I have ridiculous problem with dropdownlist.Through for loop i have inserted dropdown value for Day,Month and Year. But when i am submitting the form after selecting the Day,Month and Year from Dropdownlist,the list item value is reindexing after each submitting.Ex.For Day 1 to 31,Month 1 to 12, year 1970 to 2009.After Submitting the form the list item is becoming double for each dropdownlist.Like in day dropdownlist before submiting it was 1 to 31 after submitting if i check dropdownlist the value will be two times 1 to 31 I mean 1 to 31 again 1 to 31 inside the listitem it happens for each dropdownlist.Here is my code:
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownDay" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="Select Day"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownMonth" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="Select Month"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownYear" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Text="Select Year"></asp:ListItem>
//Inserting day in the day dropdown list.
for (int i = 1; i <=31; i++)
ListItem item = new ListItem();
item.Value = i.ToString();
//Inserting month in the month dropdown list.
for (int i = 1; i <=12; i++)
ListItem item = new ListItem();
item.Value = i.ToString();
//Inserting year in the year dropdown list.
for (int i = 1970; i <=2009; i++)
ListItem item = new ListItem();
item.Value = i.ToString();
string day = DropDownDay.Text;
string month = DropDownMonth.Text;
string year = DropDownYear.Text;
After adding i have set:
DropDownDay.SelectedIndex = 0;
DropDownMonth.SelectedIndex = 0;
DropDownYear.SelectedIndex = 0;
you probably are not checking for Page.IsPostBack option
if it is true, then DO NOT REPOPULATE your drop down lists
I am working on MVC 5. Using WEB API, fetch the data now it is time to apply the HTML PAGE design and CSS.
#foreach (var item in Model)
if (Model.First() == item)
else {
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
In the else portion, every time it generates the new ROW for a SINGLE record. But I am interested to display record 2 3 4 in SECOND ROW. 5 6 7 Record in the THIRD ROW and so on.
If it is the first item, open a div and then put the items in it. Close the div when the number of columns is 3 or close the div if the item is at the end of the list.
The following algorithm does this for you
int i = 0;
int columnCounter = 1;
bool newRow = false;
#foreach (var item in Model)
//add and open div row
if (i == 0 || newRow)
newRow = false;
#:<div class="row" style="border:2px solid red;">
<div class="col-md-4" style="padding:0;">
<div style="height:40px;background:#f6f6f6;width:100%;text-align:center;">
<span>Column #i</span>
//close div row if column count == 3 or reach of end list
if (columnCounter == 3 || i == Model.Count - 1)
newRow = true;
columnCounter = 1;
columnCounter = columnCounter + 1;
public partial class Official
public short OfficialNo { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public string Firstname { get; set; }
I have 2 partial answers but neither gives me what I want:
In my controller on Edit:
ViewBag.OfficialNo = new SelectList(_context.Official, "OfficialNo", "OfficialNo", "", "Surname");
This gives me
The top line is bold and comes from "Surname" which is supposed to be the Data Group Field. The bottom line is what is stored in the database and displays a value if there is one (which is correct).
ViewBag.OfficialNo = new SelectList(_context.Official.Select(e => e.OfficialNo + " - " + e.Firstname + " " + e.Surname));
This gives me
101 – John Smith
102 – Bob Brown
103 – Garry Gray
which is the info I want but does not allow a selection to be stored (naturally).
I want
John Smith
Bob Brown
Garry Gray
so that the first line is info and the second line (if selected) will be what is stored on update.
How do I combine the 2 ViewBag statements above ?
For further info my Edit View statement is:
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="RefereeNo" class="control-label"></label>
<select asp-for="RefereeNo" class="form-control" asp-items="ViewBag.OfficialNo"><option> </option></select>
One of the solution is to add Group property of SelectListItem :
Controller :
var officials = _context.Official.GroupBy(x => x.Firstname+" "+x.Surname);
List<SelectListItem> selectListItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var official in officials)
var optionGroup = new SelectListGroup() { Name = official.Key };
foreach (var item in official)
selectListItems.Add(new SelectListItem() { Value = item.OfficialNo.ToString(), Text = item.OfficialNo.ToString(), Group = optionGroup });
ViewBag.OfficialNo = selectListItems;
Then in view show/bind the dropdownlist :
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="#item.RefereeNo" class="control-label"></label>
<select asp-for="#item.RefereeNo" class="form-control" asp-items="ViewBag.OfficialNo"><option> </option></select>
As per Nan Yu's answer above:
Controller :
var officials = _context.Official.GroupBy(x => x.Firstname+" "+x.Surname);
List<SelectListItem> selectListItems = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var official in officials)
var optionGroup = new SelectListGroup() { Name = official.Key };
foreach (var item in official)
selectListItems.Add(new SelectListItem() { Value = item.OfficialNo.ToString(), Text = item.OfficialNo.ToString(), Group = optionGroup });
ViewBag.OfficialNo = selectListItems;
I am cycling through all values of items array and appending them to #selectbox like this:
"value", items[i][0]).text(items[i][1])
How within the same loop cycle I could make particular item "selected"? Thanks
You can check if the item is what you want to select like this:
const items = [1, 2, 3];
const selected = 2;
for(var i in items) {
let item = items[i];
let option = $("<option></option>");
if(item == selected) {
option.attr('selected', true);
$("#Selectbox").append(option.attr("value", item).text(item));
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<select id="Selectbox">
<option>Select an item</option>
I store 2 dates in my products table start_discounted and end_discounted this 2 columns are responsible of my discount price duration. Now when my product discount duration expires except it return back to normal price it stays on discounted price and my timer goes to minus.
my model scope
public function scopeValidDiscount($query){
return $query->where('start_discounted', '<=', Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString())
->where('end_discounted', '>=', Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString());
public function product($slug){
$product = Product::where('slug', $slug)->firstOrFail();
$validdiscount = $product->ValidDiscount()->get();
show timer
PS: I need to avoid showing timer in 2 conditions, 1 discount dates are expired. 2 Product discount dates are null.
Any idea where is my mistake?
My timer in blade:
<div class="deals_timer row align-items-center">
<div class="col-md-6 deals_timer_title_container">
<div class="deals_timer_title">{{__('store.hurryup')}}</div>
<div class="deals_timer_subtitle">{{__('store.endsin')}}</div>
<div class="col-md-6 deals_timer_content ml-auto">
<div class="deals_timer_box clearfix" data-target-time="{{$end}}">
<div class="text-center deals_timer_unit">
<div id="deals_timer3_hr" class="deals_timer_hr"></div>
<div class="text-center deals_timer_unit">
<div id="deals_timer3_min" class="deals_timer_min"></div>
<div class="text-center deals_timer_unit">
<div id="deals_timer3_sec" class="deals_timer_sec"></div>
Please pay attention to data-target-time="{{$end}}" i think the issue might be here...
my timer script:
var timers = $('.deals_timer_box');
var timer = $(this);
var targetTime;
var target_date;
// Add a date to data-target-time of the .deals_timer_box
// Format: "Feb 17, 2018"
if(timer.data('target-time') !== "")
targetTime = timer.data('target-time');
target_date = new Date(targetTime).getTime();
var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 2);
target_date = date.getTime();
// variables for time units
var days, hours, minutes, seconds;
var h = timer.find('.deals_timer_hr');
var m = timer.find('.deals_timer_min');
var s = timer.find('.deals_timer_sec');
setInterval(function ()
// find the amount of "seconds" between now and target
var current_date = new Date().getTime();
var seconds_left = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;
// do some time calculations
days = parseInt(seconds_left / 86400);
seconds_left = seconds_left % 86400;
hours = parseInt(seconds_left / 3600);
hours = hours + days * 24;
seconds_left = seconds_left % 3600;
minutes = parseInt(seconds_left / 60);
seconds = parseInt(seconds_left % 60);
if(hours.toString().length < 2)
hours = "0" + hours;
if(minutes.toString().length < 2)
minutes = "0" + minutes;
if(seconds.toString().length < 2)
seconds = "0" + seconds;
// display results
}, 1000);
This is what I have in my controller in order to get my expired date and use if in my JavaScript above:
$mytime = Carbon::now();
if(!empty($product->start_discounted && $product->end_discounted)){
$start = $product->start_discounted->format('M d, Y');
$end = $product->end_discounted->format('M d, Y');
then I also have my scope code:
$validdiscount = $product->ValidDiscount()->get();
now what I think is that my issue cause by: I get my expire date from
product directly $product->end_discounted while I try to avoid it while I'm using scope which
it does the same carbon thing in my model, not sure! (maybe i should get my $end by scope as well?
You're not using scopes correctly. Scopes are used on query builder, not on an already retrieved model.
For doing this, you just need a regular method:
public function validDiscount() {
return $this->start_discounted <= now()->toDateTimeString()
&& $this->end_discounted >= now()->toDateTimeString();
And then in your view, check it like this:
show timer
And remove the unneeded $validdiscount = $product->ValidDiscount()->get(); (where you're using a query scope on an instance of a model).
You can use javascript/jquery in front end to do it.
When you populate that page, call that js function to check that value like this $(document).ready(function(){ check_timer() })
Then trigger that method again when you timer has expired to update your view(hide promotional price, hide timer & showing actual price)
check_timer function can be like this
function check_timer(){
if(!{{ $validdiscount }}){
//hide your required div
In my jQuery mobile app I have an alarm service the user enter number of alarms Per day , once the user enters the number of alarms lets say 3 , app will create 3 input fields for time , when the user clicks save button to save data i need to validate all the created input time fields so the entered time not equal the current time, and be unique there is no alarms at this time , I have solved it by the following code but the problem is that when the user enter a unique time " a non repeated time" I change the exist value from true to false but it didn't enter and execute this condition
else if (exist == false && $(this).attr('value') != currentTime ) directly "once " the exist value is updated ,I need to click the save button again in order to make the code know that the exist value is changed , and continue saving the alarm data in the DB .
How can i solve this problem ? please help me ...
<div data-role="page" id="Alarm">
<div data-role="header" ></div>
<div data-role="content" >
<input type="number" id="AlarmTimes"/>
<label for="AlarmTimes" > Number of alarms Per day </lable>
<div id="timeFields" style="display:none;" >
<input type="button" id="SaveBtn" value="Save Alarm "/></div>
var alarm_TimesNum;
var exist = true;
var ExistAlarmTimesArr = [];
$('#AlarmTimes').on('keyup' , function(){
alarm_TimesNum = $('#AlarmTimes').attr('value');
var timeFields = $('#timeFields');
if(timeFields.children().length != 0 )
for( var i=1 ; i<= alarm_TimesNum ;i++)
timeFields.append($( '<div class="ui-grid-a" ><div class="ui-block-a"> <input type="time" name="alarmTime" class="AlarmTime" /></div>'
+'<div class="ui-block-b" ><label for=" alarmTime" ><font size="5px" style="font- weight: normal;" class="Time_label"> Time:: </font></label></div></div>'));
if( $(this).attr('value') == currentTime || $.trim( $(this).attr('value')).length ==0 )
$('.Time_label').each(function(j){ if(j==i){ $(this).addClass('missing');} });
if(i==0){ alert('Enter time for alarm 1 '); }
else if(i==1){alert('Enter time for alarm 2 '); }
else if(i==2){alert('Enter time for alarm 3 '); }
else if( $(this).attr('value') != currentTime && exist == true )
for( var k=0;k<ExistAlarmTimesArr.length;k++)
if( $(this).attr('value') == ExistAlarmTimesArr[k])
$('.Time_label').each(function(j){ if(j==i){ $(this).addClass('missing');} });
if(i==0){alert( 'Enter Another Time for alarm 1 you have another alarm at this time '); }
else if(i==1){ alert( 'Enter Another Time for alarm 2 you have another alarm at this time '); }
else if(i==2){ alert( 'Enter Another Time for alarm 3 you have another alarm at this time '); }
exist = true;
else { exist = false; }
else if (exist == false && $(this).attr('value') != currentTime )
$('.Time_label').each(function(j){ if(j==i){ $(this).removeClass('missed');} });
NotifTime = $(this).attr('value');
TimeArr[j] = NotifTime;
j= j+1 ;
count ++;
// save data in the DB
function getExistAlarmsTime(tx)
tx.executeSql("SELECT Time FROM AlarmTBL ",[],AlarmTimeExist,transError);
function AlarmTimeExist(tx,result)
for(var j=0;j< result.rows.length; j++)
var row = result.rows.item(j);
ExistAlarmTimesArr[j] = row['Time'];
I think the issue could just be the use of .attr('value'), try subbing it for .val() instead. I think that will fix your issues.