Error Message Text - Best Practices - user-interface

We are changing some of the text for our old, badly written error messages. What are some resources for best practices on writing good error messages (specifically for Windows XP/Vista).

In terms of wording your error messages, I recommend referring to the following style guides for Windows applications:
Windows user experience guidelines, and specifically the section on error messages here.
Microsoft Manual of Style

The ultimate best practice is to prevent the user from causing errors in the first place.
Don't tell users anything they don't care about; error code 5064 doesn't mean a thing to anyone. Don't tell them they did something wrong; disallow it in the first place. Don't blame them, especially not for mistakes your software made. Above all, when there is a problem, tell them how to fix it so they can move on and get some work done.

A good error message should:
Be unobtrusive (no blue-screen or yellow-screen of death)
Give the user direction to correct the problem (on their own if possible, or who to contact for help)
Hide useless, esoteric programmer nonsense ( don't say, "a null reference exception occurred on line 45")
Be descriptive without being verbose. Just enough information to tell the user what they need to know and nothing more.
One thing I've started to do is to generate a unique number that I display in the error message and write to the log file so I can find the error in the log when the user sends me a screenshot or calls and says, "I got an error. It says my reference number is 0988-7634"

For security reasons, don't provide internal system information that the user does not need.
Trivial example: when failing to login, don't tell the user if the username is wrong or the password is wrong; this will only help the attacker to brute force the system. Instead, just say "Username/Password combination is invalid" or something like that.

Always include suggestions to Remedy the error.

Try to figure out a way to write your software so it corrects the problem for them.

For any user input (strings, filenames, values, etc), always display the erroneous value with delimiters around it (quotes, brackets, etc). e.g.
The filename you entered could not be found: "somefile.txt"
This helps to show any whitespace/carriage returns that may have sneaked in and greatly reduces troubleshooting and frustration.

Avoid identical error messages coming from different places; parametrize with file:line if possible, or use other context that lets you, the developer, uniquely identify where the error occurred.
Design the mechanism to allow easy localization, especially if it is a commercial product.
If the error messages are user-visible, make them complete, meaningful sentences that don't assume intimate knowledge of the code; remember, you're always too close to the problem -- the user is not. If possible, give the user guidance on how to proceed, who to contact, etc.
Every error should have a message if possible; if not, then try and make sure that all error-unwind paths eventually reach an error message that sheds light on what happened.
I'm sure there will be other good answers here...

Shorter messages may actually be read.
The longer your error message, the less the user will read. That being said, try to refactor the code so you can eliminate exceptions if there is an obvious response. Try to only have exceptions that happen based on things beyond your user or your code's control.
The best exception message is the one you never have to display.

Error handling is always better than error reporting, but since you are retrofitting the error messages and not necessarily the code here's a couple of suggestions:
Users want solutions, not problems. Help them know what to do after an error, even if the message is as simple as "Please close the current window and retry your action."
I am also a big fan of centralized logging of errors. Make sure the log is both human and computer scanable. Users don't always let you know what problems they are having, especially if they can be 'worked around', so the log can help you know what things need fixed.
If you can control the error dialog easily, having a dialog which shows a nice, readable message with a 'details' button to show the error number, trace, etc. can be a big help for real-time problem solving as well.

Support for multilanguage applies for all kinds of messages, but tends to be forgotten in the case of error messages.

I would second not telling the user useless esoteric information like numeric error codes. I would follow that up however by saying to definitely log that information for troubleshooting by more technically savvy people.


WCAG 2.0 3.3.3 - email address suggestions?

If a user does not fill out the email address by leaving off the # or domain - and we do not provide an example of a correct email address on submit ( does this fail the success criterion for WCAG 2.0 3.3.3 regarding error suggestions?
I've looked at a number of major sites and leading web sites and I only see validation errors that pertain to the lack of correct email address. It looks like a lot of sites use placeholders to instruct the user on formatting, however, once submitted the user has no clear direction on proper format.
In my opinion, yes it does. This presumes that it was rejected for a known reason (formatting, etc.), so that reason should be communicated to the user.
Sadly, looking at major sites is not a good indicator of a best practice, just an indication that they are not following this checkpoint (or, more likely, are unaware of it, WCAG, and all things related).
The placeholder is never an adequate label and rarely is it adequate for instructions as it goes away. Instead, some instructional text associated with the field (maybe with ARIA if necessary) can head off errors sooner, though the error message should still convey what went wrong.
Think of all those times you enter a password only to be told after the fact that doesn't follow some arcane formatting rules. Telling you up front doesn't guarantee you'll get it right, but it reduces the likelihood everyone will get it wrong. It is also content you can re-use for the error message.
You are not really failing for WCAG 3.3.3
3.3.3 Error Suggestion: If an input error is automatically detected and suggestions for correction are known, then the suggestions are provided to the user, unless it would jeopardize the security or purpose of the content. (Level AA)
This point means that you can provide a suggestion. For instance, the user type "user AT" and you suggest "Do you mean"
Here, you fail for WCAG 3.3.1:
3.3.1 Error Identification: If an input error is automatically detected, the item that is in error is identified and the error is described to the user in text. (Level A)
You have to describe the error in plain text which means "Enter a valid e-mail address (example:".
And you might also be concerned by 3.3.2, which is the lack of instructions
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions: Labels or instructions are provided when content requires user input. (Level A)
which means that if a label is not sufficient, you have to give instructions (valid format).
Note that things might be different when you use the browser self validation process for the HTML5 input[type="email"] element. Because there, the browser Accessibility API should provide an explicit error message.

Does anyone use a style guide for error messages?

I've noticed that error messages tend to be written in a handful of common styles. Either in full-form, casual-friendly sentences, or in shortened passive ones that don't always form a full sentence. The latter of the two seems to be the more common - though maybe not as common as the haphazard mixing of styles that I see in a lot of applications.
Does anyone include error messages in their style guide? I'm more curious about opinions on the consistent grammatical construction of these things than about the content of them, which has already been discussed.
Both the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines and the Apple Human Interface Guidelines contain sections on alerts.
Also, the Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines have information for a few different types of dialogs, including error messages.
As you compose the required alert title:
Keep the title short enough to display on a single line, if possible.
A long alert title is difficult for
people to read quickly, and it might
get truncated or force the alert
message to scroll.
Avoid single-word titles that don’t provide any useful information, such
as “Error” or “Warning.”
When possible, use a sentence fragment. A short, informative
statement is often easier to
understand than a complete sentence.
Don’t hesitate to be negative. People understand that most alerts
tell them about problems or warn them
about dangerous situations. It’s
better to be negative and direct than
it is to be positive but oblique.
Avoid using “you,” “your,” “me,” and “my” as much as possible. Sometimes,
text that identifies people directly
can be ambiguous and can even be
interpreted as an insult.
Use title-style capitalization and no ending punctuation when:
The title is a sentence fragment
The title consists of a single sentence that is not a question
Use sentence-style capitalization and an ending question mark if the
title consists of a single sentence
that is a question. In general,
consider using a question for an alert
title if it allows you to avoid adding
a message.
Use sentence-style capitalization and appropriate ending punctuation for
each sentence if the title consists of
two or more sentences. A two-sentence
alert title should seldom be
necessary, although you might consider
it if it allows you to avoid adding a
If you provide an optional alert message:
Create a short, complete sentence that uses sentence-style
capitalization and appropriate ending
Avoid creating a message that is too long. If possible, keep the message
short enough to display on one or two
lines. If the message is too long it
will scroll, which is not a good user
Avoid lengthening your alert text with descriptions of which button to
tap, such as “Tap View to see the
information.” Ideally, the combination
of unambiguous alert text and logical
button labels gives people enough
information to understand the
situation and their choices. However,
if you must provide detailed guidance,
follow these guidelines:
Be sure to use the word “tap” (not “touch” or “click” or “choose”) to
describe the selection action.
Don’t enclose a button title in quotes, but do preserve its
Alert message text. This text, in emphasized (bold) system font, provides a short, simple summary of the error or condition that summoned the alert. This should be a complete sentence; often it is presented as a question. See “Writing Good Alert Messages” for more information.
Informative text. This text appears in the small system font and provides a fuller description of the situation, its consequences, and ways to get out of it. For example, a warning that an action cannot be undone is an appropriate use of informative text.
A good alert message states clearly what caused the alert to appear and what the user can do about it. Express everything in the user’s vocabulary.
To make the alert really useful, provide a suggestion about what the user can do about the current situation. Even if the alert serves as a notification to the user and no further action is required, provide as much information as needed to describe the situation.
The characteristics of good error messages
In contrast to the previous bad
examples, good error messages have:
A problem. States that a problem occurred.
A cause. Explains why the problem occurred.
A solution. Provides a solution so that users can fix the problem.
Additionally, good error messages are
presented in a way that is:
Relevant. The message presents a problem that users care about.
Actionable. Users should either perform an action or change their
behavior as the result of the message.
User-centered. The message describes the problem in terms of target user
actions or goals, not in terms of what
the code is unhappy with.
Brief. The message is as short as possible, but no shorter.
Clear. The message uses plain language so that the target users can
easily understand problem and
Specific. The message describes the problem using specific language,
giving specific names, locations, and
values of the objects involved.
Courteous. Users shouldn't be blamed or made to feel stupid.
Rare. Displayed infrequently. Frequently displayed error messages
are a sign of bad design.

How to get users to read error messages? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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If you program for a nontechnical audience, you find yourself at a high risk that users will not read your carefully worded and enlightening error messages, but just click on the first button available with a shrug of frustration.
So, I'm wondering what good practices you can recommend to help users actually read your error message, instead of simply waiving it aside. Ideas I can think of would fall along the lines of:
Formatting of course help; maybe a simple, short message, with a "learn more" button that leads to the longer, more detailed error message
Have all error messages link to some section of the user guide (somewhat difficult to achieve)
Just don't issue error messages, simply refuse to perform the task (a somewhat "Apple" way of handling user input)
Edit: the audience I have in mind is a rather broad user base that doesn't use the software too often and is not captive (i.e., no in-house software or narrow community). A more generic form of this question was asked on slashdot, so you may want to check there for some of the answers.
That is an excellent question worthy of a +1 from me. The question despite being simple, covers many aspects of the nature of end-users. It boils down to a number of factors here which would benefit you and the software itself, and of course for the end-users.
Do not place error messages in the status bar - they will never read them despite having it jazzed up with colours etc....they will always miss them! No matter how hard you'll try... At one stage during the Win 95 UI testing before it was launched, MS carried out an experiment to read the UI (ed - it should be noted that the message explicitly stated in the context of 'Look under the chair'), with a $100 dollar bill taped to the underside of the chair that the subjects were sitting one spotted the message in the status bar!
Make the messages short, do not use intimidating words such as 'Alert: the system encountered a problem', the end-user is going to hit the panic button and will over-react...
No matter how hard you try, do not use colours to identify the message...psychologically, it's akin to waving a red-flag to the bull!
Use neutral sounding words to convey minimal reaction and how to proceed!
It may be better to show a dialog box listing the neutral error message and to include a checkbox indicating 'Do you wish to see more of these error messages in the future?', the last thing an end-user wants, is to be working in the middle of the software to be bombarded with popup messages, they will get frustrated and will be turned off by the application! If the checkbox was ticked, log it to a file instead...
Keep the end-users informed of what error messages there will be...which and this is a tricky one to get don't want them to think that there will be 'issues' or 'glitches' and what to do in the event of that...they must not know that there will be possible errors, tricky indeed.
Always, always, be not afraid to ask for feedback when the uneventful happens - such as 'When that error number 1304 showed up, how did you react? What was your interpretation' - the bonus with that, the end-user may be able to give you a more coherent explanation instead of 'Error 1304, database object lost!', instead they may be able to say 'I clicked on this so and so, then somebody pulled the network cable of the machine accidentally', this will clue you in on having to deal with it and may modify the error to say 'Ooops, Network connection disconnected'... you get the drift.
Last but not least, if you want to target international audiences, take into account of internationalization of the error messages - hence that's why to keep it neutral, because then it will be easier to translate, avoid synonyms, slang words, etc which would make the translation meaningless - for example, Fiat Ford, the motor car company was selling their brand Fiat Ford Pinto, but noticed no sales was happening in South America, it turned out, Pinto was a slang there for 'small penis' and hence no sales...
(ed)Document the list of error messages to be expected in a separate section of the documentation titled 'Error Messages' or 'Corrective Actions' or similar, listing the error numbers in the correct order with a statement or two on how to proceed...
(ed) Thanks to Victor Hurdugaci for his input, keep the messages polite, do not make the end-users feel stupid. This goes against the answer by Jack Marchetti if the user base is international...
Edit: A special word of thanks to gnibbler who mentioned another extremely vital point as well!
Allow the end-user to be able to select/copy the error message so that they can if they do so wish, to email to the help support team or development team.
Edit#2: My bad! Whoops, thanks to DanM who mentioned that about the car, I got the name mixed up, it was Ford bad...
Edit#3: Have highlighted by ed to indicate additionals or addendums and credited to other's for their inputs...
Edit#4: In response to Ken's comment - here's my take...
No it is not, use neutral standard Windows not go for flashy colours! Stick to the normal gray back-colour with black text, which is a normal standard GUI guideline in the Microsoft specifications..see UX Guidelines (ed).
If you insist on flashy colours, at least, take into account of potential colour-blind users i.e. accessibility which is another important factor for those that have a disability, screen magnification friendly error messages, colour-blindness, those that suffer with albino, they may be sensitive to flashy colours, and epileptics as well...who may suffer from a particular colours that could trigger a seizure...
Show them the message. Due dilligence and all, but log every error to a file. Users can't remember what they were doing or what the error message was seconds after the event, it's like eye-witness accounts of perpatrators.
Provide a good way to allow them to email or upload the log to you so that you can assist them in reconciling the issue. If it's a web application: even better, you can be receiving information about the situation ahead of anyone even reporting the problem.
Short answer: You can't.
Less short answer: Make them visible, relevant, and contextual (highlight what they messed up). But still, you're fighting a losing battle. People don't read on computer screens, they scan, and they've been trained to click the buttons until the dialog boxes go away.
We put a simple memorable graphic in the error box: not an icon, a fairly large bitmap, and nothing like the standard Windows message icons. Nobody can ever remember the wording of a messagebox (most won't even read it if the box has an "OK" button they can press), but most people DO remember the picture they saw. So our support people can ask the customer "did you see the coffee-drinking guy?" or "did you see the empty desk?". At least that way we know roughly what went wrong.
Depending on your user base, writing funny/rude/personal error messages can work great.
For instance, I wrote an application which allowed our HR people to better track the hire/fire dates of employees. [we were a small company, very laid back].
When they entered wrong dates I would write:
Hey dumb ass, learn how to enter a date!
EDIT: Of course a more helpful message is to say: "Please enter date as mm/dd/yyyy" or perhaps in code to try and figure out what they entered and if they entered "blahblah" to show an error. However, this was a very small application for an HR person I knew personally. Hence again people, read the first line of this post: Depending on your user base...
I recently worked on an Art Institute project, so the error messages were geared towards the audience, such as:
Most art before the Baroque period was
unsigned. However, we’re beyond the
Baroque period now, so all fields must
be completed.
Basically gear it to your audience if at all possible, and avoid boring as all unearthly general errors such as: "please enter email" or "please enter valid email".
Alerts/popups are annoying, that's why everyone hits the first button they see.
Make it less annoying. Example: if the user entered the date incorrectly, or entered a text where numbers are expected, then DON'T popup a message, just highlight the field and write a message somewhere around it.
Make a custom message box. Do not ever use the default message box of the system, for example Windows XP message boxes are annoying themselves. Make a new colored message box, with a different background color than system default.
Very Important: do not insist. Some message boxes use the Modal dialog and insist on making you read it, this is very annoying. If you can make the message box appear as a warning message it would be better, for example, Stack Overflow messages that appear right on the top of the page, informing but not annoying.
Make the message meaningful and helpful. For example, do not write something like, "No Keyboard found, press F1 to continue."
The best UI design will be where you virtually never show an error message. The software should adapt to the user. With that sort of a design, an error message will be novel and will grab the users attention. If you pepper the user with senseless dialogs like that you're explicitly training them to ignore your messages.
In my opinion and experience, it's the power users, who do not read error messages. The nontechnical audience I know reads every message on the screen most carefully and the problem at this point mostly is: They don't understand it.
This point may be the cause of your experience, because at some point they will stop reading them, because "they don't understand it anyway", so your task is easy:
Make the error message as easy to understand as possible and keep the technical part under the hood.
For example I transfer a message like this:
ORA-00237: snapshot operation disallowed: control file newly created
Cause: An attempt to invoke cfileMakeAndUseSnapshot with a currently mounted control file that was newly created with CREATE CONTROLFILE was made.
Action: Mount a current control file and retry the operation.
to something like:
This step could not be processed due to momentary problems with the database. Please contact (your admin|the helpdesk|anyone who can contact the developer or admin to solve the problem). Sorry for the inconvenience.
Show users that the error message has a meaning, and it's a way to provide assistance to them and they will read it. If it's just jargon-bable or generic nonsense message they will learn to dismiss them quicly.
I have learned that is very good practice to include an error dialog with default action to send (eg. via email) detailed diagnostic info, if you quickly respond to those emails with valuable information or workaround, they will worship you.
This is also a great learning tool. In future versions you can solve known-issues or at least provide in-place workaround info. Until then users will learn that this message is caused by X and the problem can by solved by Y - all because someone did explain it to them.
Of course this won't work on a large scale application, but works very well in enterprise applications with few hundred users, and in a lean agile, release early release often, environment.
Since you have a broad user base I recommend to provide software that does what users are/can expect it to do, eg. do not show them eroror message if phone number is not formatted well, reformat if for them.
I personally like software that does not make me think, and when occasionally there is nothing you (the developer) can do to interpret my intention, provide a very well written (and reviewed by actual users) messages.
It's common knowlege that people do not read documentation (did you read instructions back-to-back do when you did plugged in household appliance?), they try a way to get results quickly, when failed you have to grab their attention (eg. disable default button for a while) with meaningful and helpful info. They don't care about your sofware failure, they want to get results, now.
One good tip I've learned is that you should write a dialog box like a newspaper article. Not in the size-sense, but in the importance-sense. Let me explain.
You should write the most important things to read, first, and provide more detailed information second.
In other words, this is no good:
There was a problem loading the file, the file might have been deleted, or
it might be present on a network share that you don't have access to at
your present location.
Do you want to retry opening the file?
Instead, change the order:
Problem loading file, do you want to retry?
There was a problem loading the file, the file might have been deleted, or
it might be present on a network share that you don't have access to at
your present location.
This way, the user can read just as much as he wants, or bothers, and still have an idea about what's being asked.
To start, write error messages that users can actually understand. "Error: 1023" is not good example. I think better way is logging the error, than showing it to the user with some "fancy" code. Or if logging is not possible, give the users proper way to send the error details to the support department.
Also, be short and clear enough. Do not include some technical details. Do not show them information that they cannot use. If possible provide a workaround for the error. If not provide a default route, that should be taken.
If your application is a web app, designing custom error pages is a good idea. They stress users less, take SO for example. You can get some ideas how to design a good error page here:
Make them fun. (It seemed relevant, given the site we're on :) )
One thing I'd like to add.
Use verbs for your action buttons to close your error messages rather than exclamations, example don't use "Ok!" "Close" etc.
Unless you can provide the user some simple work-around, don't bother showing the user an error message at all. There is just no point, since 90% of users won't care what it says.
On the other hand If you CAN actually show the user a useful workaround, then one way to force them to read it is make the OK button become enabled after 10 seconds or so. Sort of how Firefox does it whenever you are trying to install a new plug-in.
If it is a total crash that you cannot gracefully recover from, then inform the user in very layman terms saying:
"I'm sorry we screwed up, we would like to send some information about this crash, will you allow us to do so? YES / NO"
In addition, try not to make your error messages longer than a sentence. When people (me included) see a whole paragraph talking about the error, my mind just shuts off.
With so much social media and information overload, people's mind freeze when they see a wall of text.
Someone once also recently suggested using comic strips along with whatever message you want to show. Such as something from Dilbert that may be close to the type of error you may have.
From my experience: you don't get users (especially non-technical ones) to read error messages. No matter how clear and understandable, bold, red and flashing the message is, that you display, most users will just click anything away that they're not used to, even if it's "Do you really want to delete everything?". I have seen users click the "window close"-icon instead of "OK" or "cancel" even though they didn't even know which option they chose by doing so ...
If you really need to force users to read what you're displaying, I'd suggest a JavaScript-Countdown until a button is clickable. That way the user will hopefully use the waiting time to really read what he's supposed to. Be careful though: most users will be even more annoyed by that :)
I furthermore like your idea of a "read more"-link, although I doubt that will get users more interested that just want to get rid of the message by all means ...
Just for the record: there are users that DO read error messages but are so afraid that they won't do anything with it. I once had a support call where the customer would read an error message to me, asking me, what he should do. "Well, what are your options?", I asked. "The window only has an 'OK'-button.", he replied. ... mmh, hard one :)
I often display the error in red (when the design allows it).
Red stands for "alert", etc. so it's more often read.
Well, to answer your question directly: Don't have your programmers write your error messages. If you follow this one piece of advice, you'd save, cumulatively, thousands of hours of user angst and productivity and millions of dollars in technical support costs.
The real goal, however, should be to design your application so users can't make mistakes. Don't let them take actions that lead to error massages and require them to back up. As a simple example, in a web form that requires all its fields to be filled in, instead of popping up an error message when users click on the Send button, don't enable the Send button until all the field contain valid content. It means more work on the back side, but it results in a better user experience.
Of course, that's a bit of an ideal world. Sometimes, program errors are unavoidable. When they do occur, you need to provide clear, complete, and useful information, and most importantly, don't expose the system to user and don't blame users for their actions.
A good error message should contain:
What the problem is and why it happened.
How to resolve the problem.
One of the worst things you can do is simply pass system error messages through to users. For example, when your Java program throws an exception, don't simply pass the programmer-ese up to the UI and expose it to the user. Catch it, and have a clear message created by your user assistance developer that you can present to your user.
I was lucky enough, on my last job, to work with a team of programmer who wouldn't think of writing their own error messages. Any time they found themselves in a situation where one was required and the program couldn't be designed to avoid it (often because of limited resources), they always came to me, explained what they needed, and let me create an error message that was clear and followed company style. If that was the default mindset of every programmer, the computing world would be a far, far better place.
Less errors
If an application throws vomit at you on a regular basis, you become immune to it, and errors become irritating background muzak. If an error is a rare event, it will garner more attention.
Quosh anything which isn't a major deal, throw out all those warnings, find ways of understanding user intent, take out the decisions wherever possible. I have a few apps which I continue to streamline in this way. Developers see every error as important, but this is not true from a user perspective. Look for the users' common response to a problem and capture that, deploy that as your response.
If you do need to raise an error: short, concise, low terror factor, no exclamation marks. Paragraphs are fail.
There's no silver bullet, but you need to socially engineer to make errors important.
We told users their manager had been contacted (which was a lie). It worked a little too well and had to be removed.
Adding an "Advanced" button that enables some more technical details will provide an incentive to read it for the part of the target audience that thinks itself as technical
I'd suggest that you give feedback (stating that the user made a mistake) immediately after the mistake is made. (For instance, when entering a value of a date field, check the value and, if it is wrong, make the input field visually different).
If there are errors on the page (I'm more into web development, hence I'm referring to it as a "page", but it can be also called "form"), show an "error summary", explaining that there were errors and a bulleted list of what exactly errors happened. However, if there are more than 5-6 words per message, those won't be read/understood.
How about making the button state "Click here to speak with a support technician who will assist you with this issue."
There are many websites that provide the option to speak with a real person.
I read a candidate for the most horrific solution on slashdot:
We have found that the only way to
make users take responsibility for
errors is to give them a penalty for
forcing the error to go away. For
starters, where possible, the error
wont actually close for them unless we
enter an admin password to make it go
away, and if they reboot to get rid of
it (Task Manager is disabled on all
client PC's) the machine will not open
the application that crashed for 15
minutes. Of course, this all depends
on the type of users you are dealing
with, as more technically adept users
wouldnt accept this kind of system,
but after trying for literally YEARS
to make users take responsibility for
crashes and making sure the IT
department is aware of them in order
to fix the issue before it gets too
hard to manage, these are the only
steps that worked. Now, all of our end
users are aware that if they ignore
errors, they are going to suffer for
it themselves.
"ATTENTION! ATTENTION! If you do not read error message you WILL DIE!"
Despite all the recommendations in the accepted answer, my users continued to click the first button they could find. So now I show this:
The user has to make a choice before the OK button appears
If he selects the 3rd option, he can continue, otherwise the application quits.

What techniques can I use to always display user friendly error messages?

What techniques can I use to always display user friendly error messages? I guess I'm looking for programming, testing, and management techniques that produce user friendly messages.
Not sure what you are aiming at, but if it is user friendly:
Speak the users language.
Don't surprise the user.
Provide clear exit messages (if it is a dialog).
Always use human language, no tech speak (unless your audience is technically minded)
Always provide the user with an action to take, even if that action is go back
Always clearly seperate the error message from rest of the GUI e.g. modal popup window
If you are logging errors, always provide a reference number for the user to quote if there is a direct feedback mechanism
If the error occurs during a step-by-step process always preserve the previous selections
If the error is one of validation, clearly explain why the user input has failed validation, display the error message next to the invalid field (not all listed at the bottom) and set focus on the invalid field
In addition to the answers here, I always find that keeping your error messages "calm" is helpful. Don't frighten the user by saying in big caps "THERE WAS A CRITICAL ERROR AND THE PROGRAM MUST SHUT DOWN!" The user, especially if he is not tech savvy, will think that he did something wrong and will likely freak out.
Keep your messages calm, explain the situation, and provide the user with steps to take to either correct the issue or contact someone who can.
This is just one part of it, but I recommend using TDD (test driven development). Write tests that expose errors and make sure that the program responds in the correct fashion.
To put it another way, emphasize the importance of error messages by making them part of your user stories.

How detailed should error messages be?

I was wondering what the general consensus on error messages was. How detailed should they be?
I've worked on projects where there was a different error message for entering a number that was too big, too small, had a decimal, was a string, etc. That was quite nice for the user as they knew exactly where things went wrong, but the error handling code started to rival the actual business logic in size, and started to develop some of its own bugs.
On the other side I've worked on a project where you'd get very generic errors such as
Which needless to say was almost entirely useless as reason 3 turned out to mean a link error.
So where is the middle ground? How do I know if I've added descriptive enough error messages? How do I know if the user will be able to understand where they've gone wrong?
There are two possible target audiences for an error message, the user, and the developer.
One should generally have the message target the user.
o what is the cause of the problem.
o why the program can't work around the problem
o what the user can do to work around the problem.
o how to report the problem.
If the problem is to be reported, the report should include as much program context information as possible.
o module name
o function name
o line number
o variables of interest in the general area of the problem
o maybe even a core dump.
Target the correct audience.
You should communicate what happened, and what the user's options are, in as few words as possible. The longer the error message is, the less likely the user is to read it. By the same token, short error messages are cryptic and useless. There's a sweet spot in terms of length, and it's different for every situation.
Too short:
Invalid input.
Too long:
Please enter a correctly formatted IP address, such as An IP address is a number used to identify your computer on a network.
Just right:
Please enter a valid IP address.
As far as code bloat is concerned, if a little extra code will prevent a user from calling support or getting frustraited, then it's a good investment.
There are two types of error messages: Those that will be seen by the user and those that'll be seen by the programmer.
"How do I know if the user will be able to understand where they've gone wrong?"
I'm assuming that those messages are only going to be seen by the user, and not a very technical one, and COMPILE FAILED REASON 3 is not a typical end-user error message. It's something that the programmer will see(the user doesn't usually compile things).
So, if it's the user that'll see it:
Provide a short "This is an error message"("Ops! Something went wrong!", etc.)
Provide a small generic description of the error ("The site you're trying to connect to seems to be unavailable"/"You don't seem to have enough permissions to perform the XYZ task"/etc.)
Add a "Details>>" button, in case your user happens to understand computers well, including detailed information(exception stack trace, error code, etc.)
Finally, provide some simple and understandable commands for the user ("Try again", "Cancel", etc.)
The real question about error messages is if they should even be displayed. A lot of error messages are presented to a user but there is NO WAY for them to correct them.
As long as there is a way to correct the error then give enough information to the user that will allow them to correct it on their own. If they are not able to correct it on their own is there any reason to tell them the technical reason for the crash? No just log it to a file for troubleshooting later.
As detailed as they need to be ;)
I know it sounds like a smart ass answer but so much of this depends on your target audience and the type of error. For errors caused by invalid user entry, you could show them what constitutes a valid entry. For errors that the user can't control, a generic "we're working on it" type message might do.
I agree with Jon B's comments regarding length as well.
Error messages should be detailed, but clear. This can be achieved by combining error messages from multiple levels:
Failed to save the image
Permission denied: /foo.jpg
Here we have two levels. There can be more. First we tell the big picture and then we tell the details. The order is such that first we have the part understood by most and then the part less people understand, but both can still be visible.
Additionally there could be a fix suggestion.
I would err on the side of more detail, but I think you answered your own question. To avoid the bloat in code then provide useful information in the code/error message but you can give more details in the documentation perhaps or with help files or FAQ.
having too little information is worse in my opinion.
If you are using a language with rich introspection or other capabilities, a log witht he line that failed a check would be useful. The user can then forward to tech support or otherwise get detailed information and this is not additional code bloat, but using your own code to provide information.
