Does Visual Studio have debug symbols available? - visual-studio

I'd like to track down a possible bug in Visual Studio, but that's awfully hard without the debug symbols for Visual Studio itself. Does Microsoft make these available?

An up-to-date Visual Studio should already have the option to load symbols from Microsoft (Check: Tools->Options->Debug->Symbols). When it comes to debugging Visual Studio itself, have a look at this blog post.

No, the closest thing are the debug symbols for the libraries which can be downloaded following the the steps here. But like I said, these are not for visual studio itself.

Based on my experience, most of the Visual Studio Dlls had symbols in the symbol server. msenv.dll is one of the most important.


What is the difference between visual studio and visual c++ IDE

What is the difference between visual c++ and visual studio.
Also codes written in visual c++ do affect the portability and functionality of the code??
Visual C++ is one of the languages that is supported in the Visual Studio IDE. I'm not aware of a separate Visual C++ IDE, and relevant searches return information about working in Visual Studio.
These are all part of Microsoft's development platform, and as such they most easily target Windows platforms and .NET. Beyond that I'm not sure I understand your question about portability.
I remember seeing Visual C++ awhile back but Microsoft has moved to making Visual Studio their single IDE.
Check out this wiki link for more information. It says that Visual C++ has migrated into Visual Studio. However, it seems there might be some compatibility issues if you are using an older VS. I see you tagged VS2010 so you may want to read up on it depending on what functions you're using. Looks like VS2015 update 3 is the latest release that captures those functions.

sos.dll usage in visual studio 2013

When I am reading docs about sos.dll #MSDN, encounter a note says
If you are using Visual Studio 2013, SOS.dll is supported in the Windows Debugger within Visual Studio
I know how to use sos.dll in the immediate window in Visual Studio 2012. But how to use sos.dll with visual studio 2013 debugger?
From MSDN documentation of What’s New for the Debugger in Visual Studio 2013 (Excerpt from the part Debug With Debugging Tools for Windows)
The SOS.dll (SOS Debugging Extension) that helps you debug managed
programs in WinDbg, is not available from the Visual Studio IDE. See
Debugging Managed Code Using the Windows Debugger
Looks like you may need to load them separately as being said Here
I couldn't get sos.dll to load in Visual Studio 2013 no matter what I tried.
I've resorted to good old WinDbg instead. I know it's not an ideal answer, but it appears to be the only possible solution to debugging with sos.dll. I'd really like to use sos.dll in Visual Studio 2013, but WinDbg isn't so bad once you learn its basics. It's actually very powerful, even if you know very little about the unmanaged world (like me).
How to load SOS in WinDbg
Yes you can use SOS from VS 2017. But you will need to install windows driver kit (WDK). Here is a screenshot of me debugging a process with command line debugger within VS 2017.

Viewing and searching your libraries doxygen from visual studio

My question is rather simple. I have a project using a few external libraries documented with doxygen.
Is it possible, with Visual Studio (or with the help of an extension) to view to doc associated with a class or a method by clicking on it or via a keyboard shortcut, all without leaving Visual Studio?
I've stumbled across Doxygen Browser Add-in for Visual Studio, which looks quite good. Compatible with most currently used Visual Studio versions.
Other than that, there's a more DIY solution avaialble by (apparently quickly) writing up a Visual Studio extension, as described here.

Visual Studio 2008 Sample Macros

Is there any place from where I can download the Visual Studio 2008 sample macros?
It turned out that the folder VSMacros80\Samples is empty on my station.
As far as I know, these aren't available online. (The closest thing I could find was the Visual Studio 2005 Automation Samples, but I don't think this will give you want you are looking for.)
Have you tried a "repair" install? That might add them again.

Visual Studio 2005 crashes on start-up

In my work environment, Visual Studio currently crashes every time I start our main project unless I delete the .suo (solution options) and .ncb (C++ Intellisense symbols) files.
Obviously, I've found a workaround. Is there a more permanent solution than this?
Have you installed Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1?
Try monitoring the Visual Studio process using a tool like Process Monitor and get more info. It could be because of some weird file access issues.
The accepted answer wasn't quite correct, but it pointed in the right direction.
There is a hotfix for VS2k5 SP1 described in KB article 947315 that addresses this issue.
