Cognos reports showing no data from url - reporting

I can run all my reports from report studio just fine. So its not a question of query or data or even report specs.
When i call them from URL i am getting no data in the report. There obviously should be data.
We had just upgraded from 8.2 to 8.3 and it is not all the reports... only a select few.
This is serious problem since our users can no longer run these reports.
please help.

This was worked around by recreating the reports from scratch in 8.3 by copying over all the contents using the clipboard and saving it over the old one. There must be something wrong with our reports and the cognos upgrade engine.
This fixes 90% of our reports. we still have some that do not behave correctly.


SSRS report returning no data on report server but is working in visual studio

Something really strange is happening with SSRS. I have a report which is powered by a stored proc which uses a lot of TSQL and CTE's to set variables ect... I know that there's no problem with the procedure as it runs in SQL and also runs within Visual Studio and returns a full data set. The issue I'm having is on deployment, I can't seem to get the report to return data when running it from the reporting server. The headers of the table and parameter are displayed but just no data.
I've tried the following:
- Deleting the .DATA file
- Clearing cache
- Checking for data source errors
- Checked the report server error log
- Rebuilt RDL and created a different report with the code
I'm clueless on this one, it's something I've never seen before.
Please help.
Much appreciated,
Thank you

Stop SSRS from Building ALL reports when Previewing

I am trying to find some sort of setting in Visual Studio that controls whether it Builds all the report in the solution before letting the user Preview a report.
Currently, I am updating an old report. When I try to preview, the Visual Studio preview goes blank white for about 10 minutes then gives a bunch of errors about issues with different reports.
The report preview failed because the report could not be built.
Unfortunately, Microsoft's MSDN is pretty much useless when searching for something (or anytime you want actual information and not theory). I've looked through every item in the Visual Studio menu but haven't found anything that sounds close to what I want.
It did not build all reports last week when I made changes to another report. I have other solutions which do not currently have the problem (it would make more sense if they did, tho). What setting did I change to make this stupid functionality?
I would recommend opening that report in Report Builder. It's a free download. You can use the 3.0 version or 2016. That way it will not be bogged down by the other reports, it has simpler error handling, and it has pretty much all the same editing capabilities. Once you're done making any changes, you can continue to manage it from within Visual Studio SSDT.
This is not intended as an answer but too long for a comment.
If a report has not been successfully built previously, it will be built when you preview any report. Once the build completes, reports are skipped unless they have been changed since the last succesful build.
Usually when you preview a report, it builds just that report and skips the others.
You can prove this by going to a 'working' solution/project, right-clicking the solution and choosing Clean Solution. This will delete the build info for all the reports, next time you preview any report, every report will be rebuilt, you can see this in the Output window.
Once this is complete, preview any report and in the Output windows you will see Skipping 'report name.rdl'. Item is up to date.
I 'think' the status of each report is held in the project user options file (*.rptpoj.user) but I don't have anything that I can read the file sensibly with so I'm not 100% certain.
You may have to create new project and copy each report in one at a time fixing them as you go, I can't think of anything else, but hopefully somebody know more than me.

Sub report is taking a lot of time for rendering

I am working on SSRS using SQL 2008 r2. I have created master report with sub reports using report viewer.
Issue: For each run .rdlc report is taking almost 5-10 min time to generate report in Win form. I am using VS 2010 and VB.Net. I believe the sub report is taking a lot of time rendering.
The main SP and sub report SP is getting executed in an instant.
The report however is running fine in BIDS environment but when loading in report viewer is taking a lot of time rendering
I have tried searching many options regarding this Issue but couldn't find enough help. I am sorry If my question is not enough clear to you all.
(P.S.= I am using embedded report for Winform for VS 2010 as .rdlc and not a Web report or .rdl (2008))
The standard "gotcha" in this scenario is that BIDS is using dataset cache files and not going back to SQL and re-running your query.
To avoid this you can either alter your parameters on each execution (invalidating the cache) or use this feature from the geniuses behind BIDS Helper:
If this is the case, the real issue is that your datasets queries are taking a long time to run. This is usually a SQL or database design issue, not SSRS.

Azure Reporting

I have Main SSRS report with few drill down reports calling same main report with parameters. It works fine in Regular SSRS. When I upload the same report on Azure the main report works fine without problem. When I click on the drill down links it keeps on giving error saying The Item "reportname" cannot be found. Tracing id is : (rsItemNotFound). What change I need to make in the SSRS to have the drill down report work in Azure environment.
There shouldn't be a need to change anything between between regular SSRS and Azure Reporting.
I had a simular problem once. In my case it happened since I renamed the report at one point, but the drill down action was still using the old report name. Maybe you have a simular problem?
Also, check out the Azure Reporting limitations over here (in case your report happens to use an unsupported feature like RDCE)

Does CrystalReports have diagnostic logging? Certain fields won't show up when printed

I am using the Crystal Reports that comes with Visual Studio 2008
Here is my problem. I have a simple little command line utility that generates a single crystal report. It
Connects to a database
Gets a dataset out of a stored procedure. The dataset is always one table with one row.
Sets the dataset as the report's DataSource
Depending on command-line flags either prints to the default printer, emails, or saves the report as a pdf
The app is used something like this:
c:\> GenerateReport 1000 1345 1 pdf=c:\temp\ print
Where the first 3 arguments specify parameters for the stored procedure and the other arguments are optional but tell the utility what to do with the report. Very simple stuff. Works great, and has been for some time.
Except that since upgrading crystal reports (from whichever version was with vs2003) its been a little wonky. ONLY on the production site and ONLY when the report is printed, several (but not all) of the fields on the report are left blank!
This is especially confounding because the report is instantiated only once and all the data on report is coming from the DataSet - I have no report parameter fields. And the dataset is fetched and set as the datasource only once at the application start. After that I am simply calling report.PrintToPrinter, report.Export, or report.ExportToStream on the same instance depending on whether I want to print, export or email respectively.
What this means is that if I run the utility with the print and email=me#mycompany options the email that I get and the report that is printed are from the EXACT SAME ReportClass instance. Yet the same values that are consistently missing when printed are visible when the report is emailed or saved to disk.
Even worse, I can take the exact same executable. Move it to my development computer, point the config file at the production database and it prints to my local printer with all the values filled in!
I'm really quite stumped as to how to investigate this further - it seems like something is going on inside of CrystalReports. Is there some sort of diagnostic mode or logging mode that I can turn on that might give me a clue how to fix this?
To first of all answer your question, NO, there is no diagnostics logging, other than what you see from the report and any exceptions that arise.
As for what might be wrong, if the problem ONLY occurs when it's printed, it HAS to be related to printer drivers and/or fonts. It can not be anything else. For a for-sure way to fix the report to print on the production printer... install Crystal Reports on the computer that has the production printer installed and open/format/test/save the report against that SPECIFIC printer. That will fix the issue. And of course, remove Crystal Reports when you are done fixing the report.
If the report is running fine and the output is incorrect in terms of what gets printed, and no other errors happen, it HAS to be a compatibility issue with the printer. Nothing else.
