Getting 404 component not found with Chronoforms in 1.5.14 - joomla

I upgraded Joomla to 1.5.14. Unfortunately I am getting a 404 error (Component not found) while accessing Chrono Forms component. I had been using Chrono Forms succesfully for a long time.
The stack trace looks like:
# Function Location
1 JAdministrator->dispatch() C:\Users\sdelamo\workspace\SVNHenaresAlDia-Trunk\administrator\index.php:67
2 JComponentHelper->renderComponent() C:\Users\sdelamo\workspace\SVNHenaresAlDia-Trunk\administrator\includes\application.php:136
3 JError->raiseError() C:\Users\sdelamo\workspace\SVNHenaresAlDia-Trunk\libraries\joomla\application\component\helper.php:120
4 JError->raise() C:\Users\sdelamo\workspace\SVNHenaresAlDia-Trunk\libraries\joomla\error\error.php:171
5 JException->__construct() C:\Users\sdelamo\workspace\SVNHenaresAlDia-Trunk\libraries\joomla\error\error.php:136
I really have no idea how to solve this problem .

It seems updating Chrono Forms to solved the problem


Symfony 4.4 getRepository No Longer Working

I recently updated a Symfony app to 4.4 from 4.2 and now my getRepository calls no longer work.
I was calling getting my repos like this:
$oems = $em->getRepository('App:OEM')->findAll();
After reading about the issue I changed to this:
$oems = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(OEM::class)->findAll();
But now I get this error:
Class "App\Controller\OEM" does not exist
Fixed it. I wasn't including the class. Added this and it worked:
use App\Entity\OEM;

ABP BoilerPlate: i cant see my exception message when i'm using UserFirendlyException

i'm using ABP ASP boilerplate .net core / angular client side frame work.
i want to show specific message when some condition exists in server side by raising UserFriendlyException("myMessage") but in client side only showing popup window
my end point API signature is like this async Task<BDto> CalcBodies(ADto input)
my problem solved by specifying LocalizationSourceName property of Service instance base on this post : GitHub link

Prototype error in Magento

I'm using the HelloResponsive EE theme on a Magento 1.13 EE deployment.
In setting up an extention for the eWAY gateway, I was told there was an error in the Prototype.js file that was interfering with the JSON post.
Uncaught TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object prototype.js:126 addMethods prototype.js:126 create prototype.js:115 (anonymous function) wishlist.js:38
for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) klass.addMethods(properties[i]);
The custom theme does use JQuery as well, so this may be a conflict issue. But when I try moving the JQuery call before the Prototype call, the JQuery functions stop working.
Can anyone help explain 1. whether or not the error is related to the Prototype / JQuery conflict (I am using a noConflict script) and 2. how best to fix this?
Take a look at the answer in this thread and see if it can help you. Essentially, I had an outdated template file in my theme that was missing some key variable definitions:

angularjs and phonegap on windows phone 7

I'm having trouble getting angularjs working on windows phone 7 with phonegap. The simple stiff works, but as soon as I try to add page include or a view (route) it doesn't do anything. In the function matchUrl(url,obj) in angular.js (1.0.3) there is a regex that fails because Windows Phone use an unusual URL format.
What happens is angular is expecting a url like 'http://localhost/www/index.html' but in windows phone it will look like: 'x-wmapp0:app/www/index.html' instead.
Has anyone run across this and is there a solution?
This issue is as of now still unresolved and tracked here
The mentioned issue is still open although fix was submitted.
I managed to get a basic angular app running in phonegap WP7 by
applying the mentioned fix
including jquery (2.0.3) above angular.js
changing line of code in angular from
var xhr = new XHR();
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
manually bootstrapping angular app after cordova deviceready event fired
I reported it here
Using angularjs-1.1.5 and changing line 5612 with
var SERVER_MATCH = /^([^:]+):[\/\/]*(\w+:{0,1}\w*#)?(\{?[\w\.-]*\}?)(:([0-9]+))?(\/[^\?#]*)?(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?$/,
should fix the problem

mini-profiler-results can't be found when using "popup=1" in querystring

Steps to reproduce the problem:
Follow steps to add profiler to your project
The project is in a virtual directory
"http://localhost/VirtualDirectory/mini-profiler-results?id=00f8651d-ebbf-443d-b60d-d83f950adf6a&popup=1" can't be found. 404.
The URL for "http://localhost/VirtualDirectory/mini-profiler-includes.less?v=2.1.4183.14740" is found and if you take away the "popup=1" from the "mini-profiler-results" URL you don't get a 404.
I'm using the latest as of 6/20/2011 (1.3) using NuGet, MVC3, VS2010, Knockout.js and jQuery 1.5.2.
Anybody have any ideas?
Edit: I've already added this is an issue here.
I figured it out. I left out a step that was very important.
protected void Application_EndRequest()
