Get all files checked out by a user using the Visual Source Safe command line application SS.exe - visual-sourcesafe

We currently use VSS 6, this is not going to change I am afraid.
I am attempting to write a script that will allow a user to quickly copy all files that they have checked out to another directory tree. In order to do this I need to get a list of all the files that the user has checked out, and the directory that the file is checked out to. This is easy enough to do using status search in the GUI. But I need a way of doing it from the command line utility ss.exe.

Two links that may be of use:
VSS CommandLine Commands
VSS CommandLine Options
To expand on Panos reply
ss.exe Status $/ -R -U<Username>
Will get you the files of a particular user.

From the command line:
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
SET SSDIR=<path to folder containing srcsafe.ini>
ss Status $/ -R -U<username> > checked-out-by-username.txt
And then check the contents of checked-out-by-username.txt for your check-outs.
For example:
My srcsafe.ini was in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe\MasterDatabase. And my username was bpaetzke.
So, my command line looked like this:
cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
SET SSDIR=MasterDatabase
ss Status $/ -R -Ubpaetzke > checked-out-by-bpaetzke.txt
If you want to get all users' check-outs, remove the -U and give the output file a generic name.
Other command line info:

I came here looking for the same thing but with Visual Source Safe version >= 8.0, the command doesn't seem to work for me, instead I found an easier way to search using menu:
View -> Search -> Status Search
There select the option to search by user and specify the user name

See here for the command line usage of Status command. The command
ss.exe Status $/ -R -U
shows every file in the system that is checked out by the current user.


How to open a file in a specified program using window comand prompt

How can I open a file from the command prompt in a specified program rather than the default program for opening the file.
like in MAC terminal
open main.js -a "Sublime Text"
currently I only do
start filename.extension
which opens the file in the default program.
please what command can I use to achieve this?
With Windows, you type application first.
So with Notepad, which is on the Windows path, you can type
notepad filename.extension
By 'Windows Path' I mean a list of directories that Windows looks in for your application. If your app is in one of those folders, then you only have to type the application name. If your app isn't, then you need the full path to the application.
Most of the Windows native apps (like Notepad, MSPaint, etc) are automatically on the path. However apps that are installed afterwards sometimes don't update the path and you need the full path. You can usually get this by right-clicking on the application and getting properties. Often you'll need quote marks - specifically if there are spaces in the path, which there usually are because "Program Files", so:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" filename.extension
Note the quote marks go around the path to the application file itself - not all the way to the end of the line. An easy way to check that you've got the full path to the file is with the dir command:
dir "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
Some applications expect instructions about what to do with the file, and you may need to figure out what else to put on the command line. Usually google will tell you this.
For example, to execute an SQL script, with one tool I use, just putting the filename on the command line won't work, you do something like:
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.4\bin\psql.exe" -U user -d dbName -f filename.extension

Faster way to compare changes made in Changeset for TFS Source Control

IF I have a large changeset and want to be able to compare all changes before checking them in, is there a faster way than manually clicking compare to latest on every file? I have something like 900 files I changed, and that seems veryinefficient. There has to be a way to open all files in compare and be able to click close or ignore on each file one by one.
Best way to compare large changeset vs existing code?
Try this:
Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt (All Programs | Visual studio | Visual Studio Tools | Developer Command Prompt
(this is just a normal command prompt but with some extra env variables set, and with the visual studio tools in your path).
use the cd command to switch directory to the root directory that your project is in on your local disk that you want to compare: example: cd \MyProjects\TheProject
execute this command:
tf folderdiff . $/The/Tfs/Folder/Path/To/Corresponding/ProjectDir/On/Server /recursive /view:different
(there is a space between the "folderdiff" and the ".", and another space between the "." and the $/ The "." just says "use the current local path (you should be sitting on it). Being on the current path also gives the TFS command the context that it needs so that it knows how to connect to your TFS server, and which team project and collection to use.

debugging with visual studio using redirected standard input

I am debugging c++ console application with Visual studio. I exhausted of inserting the same input every time I debug this program. I would like to use the same input more times.
I do this without debugging in command line with command: Program.exe <
Is it possible to use debugging with standard input redirected from file???
I already tried looking in to procejt properties. I tried setting Command to $(TargetPath) < instead of $(TargetPath).
I also tried setting Command Arguments to < Niether of these method worked.
I am using Visual Studio 2012. But this is probably same in all versions of studio.
This is a supported debugging scenario. You do have to make sure that the debugger can find the file. Leave the Command setting at $(TargetPath). A possible value for the Command Arguments setting is:
< "$(ProjectDir)test.txt"
if the input file "test.txt" is located in the project directory. Or type the full path of the file to be sure. The MSDN article that describes this feature is available here.
I just create a file called stdin.txt in the project
1) set the Build Action to Content
2) Copy to Ouput Directory: Copy if newer
Then when you build stdin.txt is copied to the same folder as the executable.
Then in project properties debug|command line arguements enter the following
< stdin.txt
There is no need to use a path macro
If you don't want to mess with the the path you can add a new file with a right click on the source files folder in the solution explorer and then paste to it the content from the wanted file. And then change the command argument to the new file name.

Possible to Auto Open file in Visual Studio

I currently use the following cleartool command using Visual Studios External tool interface:
Command: \installationpath\cleartool.exe
Arguments: annotate -nheader $(ItemPath)
Initial directory: $(ItemDir)
I do use the output window. Which will let that command print out the location of the .ann file it produces. I'm wondering if there is a way for Visual studio to auto open that produced file?
In this case its not a huge hardship to copy the location and open the file. I'm just always looking for ways to make things easier.
Using just one external tool, you wouldn't be able to execute cleartool, and to open a file (generated from the cleartool command).
You can open a file from a Visual Studio External Tool as explained here, but that wouldn't execute cleartool.
So I would recommend executing a script (.bat, .cmd, .vbs) in order to:
do the cleartool command you want
open the generated file.
You would pass to this script no only $(ItemPath), but also, depending on where it is generated, $(ItemDir), or $(ProjectDir), or $(SolutionDir), or $(TargetDir).

Is there a command line option like devenv.exe /Edit for Sql Server Management Studio

I'm using visual studio's external tools to open .sql scripts in Sql Server Management Studio (SSMS). The problem is, each time I use the external tools command to open a .sql file from visual studio, it opens a new instance of SSMS.
Visual Studio has a switch /Edit that will do this, is there one for SQL Server Management Studio?
Choose to open the file with Explorer[1] instead of SSMS. That way the system will search for any existing instances of SSMS first.
[1] %windir%\explorer.exe
I don't think the problem is with Visual Studio external tool command. Look at SSMS command line options - maybe there is a way to force reusing existing SSMS instance.
The following works for me ( I am SQL Server 2008 though) :
So the real answer I quess is to use cmdow
Edit: After more testing I realized the following :
First open the files with connenction with: ( remove any enters while copying, this is one liner )
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\
Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe" "C:\Users\yordgeor\Desktop\Trigger.sql"
"C:\Users\yordgeor\Desktop\Trigger1.sql" -S ysg -d poc_dev -E -nosplash
In this example it opens two files ( but you could open less of course ; )
after which , No matter how many times I run
cmdow /Run "C:\Users\yordgeor\Desktop\Trigger1.sql"
cmdow /Run "C:\Users\yordgeor\Desktop\Trigger2.sql"
cmdow /Run "C:\Users\yordgeor\Desktop\Trigger3.sql"
it opens the same instance of the Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio with the same connection
you could open at once at the command line many files , but I quess you asked for the upper answer.
So you could find the path to the Ssms.exe by:
cd %ProgramFiles%
dir *ssms.exe /s /b
so the syntax of the command is:
pathToTheExe pathToFile1 pathToFile2 -S serverName -d DatabaseToConnectTo -E (toUseWindowsAuthentication) -nosplash
After 20 seconds of googling I cheated from here:
The correct answer is no. The SSMS has a limited set of options, and although it uses the VS framework, does not support the edit command. This could be an interesting feature to add.
I am assuming you need to open these scripts in SSMS to be able to run them as well, otherwise I would suggest pointing them to Visual Studio directly since it does support syntax highlighting. However it will not solve your problem.
If you associate that file extension with Visual Studio, then VS should open it.
If you're finding that VS starts a new instance every time, then you need to specify the /edit command line option.
Take a look at for more information.
