Where are Visual Studio breakpoints saved? - visual-studio

I seem to be getting breakpoints from other programmers when checking out code...
Where is the list of breakpoints saved by Visual Studio? In the vbproj file? vbproj.user file? documents and settings? are they meant to be specific to the solution, the project, the user, the computer they are set on?

They are saved in the <solutionname>.suo file. SUO stands for Solution User Options, and should not be added to source control.
No .vbproj.user files should be in source control either!

Starting from Visual Studio 2015 CTP solution and project related files are stored in the .vs directory. The path to the suo file is .vs\<SolutionName>\v14\.suo for Visual Studio 2015.


how to debug simplescalar sim-fast.c in visual studio 2019?

I have made a few change in simplescalar sim-fast.c, but I don't able to debug this change in visual studio 2019.
are there any way to do this?
From your comment, it seems you are trying to debug an opened file/folder right?
Visual Studio is not supported to build/debug a file/folder, at least it is not possible for a single file. For folders, some may be supported, but need to have some files been included, such as a .sln file, a .vcxproj file and so on. Instead, Visual Studio supports to build/debug a project/solution.
I'm not familiar with simplescalar, I guess it is not possible to open it as a project/solution in Visual Studio to build and debug though. You can have a try open it as a project, and perhaps consider using other editor tools, if it can't be opened as a project, for example Visual Studio Code.

What determines the default startup project?

I have a open source project that include Visual Studio project files. There is a solution file with four projects files. When the source files are distributed and unpacked, Visual Studio picks the wrong project as the default project. New users don't know they need to right click a certain project, and then select Set as Startup Project.
I've tried re-ordering the projects in the solution file so the appropriate project is first, and I tried changing the UUID on the appropriate project so its the lowest. Neither have helped with the problem of Visual Studio selecting the wrong startup project.
The Visual Studio versions I test against are Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015.
What determines the default startup project?
What can I do to ensure Visual Studio selects the correct startup project?
A related question is Why is “Set as Startup” option stored in the suo file and not the sln file?, but it asks "Why..." and does not ask "How To...".
If there is a *.suo file, the Startup Project is saved there.
Otherwise, the first project listed in the *.sln file will be the Startup.
(tested with VS 2013)

Remove missing files in Visual Studio 2013

Is there a quick way to remove only files that are missing in a Visual Studio project? So files that are no longer accessible that were either deleted or moved outside of Visual Studio.
It sounds like you've physically deleted a file that an MSVS project still "remembers".
You can probably just select and delete the project items in question in the MSVS IDE.
Personally, I'd just edit the project file (e.g. "myprog.csproj") in Notepad.

Visual Studio 2010 package did not load correctly for uninstalled extesions

During visual studio startup I get lots of annoying dialogs about extensions package loading errors.
All the extensions that fail to load are those I uninstalled.
I checked all the places mentioned in this article (Bootstrapping of VS packages and VSIX extensions in VS2010) and none of the extensions I get error for is there.
Is there somewhere else I can check?
I would "just" like to see where visual studio finds these references and kindly delete them all :)
I found this folder in the windows registry:
It contains all the reference to extensions visual studio tries to load (mostly pointing to HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3990449039-760197492-1239349315-1121\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0_Config\InstalledProducts subfolders).
I just renamed the folder of the extensions I did remove and I do not see load errors anymore.
I'm sure this could cause some side effects so is anyone aware of a better way to avoid visual studio trying to load uninstalled extensions?
This is the correct answer:
Close Visual Studio.
Backup, and then delete Visual Studio's AppData folder. For example:
Visual Studio 2010:
Visual Studio 2012:
Visual Studio 2013:
Restart Visual Studio and enjoy.
I had a problem like this after upgrading SmartBear AQTime where I removed IDE integration (which doesn't work well anyway, may as well run standalone). VS2010 complained no startup about packages which didn't load correctly.
I actually deleted the contents of
and this fixed things entirely.
I encount this problem after removing devexpress from my computer,and I cleaned the registries yesterday,then I delete the devenv.CTM file in
%AppData%..\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\1033 file and restart my VS, it works!

Visual studio 2010 solution explorer settings

I got a fairly large (C++) project in Visual studio 2010. Somehow I managed to click "Show all files" in the solution explorer and now a bug in visual studio 2010 is preventing me from uncheck the option.
Do anyone here know where the this setting is stored? I've searched the solution file, project files, filter files without finding anything.
For C#, similar user-specific data is stored in SolutionName.suo (hidden) and ProjectName.csproj.user files. See if you have what might be the equivalent files for C++. You can freely delete these files to reset user-specific settings, which should restore solution explorer to its default view.
In addition to those programming in C++, for VS 2010 C++ these files are:
