Visual Studio 2005 - can not open form on designer - visual-studio-2005

My team developed a GUI application on Visual Studio 2005, managed C++. Since some deliveries it is not possible to open the form in the designer, even if the source code and the project settings have not been changed. The designer reports this error:
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSDynamicTypeService.ShadowCopyAssembly(String fileName)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSDynamicTypeService.CreateDynamicAssembly(String codeBase)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSTypeResolutionService.AssemblyEntry.get_Assembly()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VSTypeResolutionService.AssemblyEntry.Search(String fullName, String typeName, Boolean ignoreTypeCase, Assembly& assembly, String description)
We successfully recompiled the project but we still encounter this problem.
Any idea?

This is how I used to debug these issues, Start a second instance of visual studio, load your project and attach to the first instance which also has the project loaded. Now set a breakpoint in the constructor and Page Load events and also any custom paint events that you may have in the form in the second instance and try to open the designer in the first instance, the breakpoints should get hit and you should be able to see what's going on.

I suspect that you have a Design Mode error where an infinite loop (or recursive control creation) occurs on the concerned Form.
One thing that helped me in these kinds of error on Windows Forms would be the following:
Open your Visual Studio 2005 solution for your GUI application. Don't open your form yet
Open another instance of Visual Studio 2005
In the second instance, Attach (Debug -> Attach to Process) the first instance of devenv.exe to the debugger. Make sure exceptions (Debug -> Exceptions) have all exceptions checkboxes under "Thrown" checked.
Now go to your first VS2005 instance and open the form. The second VS2005 instance will stop at the line where the error occurs.

This is a long shot, but try closing and opening the designer several times in a row. I have had the same kinds of problems with the C# Windows Forms designer (VS2005) : the form usually ended up opening correctly (after 5 tries, quite consistently).

I've run into the same issue intermittently when working with a large multi-project solution, or a project with an exceedingly large and complicated windows form.
I was able to solve the problem by enabling Visual Studio to use more than 2GB of memory. Here's the process...
(note: this assumes XP and Visual Studio 2005 - Vista and/or VS2008 will require slight changes)
Edit Boot.ini
Right-click My Computer, properties, Advanced tab. Under Startup and Recovery click Settings. Click the Edit button, and add the /3GB switch to the end of the [operating systems] line:
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /3GB
Make Visual Studio "Large Address Aware"
Run a Visual Studio Command Prompt, and change to the IDE directory:
cd %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE
Use the microsoft tool editbin to modify devenv.exe:
editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE devenv.exe
Now reboot, and you're done!


Visual Studio 2017: Solution Explorer and other ancillary tabs/windows always closing and having to be re-opened

Every time I close a solution, or start debugging, or stop debugging, everything except the main code tab auto-hides.
This includes anything docked to the right - like the Solution Explorer, Properties, etc. (for me at least). It also includes everything docked to the bottom - like the Find Results, Output, Immediate Window, Error List, etc. (again, for me at least).
I cannot find a setting that keeps these docked items open. I find it very annoying that I have to keep re-opening them and would like to find a more permanent solution.
I recently updated from VS 2013. It did not do this.
Is there a setting? Is it something else? I am running on Windows Server 2012 R2. I open Visual Studios as the Administrator.
To Optimize Visual Studio Startup Time, VS2017 has introduced new feature Manage Visual Studio Performance under help menu. Using this option, one can override startup behavior of tool window like error list, package manager console etc.
For more information, refer Optimize Visual Studio Startup Time.

How to handle Visual Studio 2010 Not Responding?

First of all, I am not asking the same question here. ( This may be a duplicate post on Stack Overflow.) I have searched other solutions on MSDN, ASP .NET Forum, Stack Overflow, Code Project and everywhere on internet. But none of them solved my problem. These are the links that I found:
And a lot more...
My CPU is 4th Generation Intel Core i7 and memory capacity is 8 GB. I think it is more than recommended hardware requirements.
My visual studio hangs on these situations.
Opening a solution (Hangs for a minute when I open a file from solution explorer)
Running the debugging (Freezes consistently when I click on debug button) and
Stopping the debugging (Freezes immediately after the UI returns to the Developer layout after debugging)
I have tried the following steps:
I ensured that I deleted all the breakpoints in the solution.
I ensured that I am not using any resources from network drive.
I ensured Step over properties is enabled.
I ensured Enable .NET Framework source stepping is NOT enabled.
I start visual studio with SafeMode to suppress extensions
I cleared watch window.
I cleaned and rebuilt the solution.
Before I encounter this problem, I installed "Install Web Components" Visual Studio Add-In a few weeks ago. May be because of extensions and add-ins?
How can I do it to solve my problem?
If you suspect that Visual Studio settings get corrupted after installing "Install Web Component" bundle, why don't you try to reset the settings?
You can perform the steps below to reset Visual Studio settings:
Open Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) under Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools (Run it with Administrator privilege: Right-click the program > Run as administrator)
Run devenv /Resetsettings to restore the IDE's default settings, optionally resets to the specified VSSettings file.
Run devenv /ResetSkipPkgs to clear all SkipLoading tags added to VSPackages.
Run devenv /Safemode to see if you can apply it correctly. This can eliminate the possibility that third party Add-ins or packages are causing problems.
Open your solution in Safemode and see whether it works.
Found this to happen also when the solution is connected to a Team Foundation Server and the service is not available at the moment, so the solution could not connect. In this case do not end the Visual Studio instance and wait until a message box show up giving the option to Go Offline. This is usually associated with the "Visual Studio is waiting for an operation to complete...." notification message.
My solution was simply to reload a saved GOOD (backup) copy of my settings (made a year ago). Worth trying before resetting everything to blank. My VS2010 would take 60 seconds to start debugging and approx. 3 minutes to stop debugging. I saved the corrupted settings and to my surprise they were over 3MB instead of 260Kb. I loaded the good backup copy and everything is great again :-)
If Visual Studio doesn't respond only when attempting to open solutions, then open a raw instance of Visual Studio then Reset Settings
Check How to: Reset Your Settings from the Tools Menu
This is Visual Studio 2013 and Windows 8.1
Open developer command prompt.
Start -> All programs -> Visual Studio -> Visual studio tools -> developer command prompt
Make sure that you don't have any pending changes that need to be checked in.
run this command : "tf workspace /delete 'your workspace/ machine name'"
yes for removing the unnecessary pending changes if at all present.

Visual Studio 2008 Designer File Bug?

This has been driving me crazy for months. I have a multiple projects that compile without errors. If I start copying and pasting controls (or even just plain 'p' tags) the designer will fail 1/2 the time with the error "the method or operation is not implemented". The complexity of the page doesn't matter. The 'solution' is to delete the designer file, exit visual studio, open visual studio and convert the offending aspx file to a 'web application' to regenerate the designer file.
This is a really annoying. I can't find any fixes on Google. Is there a way to disable the automatic designer file? Make it so it only generates on a 'build' command and not fail everytime I'm laying out a aspx page?
To find the fix for the issue you would need to find the cause of the issue. It might be possible to get more information on what is causing the issue if you attach a debugger to Visual Studio. This could be done by following these steps:
Open two instances of visual studio (run as administrator)
In one, open your project and get to a point right before the issue occurs
Attach the other instance of Visual Studio to the one with your project (Tools -> Attach to Process)
Perform the steps to reproduce the issue.
Note that to actually catch the exception you will need to change a few debugging options. First you would need to make sure that the Just My Code check box is unchecked in the General debugging options in Visual Studio. The second is on the exceptions dialog you will need to catch thrown exceptions. The exception dialog is under the Debug menu in Visual Studio.

How to stop "Just In Time Debugging" messages blocking a buildserver

Our buildserver (TeamCity, much recommended), runs our a whole bunch of testsuites on our finished c++ program.
Once in a whole, a test causes our program to crash, often bringing up a VisualStudio dialog offering me to JustInTime debug the crash. The dialog stops the buildserver from progressing. Instead of the build marked as failed, it just hangs. I've turned off the Just In Time debugging feature in VisualStudio, but when it's turned off, you still get a message "Couldn't JustinTime Debug this, you can turn it on in the options".
Does anybody know of a way to ensure that any unhandled exception in a program does not result in any modal dialog?
This MSDN article explains how to disable Just-In-Time debugging on a Windows server. I've included the relevant portion of the article below:
After Visual Studio is installed on a server, the default behavior when an unhandled
exception occurs is to show an Exception dialog that requires user intervention to
either start Just-In-Time debugging or ignore the exception. This may be undesirable for
unattended operation. To configure the server to no longer show a dialog when an
unhandled exception occurs (the default behavior prior to installing Visual Studio), use
the registry editor to delete the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\Debugger
On a 64-bit operating system also delete the following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug\Debugger
Delete (or rename) c:\windows\system32\vsjitdebugger.exe.
I tried deleting the registry keys, and I tried unchecking all the boxes in the Visual Studio options, but neither worked.
To be clear, my situation wasn't a C++ one. I was using Micro Focus COBOL for Visual Studio 2010, and by using the registry and VS options suggestions I managed to get rid of the "Want to debug?" dialog, but that resulted in a different dialog to hold up my automated process:
Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger
An unhandled exception ('COBOL runtime: Fault detected') occurred in CASDBC.exe [3564]. Just-In-Time debugging
this exception failed with the following error: No installed debugger
has Just-In-Time debugging enabled. In Visual Studio, Just-In-Time
debugging can be enabled from Tools/Options/Debugging/Just-In-Time.
Check the documentation index for 'Just-in-time debugging, errors' for
more information.
I would not recommend to edit/remove regs. Usually the registry is a mess to play with.
The solution that helps me is a quite simple. I`ve just added JIT debugger to my Visual Studio. Steps are:
Open Windows Control panel
Programs and Features
Find Visual Studio 2017
Click Change. On a new opened window navigate to the Individual Components tab
Check Just-In-Time debugger checkbox
Click modify
After VS reload the error should be fixed.
In my case , on win2012 server, I tried:
removing registry keys
deleting the exe for the jit debugger from c:\windows\system32
and it still came up!
I rebooted, etc.
Was making my web site in IIS stall until dialog was acknowledged!
Final solution, which did work: In control panel, in Programs: Uninstalled "Microsoft Visual Studion 2010 Shell (Isolated)" Uninstalled that, and problem solved.
(Whether SQL Management Studio still works.... I do not know!)
In the Window for the question
Do you want to Debug using the selected debugger?
Click YES (new window opens) > OPTIONS (top row menu) > DEBUG
Then in the New window remove the TICK which shows ENABLE JUST IN TIME DEBUGGER.
After disabling the JUST IN TIME debugger close the window or click OK
Your problem will be solved. I've tried this and got rid of the JUST IN TIME POP UP messages.
Best Solution for this problem is so simple
2 steps to make it done
open cmd prompt
type : regedit
go to path-->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-->SOFTWARE-->Microsoft-->Windows NT-->CurrentVersion-->AeDebug
You can find now the file : Debugger
right click , Modify
copy and paste this text inside it:
drwtsn32 -p %ld -e %ld -g
click ok and voila :)

Why would my Visual Studio 2008 close everytime I open a .xaml file?

Visual Studio 2008 has been very stable for months on my computer.
This morning when I double-click on any .xaml file to open it, or even click on the tab of an already opened .xaml file, Visual Studio says "initializing toolbar" in the status bar and then 20 seconds later fully closes the whole application without any error message.
Other files (e.g. .cs class files) I can open fine.
Has anyone experience this or know what I could check/change to be able to use Visual Studio to edit .xaml files again?
MORE INFO: I can also create a new project and create and edit .xaml files fine.
MORE INFO: I can edit .xaml files in other modules (projects) fine.
MORE INFO: Everytime it crashes, this event is registered:
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Error in executable module (72555E00) (80131506).
(odd since I have .NET framework 3.5 installed)
MORE INFO: It is only in one module (project) that .xaml files cause Visual Studio to crash. Even creating a new UserControl in that module crashes Visual Studio.
I get this occasionally (with .xaml and .resx files) and find that if I delete the solutions .suo file things work fine again.
[The suo file just contains per user settings like recently opened files etc so it's nothing important and will just be recreated when you next open the solution.]
I've been getting the same issue whenever I try to access project settings for a C# project.
Found additional information about this:
And here:
Apparently it's a bug in the core CLR engine that causes the entire CLR to crash if certain types of assemblies are loaded in a certain order.
Most of the time it appears to be directly related to the Visual Studio add-in called PowerCommands - uninstalling PowerCommands will make the problem go away.
And (we hope) it's supposed to be fixed for .Net 4.
This sounds very similar to the issue I had when I first installed VS 2008. Unfortunately, after hours of research, I ended up reinstalling the IDE (with my fingers crossed). No problems since then, but it's obviously not the most enjoyable way to solve the problem.
What is likely happening here is that one of the controls referenced directly on indirectly in your designer is stack overflowing during the designer process. Because the designer is hosted in process a stack overflow by one of the components will take down the designer and VS.
Try attaching a debugger to VS, break on first chance StackOverflow Exceptions and open the designer.
