Is it possible to create INTERNATIONAL permalinks? - internationalization

i was wondering how you deal with permalinks on international sites. By permalink i mean some link which is unique and human readable.
E.g. for english phrases its no problem e.g. /product/some-title/
but what do you do if the product title is in e.g chinese language??
how do you deal with this problem?
i am implementing an international site and one requirement is to have human readable URLs.
Thanks for every comment

Characters outside the ISO Latin-1 set are not permitted in URLs according to this spec, so Chinese strings would be out immediately.
Where the product name can be localised, you can use urls like <DOMAIN>/<LANGUAGE>/DIR/<PRODUCT_TRANSLATED>, e.g.:
accompanied by a mod_rewrite rule to the effect of:
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)/product/([a-z]+)? product_lookup.php?lang=$1&product=$2
For the first example above, this rule will call product_lookup.php?lang=en&product=cat. Inside this script is where you would access the internal translation engine (from the lang parameter, en in this case) to do the same translation you do on the user-facing side to translate, say, "Chat" on the French page, "Cat" on the English, etc.
Using an external translation API would be a good idea, but tricky to get a reliable one which works correctly in your business domain. Google have opened up a translation API, but it currently only supports a limited number of languages.
English <=> Arabic
English <=> Chinese
English <=> Russian

Take a look at Wikipedia.
They use national characters in URLs.
For example, Russian home page URL is:Заглавная_страница. The browser transparently encodes all non-ASCII characters and replaces them by their codes when sending URL to the server.
But on the web page all URLs are human-readable.
So you don't need to do anything special -- just put your product names into URLs as is.
The webserver should be able to decode them for your application automatically.

I usually transliterate the non-ascii characters. For example "täst" would become "taest". GNU iconv can do this for you (I'm sure there are other libraries):
$ echo täst | iconv -t 'ascii//translit'
Alas, these transliterations are locale dependent: in languages other than german, 'ä' could be translitertated as simply 'a', for example. But on the other side, there should be a transliteration for every (commonly used) character set into ASCII.

How about some scheme like /productid/{product-id-number}/some-title/
where the site looks at the {number} and ignores the 'some-title' part entirely. You can put that into whatever language or encoding you like, because it's not being used.

If memory serves, you're only able to use English letters in URLs. There's a discussion to change that, but I'm fairly positive that it's not been implemented yet.
that said, you'd need to have a look up table where you assign translations of products/titles into whatever word that they'll be in the other language. For example: will need a translation look up for "cat" "gato" "neko" etc.
Then your HTTP module which is parsing those human reading objects into an exact url will know which page to serve based upon the translations.

Creating a look up for such thing seems an overflow to me. I cannot create a lookup for all the different words in all languages. Maybe accessing an translation API would be a good idea.
So as far as I can see its not possible to use foreign chars in the permalink as the sepecs of the URL does not allow it.
What do you think of encoding the specials chars? are those URLs recognized by Google then?


How to convert French accented words into codes for Magento 1.8?

I have two versions for my store - English and French. And I am doing the translation from English to French in app/locale/fr_FR/Mage_Page.csv
I notice that I have to use some codes for certain French characters, such as En-tête de page for tête de page.
So if I have French words like 100% Magasinage sécurisé, how can use convert it into codes like En-tête de page?
I think it can come from the encoding of your file Mage_Page.php. If you use linux, I think that you have it in your file's properties and if you use Windows, you can check with notepad++. Richard B. gave a good link that in my opinion might solve the problem.
I'm using french on all the magento website that we produce and I do not have any problem like that so it must come from the encoding of your file.
One last thing : if your file is utf8 encoded, it means that your text was imported from a different one and editor did what it could but not successfully to change the characters (can happen with text from excel).

i18n URL format with language parameter always in URL

I'm working on a new website and I have a question regarding internalization (i18n) and SEO.
Here's the case. I'm using this CodeIgniter code to translate my website in 2 languages.
Let's say these languages are English and Dutch.
When using this code, people visiting are redirected to
where English is the default language.
I will have a simple selectbox where users can switch to Dutch. The url will then be the same, except "en" is replaced with "nl".
Now my question is: is it bad practice in terms of SEO that the default language is always present in the URL? Also, does an immediate redirect to after opening have effect on SEO?
Is it better to always use a default language and present that first, or to "guess" the language based on browser headers?
Last but not least: do I also have to translate my controller names.
See: How should I structure my urls for both SEO and localization?
Having a folder (or subdomain, or top level domain) with the language is the preferred setup for optimal SEO.
You can translate words in the URL itself (the controller name in your case).
It makes the URLs look more appealing to non-English users.
Any non-ASCII characters have to be URL encoded (UTF-8).
URLS can get very long with even a few international characters.
Browsers often show URLs not encoded in the URL bar but they get copied and pasted encoded.

Things to take into account when internationalizing web app to handle chinese language

I have a MVC3 web app with i18n in 4 latin languages... but I would like to add CHINESE in the future.
I'm working with standard resource file.
Any tips?
EDIT: Anything about reading direction? Numbers? Fonts?
I would start with these observations:
Chinese is a non-character-based language, meaning that a search engine (if needed) must not use only punctuation and whitespace to find words (basically, each character is a word); also, you might have mixed Latin and Chinese words
make sure to use UTF-8 for all your HTML documents (.resx files are UTF-8 by default)
make sure that your database collation supports Chinese - or use a separate database with an appropriate collation
make sure you don't reverse strings or do other unusual text operations that might break with multi-byte characters
make sure you don't call ToLower and ToUpper to check user-input text because again this might break with other alphabets (or rather scripts) - aka the Turkey Test
To test for all of the above and other possible issues, a good way is pseudolocalization.

How to remove special charecters in wordpress?

I am using Topsy, It returns me title of highest ranking article of my mebsite, It returns me one RSS file which contains post title with there link. For now i am only taking post name and using post title am trying to search in mysql database using following function like this:
But the problem is topsy returns me post title but it also add some special characters in RSS file like " ' " replace with " ’ " this charecters.Because of this get_post_by_title() function does not return me post by title name.
EDIT : It returns me one post title like this :
iPad Applications In Bloom’s Taxonomy NEXT
Here single quote is special charecter.
Please help me. Thanks
First let's clear up a misconception: that character in your example is not a "special" character. It is Unicode code point U+2019, "RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK." Its HTML entity reference is ’. It's an ordinary character - it just happens to be an ordinary character that has no representation in ASCII. Before getting to an answer to your specific question, I need to tell you to read Joel Spolsky's article "The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)" - it is just what it says on the tin, and unless you absorb at least a little more knowledge about Unicode, you will keep running into problems like this. Don't fret too much: everyone runs into problems like this until they learn how to deal with text. Unicode isn't "hard" so much as it is "prone to exposing unconscious assumptions we make about how text works." †
Now, to your question.
If I'm reading you right, what's happening to you is that you have posts with non-ASCII characters in their titles such as ’ which aren't showing up when you search for them with get_post_by_title() (it seems like you're using something similar to the accepted answer on this question - is that right?) There are two paths to a solution: store the titles in a format that's easier for you to search, or use a searching method that can find non-ASCII characters.
Storing the titles differently would require that you run them through PHP's built-in htmlentities() function or before storing them in your Wordpress DB - you would also want to make sure that you convert characters with no HTML entity equivalent to '\xNN' form, and to make sure that your DB's collation/charset is set to UTF-8 or another Unicode-aware encoding. This will be a nontrivial amount of effort. ‡
Using a different searching method doesn't require tinkering with your DB or digging into WordPress internals, but it does require very careful fiddling with search string. You'll need to either use the exact character you're looking for in a search, expressed as a '\xNN' character reference if necessary, or use wildcards carefully in the search.
Either way, good luck. It may be possible to offer more specific advice if more of your code is visible.
†: By the way, your life with regards to Unicode will also get much, much easier if you use better languages than PHP and better databases than MySQL. WordPress is inextricably tied to PHP and MySQL: PHP & MySQL are both woefully, horrendous, hilariously bad at handling Unicode issues correctly. Your life as a programmer will get better if you extirpate PHP & MySQL from it.
‡: Seriously, PHP is atrociously bad at this, and MySQL is in a shoelaces-tied-together state of fumbling. Avoid them.
remove from wp-config.php
//define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
You can easily remove special characters using preg_replace, see this post ->

Validating Kana Input

I am working on an application that allows users to input Japanese language characters. I am trying to come up with a way to determine whether the user's input is a Japanese kana (hiragana, katakana, or kanji).
There are certain fields in the application where entering Latin text would be inappropriate and I need a way to limit certain fields to kanji-only, or katakana-only, etc.
The project uses UTF-8 encoding. I don't expect to accept JIS or Shift-JIS input.
It sounds like you basically need to just check whether each Unicode character is within a particular range. The Unicode code charts should be a good starting point.
If you're using .NET, my MiscUtil library has some Unicode range support - it's primitive, but it should do the job. I don't have the source to hand right now, but will update this post with an example later if it would be helpful.
Not sure of a perfect answer, but there is a Unicode range for katakana and hiragana listed on Wikipedia. (Which I would expect are also available from as well.)
Hiragana: Unicode: 3040-309F
Katakana: Unicode: 30A0–30FF
Checking those ranges against the input should work as a validation for hiragana or katakana for Unicode in a language-agnostic manner.
For kanji, I would expect it to be a little more complicated, as I
expect that the Chinese characters used in Chinese and Japanese are both included in the same range, but then again, I may be wrong here. (I can't expect that Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese to be included in the same range...)
oh oh! I had this one once... I had a regex with the hiragana, then katakana and then the kanji. I forget the exact codes, I'll go have a look.
regex is great because you double the problems. And I did it in PHP, my choice for extra strong auto problem generation
$pattern = '/[^\wぁ-ゔァ-ヺー\x{4E00}-\x{9FAF}_\-]+/u';
I found this here, but it's not great... I'll keep looking
I looked through my portable hard drive.... I thought I had kept that particular snippet from the last company... sorry.
