Silent Installation of SQl Express 2005 - installation

Can anyone please let me know the procedure to perform silent installation of SQL Server Express 2005 and the way to specify the installation parameters.

Get the MSI and do
string InstallFile = "SSCERuntime-ENU-x86.msi"
string LogFile = "C:\Install.log"
Process proc;
proc = Process.Start("msiexec", "/l " + LogFile + " /quiet /i " + InstallFile);

If you are doing this to support deployment of a desktop application, it's a bad idea.
Use the Compact Edition of SQL Server rather than Express Edition. It's more suited to in-process situations, and it's much easier to deploy.

Thanks for a prompt reply , I would try it ,
but i am loooking something like this for SQL EXPRESS

You can find the variables here,
You should be able to install silently using msiexec /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress ADDLOCAL=ALL INSTANCENAME= SAPWD=
You may want to set some other vars that you can find in the above link lik SQLAUTOSTART and DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS.


ISDeploymentWizard.exe command (SSIS deployment ) in CMD doesn't print any indication for status

I'm running the below command in CMD for SSIS:
ISDeploymentWizard.exe /Silent /ModelType:Project /SourcePath:"C:\TEST\Integration Services.ispac" /DestinationServer:"TEST03,1111" /DestinationPath:"/TEST/DEVOPS"
and it finished successfully but with no indication to the command line. I can only check with SSMS to make sure it was really deployed. any idea why?
Solid observation here #areilma - the /silent option eliminates all status info. I had always assumed that flag controlled whether the gui was displayed or not.
If I run this command
isdeploymentwizard.exe /Silent /ModelType:Project /SourcePath:".\SO_66497856.ispac" /DestinationServer:".\dev2017" /DestinationPath:"/SSISDB/BatchSizeTester/SO_66497856"
My package is deployed to my local machine at the path specified. Removing the /silent option causes the GUI to open up with the prepopulated values.
isdeploymentwizard.exe /ModelType:Project /SourcePath:".\SO_66497856.ispac" /DestinationServer:".\dev2017" /DestinationPath:"/SSISDB/BatchSizeTester/SO_66497856"
When the former command runs, nothing is printed to the command prompt. So that's happy path deployment, maybe if something is "wrong", I'd get an error message on the command line. And this is where things got "interesting".
I altered my destination path to a folder that doesn't exist. I know the tool doesn't create a path if it doesn't exist and when I ran it, I didn't get an error back on the command line. What I did get, was a pop up windowed error of
TITLE: SQL Server Integration Services
The path does not exist. The folder 'cBatchSizeTester' was not found in catalog 'SSISDB'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Wizard.Common)
So the /silent option removes the gui to allow us to have an automated deploy but if a bad value is passed, we return to having a gui... I then repeated with a bad server name, which led to a second observation. The second I hit enter, the command line returned ready for the next command. 15 seconds later however,
TITLE: SQL Server Integration Services
Failed to connect to server .\dev2017a. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)
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Well now, that tells me that the actual deployment is an independent spawned process. So it won't return any data back to the command line, in any case.
Since I assume we're looking at this from a CI/CD perspective, what can we do? We could fire off a sqlcmd afterwards looking for an entry in the SSISDB catalog views to see what happened. Something like this
SELECT TOP 1 O.end_time, SV.StatusValue, AS FolderName, AS ProjectName FROM catalog.operations AS O
CASE O.status
WHEN 1 THEN 'Created'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Running'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Canceled'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Failed'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Pending'
WHEN 6 THEN 'Ended unexpectedly'
WHEN 7 THEN 'Succeeded'
WHEN 8 THEN 'Stopping'
WHEN 9 THEN 'Completed'
END AS StatusValue
INNER JOIN catalog.object_versions AS OV ON OV.object_id = O.object_id
INNER JOIN catalog.projects AS P ON P.object_version_lsn = OV.object_version_lsn
INNER JOIN catalog.folders AS F ON F.folder_id = P.folder_id
catalog.packages AS PKG
ON PKG.project_id = P.project_id
WHERE O.operation_type = 101 /*deploy project*/
AND = 'SO_66497856' /*project name*/
AND = 'BatchSizeTester'
ORDER BY o.created_time DESC
Perhaps a filter against end_time of within the past 10 seconds would be appropriate and if we have a result and the status is Succeeded we got a deploy. No result means it failed. I presume something similar happens when the gui runs and despite all this testing, I'm not interested in firing up a trace to fully round out this answer and see what happens behind the scenes.
If you want to negate the value of the prebuilt tool, the other option would be to use the ManagedObjectModel/PowerShell approach to deploy as you can get info from there. The other deployment option is with the TSQL Commands. The second link in my documentation section outlines what that would look like
Paltry documentation I could find
I could find no documentation as to the command line switches for isdeploymentwizard.exe
Deploy an SSIS project from the command prompt with ISDeploymentWizard.exe
Deploy Integration Services (SSIS) Projects and Packages
From #arielma's deleted answer, they found a more succinct answer saying "not possible"

Add-ClusterResource Generic Service Policy

Im creating a windows generic service through power shell and my command is below
Add-ClusterResource -Name "FileImport" -Group "SQLINST1" -ResourceType "Generic Service" | Set-ClusterParameter -Name ServiceName -Value "FileImport"
Start-ClusterResource "FileImport"
This works but i also want to set the policies option . So i want to have the checkbox "if restart is unsuccessful, fail over all resources in this service or application". Is this possible through powershell and can someone help with the missing syntax please.
I found a way to do this in powershell. Please see code below which worked
Get-ClusterResource "FileImport"| % { $_.RestartAction="1"}
I am afraid, you will not find an easy way for that. I use the deprecated old cluster.exe to perform things like that:
cluster.exe /cluster:cluster000 res Resname /prop
cluster.exe /cluster:cluster000 res Resname /priv
Here you can easily set all the parameters you want.

Trying to search for a string within command output

I'm writing a script to run PSinfo (from the Sysinternals suite) against a list of machines, then I want to search the output for a specific string before doing other things. The basic code is as follows:
with open ("specific-pcs.txt") as machines:
line = []
for machineName in machines:
machineName = machineName.strip()
ps_Info = subprocess.Popen("location of PsInfo \\" + machineName + " -s").communicate()[0]
if ("Silverlight" in ps_Info):
subprocess.Popen("wmic product where caption='Microsoft Silverlight' call uninstall")
print "Uninstalling Silverlight"
The output of PsInfo looks something like this:
Microsoft Office Word MUI (English) 2010 14.0.7015.1000
Microsoft ReportViewer 2010 Redistributable 10.0.30319
Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.10411.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.4148 9.0.30729.4148
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver
But running the code as is, it complains that "'Nonetype' is not iterable".
All I need it to do is say if Silverlight (in this case) exists in the output or not.
What do I need to change?
Thanks, Chris.
communicate returns None for a stream if it is not redirected to a pipe, which means in your case:
subprocess.Popen("location of PsInfo \\" + machineName + " -s").communicate()
will return (None, None), and when using the in operator on None you get the argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable error.
Also, you should use a list of arguments when calling Popen instead of a single string, so this should work:
ps_Info = subprocess.Popen([r"C:\Path\To\PsInfo", r"\\" + machineName, "-s"],

Install inf driver with VBScript on Windows 7

I am trying to write a VBS script that install an USB/Ethernet adapter on Windows 7.
I've got a .INF file for this device.
I first tried:
Dim WshShell, res
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
res = WshShell.Run(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%SystemRoot%" ) & "\System32\InfDefaultInstall.exe "" C:\Users\Me\Driver.inf """, 1, True)
res equaled 2.
Then I searched another way to do that and I found:
Dim WshShell, res
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
res = WshShell.Run(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%SystemRoot%" ) & "\System32\rundll32.exe SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 ""Driver.inf""", 1, True)
res equals 0 but I've got an error popup Installation failed.
What's wrong with my code? For the record, the script is launched with administration rights.
I've tried to execute the first command directly in prompt and got: The inf file you selected does not support this method of installation..
Nothing happens with second command in prompt.
This is very weird because I can install the driver "manually" when I launch the device manager and select the inf file (with a warning: Windows can't verify the publisher of this driver software.):
Once the driver is installed, the class installer property shows NetCfgx.dll,NetClassInstaller. Could it be used?
I also tried with devcon with no success (program returns devcon.exe failed).
How about this way:
1)If you're using "Windows 7", why not take advantage of the driver pre-staging utility that is built right into the OS? W7 ships with a driver utility called "PNPUTIL". Issuing a command as such will add the drivers:
PNPUTIL -a "X:\Path to Driver File\Driver.inf"
This will process the INF and copy the CAT/SYS/INF (and any DLL, EXE, etc) into the "DriverStore" folder... which is the same place Windows stores all the in-built drivers ready for auto plug-and-play instalaltion.
2)If that's not an option for you, look for "DPInst.exe" (or "DPInst64.exe" for 64-bit systems). These are available as part of the Windows PDK (available free from Microsoft) and will process all INFs in the location you put the file and attempt to pre-stage them. This method tries to copy files to the "Drivers", "CatRoot", and "INF" locations which are not as reliable... and it can occassionally fail to copy required DLLs to "System32" folders etc... but 99% of the time (for simple drivers) it just works. I can arrange to send them to you if you can't find them.
Since I found the option (1) above, that has been my best friend. I use option 2 to isntall Canon USB printers and scanners on our base images, etc... so I know that works too.
I had same problem and solved it by explicitly using ASCII version of InstallHinfSection entry point:
res = WshShell.Run("%Comspec% /C %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSectionA DefaultInstall 132 ""Driver.inf""", 1, True)
There is probably a better solution, though (like hinting at the script engine which unicode/ASCII flavor to use).
Also I'm using EN-US system so this workaround may fail on more exotic locales.
Try this:
res = WshShell.Run("%Comspec% /C %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe SETUPAPI.DLL,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 ""Driver.inf""", 1, True)

Send mail from a Windows script

I would like to send mail from a script on a Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition. I think the server setup is pretty much out of the box.
The mail server is an Exchange one, and when you're on the internal network you can use plain old SMTP. I have done it from my machine with Perl, but unfortunately Perl is not available on the server.
Is there an easy way of doing this from a .bat-file or any other way that doesn't require installing some additional software?
Thanks for the quick replies. The "blat" thingie would probably work fine but with wscript I don't have to use a separate binary.
I didn't see PhiLho's post the first time I edited and selected an answer. No need for me to duplicate the code here.
Just save the script to a file, say sendmail.vbs, and then call it from the command prompt like so:
wscript sendmail.vbs
It is possible with Wscript, using CDO:
Dim objMail
Set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMail.From = "Me <>"
objMail.To = "You <>"
objMail.Subject = "That's a mail"
objMail.Textbody = "Hello World"
objMail.AddAttachment "C:\someFile.ext"
---8<----- You don't need this part if you have an active Outlook [Express] account -----
' Use an SMTP server
objMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = 2
' Name or IP of Remote SMTP Server
objMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = _
' Server port (typically 25)
objMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = 25
----- End of SMTP usage ----->8---
Set objMail=Nothing
Update: found more info there: VBScript To Send Email Using CDO
By default it seems it uses Outlook [Express], so it didn't worked on my computer but you can use a given SMTP server, which worked fine for me.
If the server happened (I realize how old this question is) to have Powershell v2 installed, the CmdLet Send-MailMessage would do this in one line.
Send-MailMessage [-To] <string[]> [-Subject] <string> -From <string> [[-Body] <string>] [[-SmtpServer] <string>] [-Attachments <string[]>] [-Bcc <string[]>] [-BodyAsHtml] [-Cc <string[]>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-DeliveryNotficationOption {None | OnSuccess | OnFailure | Delay | Never}] [-Encoding <Encoding>] [-Priority {Normal | Low | High}] [-UseSsl] [<CommonParameters>]
I don't know if dropping a binary alongside the .bat file counts as installing software, but, if not, you can use blat to do this.
If you have outlook/exchange installed you should be able to use CDONTs, just create a mail.vbs file and call it in a batch file like so (amusing they are in the same dir)
wscript mail.vbs
for the VBScript code check out
forget the fact they the two links speak about ASP, it should work fine as a stand alone script with out iis.
I think that you'll have to install some ActiveX or other component what could be invoked from WScript, such as:
Otherwise, you'll have to write the entire SMTP logic (if possible, not sure) in WScript all on your own.
Use CDONTS with Windows Scripting Host (WScript)
Is there a way you send without referencing the outside schema urls.
That is highly useless as it can't be assumed all boxes will have outside internet access to send mail internally on the local exchange. Is there a way to save the info from those urls locally?
