How can I find the exact amount of physical memory on Windows x86-32bit using Perl or any other language? - windows

I need to know how much physical memory a windows machine has, using Perl.
I've tried using Win32::SystemInfo. However this module states the following caveat:
On Intel x86 computers with more than 2 GB and less than 4 GB of memory, the MemoryStatus function will always return 2 GB for TotalPhys. Similarly, if the total available memory is between 2 and 4 GB, AvailPhys will be rounded down to 2 GB.
So on a machine which has 2-4 GB of physical memory, I get a false answer.
Is there a way to get the correct amount of physical memory? Perhaps another module? Or directly using Win32::API?
Edit: From the comments people gave here, it looks like the limitation is in the Win32 API , and not specific to Win32::SystemInfo. However, the OS does know exactly how much physical ram is available, so there must be a way to extract that information. If not in Perl then maybe in another language?

As stated in the comments, this is an issue of GlobalMemoryStatus, as it can return answers up to 2GB. And GlobalMemoryStatusEX which solves this issue of the 2GB limit, but only works on 64 bit systems (as far as I can tell).
In the end I'm using the following Perl code, which uses Win32::OLE and WMI class Win32_PhysicalMemory, which returns the correct amount of physical memory even on 32bit systems:
use strict;
use warnings;
use English;
use Win32::OLE qw( EVENTS HRESULT in );
use Readonly;
sub get_physical_memory {
my $machine = shift || '.'; # Default to local machine
my Readonly $WMI_MEMORY_CLASS_NAME = 'Win32_PhysicalMemory';
my Readonly $MEGABYTE = 1024*1024;
my $WMI =
Win32::OLE->GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(security)}//$machine/" ) || die "Could not get Win32 object: $OS_ERROR";
my $total_capacity = 0;
foreach my $object ( in( $WMI->InstancesOf( $WMI_MEMORY_CLASS_NAME ) ) ) {
$total_capacity += $object->{Capacity};
my $total_capacity_in_mb = $total_capacity / $MEGABYTE;
print "Total Memory : $total_capacity_in_mb \n";
return $total_capacity_in_mb;

I can only assume that the caveats attending Win32::SystemInfo's results are also caveats attending the raw Win32 API calls, as Perl itself certainly has no problem handling such large numbers. In which case the possibility of extracting accurate information looks a bit bleak.
I've also heard in passing that current 32-bit versions of Windows can only use about 3.2Gb of RAM on a machine that has >= 4Gb installed, which may be hearsay, but which jibes with the limitation being in the API itself.

This information can be pulled from WMI, or using SNMP if you choose to enable SNMP on the box it will be running on. For WMI, I don't have a Perl example offhand but for a VBScript example see below.
strComputer = "."
Set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer)
Set colSWbemObjectSet = _
For Each objSWbemObject In colSWbemObjectSet
Wscript.Echo "Total Physical Memory (kb): " & _
Tested on my XP system and it retrieves the desired results (only 1.5GB RAM here, sorry). I'm quite sure there are WMI interfaces for Perl as well if you want to stick with Perl. If SNMP is an option, the total physical memory can be obtained from SNMP as well using one of the Perl SNMP libraries.
EDIT: Just noticed #Mr. Muskrat's comment regarding Microsoft KB - evidently the behavior you're seeing with Perl is a limitation of the Win32 API call, so you might end up with the same results with WMI. Unfortunately I don't have a 2-4GB RAM machine to try this on to verify.


How I know if CPU is Haswell or Not

You know, haswell is the codename for a processor microarchitecture developed by Intel as the "fourth-generation core" successor to the Ivy Bridge microarchitecture.1 Intel officially announced CPUs based on this microarchitecture... More
But, I want to know how to show's up my CPU if haswell or not by using the PowerShell in windows?
in this case i have a script to to that, but it maybe not legal for everyone:
$cpuname = (Get-CimInstance CIM_Processor).Name
$splcpuall = #($cpuname -csplit "")
$splcpu = $splcpuall[20]
$ishaswell = if ($splcpu -gt 3){
Write-Output "Haswell"
Identifying a CPU needs some digging and regular maintenance for new CPU models is needed too. Your best bet is to use some existing tool that provides CPU information. For example, CPU-Z is nice a tool.
The problem is that CPUs don't contain human readable name strings. What they contain is a CPUID, a hex code that must be looked up and interpreted as model name. Hashwell's ID is 0x0306C3, Broadwell's is 0x0306D4 and so on.
Digging up the CPUID can be done via WMI. On a Broadwell box:
(gwmi win32_processor).ProcessorId
The result is a string combination that contains stuff in addition to the CPU ID. This needs to be parsed to identify the CPU ID part and then the matched name must be looked up from somewhere.

How to set intel_idle.max_cstate=0 to disable c-states?

I would like to disable c-states on my computer.
I disabled c-state on BIOS but I don't obtain any result. However, I found an explanation :
"Most newer Linux distributions, on systems with Intel processors, use the “intel_idle” driver (probably compiled into your kernel and not a separate module) to use C-states. This driver uses knowledge of the various CPUs to control C-states without input from system firmware (BIOS). This driver will mostly ignore any other BIOS setting and kernel parameters"
I found two solutions to solve this problem but I don't know how to apply:
1) " so if you want control over C-states, you should use kernel parameter “intel_idle.max_cstate=0” to disable this driver."
I don't know neither how I can check the value (of intel_idle.max_cstate ) and neither how I can change its value.
2) "To dynamically control C-states, open the file /dev/cpu_dma_latency and write the maximum allowable latency to it. This will prevent C-states with transition latencies higher than the specified value from being used, as long as the file /dev/cpu_dma_latency is kept open. Writing a maximum allowable latency of 0 will keep the processors in C0"
I can't read the file cpu_dma_latency.
Thanks for your help.
Intel Xeon CPU E5-2620
Gnome 2.28.2
Linux 2.6.32-358
To alter the value at boot time, you can modify the GRUB configuration or edit it on the fly -- the method to modify that varies by distribution. This is the Ubuntu documentation to change kernel parameters either for a single boot, or permanently. For a RHEL-derived distribution, I don't see docs that are quite as clear, but you directly modify /boot/grub/grub.conf to include the parameter on the "kernel" lines for each bootable stanza.
For the second part of the question, many device files are read-only or write-only. You could use a small perl script like this (untested and not very clean, but should work) to keep the file open:
use FileHandle;
my $fd = open (">/dev/cpu_dma_latency");
print $fd "0";
print "Press CTRL-C to end.\n";
while (1) {
sleep 5;
Redhat has a C snippet in a KB article here as well and more description of the parameter.

what is the size of windows semaphore object?

How to find size of a semaphore object in windows?
I tried using sizeof() but we cannot give name of the sempahore object as an argument to sizeof. It has to be the handle. sizeof(HANDLE) gives us the size of handle and not semaphore.
This what is known as an "opaque handle.". There is no way to know how big it really is, what it contains or how any of the functions work internally. This gives Microsoft the ability to completely rewrite the implementation with each new version of Windows if they want to without worrying about breaking existing code. It's a similar concept to having a public and private interface to a class. Since we are not working on the Windows kernel, we only get to see the public interface.
It might be possible to get a rough idea of how big they are by creating a bunch and monitoring what happens to your memory usage in Process Explorer. However, since there is a good chance that they live in the kernel and not in user space, it might not show up at all. In any case, there are no guarantees about any other version of Windows, past or future, including patches/service packs.
It's something "hidden" from you. You can't say how big it is. And it's a kernel object, so it probably doesn't even live in your address space. It's like asking "how big is the Process Table?", or "how many MB is Windows wasting?".
I'll add that I have made a small test on my Windows 7 32 bits machine: 100000 kernel semaphores (with name X{number} with 0 <= number < 100000)) : 4 mb of kernel memory and 8 mb of user space (both measured with Task Manager). It's about 40 bytes/semaphore in kernel space and 80 bytes/semaphore in user space! (this in Win32... In 64 bits it'll probably double)

Get number of cores on a XP 64 bit system

I wrote a function that should give me the number of cores of a windows system. It works on all systems except XP 64 bit. Here's the way I get the information:
$objWMIItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor")
If (0 == IsObj($objWMIItems)) Then
;~ errorhandling
For $objElement In $objWMIItems
$nCoreNumber = $objElement.NumberOfCores
Regarding "NumberOfCores", Microsofts MSDN page tells me "Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000: This property is not available". Somewhere I read, it is possible with having SP3 installed. I suppose that's true, because it works that way on XP 32 bit systems. But there is no SP3 for XP 64...
Is there another way to get the information?
I think it's easiest to read the NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS environment variable.
Do you want "cores" or "number of logical processors including hyperthreading"? (In other words, do you want to count hyperthreading as a "core")?
In any case, copying my answer from a similar question a while back:
If you actually need to distinguish between actual cores, chips, and
logical processors, the API to call is
GetSystemInfo if just want to know how many logical processors on
a machine (with no differentiation for hyperthreading.).

How do you use SetThreadAffinityMask with QueryPerformanceFrequency?

I have a long standing program with the FAA that was running great until the FAA started deploying Dell GX-760 desktops. The program is a graphical replay of air traffic. I use the QueryPerformanceFrequency function to get the processor counter. With the GX 760 it appears to not be processor dependent. I found this which descibes what I am seeing.
On a multiprocessor computer, it
should not matter which processor is
called. However, youit can get
different results on different
processors due to bugs in the basic
input/output system (BIOS) or the
hardware abstraction layer (HAL). To
specify processor affinity for a
thread, use the SetThreadAffinityMask
I not familiar with SetThreadAffinityMask, how does this work and how should I implement it? Here is my code that gets the count.
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As Currency) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As Currency) As Long
'I set the Frequency on Startup
Public Sub SetFrequency()
'Get the Processor Frequency. This is locked at Windows startup and does n
Dim f As Currency
QueryPerformanceFrequency f
cTime.Frequency = f
End Sub
When the program needs the time it calls
Public Function CurrentCount() As Currency
'What is the current processoer count
QueryPerformanceCounter CurrentCount 'get current count number
End Function
It isn't exactly clear what kind of problem you are having. It is very unlikely that the quoted MSDN article is relevant, a Dell Optiplex 760 doesn't have multiple processors. Just one with multiple cores, it is not subject to this kind of bug. You can easily test this by running your program with the start.exe, it allows setting the processor affinity:
start /affinity 1 yourapp.exe
Perhaps more relevant is that newer machines take shortcuts on the frequency source, using whatever source happens to be available in the chipset. They typically have a much higher return value for QueryPerformanceFrequency. Two billion isn't unusual, maybe that screws up your math. Working with 'currency' instead of a true 64-bit integer is rather toe-curling.
Also check the BIOS revision for your machine, they had rather a large number of them, all the way up to A08.
