ruby logging convenience method - ruby

I would like a ruby method "show" which does this:
the output of the call would be:
anyvar => _the_ _pp_ _string_ _of_ _the_ _object_
Something close , but not quite is :
p "any_var => #{any_var.pretty_inspect}"
Since you have to type "anyvar" out to accomplish that.

This should do what you're asking. It prints readable info about an object in YAML format:
puts YAML::dump(object)
So your show method would look like this:
def show:
puts YAML::dump(self)
and don't forget to:
require 'yaml'

A little enhanced version of Martin's one:
require 'pp'
def show(var,bindings)
print "#{var} => #{eval('var',bindings).pretty_inspect}"
a,t = 1,
show a,binding #=> a => 1
show t,binding #=> t => Mon Sep 28 13:12:34 +0300 2009

In general, this can't be done because methods are called on objects, not variables.
If you're willing to do it with a "function" rather than a method you could add this to Kernel:
def show(var)
print "#{var} => #{eval(var).pretty_inspect}"
and call it via
show "anyvar"
It's a bit ugly because of the need to pass the variable name in as a string, of course.


ruby object to_s gives unexpected output

What is the correct way to view the output of the puts statements below? My apologies for such a simple question.... Im a little rusty on ruby. github repo
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
require 'indicators'
my_data = => 'AAPL', :start_date => '2012-08-25', :end_date => '2012-08-30').output)
puts my_data.to_s #expected to see Open,High,Low,Close for AAPL
temp=my_data.calc(:type => :sma, :params => 3)
puts temp.to_s #expected to see an RSI value for each data point from the data above
Maybe check out the awesome_print gem.
It provides the .ai method which can be called on anything.
An example:
my_obj = { a: "b" }
my_obj_as_string =
puts my_obj_as_string
# ... this will print
# {
# :a => "b"
# }
# except the result is colored.
You can shorten all this into a single step with ap(my_obj).
There's also a way to return objects as HTML. It's the true) option.
Just use .inspect method instead of .to_s if you want to see internal properties of objects.

Ruby access propteries with dot-notation

I'm trying to build a class that will basically be used as a data structure for storing values/nested values. I want there to be two methods, get and set, that accept a dot-notated path to recursively set or get variables.
For example:
bag =
bag.get('') # => nil
bag.set('', 'baz')
bag.get('') # => 'baz'
The get method could also take a default return value if the value doesn't exist:
bag.get('foo.baz', false) # => false
I could also initialize a new ParamBag with a Hash.
How would I manage this in Ruby? I've done this in other languages, but in order to set a recursive path, I would take the value by reference, but I'm not sure how I'd do it in Ruby.
This was a fun exercise but still falls under the "you probably should not do this" category.
To accomplish what you want, OpenStruct can be used with some slight modifications.
class ParamBag < OpenStruct
def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
if super.nil?
modifiable[new_ostruct_member(name)] =
This class will let you chain however many method calls together you would like and set any number of parameters.
Tested with Ruby 2.2.1
2.2.1 :023 > p =
=> #<ParamBag>
2.2.1 :024 >
=> #<ParamBag>
2.2.1 :025 >
=> #<ParamBag>
2.2.1 :026 > = {}
=> {}
2.2.1 :027 >
=> {}
2.2.1 :028 > = 'abc'
=> "abc"
Basically, take your get and set methods away and call methods like you would normally.
I do not advise you actually do this, I would instead suggest you use OpenStruct by itself to acheive some flexibility without going too crazy. If you find yourself needing to chain a ton of methods and have them never fail, maybe take a step backwards and ask "is this really the right way to approach this problem?". If the answer to that question is a resounding yes, then ParamBag might just be perfect.

Using Ruby to wait for a page to load an element

I currently have a working piece of Ruby that looks like this:
def error_message
browser.span(:id => 'ctl00_cphMainContent_lblMessage').wait_until_present(30) do
not errors.empty?
However, I'd prefer something more like this:
span(:errors, :id => 'ctl00_cphMainContent_lblMessage')
##farther down##
def error_message
browser.errors.wait_until_present(30) do
I'm new to Ruby, but how can I do something like this, assuming it's possible?
Typically, you make use of the Watir::Wait.until or <element>.wait_until_present methods.
In this way, you could do something like:
# Earlier in code
#browser = Watir::Browser.start('')
# ...
errors = { my_first_error: "You forgot your keys in the car!" }
# Wherever
def check_for_errors(error, expiry=30)
error_element = #browser.span(:id => 'ctl00_cphMainContent_lblMessage')
error_element(value: error).wait_until_present(expiry)
See the watir documentation for more information.

Graceful date-parsing in Ruby

I have two date parameters in a controller action that I would like to fall-back to a default value if they are nil, or parsing fails.
Unfortunately, it seems that DateTime.strptime throws an exception if parsing fails, which forces me to write this monstrosity:
starting = if params[:starting].present?
DateTime.strptime(params[:starting], "%Y-%m-%d")
Feels bad man. Is there any way to parse a date with the Ruby stdlib that doesn't require a begin...rescue block? Chronic feels like overkill for this situation.
In general, I can't agree with the other solution, using rescue in this way is bad practice. I think it's worth mentioning in case someone else tries to apply the concept to a different implementation.
My concern is that some other exception you might be interested in will be hidden by that rescue, breaking the early error detection rule.
The following is for Date not DateTime but you'll get the idea:
Date.parse(home.build_time) # where build_time does not exist or home is nil
Date.parse(calculated_time) # with any exception in calculated_time
Having to face the same problem I ended up monkey patching Ruby as follows:
# date.rb
class Date
def self.safe_parse(value, default = nil)
rescue ArgumentError
Any exception in value will be rose before entering the method, and only ArgumentError is caught (although I'm not aware of any other possible ones).
The only proper use of inline rescue is something similar to this:
f(x) rescue handle($!)
These days I prefer to not monkey patch Ruby. Instead, I wrap my Date in a Rich module, which I put in lib/rich, I then call it with:
Why not simply:
starting = DateTime.strptime(params[:starting], '%Y-%m-%d') rescue #meeting_range.first
My preferred approach these days is to use Dry::Types for type coercions and Dry::Monads for representing errors.
require "dry/types"
require "dry/monads"
Types = Dry::Types(default: :strict)
# => Success(Tue, 27 Jul 2021)
# => Failure(ConstraintError: "foo" violates constraints (type?(Date, "foo"))
All of the existing answers do have rescue somewhere. However, we can use some "ugly" methods that was available from Ruby version 1.9.3 (it was there before but there is no official description).
The method is ugly because it starts with an underscore. However, it fits the purpose.
With this, the method call in the question can be written
starting = if params[:starting].present?
parsed = DateTime._strptime(params[:starting], "%Y-%m-%d") || {}
if parsed.count==3 && Date.valid_date?(parsed[:year], parsed[:month], parsed[:mday])
If the date string is matching the input format, _strptime will return a hash with all 3 date parts. so parsed.count==3 means all 3 parts exists.
However a further check that three parts forms a valid date in the calendar is still necessary since _strptime will not tell you they are not valid.
When you would to get date as object, parsed from string variable, sometimes passed string value may be nil, or empty, or invalid date string. I'd like to wrote safe metods for short:
def safe_date(string_date)
rescue TypeError, ::Date::Error
For example - check in irb console:
3.0.2 :001 > safe_date
=> #<Date: 2022-08-29 ((2459821j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
3.0.2 :001 > safe_date('')
=> #<Date: 2022-08-29 ((2459821j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
3.0.2 :002 > safe_date('29.12.2022')
=> #<Date: 2022-12-29 ((2459943j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
3.0.2 :003 > safe_date('29.13.2022')
=> #<Date: 2022-08-29 ((2459821j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

Is there a pluralize function in Ruby NOT Rails?

I am writing some Ruby code, not Rails, and I need to handle something like this:
found 1 match
found 2 matches
I have Rails installed so maybe I might be able to add a require clause at the top of the script, but does anyone know of a RUBY method that pluralizes strings? Is there a class I can require that can deal with this if the script isn't Rails but I have Rails installed?
Edit: All of these answers were close but I checked off the one that got it working for me.
Try this method as a helper when writing Ruby, not Rails, code:
def pluralize(number, text)
return text.pluralize if number != 1
Actually all you need to do is
require 'active_support/inflector'
and that will extend the String type.
you can then do
which will return
for 2.3.5 try:
require 'rubygems'
require 'active_support/inflector'
should get it, if not try
sudo gem install activesupport
and then the requires.
Inflector is overkill for most situations.
def x(n, singular, plural=nil)
if n == 1
"1 #{singular}"
elsif plural
"#{n} #{plural}"
"#{n} #{singular}s"
Put this in common.rb, or wherever you like your general utility functions and...
require "common"
puts x(0, 'result') # 0 results
puts x(1, 'result') # 1 result
puts x(2, 'result') # 2 results
puts x(0, 'match', 'matches') # 0 matches
puts x(1, 'match', 'matches') # 1 match
puts x(2, 'match', 'matches') # 2 matches
I personally like the linguistics gem that is definitely not rails related.
# from it's frontpage
require 'linguistics'
Linguistics.use :en
"box".en.plural #=> "boxes"
"mouse".en.plural #=> "mice"
# etc
This works for me (using ruby 2.1.1 and actionpack 3.2.17):
~$ irb
>> require 'action_view'
=> true
>> include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
=> Object
>> pluralize(1, 'cat')
=> "1 cat"
>> pluralize(2, 'cat')
=> "2 cats"
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/inflector'
inf =
to get the inflector, not sure how you use it
my solution:
# Custom pluralize - will return text without the number as the default pluralize.
def cpluralize(number, text)
return text.pluralize if number != 1
return text.singularize if number == 1
So you can have 'review' returned if you call cpluralize(1, 'reviews')
Hope that helps.
I've defined a helper function for that, I use it for every user editable model's index view :
def ovyka_counter(array, name=nil, plural=nil)
name ||= array.first.class.human_name.downcase
pluralize(array.count, name, plural)
then you can call it from the view :
<% ovyka_counter #posts %>
for internationalization (i18n), you may then add this to your locale YAML files :
post: "Conversation"
