How to remove paths from tabs in Visual Studio 2008? - visual-studio

Is there a way to stop the path showing in a source code tab in Visual Studio 2008?
Currently when developing an ASP.NET site, I get the path from the root plus the filename - truncated when it gets too long. So something like:
for a short path and filename, or:
for a longer path and filename.
I'd prefer to see just the filename (ie just MyPage.aspx), allowing more tabs to show at once and making it easier to see which files I have open without using the drop-down list or Crtl-Tab to show the full set.
In VS2005, I just get the filename - no path however long it is. Oddly in VS2003 I get the path and filename. I've scoured the options and I can't find a setting that lets me change what appears in the tabs. Searching suggests that other people have similar issues (although which version it occurs in appears to differ) but no-one could identify an option to change what appears.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get rid of the paths in the tabs (or confirm that it can't be changed to save me wasting more time searching)?

Tabs Studio add-in can remove path from tab in Visual Studio 2008.
Removing path from tab name
blog post for the example screenshots.

In my copy of VS 2008 I just get the filename, not the path. I wonder whether it's a "web site" vs "web application" thing. Which one are you working in? Can you create a project of the other type and see if it still happens? (I'm working in a web application where I get filename-only.)

It looks like Microsoft does not allow to do it using the standard method. I'm know ReSharper allows this, but installing a big plugin for this is a bad idea. I think I have sinse found a small plugin which allows show or hide the full path. I am sure this should exist.


Show solution name in menu bar in full screen Visual Studio

When having Visual studio (2017) in full screen (shift-alt-enter) the solution's name is not visible. Has anyone found a way to append it to the menu?
One can open the solution explorer and scroll to the top but I would like to be able to see the solution's name without manual interaction.
Change the solution name in the solution explorer, then clean the solution and rebuild it and it should show up there.
We are experiencing an outage in the South Central region right now,
which may very well be the cause of your issue.
You can check the Azure Status page for updates.
I am using a plugin to do something similar.
Meet file path on footer. This plugin, will display the full path of your file (that includes your solution) and works of course even while on fullscreen mode. Plus, you got an easy way to visit the folder.

How can I prevent Visual Studio 2012 Find in Files defaulting to "Current Document"?

In Visual Studio 2010 and earlier, the Find in Files feature remembered your selection for the "Look in" option.
In 2012, the option sometimes gets reset to "Current Document", making it only search in a single file. This can be annoying, particularly when you don't notice it's done it.
Is there any way I can force this setting to stick with what I want it to be (generally "Entire Solution")?
As an example of the problem, highlight a few lines of text in a source file and bring up the Find in Files box. It will have changed the "Look In" setting to "Selection". Close it, deselect the text and do Find in Files again. The setting will have silently reverted to "Current Document". Doing this in 2010 and earlier doesn't change the setting.
There's another description of the problem here.
I find that its intermittent (but more often that not) and that its a potential bug. For me it resets to "All Open Documents" which could be far more disastrous.
Do you have any plugins installed as I was thinking of raising this as an issue with vs if its not a 3rd party tool affecting it?
I have the following installed:
Resharper 7.1
Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 2
Ghost Doc
Microsoft Web Developer Tools
Spell Chekcer
SQL Server Compact Toolbox
VS Extensions for Windows Library JavaScript
I guess we should rule out some of these first?
Anyone else find this who has no extensions installed?
Try if the SmartFind extension helps in your case. I wrote it because I had a similar problem.
Source is here:
What worked for me is under keyboard customization i made it so Ctrl-Shift-F maps to Edit.SwitchtoFindInFiles instead of the default (Edit.FindInFiles). I did also install the SmartFind extension (mentioned above in this tread) but by itself it didn't seem to fix it. I'm not sure if it's the combination of the two that fixed it in my case. Also note that this applies to VS2012 so YMMV.
I always use ctrl + f to search in document and ctrl + shift + f to search the entire solution.
Might not be an answer to your question, but it should solve your problem.

Microsoft visual studio screen problem

I am having a problem thats not about the code, it's about the screen in Microsoft visual studio 2008.
Actually problem is i created one utility from couple of weeks i didn't opened that utility today i opened (in Microsoft visual studio the screen appearing blank no controls are visible in that.But all the controls properties are there. I tried a lot but i didn't get solution. Last when the same thing happened i created the controls again. Now i don't want to go to create all the controls again. If any one have the solution please help me.
Before screen is like this:
Now its blank (like new page)
From your description I'm not sure if this is a application/code build issue or an IDE issue, what you could try is to reset the settings in visual studio and see if this helps.
You can do this by going to Tools -> Import/Export settings and then following the wizard to reset the settings, you may also want to perform a backup before resetting them (this is also part of the wizard) then they can be restored if this causes you further issues.
I don't have a copy of 2008 available at the moment so some menu entries may be slightly named different.
Hope this helps!
Now there is more information, this looks like there may be a problem with the code in the
method of the form.designer file (e.g. if you are using c# this would be something like Form1.Designer.cs and can be found by expanding the corresponding form in the solution explorer), if you remove/comment the lines that say
(NameOfControl is where you would see your declared controls name)
then you get the behaviour that you are seeing, the controls do not render as they are never added to the forms controls collection but as they are declared you will still see them in the properties drop down and wont be able to add another control with the same name.

Folder imported in Code Snippets Manager not showing in text editor - Visual Studio 2010

In the Code Snippet Manager I chose "Language: Visual C#" and added a folder containing one .snippet file I created.
Then, when editing a .cs file, I try to insert a snippet using ctrl+k ctrl+x but my newly added folder does not show in the list.
I'm I missing something? Do you have to specifically tell IntelliSense which snippets you want to have shown in the list when trying to insert a snippet? I thought that was done by choosing "Language: Visual C#" in the Code Snippet Manager...
Does your folder (and the snippet, when you click on the folder) show up in the Code Snippets Manager? If not, then maybe it didn't get added correctly (or VS 2010 didn't parse the snippet successfully, or didn't recognize that the file was a valid snippet)? I believe the folder will only show up in the Code Snippets manager if VS2010 finds something it recognizes as a valid snippet, so if there are any parsing issues, there might be problems.
If the folder does show up correctly, then I also did notice that, when you hit Ctrl-K, Ctrl-X, unlike in Visual Studio 2008, newly added snippet folders appear to be sent to the bottom of the list instead of being sorted. In VS 2008, I was able to stick an underscore before the folder name (e.g. _Code Snippets) and have it show up on top. Not so, here. I realize this might be an idiotic suggestion, but maybe it's at the bottom of the list instead of sorted in with the rest? I know, I know, but I had to ask...
Barring that, maybe there is a caching issue with IntelliSense?
Not much of an answer, I know, but maybe it will jog someone's memory?

Plugin for Visual Studio to Mimic Eclipse's "Open Type" or "Open Resource" Keyboard Access

If you've ever used Eclipse, you've probably noticed the great keyboard shortcuts that let you hit a shortcut key combination, then just type the first few characters of a function, class, filename, etc. It's even smart enough to put open files first in the list.
I'm looking for a similar functionality for Visual Studio 2008. I know there's a findfiles plugin on codeproject, but that one is buggy and a little weird, and doesn't give me access to functions or classes.
Vs11 (maybe 2010 had it too) has the Navigate To... functionality which (on my machine) has the Ctrl+, shortcut.
By the way it understands capitals as camelcase-shortucts (eclipse does so too). For instance type HH to get HtmlHelper.
This isn't exactly the same as Eclipse from your description, but Visual Studio has some similar features out of the box (I've never used Visual Assist X, but it does sound interesting).
The Find ComboBox in the toolbar ends up being a sort of "Visual Studio command line". You can press Ctrl+/ (by default) to set focus there, and Visual Studio will insert an ">" at the beginning of the text (indicating that you want to enter a command instead of search). It even auto-completes as you type, helping you to find commands.
Anyway, to open a file from there, type "open <filename>". It will display any matching files in the drop down as you type (it pulls the list of files from the currently open solution).
To quickly navigate to a function, in the code editor press Ctrl+I to start an incremental search. Then just start typing until you find what you are looking for. Press Escape to cancel the search, or F3 to search again using the same query. As you are typing in the search query, the status bar in the lower left corner will contain what Visual Studio is searching for. Granted, this won't search across multiple files (I've never used Eclipse much, but that sounds like what it does from your description), but hopefully it will help you at least a little bit.
If anyone stumbles upon this thread:
There's a free plugin (created by me) for Visual Studio 2008 that mimics the Eclipse Ctrl+Shift+R Open Resource dialog (note, not the Open Type dialog). It works with any language and/or project type.
You can find it at Visual Studio Gallery.
Some of the neat features are available in Visual Assist X, though not all of them. I've asked on their forums, but they haven't appeared as yet. VAX gets updated regularly on a rough 4 week period for bug fixes and a new feature every couple of months.
If you are looking for an add-in like this to quickly navigate to source files in your project:
try the Visual Studio 2005/2008 add-in SonicFileFinder.
Resharper does this with the Ctrl-N keyword. Unfortunately it doesn't come for free.
Visual Studio doesn't have anything like this feature beyond Find.
Found this thread while searching for Eclipse's Ctrl+Shift+R, and after seeing the Visual Studio Gallery, found the DPack Tools (they are free, and no, I'm not endorsed in any way by them).
But it's exactly what I was searching:
- Alt+U -> File Browser (a la Eclipse Ctrl+Shift+R)
- Alt+M -> Code Browser (Method list in the actual class)
It has more features, but I'm happy with these ones.
I have been using biterScripting along with Visual Studio to do more flexible searching and manipulation.
It can search the entire workspace.
It can find things using regular expressions.
AND, ABOVE ALL, it can make bulk changes. For example, want to change the name of a class from CCustomer to CUser, I can do it in just a few command lines - Actually, I have written scripts for things like this I do often. I DON'T HAVE TO CLICK ON EACH INSTANCE AND MANUALLY DO THE CHANGE.
And, it is inexpensive ($0). I downloaded it from .
I'm also comming from the Java Development side and was looking for the CTRL+T feature in the Visual Studio. The other answers refer to open file, but since in C# the class name and file name can be different this is not what i was looking for.
With the Class View or the Object Browser you can search for Objects and Classes
[View]->[Class View] or [View]->[Object]
