How to interpret code metrics (calculated by SourceMonitor) - metrics

After reading the answers to the question "Calculate Code Metrics" I installed the tool SourceMonitor and calculated some metrics.
But I have no idea how to interpret them.
What's a "good" value for the metric
"Percent Branch Statements"
"Methods per Class"
"Average Statements per Method"
"Maximum Method or Function
I found no hints in the documentation, can anybody help me?

SourceMonitor is an awesome tool.
"Methods Per Class" is useful to those who wish to ensure their classes follow good OO principles (too many methods indicates that a class could be taking on more than it should).
"Average Statements per Method" is useful for a general feel of how big each method is. More useful to me is the info on the methods with too many statements (double click on the module for finer grain detail).
Function Complexity is useful for ascertaining how nasty the code is. Truly I use this info more than anything else. This is info on how complicated the nastiest function in a module is (at least according to cyclomatic complexity). If you double click on the module / file you can find out which particular method is so bad.

As a general rule of thumb, a cyclomatic complexity of 10 or less is where you want to be. A CC from 11 to 20 is about as high as you want to get in most cases: once you get above 20, you're more likely to encounter problems finding and fixing defects, and once you get above 50, you're usually looking at a method that needs to be refactored now.
Keep in mind that these are guidelines. It is possible to have a method with a CC of 25 that is as simplified as you can get it; you'll just want to be more careful with these methods when you need to update them.


Profiling vs debugging what is the practice

Most often, I do wounder how best to make my applications have optimal performance. How to optimize and identify functions/methods that are more resource intensive than the others and make necessary adjustments. In software development irrespective of language I believe that, there should some ways of finding out how the processor/network resources are being used by different parts of my codes. I will illustrate what I mean using the simplest example I can think of: I have background on Java, Python and PHP and feel more comfortable working on linux environment. Please feel free to advice me using any of these languages you are comfortable with:
In Javascript one can comfortably test and assign a value to a variable by doing:
console.log("It will always be true");
console.log("You can never see me");
var print;
print="It will always be true";
print="You can never see me";
console.log((true)? "It will always be true" : "You can never see me");
If different people were to be asked which of these methods will perform faster than the other. I am sure that different individuals will come up with different ideas. But I need a more reliable way to know about resource usage both on desktop and mobile applications. Thanks.
First of all, Debugging is done when you know the exact bug or wrong functionality.
It is done for functional testing i.e. to check defects in application.
For performance, profilers are used to find out resource intensive methods. they will provide heavy modules/functions/DB queries etc. so that after analysis you can tune and improve your system performance.If after modification some defect arises then you debugger can be used to pinpoint and correct the issue.
There are many opensource as well as paid profilers for java(I am saying java because you pasted javascript code).
Please have a look at them and use them to tune your system.
IMHO downvoting was for 2 reasons bad english and very basic question.
In the examples you gave, it simply doesn't matter. That's like asking which is faster, a snail or a worm BUT, if by
"profiling" you mean "measurements of time taken by functions", and if by
"debugging performance problem" you mean "the bug is that time is being spent unnecessarily, and I need to find out why",
then I strongly agree with the premise of your question.
Debugging works much better.
A performance problem consists of excess time being spent for unnecessary reasons.
The way to find it is by breaking into the execution at random times, which will naturally gravitate toward whatever is taking the most time.
The more time the problem takes, the more likely the break is to land in the problem.
Just do it several times, and each time look carefully at the program's state, to understand why it's doing whatever it's doing.
If you see it doing something that can be avoided, and you see it doing it on more than one break, you've found a performance problem.
Fix it and observe the speedup.
Then repeat the process, because what was the next biggest problem is now the biggest one.
The speedups multiply together.
Here's an example where the time goes from 2700us to 1800, then to 1500, 1300, 440, 170, and finally 3.7us. None of the speedups were all that big as fractions of the original time, but in the aggregate, they were stunning.
This is very much different from measuring.
In measuring, the first thing that happens is you assume numerical accuracy is important, so you assume you either need lots of samples or you have to instrument the code to measure time precisely.
As if numerical accuracy helps to find the problem.
This false assumption entered programmers' consciousness around 1982, when GPROF appeared.
In measuring, you assume the problem can be localized to a function, when in fact you need to see all of what's happening at a point in time to know if it can be avoided.
IMHO, the best profilers sample the stack, on wall-clock time, and report for each line of code that appears on samples, the percent of samples it appears on.
However, even these profilers don't tell you the context that you can get by simply looking carefully at individual stack samples, and data as well.
(Other forms of eye-candy have the same problem: call-graph, hot-path, flame-graph, etc.)

How can avoid people using my code for evil? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm not sure if this is quite the right place, but it seems like a decent place to ask.
My current job involves manual analysis of large data sets (at several levels, each more refined and done by increasingly experienced analysts). About a year ago, I started developing some utilities to track analyst performance by comparing results at earlier levels to final levels. At first, this worked quite well - we used it in-shop as a simple indicator to help focus training efforts and do a better job overall.
Recently though, the results have been taken out of context and used in a way I never intended. It seems management (one person in particular) has started using the results of these tools to directly affect EPR's (enlisted performance reports - \ it's an air force thing, but I assume something similar exists in other areas) and similar paperwork. The problem isn't who is using these results, but how. I've made it clear to everyone that the results are, quite simply, error-prone.
There are numerous unavoidable obstacles to generating this data, which I have worked to minimize with some nifty heuristics and such. Taken in the proper context, they're a useful tool. Out of context however, as they are now being used, they do more harm than good.
The manager(s) in question are taking the results as literal indicators of whether an analyst is performing well or poorly. The results are being averaged and individual scores are being ranked as above (good) or below (bad) average. This is being done with no regard for inherent margins of error and sample bias, with no regard for any sort of proper interpretation. I know of at least one person whose performance rating was marked down for an 'accuracy percentage' less than one percentage point below average (when the typical margin of error from the calculation method alone is around two to three percent).
I'm in the process of writing a formal report on the errors present in the system ("Beginner's Guide to Meaningful Statistical Analysis" included), but all signs point to this having no effect.
Short of deliberately breaking the tools (a route I'd prefer avoiding but am strongly considering under the circumstances), I'm wondering if anyone here has effectively dealt with similar situations before? Any insight into how to approach this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the responses - plenty of good ideas all around.
If anyone is curious, I'm moving in the direction of 'refine, educate, and take control of interpretation'. I've started rebuilding my tools to try and negate or track error better and automatically generate any numbers and graphs they could want, with included documentation throughout (while hiding away as obscure references the raw data they currently seem so eager to import to the 'magical' excel sheets).
In particular, I'm hopeful that visual representations of error and properly created ranking systems (taking into account error, standard deviations, etc.) will help the situation.
Either modify the output to include error information (so if the error is +/- 5 %, don't output 22%, output 17% - 27%), or educate those whom this is being used against to the error so that they can defend themselves when it is used against them.
Well, you seem to have run afoul of the Law of Unintended Consequences in the context of human behavior.
Unfortunately, once the cat is out of the bag, it's pretty hard to put back in. You have a few options (which are not mutually exclusive, by the way) to consider, including:
Alter the reports so that their data can no longer be abused in the way you describe.
Work with management to help them understand why their use of your data is improper or misleading.
Work with those whose performance is being measured to pressure management to rethink their policy on the matter.
Work with management/analysts to come up with a viable means to measure performance in a way that is fair to everyone.
Break the report in a manner that makes them unusable for any purposes.
Clearly there is a desire on the part of management to get analytics on performance of analysts. Likely there is a real need for this ... and your reports happened to fill a void in the available information. The best option for everyone would be to find a way to effectively and fairly fill this need. There are many possible ways to achieve this - from dropping dense rankings in favor of performance tiers to using time-over-time variance to refine performance measurements.
Now, it's entirely possible that the existing reports you've provided simply cannot be applied in a fair and accurate manner to address this problem. In which case, you should work with your management team to make sure they understand why this is the case - and either redefine the way performance is measured or take the time to develop an appropriate and fair methodology.
One of the strongest means to convince management that their (ab)use of the data in your report is unwise is to remind them of the concept of perverse incentives. It's entirely possible that over time, analysts will modify their behavior in a way that results in higher rankings in performance reports at the cost of real performance or quality of results that are not otherwise captured or expressed. You seem to have a good understanding of your domain - so I would hope that you could provide specific and dramatic examples of such consequences to help make your case.
All you can do is to try and educate the managers as to why what they're doing is incorrect.
Beyond that, you can't stop idiots from being idiotic, and you'll just go mad trying.
I definitely wouldn't "break" code that people are relying on, even if it's not a specific deliverable. That will only cause them to complain about you, a move which may affect your own EPR :-)
I really think the key here is good communication with your managers.
Besides, I like PatrickV's idea. You could also try some other ways to engineer your tool around the problem so that it'll seem silly/be hard to use it as performance measurement - change the name of the statistics to mean something other than "how good programmer X is", make it hard to get data per-person, show error statistics.
You can also try to display the data in another way (this may actually make your managers think you are trying to help them). Show a graph - a several pixels difference in position may be harder to identify than a numeric results (my guess - your managers are using excel and coloring red everything below average). Draw the error margin so it doesn't make sense to obsess over fractions of percentages.
Give the result as a scale - low and high margin that take into account your error information, it is harder to compare.
Edit: Oh yeah, and read about "social interfaces". You can start with's Spolsky's Not Just Usability and Building Communities with Software.
I would echo #paxdiablo's advice, as a first step:
Work on the report on the inherent errors. In fact, make it the introduction to every copy generated.
When you refer to the measurement errors, indicate they are the lower limit of the errors (unless there actually aren't any).
Try to educate the manager(s) in the error of his/her ways.
If possible, discuss the issue with your manager. And perhaps with the offending managers' management, depending on how familiar you are with them you probably limit it to just "express some concerns" and giving a heads-up.
Consult your HR department, or whomever is in charge of fairness in the performance reviews.
Good luck.
The problem is that the code is not yours, it belongs to your company. They really can do whatever they want with it.
I hate to say this, but if you have an issue with the ethics of your company you will have to leave that company.
One thing you could do is implement the comparison yourself. If he really wants to check if somebody is performing significantly less than the rest, it should be tested formally as well.
Now to choose the right test is a bit tricky without knowing the data and the structure, so I can't really advise you on that one. Just take into account that if you do pairwise comparisons, or compare multiple scores against an average, that you run into the multitesting problem. A classic way of correcting is using Bonferroni. If you implement that one, you can be sure that at a certain point, noone will jump out any more. The Bonferroni correction is very conservative. Another option is using Dunn-Sidak, which is supposed to be less conservative.
The correct implementation would be an ANOVA -if the assumptions are met and the data suitable off course- with a post-hoc comparison like a Tukey Honest Significant Difference test. That way at least the uncertainty on the results is taken into account.
If you don't have a clue on which test to use, describe your data in detail on and ask for help on which test to use.
I just wanted to elaborate on the Perverse Incentives answer of LBushkin. I can easily see your problem extending to where analysts will avoid difficult topics for fear of reducing their score. Or maybe they will provide the same answer as earlier stages to avoid hurting a friends score, even if that is not correct. An interesting question is what happens if the later answer is incorrect - you have no truth, just successive analytic opinions - in this case I assume the first answer is marked as "incorrect", right?
Maybe presenting some of these extensions to the manager will help.

Metrics for programmer self evaluation

I'm programming from home and I want to know whether I'm more or less productive programming at 10 AM than I am when I'm programming at 8PM.
What metrics should I use to determine an answer to the question?
Ignoring the debate in the question's comments, a bunch of arbitrary productivity-ish metrics you could measure...
lines of code written
user stories/tasks completed
bugs fixed
tests written
tests passing first time
bugs found
code churn vs new code (i.e. "right first time" vs "rewritten repeatedly")
%age of time in IDE vs debugging
%age of time in IDE vs non-work applications
code quality (using another similarly arbitrary measure like FxCop compliance or cyclic complexity)
code performance (against some arbitrary or customer-specified benchmark)
The best metrics tend to be combinations - say, "average of bugs found per line of code written" - rather than a single measure. Still, these are all subjective and innacurate.
I'd suggest the best thing to do is decide what your goal is when you're programming. Is it to produce high-quality code, or super-performant realtime code, or mission-critical-must-be-bug-free code, or do you just need to ship something that works in the shortest time? Until you've defined "productive", it's hard to suggest what would be a meaningful measurement.
I don't know if there is some established method for measuring productivity in programmers but assuming alertness and focus has a direct impact on productivity, I suppose you could set yourself some kind of mental arithmetic test with randomised questions and answers and take it at regular intervals.
It's a tricky one because you can't measure by lines, or problems solved (because they vary in scale and difficulty.) In fact, this article suggests that when attempting to measure programmer productivity, there is almost no correllation between the time it takes to complete a task and the quality of the finished product.

Do you find cyclomatic complexity a useful measure?

I've been playing around with measuring the cyclomatic complexity of a big code base.
Cyclomatic complexity is the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code and there are lots of free tools for your language of choice.
The results are interesting but not surprising. That is, the parts I know to be the hairiest were in fact the most complex (with a rating of > 50). But what I am finding useful is that a concrete "badness" number is assigned to each method as something I can point to when deciding where to start refactoring.
Do you use cyclomatic complexity? What's the most complex bit of code you found?
We refactor mercilessly, and use Cyclomatic complexity as one of the metrics that gets code on our 'hit list'. 1-6 we don't flag for complexity (although it could get questioned for other reasons), 7-9 is questionable, and any method over 10 is assumed to be bad unless proven otherwise.
The worst we've seen was 87 from a monstrous if-else-if chain in some legacy code we had to take over.
Actually, cyclomatic complexity can be put to use beyond just method level thresholds. For starters, one big method with high complexity may be broken into several small methods with lower complexity. But has it really improved the codebase? Granted, you may get somewhat better readability by all those method names. But the total conditional logic hasn't changed. And the total conditional logic can often be reduced by replacing conditionals with polymorphism.
We need a metric that doesn't turn green by mere method decomposition. I call this CC100.
CC100 = 100 * (Total cyclomatic complexity of codebase) / (Total lines of code)
It's useful to me in the same way that big-O is useful: I know what it is, and can use it to get a gut feeling for whether a method is good or bad, but I don't need to compute it for every function I've written.
I think simpler metrics, like LOC, are at least as good in most cases. If a function doesn't fit on one screen, it almost doesn't matter how simple it is. If a function takes 20 parameters and makes 40 local variables, it doesn't matter if its cyclomatic complexity is 1.
Until there is a tool that can work well with C++ templates, and meta-programming techniques, it's not much help in my situation. Anyways just remember that
"not all things that count can be
measured, and not all things that can
be measured count"
So remember to pass any information of this type through human filtering too.
We recently started to use it. We use NDepend to do some static code analysis, and it measures cyclomatic complexity. I agree, it's a decent way to identify methods for refactoring.
Sadly, we have seen #'s above 200 for some methods created by our developers offshore.
You'll know complexity when you see it. The main thing this kind of tool is useful for is flagging the parts of the code that were escaping your attention.
I frequently measure the cyclomatic complexity of my code. I've found it helps me spot areas of code that are doing too much. Having a tool point out the hot-spots in my code is much less time consuming than having to read through thousands of lines of code trying to figure out which methods are not following the SRP.
However, I've found that when I do a cyclomatic complexity analysis on other people's code it usually leads to feelings of frustration, angst, and general anger when I find code with cyclomatic complexity in the 100's. What compels people to write methods that have several thousand lines of code in them?!
It's great for help identifying candidates for refactoring, but it's important to keep your judgment around. I'd support kenj0418's ranges for pruning guides.
There's a Java metric called CRAP4J that empirically combines cyclomatic complexity and JUnit test coverage to come up with a single metric. He's been doing research to try and improve his empirical formula. I'm not sure how widespread it is.
Cyclomatic Complexity is just one composant of what could be called Fabricated Complexity. A while back, I wrote an article to summarize several dimensions of code complexity:
Fighting Fabricated Complexity
Tooling is needed to be efficient at handling code complexity. The tool NDepend for .NET code will let you analyze many dimensions of the code complexity including code metrics like:
Cyclomatic Complexity, Nesting Depth, Lack Of Cohesion of Methods, Coverage by Tests...
including dependencies analysis and including a language (Code Query Language) dedicated to ask, what is complex in my code, and to write rule?
Yes, we use it and I have found it useful too. We have a big legacy code base to tame and we found alarming high cyclomatic complexity. (387 in one method!). CC points you directly to areas that are worth to refactor. We use CCCC on C++ code.
I haven't used it in a while, but on a previous project it really helped identify potential trouble spots in someone elses code (wouldn't be mine of course!)
Upon finding the area's to check out, i quickly found numerious problems (also lots of GOTOS would you believe!) with logic and some really strange WTF code.
Cyclomatic complexity is great for showing areas which probably are doing to much and therefore breaking the single responsibilty prinicpal. These's ideally should be broken up into mulitple functions
I'm afraid that for the language of the project for which I would most like metrics like this, LPC, there are not, in fact, lots of free tools for producing it available. So no, not so useful to me.
+1 for kenj0418's hit list values.
The worst I've seen was a 275. There were a couple others over 200 that we were able to refactor down to much smaller CCs; they were still high but it got them pushed further back in line. We didn't have much luck with the 275 beast -- it was (probably still is) a web of if- and switch-statements that was just way too complex. It's only real value is as a step-through when they decide to rebuild the system.
The exceptions to high CC that I was comfortable with were factories; IMO, they are supposed to have a high CC but only if they are only doing simple object creation and returning.
After understanding what it means, I now have started to use it on a "trial" basis. So far I have found it to be useful, because usually high CC goes hand in hand with the Arrow Anti-Pattern, which makes code harder to read and understand. I do not have a fixed number yet, but NDepend is alerting for everything above 5, which looks like a good start to investigate methods.

When, if ever, is "number of lines of code" a useful metric? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Some people claim that code's worst enemy is its size, and I tend to agree. Yet every day you keep hearing things like
I write blah lines of code in a day.
I own x lines of code.
Windows is x million lines of code.
Question: When is "#lines of code" useful?
ps: Note that when such statements are made, the tone is "more is better".
I'd say it's when you're removing code to make the project run better.
Saying you removed "X number of lines" is impressive. And far more helpful than you added lines of code.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Dijkstra's famous quote yet, so here goes:
My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as "lines produced" but as "lines spent": the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.
The quote is from an article called "On the cruelty of really teaching computing science".
It's a terrible metric, but as other people have noted, it gives you a (very) rough idea of the overall complexity of a system. If you're comparing two projects, A and B, and A is 10,000 lines of code, and B is 20,000, that doesn't tell you much - project B could be excessively verbose, or A could be super-compressed.
On the other hand, if one project is 10,000 lines of code, and the other is 1,000,000 lines, the second project is significantly more complex, in general.
The problems with this metric come in when it's used to evaluate productivity or level of contribution to some project. If programmer "X" writes 2x the number of lines as programmer 'Y", he might or might not be contributing more - maybe "Y" is working on a harder problem...
When bragging to friends.
At least, not for progress:
“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” --Bill Gates
There is one particular case when I find it invaluable. When you are in an interview and they tell you that part of your job will be to maintain an existing C++/Perl/Java/etc. legacy project. Asking the interviewer how many KLOC (approx.) are involved in the legacy project will give you a better idea as to whether you want their job or not.
It's useful when loading up your line printer, so that you know how many pages the code listing you're about to print will consume. ;)
Reminds me of this:
The present letter is a very long one, simply because I had no leisure to make it shorter.
--Blaise Pascal.
like most metrics, they mean very little without a context. So the short answer is: never (except for the line printer, that's funny! Who prints out programs these days?)
An example:
Imagine that you're unit-testing and refactoring legacy code. It starts out with 50,000 lines of code (50 KLOC) and 1,000 demonstrable bugs (failed unit tests). The ratio is 1K/50KLOC = 1 bug per 50 lines of code. Clearly this is terrible code!
Now, several iterations later, you have reduced the known bugs by half (and the unknown bugs by more than that most likely) and the code base by a factor of five through exemplary refactoring. The ratio is now 500/10000 = 1 bug per 20 lines of code. Which is apparently even worse!
Depending on what impression you want to make, this can be presented as one or more of the following:
50% less bugs
five times less code
80% less code
60% worsening of the bugs-to-code ratio
all of these are true (assuming i didn't screw up the math), and they all suck at summarizing the vast improvement that such a refactoring effort must have achieved.
To paraphrase a quote I read about 25 years ago,
"The problem with using lines of code as a metric is it measures the complexity of the solution, not the complexity of the problem".
I believe the quote is from David Parnas in an article in the Journal of the ACM.
There are a lot of different Software Metrics. Lines of code is the most used and is the easiest to understand.
I am surprised how often the lines of code metric correlates with the other metrics. In stead of buying a tool that can calculate cyclomatic complexity to discover code smells, I just look for the methods with many lines, and they tend to have high complexity as well.
A good example of use of lines of code is in the metric: Bugs per lines of code. It can give you a gut feel of how many bugs you should expect to find in your project. In my organization we are usually around 20 bugs per 1000 lines of code. This means that if we are ready to ship a product that has 100,000 lines of code, and our bug database shows that we have found 50 bugs, then we should probably do some more testing. If we have 20 bugs per 1000 lines of code, then we are probably approaching the quality that we usually are at.
A bad example of use is to measure developer productivity. If you measure developer productivity by lines of code, then people tend to use more lines to deliver less.
Answer: when you can talk about negative lines of code. As in: "I removed 40 extraneous lines of code today, and the program is still functioning as well as before."
I'd agree that taking the total number of lines of code in a project is one way to measure complexity.
It's certainly not the only measure of complexity. For example debugging a 100 line obfuscated Perl script is much different from debugging a 5,000 line Java project with comment templates.
But without looking at the source, you'd usually think more lines of code is more complex, just as you might think a 10MB source tarball is more complex than a 15kb source tarball.
It is useful in many ways.
I don't remember the exact # but Microsoft had a web cast that talked about for every X lines of code on average there are y number of bugs. You can take that statement and use it to give a baseline for several things.
How well a code reviewer is doing their job.
judging skill level of 2 employees by comparing their bug ratio's over several projects.
Another thing we look at is, why is it so many lines? Often times when a new programmer is put in a jam they will just copy and paste chunks of code instead of creating functions and encapsulating.
I think that the I wrote x lines of code in a day is a terrible measure. It take no account for difficulty of problem, language your writing in, and so on.
It seems to me that there's a finite limit of how many lines of code I can refer to off the top of my head from any given project. The limit is probably very similar for the average programmer. Therefore, if you know your project has 2 million lines of code, and your programmers can be expected to be able to understand whether or not a bug is related to the 5K lines of code they know well, then you know you need to hire 400 programmers for your code base to be well covered from someone's memory.
This will also make you think twice about growing your code base too fast and might get you thinking about refactoring it to make it more understandable.
Note I made up these numbers.
The Software Engineering Institute's Process Maturity Profile of the Software Community: 1998 Year End Update (which I could not find a link to, unfortunately) discusses a survey of around 800 software development teams (or perhaps it was shops). The average defect density was 12 defects per 1000 LOC.
If you had an application with 0 defects (it doesn't exist in reality, but let's suppose) and wrote 1000 LOC, on average, you can assume that you just introduced 12 defects into the system. If QA finds 1 or 2 defects and that's it, then they need to do more testing as there are probably 10+ more defects.
It's a metric of productivity, as well as complexity. Like all metrics, it needs to be evaluated with care. A single metric usually is not sufficient for a complete answer.
IE, a 500 line program is not nearly as complex as a 5000 line. Now you have to ask other questions to get a better view of the program...but now you have a metric.
It's a great metric for scaring/impressing people. That's about it, and definitely the context I'm seeing in all three of those examples.
Lines of code are useful to know when you're wondering if a code file is getting too large. Hmmm...This file is now 5000 lines of code. Maybe I should refactor this.
When you have to budget for the number of punch cards you need to order.
I wrote 2 blog post detailling the pro and cons of counting Lines of Code (LoC):
How do you count your number of Lines Of Code (LOC) ? : The idea is to explain that you need to count the logical number of lines of code instead of a physical count. To do so you can use tools like NDepend for example.
Why is it useful to count the number of Lines Of Code (LOC) ?: The idea is that LoC should never be used to measure productivity, but more to do test coverage estimation and software deadline estimation.
As most people have already stated, it can be an ambiguous metric, especially if you are comparing people coding in different languages.
5,000 lines of Lisp != 5,000 lines of C
Always. Bunch o'rookies on this question. Masters write code prolifically and densely. Good grads write lots of lines but too much fluff. Crappers copy lines of code. So, first do a Tiles analysis or gate, of course.
LoC must be used if your org doesn't do any complexity points, feature points/function points, commits, or other analysis.
Any developer who tells you not to measure him or her by LoC is shite. Any master cranks code our like you would not believe. I've worked with a handful who are 20x to 200x as productive as the average programmer. And their code is very, very, very compact and efficient. Yes, like Dijkstra, they have enormous mental models.
Finally, in any undertaking, most people are not good at it and most doing it are not great. Programming is no different.
Yes, do a hit analysis on any large project and find out 20% plus is dead code. Again, master programmers regularly annihilate dead code and crapcode.
When you are refactoring a code base and can show that you removed lines of code, and all the regression tests still passed.
Lines of code isn't so useful really, and if it is used as a metric by management it leads to programmers doing a lot of refactoring to boost their scores. In addition poor algorithms aren't replaced by neat short algorithms because that leads to negative LOC count which counts against you. To be honest, just don't work for a company that uses LOC/d as a productivity metric, because the management clearly doesn't have any clue about software development and thus you'll always be on the back foot from day one.
In competitions.
When the coder doesn't know you are counting lines of code, and so has no reason to deliberately add redundant code to game the system. And when everyone in the team has a similar coding style (so there is a known average "value" per line.) And only if you don't have a better measure available.
They can be helpful to indicate the magnitude of an application - says nothing about quality! My point here is just that if you indicate you worked on an application with 1,000 lines and they have an application that is 500k lines (roughly), a potential employer can understand if you have large-system experience vs. small utility programming.
I fully agree with warren that the number of lines of code you remove from a system is more useful than the lines you add.
Check out wikipedia's definition:
SLOC = 'source lines of code'
There is actually quite a bit of time put into these metrics where I work. There are also different ways to count SLOC.
From the wikipedia article:
There are two major types of SLOC
measures: physical SLOC and logical
Another good resource:
It is a very usefull idea when it is associated with the number of defects. "Defects" gives you a measure of code quality. The least "defects" the better the software; It is nearly impossible to remove all defects. In many occasions, a single defect could be harmfull and fatal.
However, it does not seem that nondefective software exists.
