UDP and my computer? - windows

I recently turned on Windows Firewall logging on my computer and started tracking incoming and outgoing connections. Something curious about the logfiles is that I have noticed numerous UDP packets (in fact, it constitutes basically all of my incoming traffic) that don't have my host as destination or source showing up in the logs.
I thought this might be a implementation detail for UDP (the packets are hopping over my computer in the subnet) but Wikipedia'ing UDP didn't enlighten me any more, and I don't see why my computer should be forwarding these packets in the first place.
Any ideas?
Edit 1: Here is what a log file line with the mysterious UDP packet looks like:
2008-10-11 16:04:31 ALLOW UDP 49152 3702 0 - - - - - - - RECEIVE
Is a broadcast address? Now that you mention it, the UDP packets I'm seeing have very specific destinations, basically,, I also get phantom ICMP pings addressed to

The packets addressed to IPs starting with 239 and 224 are multicast packets. This is a way to address traffic to a group of computers without broadcasting it to an entire network. It is used by various legitimate protocols. is the address used by the Link Local Name Resolution protocol. is the address used by the Simple Service Discovery Protocol. is the all hosts address, used by your router to see who on your network is willing to participate in multicast conversations.
The ones addressed to look like broadcasts, again this is used by many legitimate protocols such as Bonjour.
As recommended by Luka, a good protocol analyzer like Wireshark will tell you precisely what each of these packets are and what they contain.

It depends on the type of connection you are on.
On most cable modem ISP's you are basicly on the same LAN as your neigburs, and can usualy see some of their traffic (like brodcast).
Id recomend you install packet sniffer and see what is realy going on.
Good multiplatform packet sniffer is Wireshark

Hard to say without analyzing the log data, but they could be broadcast packets on the segment, in which case you're system would listen to them. This is possible in IPv4 and IPv6.
Your system should not be forwarding them unless it's set up to route, but it can certainly be listening to packets all the time (various network protocols use UDP).


UDP Packets not Sending Possibly Due to Client Not Found?

I have an application that is very simple. It sends out UDP packets to a client somewhere else on the network.
The host computer is (Windows 10), the client device is (proprietary device).
The host pc cannot see the client device, however I know that it is on and listening to traffic. When I send UDP packets from the host, I use Wireshark and I do not see the packets being sent out. Instead I see messages from ARP trying to locate the client. I assume because ARP is unsuccessful, the host cancels the sending of the packets.
If I change the destination address of the packets to a broadcast address, all of the packets get sent and I see everything on Wireshark. I need to be able to specify the IP address of the client and have Windows send the packets regardless of whether or not it thinks the client device is on the network or not. The client device looks for UDP traffic specifically addressed to itself and the client device has no way of making itself visible on the network.
Does anyone know how to work around this?
Thank you #Remy: instead to create your own ARP record manually. – Remy Lebeau
I did not realize that I could create manual entries in the ARP. I need to read more about ARP. Adding a manual entry solved my issue. I found that you could do it using ASP -s, or add neighbor using NETSH .

Is it possible to capture all loopback packets on Windows using WFP callouts?

I am a developer of WinPcap, a famous packet capturing and sending software under Windows. I have ported WinPcap to NDIS 6 Light-Weight Filter technique, but it still doesn't support loopback packets (such as packets sent to and received from capturing because of Windows' nature: The loopback packets are handled directly in TCP/IP stack and don't go down to NDIS layer.
Someone told me that Windows Filtering Platform can see the loopback traffic, so I have done some research about it. I have several questions about this.
1) What are actually loopback packets? I mean the packets NDIS can't see? Like when I ping, these ICMP packets are definitely loopback ones. When I ping an address that a local network adapter has bound to (like, it is also loopback I think. Are these all conditions? If yes, then I can filter out which packets are loopback ones based on whether their local IPs are or local adapter IPs (like
2) I learnt that WFP has many layers, I think my requirement should use the "IP Packet (Network Layer)", I wonder that can WFP Network Layer captures all loopback packets inbound and outbound?
3) I don't know if the loopback packets captured by WFP will have an Ethernet header? If not, then I think I should manually add Ethernet header to the packet prefix before sending them to user mode, as WinPcap is an ethernet-level packet capture software and many software using WinPcap (like Wireshark) will by default parse the packets from Ethernet layer. However, I think I will let the whole Ethernet header to be all-0, as there's actually no Ethernet header in fact.
Thanks and appreciated for your help!

Why is packet-sniffing possible?

I can't wrap my head around how packet-sniffers can be used by anyone on the network.
I know very little about how networks work, but let me put it this way: suppose the mailman comes around delivering a package to my doorstep. Why is is that I'm able to rifle though all his other packages and look around? Shouldn't the mailman only hand me packages that are mine?
To quote William Pursell's comment, which he should have made an answer and should have expanded:
The mailman does not deliver the letter your doorstep. Instead, he opens your mail and shouts out: "this letter is for <name>. No-one else should listen" and then proceeds to read the letter out loud. –
In the original Ethernet network, there was a shared cable to which all hosts were attached; if a host wanted to send a message to another host, it would transmit the packet on the shared cable, with an Ethernet header with the destination Ethernet address of the other host. All hosts on the cable could, in theory, see the packet. (This was in an era where security was less of a concern; for cases where security was a concern, the packets were encrypted in a fashion that the other host could fairly easily decrypt but that other hosts would have to decrypt in some other more difficult fashion.)
In addition, a packet can be sent to the "broadcast" Ethernet address (all 1's) or a "multicast" Ethernet address (which several hosts are configured to handle); broadcast packets are intended for all hosts on the Ethernet to see, and multicast packets are intended for all hosts in the address's "multicast group" to see.
Normally, an Ethernet adapter would ignore packets that aren't sent to its Ethernet address, to the broadcast Ethernet address, or to a multicast address for which it's configured to receive packets. Most can, however, be put into "promiscuous" mode, where they pass all packets to the host; that mode is used for packet sniffers.
Most current Ethernets are "switched"; instead of a shared cable, there's an Ethernet switch, and hosts plug into the switch with a cable. Packets sent to a particular host's Ethernet address will only be sent out the switch port for that host (unless somebody's configured the hosts to have a "mirror port" on which all traffic is sent, or unless the switch hasn't yet determined which port is the port for that Ethernet address). Broadcast packets are sent to all ports, and multicast packets may be sent to all ports or, if the switch can determine that, to those ports that have adapters configured for the multicast address in question.
Wi-Fi networks are similar, but they're usually protected with encryption, as it's easier for somebody to bring in a laptop and put it into "monitor mode" to sniff on a given channel than it is for somebody to bring in a laptop, configure a switch to have a mirror port (or use some other mechanism to get access to the traffic), and plug the laptop into the appropriate port on the switch.
Generally speaking, with switches you are correct. However the person who owns the switch can intercept your traffic at will (in your example that would be the mail service). Also, sometimes the switch can be fooled into rerouting traffic (someone accepts the package on your behalf and then goes through it).
Furthermore, certain kinds of packets need to be broadcast. For instance ARP packets (where one computer is asking for the ethernet address of another computer specified by IP) get broadcast to all ethernet addresses and therefore can get sniffed.
Generally speaking man-in-the-middle requires someone in the connection chain to be compromised. For instance, your ISP or the company they buy transit from could create a man in the middle attack. (This is also why security in countries oppressive regimes is so difficult, they control the internet and therefore can sniff/man-in-the-middle attack whatever they please). This can also be done by compromising the DNS server you use to point you to a different site that can grab your data and forward your data (or a modified version thereof) on to the true site.
In the good 'ol days hubs were quite common (or even older, everyone shared a piece of coax). In this case it's more like the package gets dropped on the first door, the occupant looks to see if it's theirs, if not, passes it on, if so, copies what's inside and passes the package along. In other words, packet sniffing is actually quite easy.
Yes or more simple way packet sniffing not is good, while you login on the web page you normal use a secret password for verify this is you.
But in case we has a packet sniffer she/he can also see and read what you password is.
And laiter login in the web page as you.
Or in she/he can also modify you data on the road to do something other.
And in the case of internet, the normal way is more the one computer is use to
send a message from in this case Alice to Alice bank.
And in each of this computer ( right side of image ) is this possible
for the use to edit the message if the use want as in this image.
Eva is use for deliver the message to Alice Bank, but she can
can read the message/order and in some case edit this to get the bank
to think Alice want to transfer money to Eva instead of Bob.
In short for protect us against eva to modify the message we can use
hash-algorithm or cryptographer algorithm.

Win32 sockets - Forcing ip packets to leave physical interfaces when sending to other local interfaces

Summary: I'm trying to create sockets to pass data between two physical interfaces that exist on the same machine, and Win32 sockets always forwards the traffic directly in the kernel instead of pushing through the physical interfaces. Is there any way to disable this behavior, perhaps through device settings, registry tweaks, routing table shenanigans, or socket options? We're using Windows XP SP3.
Some background. I'm attempting to build some completely automated IP tests to exercise our custom IPv4 equipment. We have a large lab of Windows XP machines, and individual physical ethernet interfaces for each device we're connecting to. Our devices are effectively ethernet routers each with their own IPs.
We need to send data out our lab machines, through our devices, then back into the same computer. We will be sending Unicast and Multicast UDP, TCP, and broadcast IP traffic through the devices.
We want (and likely need) the traffic to originate on the same machine it is destined to.
To do this, we configure two separate NICs each with their own IP on their own subnet, for instance NIC #1 with and NIC #2 with Our devices then act like simple passthrough routers, and have two interfaces, one on the subnet, one on the subnet, which they just forward packets back and forth from.
To generate our data, we'd like to be able to use Win32 sockets, since it is well-understood, well-supported, what our customers are using, and would probably be the most rapid approach. Packet injection is probably feasible for UDP and broadcast IP, but very likely not so for TCP. I'd entertain ideas that used packet injection, but would strongly prefer standard Win32 sockets.
As stated in the summary, the packets never leave the machine. I've googled like a madman and I've not found much. Any ideas?
Use Windows' command-line ROUTE utility. You can configure it so any IP packet sent to a specific IP address on a specific Subnet gets sent to another IP/device. For example:
Alternatively, if you know the index numbers of the NIC interfaces, you can specify them instead:
This way, whenever a packet is sent to NIC #1's IP, the packet goes to the device connected to NIC #2, which will then pass it on to NIC #1. And vice versa for packets sent to NIC #2's IP.
For instance, this is a useful technique for allowing WireShark to capture local IP traffic if the PC is connected to a network with a router. Packets from one local IP/Port to another local IP/Port can be bounced off the router back to the PC so they travel through physical interfaces that WireShark can monitor (WireShark will see duplicate copies of each local packet - one outbound and one inbound - but you can filter out the duplicates).
Winsock is always going to bring the packet data up into the kernel space and deal with it there. Thats the whole point to a generic API is that any device is dealt with at the same "layer". If you want to stick with Winsock, I don't believe you can (or would want to) work around this behavior.
You can remove some of the buffer copying with TransmitPackets or TransmitFile, but not between two device interfaces.
That being said, are you having a performance issue with the additional buffer coping that Winsock performs? Security concerns?
How about running the endpoints of your tester inside of distinct virtual machines? Then you need only a single piece of hardware, but you'll have separate TCP/IP stacks that don't know each other are local (and most VM solutions pass the packet straight through the host unchanged, I don't think the host is going to grab the packet and send it straight to another VM unless you configure bridging between VMs... but you'll bind each VM to a different physical network adapter).

Is there an easy way to route IP packets from a user space Windows app to the network?

I am working on a project that involves a usb device, through which we will receive ip packets from a remote pc. We assign the remote pc its IP Address. I have been experimenting with sending raw ip packets via several methods:
1 - raw sockets: ping works fine, problems sending tcp
2 - tun/tap W32: I managed to get this working enough to send pings out and get pings back to the phy ethernet device, but could not read them using ReadFile(...) on the driver guid.
3 - winpcap: ping works, out going tcp shows up on wireshark(so I assume it is leaving the pc), but i never get an ack to my syn. Im also worried that if I did get an ack the windows TCP stack would send a rst.
Our goal is to be a transparent pass through from the client pc to the network.
Client <-wrapped ip packet-> [device] <-wrapped ip packet-> WinPC <- IP -> IpNetwork
Its possible that im going about this wrong, seems like this should be easier.
I realize that windows is prob not the ideal OS for this, however I have no control over the OS.
thanks in advance
Fixed my issue with TCP Syn packets not getting acked, turns out I forgot to include the pseudo-header when calculating the TCP header checksum. Now it looks like the tcp handshake completes, so im calling this problem solved. If anyone feels like recomending a better way to accomplish this, feel free to reply. For now looks like we will use the winpcap method.
For this to work without windows constantly RST'ing tcp connections, you have to enable internet connection sharing(ICS) on the adapter you are sending packets out of. Other than that this ended up working for us.
