Serializing objects as BLOBs in Oracle - oracle

I have a HashMap that I am serializing and deserializing to an Oracle db, in a BLOB data type field.
I want to perform a query, using this field.
Example, the application will make a new HashMap, and have some key-value pairs.
I want to query the db to see if a HashMap with this data already exists in the db.
I do not know how to do this, it seems strange if i have to go to every record in the db, deserialize it, then compare, Does SQL handle comparing BLOBs, so i could * from PROCESSES where foo = ?....and foo is a BLOB type, and the ? is an instance of the new HashMap?

Here's an article for you to read: Pounding a Nail: Old Shoe or Glass Bottle
I haven't heard much about your application's underlying architecture, but I can tell you immediately that there is never a reason why you should need to use a HashMap in this way. Its a bad technique, plain and simple.
The answer to your question is not a clever Oracle query, its a redesign of your application's architecture.
For a start, you should not serialize a HashMap to a database (more generally, you shouldn't serialize anything that you need to query against). Its much easier to create a table to represent hashmaps in your application as follows:
MapID (pk int)
Key (pk varchar)
Once you have the content of your hashmaps in your database, its trivial to query the database to see if the data already exists or produce any other kind of aggregate data:
SELECT Count(*) FROM HashMaps where MapID = ? AND Key = ?

Storing serialized objects in a database is almost always a bad idea, unless you know ahead of time that you don't need to query against them.
How are you serializing the HashMap? There are lots of ways to serialize data and an object like a HashMap. Comparing two maps, especially in serialized form, is not trivial, unless your serialization technique guarantees that two equivalent maps always serialize the same way.
One way you can get around this mess is to use XML serialization for some objects that rarely need to be queried. For example, where I work we have a log table where a certain log message is stored as an XML file in a CLOB field. This xml data represents a serialized Java object. Normally we query against other columns in the record, and only read/write the blob in single atomic steps. However once or twice it was necessary to do some deep inspection of the blob, and using XML allowed this to happen (Oracle supports querying XML in varchar2 or CLOB fields as well as native XML objects). It's a useful technique if used sparingly.

Look into dbms_crypto.hash to make a hash of your blob. Store the hash alongside the blob and it will give you something to narrow down the search to something manageable. I'm not recommending storing the hash map, but this is a general technique for searching for an exact match between blobs.
See also SQL - How do you compare a CLOB

i cannot disagree, but i'm being told to do so.
i appreciate your solution, and that's sort of what i had previously.

I haven't had the need to compare BLOBs, but it appears that it's supported through the dbms_lob package.
See at

Oracle can have new data types defined with Java (or .net on windows) you could define a data type for your serialized object and define how queries work on it.
Good lack if you try this...

If you serialize your data to xml, and store the data in an xml you can then use xpaths within your sql query. (Sorry as I am more of a SqlServer person, I don’t know the details of how to do this in Oracle.)
If you EVERY need to update only part of the serialized data don’t do this.
Likewise if any of the data is pointed to by other data or points to other data don’t do this.


Defining a schema that will be compatible between multiple databases and different conventions

I want to define one schema that will be cross teams & platform valid. This is pretty simple and can be thought of as a kind of ontology. What I need is to have the ability to define what the field represents and under it the name of the field on each platform. I'd like the schema to have the ability to generate data objects for each of the used languages, and therefore I'd like to know if my need can be filled within Protobuf or GraphQL. Notice - my conventions can be different than the trivial in my generated target language since it needs to be compatible with the databases. A simple example for my need:
"lastName": {
"age" : {
As you can see, on some platforms I have totally different names than the others. I'd like to know what are the usual ways\ technologies to solve this problem, and if whether it will be possible with codegen-able technologies like Proto & GraphQL.
A single schema as the single point of truth for all object / message definition across databases, comms links, multiple languages and plaforms? It would be nice, wouldn't it?
The closest I can think of is XSD (XML schema), but I don't think it works when it comes to tools. For example, I know of tools that will take an XSD schema and generate you code that will serialise / deserialise objects to / from XML (e.g. Microsoft's xsd.exe). There's even some good ones.
And then there's tools that will create SQL tables from that XSD schema. But a code generator that builds classes that can access those tables isn't also building them to serialise / deserialise objects to and XML wireformat.
Basically, I've not come across a schema language that has tooling that does everything. The ASN.1 tools are very good at creating serialisation classes, but I've never found one that also targets SQL interactions. Same with XSD.
My knowledge is of course not exhaustive, and there might be something in JSON-land that works.
Minimum Pain Compromise Approach
What I have settled on in the past is to accept that I'm having to do some manual coding around changes in schema, but probably not too much. I'd define messages fully in, say, Google Protocol Buffers, and use that for object exchange between applications / languages. Where I wanted to stash objects in a database, I'd accept that for that I'd be having to have a parallel definition of the object in the table columns, but only for critical fields that I'd want to search on. The last column would be an arbitrary container, able to store the serialised object whole.
For example, if a GPB message had an integer ID field, and a string Name field, plus a bunch of other fields. My data base table would then have an ID column, a Name column, and column for storing Bytes.
That way I could serialise an object, and push it into a row's Bytes column whilst also filling in the ID and Name columns. I could quickly search for objects, because of the Name / ID column. If I then wanted access to the other fields in the object stored in the database, I'd have to retreive the record from the database and deserialise the Bytes column.
This way one is essentially taking a bet that those key columns / field names (ID, Name) won't ever be changed during development in the schema. But it's quite likely a safe bet. Generally, one can settle things like that quite easily, early on in a project, it's the rest of the schema that might be changed during development.
One small payoff is that if the reason to hunt out an object in the database is to be able to send it through a communications channel, it is already serialised in the database. No need to serialise it again before dispatch down the comms link.
So this approach can leave one with some duplication of code / points of truth, but can be quite performant in avoiding a serialisation step during parts of runtime.
You can also cheat a little. If the serialisation wireformat is text based (JSON, XML, some ASN.1 formats, etc), then there's a good chance that string searches on the bytes column will yield good results anyway. For instance, suppose a message field was MiddleName, but I'd not created that as a distinct table column in the database. I could find likely records for any given MiddleName by searching for the value in the Bytes column, as it's stored as text somewhere in there.
Reflection Based Approach?
A potential other approach is to accept that the tooling does not exist to satisfy all needs, and adapt using language features (reflection) to exploit a common feature of code generators.
For example, consider GPB's proto compiler. In the generated code you end up with classes whose members are named after the fields in messages. And it'll be more or less the same with any code generated to access a database table that has columns by the same name.
So it is possible to use reflection to make an auto-transcriber between generated classes. You iterate down the tree of members in one class, and you can match that up to a member in a different generated class.
This avoids the need for code like:
Protobuf::MyClass myObj_g; // An object built using GPB
JSON::MyClass myObj_j; // equivalent object to be copied from myObj_g;
myObj_j.Field1 = myObj_g.Field1;
myObj_j.Field2 = myObj_g.Field2;
Protobuf::MyClass myObj_g; // An object built using GPB
JSON::MyClass myObj_j; // equivalent object to be copied from myObj_g;
foreach (Protobuf::MyClass::Reflection::Field field in Protobuf::MyClass.Fields)
myObj_j.Reflection.FindByName(field.Name) = myObj_g.Reflection.FindByName(field.Name);
There'd be a fit of fiddling around to do to get this to work between each database and serialisation technology, per language, but the point is you'd only ever have to write it once. Any subsequent schema changes do not require code changes, at least not so far as exchanging objects between a serialisation technology and a database access technology.
Obviously, reflection is easier / possible in some languages and not otheres.
The Fix It At Runtime Approach?
Apache Avro has the characteristic where serialised data describes it's own shape. Basically, wireformat data comes with its own schema, so a consumer can build a representation of the data automatically. In some languages that's horrid (C, C++), but libraries exist.
Basically, it forces you to write applications so that they work out what to do with data for themselves;

What are the typical ways to cache the result of a relational database query using Redis?

What do developers commonly use as the key and value to cache the result from a SQL query into Redis? For example, if I have a Users table, and I want to cache the results from the query:
SELECT name, age FROM Users
1) Which Redis data structure should I use? Should I just have a single Key for the query and store the entire object returned by the database as the Value as such:
{ key: { object returned by database } }
Or should I use Redis' List data structure and loop through the rows individually and push them into the List as such:
{ key: [ ... ]}
Wouldn't this add computation time of O(N)? How is this more effective than just simply storing the object returned by the database?
Or should I use Redis' Hash Map data structure and loop through the rows individually and set a unique Key for each row with its corresponding attributes as such:
{ key1: {name: 'Bob', age: 25} }, { key2: {name: 'Sally', age: 15} }, ...
2) What would be a good rule of thumb with regards to the Key? From my understanding, some people just use the SQL query as the Key? But if you do so, does that mean you would have to store the entire object returned by the database as the Value (as per question 1)? Is this the best way to do it? If you are using an ORM, do you still use the SQL query as the key?
This is nicely analyzed in the Database Caching Strategies Using Redis whitepaper, by AWS.
Here the options discussed in the document. What is best is really a design decision based on tradeoffs you have to make for your specific use-case.
Cache the Database SQL ResultSet
Cache a serialized ResultSet object that contains the fetched database
Pro: When data retrieval logic is abstracted (e.g., as in a Data Access Object or DAO layer), the consuming code expects only a
ResultSet object and does not need to be made aware of its
origination. A ResultSet object can be iterated over, regardless of
whether it originated from the database or was deserialized from the
cache, which greatly reduces integration logic. This pattern can be
applied to any relational database.
Con: Data retrieval still requires extracting values from the ResultSet object cursor and does not further simplify data access; it
only reduces data retrieval latency.
Cache Select Fields and Values in a Custom Format
Cache a subset of a fetched database row into a custom structure that
can be consumed by your applications.
Pro: This approach is easy to implement. You essentially store specific retrieved fields and values into a structure such as JSON or
XML and then SET that structure into a Redis string. The format you
choose should be something that conforms to your application’s data
access pattern.
Con: Your application is using different types of objects when querying for particular data (e.g., Redis string and database
results). In addition, you are required to parse through the entire
structure to retrieve the individual attributes associated with it.
Cache Select Fields and Values into an Aggregate Redis Data Structure
Cache the fetched database row into a specific data structure that can
simplify the application’s data access.
Pro: When converting the ResultSet object into a format that simplifies access, such as a Redis Hash, your application is able to
use that data more effectively. This technique simplifies your data
access pattern by reducing the need to iterate over a ResultSet object
or by parsing a structure like a JSON object stored in a string. In
addition, working with aggregate data structures, such as Redis Lists,
Sets, and Hashes provide various attribute level commands associated
with setting and getting data, eliminating the overhead associated
with processing the data before being able to leverage it.
Con: Your application is using different types of objects when querying for particular data (e.g., Redis Hash and database results).
Cache Serialized Application Object Entities
Cache a subset of a fetched database row into a custom structure that
can be consumed by your applications.
Pro: Use application objects in their native application state with simple serializing and deserializing techniques. This can
rapidly accelerate application performance by minimizing data
transformation logic.
Con: Advanced application development use case
Regarding 2)
What would be a good rule of thumb with regards to the Key?
Using the SQL query as the Key is OK for as long as you are sure it is unique. Add prefixes if there is a risk of not-uniqueness. You may have other databases with the same table names, leading to the same queries. Also make them invariant: all lower case or upper case. Redis keys are case-sensitive.
But if you do so, does that mean you would have to store the entire object returned by the database as the Value (as per question 1)?
Not necessarily, it comes down to what processing you are doing with the query. Chances are some are best stored as raw entire object for processing, some as JSON-stringified object to return quickly to the client, some as rows, etc. The best is to adapt accordingly.
Is this the best way to do it?
Not necessarily.
If you are using an ORM, do you still use the SQL query as the key?
You may if your ORM easily exposes the SQL Query programmatically, and it is consistent.
I wouldn't get fixed on the idea of using the SQL Query as key, use something you can be sure it is consistent, it will optimize your processing, and you'll have clear rules to invalidate. It could be the method call with parameters, the web API call, etc.

Data structure functioning like Database in C or C++

Is there a data structure which gives you functions of a database (like insert, update, delete etc)? For example:
create a struct like the database table
store data on it and query on it
selectively delete it
I know that with a hashtable you can do this (ex: uthash library). But as far as I know updating one column element only is not easy in a hash table.
Look at sqlite. Rather than a relational database system, it is essentially a connectionless, file-based database library that supports SQL. You link your program against it and it provides functions to perform SQL queries over data files.
Look At NoSQL itis The RMDBS used By FaceBook
Use C structs to represent rows of data and then trees (or maybe hashes) for indexes. There are a lot of little problems you will need to solve, specially in order to make all the operations efficient, but this forms the basis for an in-memory table.
For simple things, a tree structure may be enough.

Best-performing method for associating arbitrary key/value pairs with a table row in a Postgres DB?

I have an otherwise perfectly relational data schema in place for my Postgres 8.4 DB, but I need the ability to associate arbitrary key/value pairs with several of my tables, with the assigned keys varying by row. Key/value pairs are user-generated, so I have no way of predicting them ahead of time or wrangling orderly schema changes.
I have the following requirements:
Key/value pairs will be read often, written occasionally. Reads must be reasonably fast.
No (present) need to query off of the keys or values. (But it might come in handy some day.)
I see the following possible solutions:
The Entity-Attribute-Value pattern/antipattern. Annoying, but the annoyance would be generally offset by my ORM.
Storing key/value pairs as serialized JSON data on a text column. A simple solution, and again the ORM comes in handy, but I can kiss my future self's need for queries good-bye.
Storing key/value pairs in some other NoSQL db--probably a key/value or document store. ORM is no help here. I'll have to manage the separate queries (and looming data integrity issues?) myself.
I'm concerned about query performance, as I hope to have a lot of these some day. I'm also concerned about programmer performance, as I have to build, maintain, and use the darned thing. Is there an obvious best approach here? Or something I've missed?
That's precisely what the hstore datatype is for in PostgreSQL.
It's really fast (you can index it) and quite easy to handle. The only drawback is that you can only store character data, but you'd have that problem with the other solutions as well.
Indexes support "exists" operator, so you can query quite quickly for rows where a certain key is present, or for rows where a specific attribute has a specific value.
And with 9.0 it got even better because some size restrictions were lifted.
hstore is generally good solution for that, but personally I prefer to use plain key:value tables. One table with definitions, other table with values and relation to bind values to definition, and relation to bind values to particular record in other table.
Why I'm against hstore? Because it's like a registry pattern. Often mentioned as example of anti pattern. You can put anything there, it's hard to easy validate if it's still needed, when loading a whole row (in ORM especially), the whole hstore is loaded which can have much junk and very little sense. Not mentioning that there is need to convert hstore data type into your language type and convert back again when saved. So you get some overhead of type conversion.
So actually I'm trying to convert all hstores in company I'm working for into simple key:value tables. It's not that hard task though, because structures kept here in hstore are huge (or at least big), and reading/writing an object crates huge overhead of function calls. Thus making a simple task like that "select * from base_product where id = 1;" is making a server sweat and hits performance badly. Want to point that performance issue is not because db, but because python has to convert several times results received from postgres. While key:value is not requiring such conversion.
As you do not control data then do not try to overcomplicate this.
create table sometable_attributes (
sometable_id int not null references sometable(sometable_id),
attribute_key varchar(50) not null check (length(attribute_key>0)),
attribute_value varchar(5000) not null,
primary_key(sometable_id, attribute_key)
This is like EAV, but without attribute_keys table, which has no added value if you do not control what will be there.
For speed you should periodically do "cluster sometable_attributes using sometable_attributes_idx", so all attributes for one row will be physically close.

Serializing LINQ-objects to JSON-strings - HUGE strings

I am using LINQ to access my database, and thereby gets a LINQ-created object which I want to send to the browser (this is a webservice) as a JSON-object. This works well by now, but when I add some testdata to the database (about 10-20 entries in each table) this fails miserably. The reason is that the LINQ-object contains all the referenced objects. This becomes huge pretty fast. Eg. each resourcetype contains all its resources which contains all reservationlines which contains each reservations..
Do you have any tips on how I should resolve this? Is there a setting in the serializer I can set? I use for serializing the objects. Or is there some setting in LINQ?
In the best case I don't want to create new objects before I serialize them, since it is very convenient to just serialize the LINQ-objects directly :)
The best practice, at least for the moment, is to not serialize LINQ to SQL objects, or Entity Framework entities. The main reason for that is that they include implementation-dependent data from the base classes.
Instead, serialize what you want serialized. Use Data Transfer Objects matching exactly what you want to send, and copy from the LINQ to SQL objects into them before sending.
