VS2008, IIS7 web project, non-admin. When? - visual-studio

What needs to happen before we can open Web Application Projects hosted in IIS7 with Visual Studio 2008 without running as Administrator? Are we talking about waiting for the next version of Visual Studio? Are there any existing workarounds?
I think it's implied by the above, but this pertains to Vista.

Never is a bad option - pretty much all other development I can do as a non-admin. Its not as if the code under IIS requires admin rights either.

I'd like to see an IISAdmin group which grants a developer's user account permission to manage IIS without granting full adminstrator privileges to the entire PC.

My guess is never. I think admin rights will always be needed to change websites and virtual directories in IIS.


Unable to run Visual Studio 2008 using Administrator account

I'm not able to run visual studio 2008 by choosing 'Run as a Administrator' it says 'Application Cannot start'. Any solutions please.
OS : Windows 7 64 bit
IIS 7.5
I've just come across a similar problem myself, where an external tool won't work when VS is run as admin. On my case, the tool tries to access a mapped network folder. Turns out that the mapping applies only for the non-admin login token. Does you VS happen to access a mapped network folder?
See: Programs may be unable to access some network locations after you turn on User Account Control in Windows Vista or in Windows 7. Link includes a possible solution.
BTW, the problem here is probably not VS-specific. Since it seems to regard Windows permissions, it should probably have been asked on ServerFault.

Running Visual Studio without admin rights

We work on XP Pro workstations and use Visual Studio 2008 & 2010 to develop winforms, web and web services against local IIS and SQL Express instances.
We currently have local admin rights on our main machine account. The proposal is to move to a low rights account for our amin login but to have another local account with local admin rights that we then use to elevate where needed.
Are there any issues developing and debugging under this setup that would affect developer productivity?
From experience you can't install things like NUnit in your reduced priviledge account - that shouldn't be a problem for you as you can just type in the details of your higher priviledged account (it was a problem for us as we didn't have that). Also you'll need to do a similar thing if you're firing up services / IIS, etc. Again as you have it to hand it shouldn't be a problem.
My conclusion was that you could develop as a non-admin as long as you know the admin password - but if you don't know the admin password, you are going to be in for a very frustrating time!

Can't Create or Save File to Network Share in Visual Studio

I'm not certain when this problem started occuring, but it was approximately a few weeks ago when I upgraded from Visual Studio 2008 to 2010. I am on Windows XP Professional. The share is on a server running Windows Server 2003. I have a solution which contains a web site (accessed via UNC path, network share) and some class projects that reside on my local workstation. When I open a file from the website, and try to alter and save the file, I get the following error:
" Cannot access this file. Check security privileges over the network drive."
I've checked privileges on the root folder and I do indeed have full control. Could anyone give me any insight as to what I could be missing?
Are you running Windows Vista or Windows 7 with User Account Control (UAC) enabled? If so, Visual Studio 2010 requires administrator permissions to do certain tasks, including IIS management and network share saving.
Try opening Visual Studio 2010 with the Run as Administrator command. Hope that solves your problem.
Turns out a sysadmin removed all permissions and user profiles from a chunk of servers and forgot to inform me. Thanks for the insight, all.

VS 2010: Is there a workaround for the administrator requirement?

Aside from running as a administrator, is there any workaround for this requirement?
xxx.vbproj : error : The Web
Application Project XXX is configured
to use IIS. To access local IIS Web
sites, you must install the following
IIS components:
In addition, you must run Visual
Studio in the context of an
administrator account.
If you do not want to run as an administrator, then host using the Developer Web Server (Cassini) rather than IIS.
One option - though not recommended by Microsoft - is to turn off User Account Control (UAC):
Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 7
You can active Administrator account and use that account you never get this issue. you can find this post which also works in windws7.
You need to open your Visual Studio as a administrator (Right click o)

How to setup non-admin development in Visual Studio 2005 and 2003

We have been given the directive to make sure that when we develop we are running out of the administrator and poweruser groups to prevent security holes. What are the steps to take to make this possible, but still be able to debug, code, and install when needed?
We develop ASP.NET as well as VB.NET applications.
Brooke Jackson
I have been developing a web application in a team of 5+ developers using ASP.NET 2.0 using Visual C# 2005 and Visual Web Developer 2005 for 6+ months. It was an internal application for our client and was targeted at Internet Explorer 6.0. I have been always using a non-administrator account on my machine and have never run into any problems. Specifically, I have not experienced any problems with debugging. Right now I am switching to a Visual Studio 2008 and I hope everything will work just as it does now.
I am using a laptop for development. A the same time I am moving around and connecting to the internet in different places and I use my admin account only when necessary. I really believe that running an admin account for every day tasks is the single greatest security threat, just because it is so common.
Beware, there seems to be a lot of issues with running VS as non-admin.
Seems silly to me. Run VS as admin/power-user locally with whatever minimal rights you need on the network for publishing to the users and whatnot.
Just makes sure that the applications you CREATE with VS still work without those extra rights.
Use Vista, and take advantage or UAC, because that's UAC allows you to do. You can give VS full rights when needed, and the application/website limited rights.
I'm running VS2008 on Vista with UAC enabled. I've only had one issue worth mentioning.
I occasionally have weird file permission issues when I've run VS with elevated privileges then later run it without them. VS won't be able to delete the old build files, but if I delete them from Explorer its fine. Again, this only happens when switching between elevated and non-elevated permissions.
