them.
If you are missing a sense of direction, though, I doubt that TDD will help you a lot. You might want to look into Acceptance Testing instead, which is at least as important as unit testing, and will help you focus on the functionality of the system instead of single units of code. The TDD book by Lasse Koskela is a good introduction to both techniques.
Another technique that might help you is the Extreme Programming planning game, where you put pieces of functionality on index cards and prioritize them. I typically notice that getting ideas out of my head and in prioritized order helps me a lot in understanding where I want to go next.
As others have said, TDD shouldn't hurt a project in progress, but think carefully if you're tempted to do large-scale refactoring just to allow testing. Make sure the benefits justify the cost.
I'm a little concerned that you "struggle with a sense of direction." I don't know that TDD will help you there. I find it's a great help for low-level design decisions, but not so great for architecture decisions. Adding TDD to a directionless project sounds a bit like having a baby to save a marriage - unwise. Hopefully I misread your intention.
TDD makes it easier for other people to understand the code, as well as it gives the application a better design over time
In theory you were supposed to test first, but you didn't. In this scenario, contrary to others opinion, I wouldn't start with new features.
Take advantage of the 80:20 rule, run a profiler, and put the test cases to the most frequently called piece of code.
Put tests around the house jewel, gut, most-important code.
Put tests around the annoying, always-breaking, recurrent déjà vu buggy code.
Put tests around all bugs you come across before fixing the bug for failing test.
Warning: Putting test cases will require refactoring, which means you must fix something that's not breaking.
If you still love unit tests at this point, you'd be Red, Green, Refactoring on your own.
Introduce TDD to new code and if time allows, introduce "Comment Driven Design" with your existing code if it's not already tested.
Comment out the block of existing code you need to test
Write your test
Uncomment your original code one statement at a time (if you have an if block, uncomment the entire block)
Determine if your original code ultimately passes your test and if not, re-write to pass your tests accordingly
Writing tests for existing, working code that you don't plan to change doesn't fit with the thrust of TDD, which is to write tests that teach you about the system you're building.
My approach to bringing in TDD mid-stream has been to:
write tests for all new features, and
when changing a piece of code, write a test that covers the existing functionality (to make sure I understand it), then change the test before changing the code.
It can also be beneficial to write tests for code related to code you're changing - e.g., if you're altering a parent class, you may want to build tests around child classes first to protect yourself from potential damage.
Yes, you should. I'm currently working on a project that until recently wasn't covered with unit tests, but we decided that we should start testing our code, so we started writing them now. Unfortunately, I'm the only developer that practices TDD, others just write tests after writing their code.
Still, I found that practicing TDD helps me write better code, and I write it faster than before. Now that I learned how to do TDD, I just don't want to go back to writing code the way I used to.

Debugging is a bad smell - how to persuade them?

I've been working on a project that can't be described as 'small' anymore (40+ months), with a team that can't be defined as 'small' anymore (~30 people). We've been using Agile/Scrum (1) practices all along, and a healthy dose of TDD.
I'm not sure if I picked this up from Agile or TDD, more likely a combination of the two, but I'm now clearly in the camp of people that looks at debugging as a bad smell. By 'debugging' I'm not referring to the more abstract concept of figuring out what might be wrong with the system, but the specific activity of running the system in Debug mode, stepping through the code to figure out details that are otherwise inscrutable.
Since I'm fairly convinced, this question is not about whether debugging is a bad smell or not. Rather, I'd like to know how I can persuade my team-mates about this.
People that believe debugging mode is the 'standard' mode tend to write code that can be understood only by debugging through it, which leads to a lot of time wasted since every time you work an item on top of code developed by someone else, you get to first spend a considerable amount of time debugging it (and, since there's no bug involved.. the term is becoming increasingly ridiculous) - and then silos happen. So I'd love to convince a few of my team-mates that avoiding debug mode is a Good Thing (2). Since they are used to live in Debug mode, however, they don't seem to see the problem; to them, spending hours debugging someone else code before they even start doing anything related to their new item is the norm; they don't see anything wrong with it. Plus, as they spend time 'figuring it out' they know eventually the developer that worked that area will become available and the item will be passed on to them (leading to yet another silo).
Help me come up with a plan to turn them from the Dark Side !
Thanks in advance.
(1) Also referred to as SCRUM (all caps). Capitalization arguments aside, I think an asterisk after the term must be used since - unsurprisingly - our organization 'tweaked' the Agile and Scrum process to fit the perceived needs of all stakeholders involved. So, in all honesty, I won't pretend this has been 100% according to theory, but that's beside the point of my question.
(2) Yes, there will always be times when we'll have to get in debug mode, I'm not trying to absolutely avoid it, just.. trying to minimize the number of times we have to dive into it.
If you want to persuade your coworkers that your programming practices are better, first demonstrate by your productiveness that you are more effective than they are, at least for some tasks. Then they'll believe you when you explain how you get so much done.
It's also sometimes easier to focus on something concrete. Do your coworkers even talk in terms of "code smell"? Perhaps you could focus on specifics like "When the ABC module fails, it takes forever to debug it; it's much faster to use technique XYZ. Here, let me demonstrate." Then afterwards you can mention your basic principle, which is yeah the debugger is a useful tool, but there's usually other more useful ones.
This is a cross-post, because the first time around it was more of an aside on someone else's answer to a different question. To this question it's a direct answer.
Debugging degrades the quality code of
the code we produce because it allows
us to get away with a lower level of
preparation and less mental
discipline. I learnt this from an
accidental controlled experiment in
early 2000, which I now relate:
I took on a contract as a Delphi
coder, and the first task assigned was
to write a template engine
conceptually similar to a reporting
engine - using Java, a language with
which I was unfamiliar.
Bizarrely, the employer was quite
happy to pay me contract rates to
spend months becoming proficient with
a new language, but wouldn't pay for
books or debuggers. I was told to
download the compiler and learn using
online resources (Java Trails were
pretty good).
The golden rule of arts and sciences
is that whoever has the gold makes the
rules, so I proceeded as instructed. I
got my editor macros rigged up so I
could launch the Java compiler on the
current edit buffer with a single
keystroke, I found syntax-colouring
definitions for my editor and I used
regexes to parse the compiler output
and put my cursor on the reported
location of compile errors. When the
dust settled, I had a little IDE with
everything but a debugger.
To trace my code I used the good old
fashioned technique of inserting
writes to the console that logged
position in the code and the state of
any variables I cared to inspect. It
was crude, it was time-consuming, it
had to be pulled out once the code
worked and it sometimes had confusing
side-effects (eg forcing
initialisation earlier than it might
otherwise have occurred resulting in
code that only works while the trace
is present).
Under these conditions my class
methods got shorter and more and more
sharply defined, until typically they
did exactly one very well defined
operation. They also tended to be
specifically designed for easy
testing, with simple and completely
deterministic output so I could test
them independently.
The long and the short of it is that
when debugging is more painful than
designing, the path of least
resistance is better design.
What turned this from an observation
to a certainty was the success of the
project. Suddenly there was budget and
I had a "proper" IDE with an
integrated debugger. Over the course
of the next two weeks I noticed a
reversion to prior habits, with
"sketch" code made to work by
iterative refinement in the debugger.
Having noticed this I recreated some
earlier work using a debugger in place
of thoughtful design. Interestingly,
taking away the debugger slowed
development only slightly, and the
finished code was vastly better
quality particularly from a
maintenance perspective.
Don't get me wrong: there is a place
for debuggers. Personally, I think
that place is in the hands of the team
leader, to be brought out in times of
dire need to figure out a mystery, and
then taken away again before people
lose their discipline.
People won't want to ask for it
because that would be an admission of
weakness in front of their peers, and
the act of explaining the need and the
surrounding context may well induce
peer insights that solve the problem -
or even better designs free from the
So, FOR, I not only agree with your position, I have real data from a controlled experiment to support it. It is, however, a rather small sample. More elaborate tests are required before my conclusions are supportable.
Why don't you take what I've said to your team and suggest trials. You have more data than they do (I just gave it to you) and in order to have a credible basis for disagreeing with you they basically have to test the idea, and the only way to do that is to give your idea a go.
You should be ready for it to all fall apart, though, because the whole thing is predicated on the assumption that the developers have the talent and experience to rise to the challenge of stronger design in the absence of step-through debugging.
Step-through debugging was created to make debugging easier. The direct effect of lowering the bar is that people with less talent can participate - if you build a tool that even jackasses can use, you will get jackasses using it -- a lot of them, if the newly accessible activity is well-remunerated.
This causes an exodus of people with talent because they generally use that talent to do rare and precious things in order to be well paid without working too hard, and the market doesn't want to pay for excellence because it cannot distinguish talent well enough to know when paying for it is justified.
Another thought: more recent work with problems on production servers, where it was impossible to install a debugger, has shown the importance of having a codebase for which maintenance doesn't depend on the availability of a debugger. Code that's grown in the absence of debuggers is much less hassle. Choose not to use them when you can change your mind, and then when you can't change your mind it won't be so awful.
Since I'm fairly convinced, this question is not about whether debugging is a bad smell or not.
Well, your local Church might be more appropriate place for your question then.
That aside, convince them by arguments. You might want to reconsider your fundamentalist stance, however, because this is the very opposite of persuasive. One thing you might want to do is drop the term “debugging” in your whole discussion and replace it by “stepping through the code” or the likes, emphasizing that you oppose the uninformend guesswork/patchwork practice of probing that you condemn rather than an informed reflection about the code.
(I would still disagree with you, but that's besides the point since you didn't want a discussion.)
I think the real problem here is
People that believe debugging mode is
the 'standard' mode tend to write code
that can be understood only by
stepping through it
This, if true, should be self evidently wrong and there should be no need to discuss it. If it's not evident it's because they don't see how the badly written code could be improved. Show them, do code reviews where you show how that code could be refactored in a way that is clear without stepping through it.
Code stepping will automatically diminish once better code is written, it just doesn't work the other way around. People will still write bad code and if they avoid stepping through it that will only lead to more wasted time (damn I wish I could step through this spaghetti mess), not to better code.
There is something wrong here, but it's hard to put my finger on it. Perhaps the real issue is that the code has other smells that make it difficult to readily understand. I agree that with TDD one ought to use the debugger less rather than more, since you'll be developing the code in small increments. But, if you can't look at the code and understand it, perhaps it's because the design is too coupled -- there are too many interrelated classes required to make things work.
If the code really needs to be so complex that observation won't suffice, then maybe you need to invest in some good commenting, explaining what is happening -- though I would prefer to see things refactored to the point where comments are not needed. My suspicion is that the debugger may be a symptom rather than the problem.
I know that for me, switching from traditional, code-first development to test-first development has resulted in less time spent debugging...and it's not something I miss. Typically I'll only involve the debugger when its not obvious why the code I just wrote to pass a test, didn't.
This is going to sound like the argument you said you don't want to have, but I think if you want to convince your teammates, you're going to have to make a stronger case. I don't understand your objection. I frequently step through code I'm trying to understand with the debugger. It's a great way to see what's going on. You have not established your claim that people who use the debugger in this way tend to write code which is otherwise difficult to understand. The only convincing way to do so would be through some kind of case/control study which tried to measure and compare the readability of code written by people with varying approaches to the debugger. And you have not even told a plausible story explaining why you think using a tool to understand code execution tends to lead to sloppier code construction. For me it's a complete non sequitur.
A "plan" to convince them of the advantage of another approach is by establishing metrics linked to the number of time you debug the same function for different bugs.
By analysis the trend of that metric, you may convince them that non-regression tests are more useful to spend time writing, and will help them to debug more efficiently.
That way, you do not write completely off the "debug" habit, but you convince them of establishing a solid set of test, allowing them to focus on really useful debug session, if needed.
Should you consider this course of action (metrics), you should know its implementation involves the all hierarchy (stakeholder, project manager, architect, developers). They all need to be implicated in those metrics in order to act on them.
Regarding developers, you could try to suggest:
some new ways of closing a bug case (close it only with the test scenario played to reproduce that bug, meaning they need an independent test in order to, if needed, launch their debug session)
a clear relationship between those metrics and their evaluation by the management (it would be a bad practice to debug over and over the same function)
a larger involvement in architectural decisions: sometimes, knowing some functional or applicative features rather than just classes and code can incite a developer to think more in term of black-box test rather than white-box (which can more easily lead to debug session)
a participation into "operational architecture" process (where you need to deploy your app, and make full front-to-back integration test). Again, a larger picture of the all system can help a developer to get more interested in features rather than 'lines of code'
I think a better phrasing of this question would be "Is non-TDD a code smell?" TDD seems to lead to less time spent in the debugger due to more time spent writing/failing/passing tests. Without TDD, you are more likely to spend time in the debugger to diagnose errors.
At least within Visual Studio, using the debugger is not that painful, so the challenge for you would be to explain to your teammates how TDD would make their development more enjoyable, productive and successful. Just avoiding the debugger is probably not reason enough for a team to switch their development methodology.
Right on roadwarrior.
debugging isn't the problem, it's poorly commented and or documented code and bad archetecture. I work on a smaller team but when a bug does surface, I do step through the code. frequently it's a very small job because the app is well planned out and the doc's on the code are clear.
That said lets get to my point. Want the team to not debug... comment, comment comment. Nothing beats down the urge to debug faster. Sure they'll still do it, but they'll be more likely to step over well documented code.
Oh and though it should go without saying, I'll do it anyway. don't have bugs in your code. :)
I agree with those above who expressed the relative irrelevance of this "debugger issue."
IMO, the 2 most important goals of a developer are:
1) Make the software do what it's supposed to do.
2) Write the code so that a maintenance developer 2 years down the road enjoys the experience of changing existing or adding new features.
Before you make a plan, you should decide how important this change is to you. Although I agree that debugging is a smell, it is also a very well accepted and ingrained practice for developers, so convincing them that they should stop doing it won't be easy or quick - and for good reasons. How much energy do you want to put into this topic?
Second, why do you want to persuade them in the first place? If your motivation is to help them, is it really their top priority problem? When you help people in ways they want to be helped, change becomes easy.
Once you have decided that you want to go on with your change initiative, you need to take into account that different people are convinced by different things. Some people will already be convinced by trying something new and exciting. Some will be convinced by numbers (metrics). Some by getting told about it while eating their favorite type of cookie (seriously!), some by hearing about it from their favorite guru. Some by reading about it in a magazine. Some by seeing that "everyone else is doing it, too". Etc. pp.
There is an insightful interview with Linda Rising on this topic at InfoQ: http://www.infoq.com/interviews/Linda-Rising-Fearless-Change. She can say it much better than me. The book is quite good, too.
Whatever you do, don't press too much, but also don't give up. Change can happen - especially if you take resistance as a resource -, and sometimes it happens at unexpected times, so always keep a sense of wonder.
#FOR : You have a second problem too, here it is :
sadly it doesn't seem the devs are interested in being more productive (they get paid the same anyway)
How do you intend to make them want to be more productive when there is nothing (visible) for them to gain?
Designing software by debugging is a good practice.
The number of environments supporting this way of developing is very small: the best known is Smalltalk. In Smalltalk, you can write a test describing your objects protocol without the methods being implemented. Running this test will then trigger the debugger, and you can add the method to the right class in the debugger, and can continue stepping through the code until all functionality is implemented and the test is green.
This needs a compiler to be available at run-time, and first-class invocations. It offers a very short feedback cycle, and is one of the primary reasons for Smalltalks' productivity
