Improving really bad systems - refactoring

How would you begin improving on a really bad system?
Let me explain what I mean before you recommend creating unit tests and refactoring. I could use those techniques but that would be pointless in this case.
Actually the system is so broken it doesn't do what it needs to do.
For example the system should count how many messages it sends. It mostly works but in some cases it "forgets" to increase the value of the message counter. The problem is that so many other modules with their own workarounds build upon this counter that if I correct the counter the system as a whole would become worse than it is currently. The solution could be to modify all the modules and remove their own corrections, but with 150+ modules that would require so much coordination that I can not afford it.
Even worse, there are some problems that has workarounds not in the system itself, but in people's head. For example the system can not represent more than four related messages in one message group. Some services would require five messages grouped together. The accounting department knows about this limitation and every time they count the messages for these services, they count the message groups and multiply it by 5/4 to get the correct number of the messages. There is absolutely no documentation about these deviations and nobody knows how many such things are present in the system now.
So how would you begin working on improving this system? What strategy would you follow?
A few additional things: I'm a one-men-army working on this so it is not an acceptable answer to hire enough men and redesign/refactor the system. And in a few weeks or months I really should show some visible progression so it is not an option either to do the refactoring myself in a couple of years.
Some technical details: the system is written in Java and PHP but I don't think that really matters. There are two databases behind it, an Oracle and a PostgreSQL one. Besides the flaws mentioned before the code itself is smells too, it is really badly written and documented.
Additional info:
The counter issue is not a synchronization problem. The counter++ statements are added to some modules, and are not added to some other modules. A quick and dirty fix is to add them where they are missing. The long solution is to make it kind of an aspect for the modules that need it, making impossible to forget it later. I have no problems with fixing things like this, but if I would make this change I would break over 10 other modules.
I accepted Greg D's answer. Even if I like Adam Bellaire's more, it wouldn't help me to know what would be ideal to know. Thanks all for the answers.

Put out the fires. If there are any issues of critical priority, whatever they are, you've got to handle them first. Hack it in if you must, with a smelly codebase it's ok. You know you'll improve it going forward. This is your sales technique targeted at whomever you're reporting to.
Pick some low-hanging fruit. I assume you're relatively new to this particular software and that you were re-tasked to deal with it. Find some apparently easy problems in a related subsystem of the code that shouldn't take more than a day or two to resolve apiece, and fix them. This may involve refactoring, or it may not. The goal is to familiarize yourself with the system and with the style of the original author. You may not get really lucky (One of the two incompetents who worked on my system before me always post-fixed his comments with four punctuation marks instead of one, which made it very easy to distinguish who wrote the particular segment of code.), but you'll develop insight into the author's weaknesses so you know what to look out for. Extensive, tight coupling with global state vs poor understanding of language tools, for example.
Set a big goal. If your experience parallels mine, you'll find yourself in a particular bit of spaghetti code more and more often as you perform the prior step. This is the first knot you need to untangle. With the experience you've gained understanding the component and knowledge about what the original author likely did wrong (and thus, what you need to watch out for), you can start envisioning a better model for this subset of the system. Don't worry if you still have to maintain some messy interfaces to maintain functionality, just take it one step at a time.
Lather, rinse, repeat! :)
Given time, consider adding unit tests for your new model one level underneath your interfaces with the rest of the system. Don't engrave the bad interfaces in code via tests that use them, you'll be changing them in a future iteration.
Addressing the particular issues you mention:
When you run into a situation that users are working around manually, talk with the users about changing it. Verify that they'll accept the change if you provide it before sinking the time into it. If they don't want the change, your job is to maintain the broken behavior.
When you run into a buggy component that multiple other components have worked around, I espouse a parallel component technique. Create a counter that works how the existing one should work. Provide a similar (or, if practical, identical) interface and slide the new component into the codebase. When you touch external components that work around the broken one, try to replace the old component with the new one. Similar interfaces ease porting of the code, and the old component is still around if the new one fails. Don't remove the old component until you can.

What is being asked of you right now? Are you being asked to implement functionality, or fix bugs? Do they even know what they want you to do?
If you don't have the manpower, time, or resources to "fix" the system as a whole, then all you can do is bail water. You're saying you should be able to make some "visible progress" in a few months' time. Well, with the system being as bad as you described, you may actually make the system worse. Under pressure to do something noticeable, you'll simply add code, and make the sysem even more convoluted.
You need to refactor, eventually. There is no way around it. If you can find a way to refactor that is visible to your end users, that would be ideal, even if it takes 6-9 months or a year instead of "a few months." But if you can't, then you have a choice to make:
Refactor, and risk being viewed as "not accomplishing anything" despite your efforts
Don't refactor, accomplish "visible" goals, and make the system more convoluted and more difficult to refactor one day. (Maybe after you find a better job, and hope the next developer to come along can never find out where you live.)
Which one is most beneficial to you personally depends on your company's culture. Will they one day decide to hire more developers, or replace this system completely with some other product?
Conversely, if your efforts to "fix things" actually break other things, will they be understanding about the monstrosity you're being asked to tackle single-handedly?
No easy answers here, sorry. You have to evaluate based on your unique, individual situation.

This is a whole book that will basically say unit test and refactor, but with more practical advice on how to do it

You open the directory that contains this system with Windows Explorer. Then, press Ctrl-A, and then Shift-Delete. That sounds like an improvement in your case.
Seriously though: that counter sounds like it's got thread-safety issues. I'd put a lock around the increasing functions.
And regarding the rest of the system, you can't do the impossible so try to do the possible. You need to attack your system from two fronts. Take care of the more visibly problematic issues first, so you can show progress. At the same time, you should deal with the more infrastructural problems, so that you have a chance at actually fixing this thing some day.
Good luck, and may the source be with you.

Pick one area that would be of medium difficulty to refactor. Create a skeleton of the original code with only the method signatures of the existing ones; maybe use an Interface even. Then start hacking away. You can even point the "new" methods to the old ones until you get to them.
Then, testing, testing, testing. Since there aren't any unit tests, maybe just use good old fashioned Voice-Activated-Unit Tests (people)? Or write your own tests as you go.
Document your progress as you go in some kind of repository, including frustrations and questions, so that when the next poor schmuck who gets this project won't be where you are :).
Once you get the first part done, move on to the next. The key is to build on top of incremental progress, that's why you shouldn't start with the hardest part first; it'll be too easy to get demoralized.
Joel has a couple of articles on rewriting/refactoring:

I've been working with a legacy system with the same characteristics for almost three years now, and there are no shortcuts that I'm aware of.
What bothers me most with our legacy system is that I'm not allowed to fix some bugs, since many other functions could break if I fixed them. This calls for ugly workarounds or creating new versions of old functions. Calls to the old functions can then be replaced with the new one at a time (while testing).
I'm not sure what the goal of your task is, but I strongly advise you to touch as little of the code as possible. Only do what you need to do.
You may want to get as much as possible documented by interviewing people. This is a huge task, since you don't know which questions to ask, and people will have forgotten a lot of details.
Other than that: make sure you're getting paid and enough moral support. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth...

Well you need to start somewhere, and it sounds like there are bugs that need fixing. I would work through those bugs, making quick win refactorings, and writing any unit tests possible along the way. I would also use a tool like SourceMonitor to identify some of the most 'complex' parts of code in the system and see if I could simplify their design in any way. Ultimately, you just have to accept that it will be a slow process, and make small steps towards a better system.

I would try to pick a part of the system that could be extracted and rewritten in isolation fairly quickly. Even if it doesn't do much, you could show progress pretty quickly, and you don't have the problem of interfacing with the legacy code directly.
Hopefully, if you could pick off a few such tasks, they will see you making visible progress, and you could put forward an argument for hiring more people to rewrite the bigger modules. When parts of the system rely on broken behaviour, you don't have much choice but to separate before you fix anything.
Hopefully, you could gradually build a team capable of rewriting the whole lot.
All of this would have to go hand in hand with some decent training, otherwise people's old habits will stick, and your work will get the blame when things don't work as expected.
Good luck!

Deprecate everything that currently exists that has problems, and write new ones that work correctly. Document as much as you can about what will change and put big red flashing signs all over the place pointing to this documentation.
By doing it that way, you can keep your existing bugs (the ones that are being compensated for somewhere else) around without slowing down your progress towards getting an actual working system.


How not to rush yourself? [closed]

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I often find that I do a less than complete work on a feature, especially in the Design phase. I detect several reasons:
I'm over-optimistic
I feel the need to provide quick solutions, so sometimes I fool myself into thinking the design is fool-proof when in fact it's still full of holes, just to get the job done faster. Of course I end up paying dearly later.
I'm aware of this behavior of mine for some time, yet I still find I don't manage to compensate. Have you encountered similar problems? How do you approach solving them?
I use a couple of techniques. The first is a simple paper to-do list. In the morning I write down my tasks for the day. I try to work on a task until I can cross it off. I cross it off only when I'm done to my own satisfaction. My to-do list helps me stay focused. When an interruption comes in, I can consciously choose whether it is important enough to interrupt what I'm doing now.
The second technique I use is to give up on the idea of "done" for a design. Instead, I focus on what I've started calling "successions", where a design goes through predictable stages. Each stage supports the current functionality well and will be succeeded at some point by the next stage. This lets me do a good job, a job I can be proud of, without over-designing.
I have the intuition that there is a small catalog of such successions (like that would cover most of design. In the meantime, I try to remember that "sufficient to the day are the troubles thereof".
I run into this problem a lot.
My solution is a notebook. (The old fashioned paper kind).
I write out how I'm planning on implementing the solution as an bulleted overview list, and then I try and flesh out each point on the list.
Often, during that process, I come across issues I hadn't thought of.
Of course, the 80/20 rule still applies... I still come across things when I'm actually doing the implementation that hadn't occurred to me, but with experience these tend to diminish.
EDIT: If I'm still not sure at the end of this process, I put together a throwaway prototype testbed... It's important to make sure it's throwaway, because otherwise you run the risk of including some nasty hacks in your real codebase.
It's very common to miss edge-cases and detail when you're in the planning phase of a project, especially in the software development field. Please don't feel that this is a personal failing; it's something endemic.
To counter this, many software development methodologies have emerged. Most recently there has been a shift by many development teams to 'agile' methods, where there is a focus on rapid development with little up-front technical design (after all, many complexities are only discovered when you actually begin developing). I'm currently using the Scrum system, which has been excellent in my small team:
If you find that your organisation will not accept what they may regard as a radical shift in approach, it may be worth investigating whether they will agree to the development of a prototype system. This means that you could code up a feature to investigate the technologies involved and judge whether it's feasible, without having to commit to full development, a quality bar, testing schedules etc. The prototype should be thrown away once the feasibility has been proved or disproved, then proper development may begin, including all that you've learned in the process.
If your problem is more related to time management, then I'd recommend the Getting Things Done approach ( This is pragmatic and simple, concentrating on making you productive without overloading you with information that isn't immediately relevant to your current work. I've found that I get overwhelmed with project/feature ideas at times and it really helps to write everything down and file it for a later time when I have the resources available to work effectively.
I hope this helps and best of luck!
The best way to not rush yourself into programming mistakes is communication. Yes, good ol' fashioned accountability. If another person in the office is involved in the process, the better the outcome. If a programmer just takes on the task without any concern for anybody else, then there is a higher possiblity for mistakes.
Accountability Checklist:
How do we support this?
Who needs to know what has changed?
Why are we doing this in the first place?
Will there be anybody who doesn't want this changed?
Will someone else understand how I did this?
How will the user perceive and use this change?
A skepticle comrad is usually good enough to help. Functional Specifications are good, they usually answer all of these thoughts. But, sometimes a conversation with another person can help you with it and you can get changes out the door faster.
I have learned, through years of mistakes (though still making them), that almost anything I want to use repeatedly, or distribute, needs to be designed properly. So getting burned enough times will end your optimism.
When getting pressure from management, I tell them I will have to put in the thought anyway, so I should do it when it's cheap. I think on paper as well, so I can actually prove that I'm doing something and it keeps my fingers on the keyboard, both of which provides a soothing effect to management. ;-)
At the risk of sounding obvious - be pessimistic. I had a few experiences where I thought "that should take a few hours" and it ended up taking a couple days because of all the little things that pop up unexpectedly.
By far the best way I've found to manage things is to (much like Andrew's answer) write out the design and requirements as a starting point. Then I go through and look for weak points in the design, gotchas and additional use cases etc. I try to look at this as a critical exercise - there's no code written yet, so this is the time to be totally ruthless and look for every weak point. Look for error conditions you'll have to handle, and whatever amount of time you think it will take to complete each feature/function, pad that amount by a lot. I've had times where I've doubled my initial estimate and still not been that far off the mark.
It's very hard as a programmer to realistically project debugging time - writing the code is easy to estimate, but debugging that into functioning, valid code is something else entirely. Therefore I find there's no exact science to it but I just pad tasks by a whole bunch, so that I have plenty of breathing room for debugging.
See also Evidence Based Scheduling which is a fascinating concept in scheduling developed by FogCreek for their FogBugz product.
You and the rest of the world.
You need more a more detailed design, more accurate estimate, and the willingness to accept that sometimes the optimal solution is not necessarily the best solution (e.g., you could code some loop in assembler to get optimal performance, but that's going to take a lot longer than just doing
for (i=1; i<=10; i++) {}
). Is the time spent doing it really worth it for an accounting package over a missile system.
I like to designing, but over time I've found that much design up front is a lot like building castles into the sky - it's too much speculation, however well-educated, missing critical feedback from actually implementing and using the design.
So today I'm much more into accepting that while implementing a design I will learn a lot of new stuff about it, and need to feed that learning back into the design. Doing that is a skill that is fun to learn, including the skills to keep a design flexible by keeping it simple, free of duplication and cohesive and decoupled, of changing the design in small, controlled steps (=refactoring), and writing the necessary extensive suite of automated tests that make this kind of changes safe.
This seems to be a much more effective approach to me than getting better at "up front design speculation" - and addtionally it makes me equally well prepared for the inevitable moment when the design needs to be changed due to a simply unforseeable change in the requirements.
Divide, divide, divide. List all the steps that will be required to finish the project, then list all the steps those steps will require to be concluded, and so on until you reach atomic items you are absolutely sure you can finish in a day or less. Add the duration of all these values to arrive at a length of time.
Then double it. Now you have a number that, if depressing, is at least somewhat realistic.
If possible "Sleep on your design" before publishing it. I find after I leave work, I usually think of things I have missed. This usually happens while I am lying in bed before falling asleep or even while showering the next day.
I also find it valuable to have a peer/friend that I trust review what I have before distributing it. Somebody else almost always sees something I didn't think of or miscommunicated.
I like to do as others stated here. Write down in pseudo code what the flow of your app will be. This immediately highlights some detailed areas that may require further attention that where not apparent up front.
Pseudo code is also readable to business users who can verify your approach meets their needs.
Using pseudo code also creates a nice set of methods that could be put to use as an interface in the final solution. Once the pseudo code is fairly tight, look for patterns and review some common GOF patterns. They do not have to be perfect but using them will sheild you from having to rewrite the code later during the revisions that are bound to come along.
Just taking an hour or two write psuedo code, yields some invaluable time saving pieces later on:
1. An object model emerges
2. The program's flow is clearly defined for others
3. It can be used as documentation of your design with some refinement
4. Comments are easier to add and will be clearer for someone else reviewing your code.
Best of luck to you!
I've found that the best way to make sure you've chosen a good design is to make sure that you understand the problem, know the limitations you have, and know what things are must-haves vs. nice-to-haves.
Understanding the problem will involve talking to the people who have the need and keeping them anchored to what needs to get done first instead of how they think it ought to get done. Once you know what actually has to happen, you can go back and talk over requirements about how.
Knowing your limitations may be quite easy: needs to run on the iPhone; has to be a web application; needs to integrate with the already-existing Java code and deployment setup; and so on. It may be quite difficult: you don't know what the potential size of your user base is (hundreds? thousands? millions?); you don't know whether you'll need to localize it (though if you're not sure, assume you will have to).
Must-haves vs, nice-to-haves: this is possibly the most difficult part. Users very often have emotional attachments to "requirements" ("It should look just like Excel") that are not actually part of the "has to happen" stuff. You often have to juggle functionality vs. desires to get an acceptable implementation. You can't always give everyone a pony.
Make sure you write all this down! Even if it evolves along the way, or the design is small, having a "this is what we're planning to do now" guide to refer to when you need ot make a decision about committing resources makes it easier to restrain yourself from implementing a really cool whiz-bang feature instead of a boring must-do.
Since you recognize that you feel the need to provide a quick solution, perhaps it will slow you down to realize that you can probably solve the problem faster and deliver it sooner if you spend more upfront time in design. For instance if you spend 3 hours designing and 30 hours writting code, it probably means that if you spend 6 hours designing you might need to only spend 10 hours writing code. (These are not actual figures just examples). You might try to quantify this for yourself on the next few projects you do. Do a couple where you behave as you normally would and see what ratio of design/codewriting/testing&debugging you actually do. Then on the next project deliberately increase the percentage of time you spend on design phase and see if it does shorten the time needed for the other phases. You will have to try for several projects on this as well to get a true baseline since the projects may be quite different. Do it as a test to see if you can improve your performance on the the other phases and thus deliver a faster product if you spend 20% more time or 50% more time or 100% more time on design.
Remember the later in the process you find the problem with a design the harder (and more time-consuming) it is to fix.

Legacy Code Nightmare [closed]

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I've inherited a project where the class diagrams closely resemble a spider web on a plate of spaghetti. I've written about 300 unit tests in the past two months to give myself a safety net covering the main executable.
I have my library of agile development books within reach at any given moment:
Working Effectively with Legacy Code
Code Complete
Agile Principles Patterns and Practices in C#
The problem is everything I touch seems to break something else.
The UI classes have business logic and database code mixed in. There are mutual dependencies between a number of classes. There's a couple of god classes that break every time I change any of the other classes. There's also a mutant singleton/utility class with about half instance methods and half static methods (though ironically the static methods rely on the instance and the instance methods don't).
My predecessors even thought it would be clever to use all the datasets backwards. Every database update is sent directly to the db server as parameters in a stored procedure, then the datasets are manually refreshed so the UI will display the most recent changes.
I'm sometimes tempted to think they used some form of weak obfuscation for either job security or as a last farewell before handing the code over.
Is there any good resources for detangling this mess? The books I have are helpful but only seem to cover half the scenarios I'm running into.
It sounds like you're tackling it in the right way.
Test again
Unfortunately, this can be a slow and tedious process. There's really no substitute for digging in and understanding what the code is trying to accomplish.
One book that I can recommend (if you don't already have it filed under "etc.") is Refactoring to Patterns. It's geared towards people who are in your exact situation.
I'm working in a similar situation.
If it is not a small utility but a big enterprise project then it is:
a) too late to fix it
b) beyond the capabilities of a single person to attempt a)
c) can only be fixed by a complete rewriting of the stuff which is out of the question
Refactoring can in many cases be only attempted in your private time at your personal risk. If you don't get an explicit mandate to do it as part of you daily job then you're likely not even get any credit for it. May even be criticized for "pointlessly wasting time on something that has perfectly worked for a long time already".
Just continue hacking it the way it has been hacked before, receive your paycheck and so on. When you get completely frustrated or the system reaches the point of being non-hackable any further, find another job.
EDIT: Whenever I attempt to address the question of the true architecture and doing the things the right way I usually get LOL in my face directly from responsible managers who are saying something like "I don't give a damn about good architecture" (attempted translation from German). I have personally brought one very bad component to the point of non-hackability while of course having given advanced warnings months in advance. They then had to cancel some promised features to customers because it was not doable any longer. Noone touches it anymore...
I've worked this job before. I spent just over two years on a legacy beast that is very similar. It took two of us over a year just to stabilize everything (it's still broke, but it's better).
First thing -- get exception logging into the app if it doesn't exist already. We used FogBugz, and it took us about a month to get reporting integrated into our app; it wasn't perfect right away, but it was reporting errors automatically. It's usually pretty safe to implement try-catch blocks in all your events, and that will cover most of your errors.
From there fix the bugs that come in first. Then fight the small battles, especially those based on the bugs. If you fix a bug that unexpectedly affects something else, refactor that block so that it is decoupled from the rest of the code.
It will take some extreme measures to rewrite a big, critical-to-company-success application no matter how bad it is. Even you get permission to do so, you'll be spending too much time supporting the legacy application to make any progress on the rewrite anyway. If you do many small refactorings, eventually either the big ones won't be that big or you'll have really good foundation classes for your rewrite.
One thing to take away from this is that it is a great experience. It will be frustrating, but you will learn a lot.
I have (once) come across code that was so insanely tangled that I couldn't fix it with a functional duplicate in a reasonable amount of time. That was sort of a special case though, as it was a parser and I had no idea how many clients might be "using" some of the bugs it had. Rendering hundreds of "working" source files erroneous was not a good option.
Most of the time it is imminently doable, just daunting. Read through that refactoring book.
I generally start fixing bad code by moving things around a bit (without actually changing implementation code more than required) so that modules and classes are at least somewhat coherent.
When that is done, you can take your more coherent class and rewrite its guts to perform the exact same way, but this time with sensible code. This is the tricky part with management, as they generally don't like to hear that you are going to take weeks to code and debug something that will behave exactly the same (if all goes well).
During this process I guarantee you will discover tons of bugs, and outright design stupidities. It's OK to fix trivial bugs while recoding, but otherwise leave such things for later.
Once this is done with a couple of classes, you will start to see where things can be modularized better, designed better, etc. Plus it will be easier to make such changes without impacting unrelated things because the code is now more modular, and you probably know it thoroughly.
Mostly, that sounds pretty bad. But I don't understand this part:
My predecessors even thought it would
be clever to use all the datasets
backwards. Every database update is
sent directly to the db server as
parameters in a stored procedure, then
the datasets are manually refreshed so
the UI will display the most recent
That sounds pretty close to a way I frequently write things. What's wrong with this? What's the correct way?
If your refactorings are breaking code, particularly code that seems to be unrelated, then you're trying to do too much at a time.
I recommend a first-pass refactoring where all you do is ExtractMethod: the goal is simply to name each step in the code, without any attempts at consolidation whatsoever.
After that, think about breaking dependencies, replacing singletons, consolidation.
If your refactorings are breaking things, then it means you don't have adequate unit test coverage - as the unit tests should have broken first. I recommend you get better unit test coverage second, after getting exception logging into place.
I then recommend you do small refactorings first - Extract Method to break large methods into understandable pieces; Introduce Variable to remove some duplication within a method; maybe Introduce Parameter if you find duplication between the variables used by your callers and the callee.
And run the unit test suite after each refactoring or set of refactorings. I'd say run them all until you gain confidence about which tests will need to be rerun every time.
No book will be able to cover all possible scenarios. It also depends on what you'll be expected to do with the project and whether there is any kind of external specification.
If you'll only have to do occasional small changes, just do those and don't bother starting to refactor.
If there is a specification (or you can get someone to write it), consider a complete rewrite if it can be justified by the foreseeable amount of changes to the project
If "the implementation is the specification" and there are a lot of changes planned, then you're pretty much hosed. Write LOTS of unit tests and start refactoring in small steps.
Actually, unit tests are going to be invaluable no matter what you do (if you can write them to an interface that's not going to change much with refactorings or a rewrite, that is).
See blog post Anatomy of an Anti-Corruption Layer, Part 1 and Anatomy of an Anti-Corruption Layer, Part 2.
It cites Eric Evans, Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software:
Access the crap behind a facade
You could extract and then refactor some part of it, to break the dependencies and isolate layers into different modules, libraries, assemblies, directories. Then you re-inject the cleaned parts in to the application with a strangler application strategy. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Good luck, that is the tough part of being a developer.
I think your approach is good, but you need to focus on delivering business value (number of unit tests is not a measure of business value, but it may give you an indication if you are on or off track). It's important to have identified the behaviors that need to be changed, prioritize, and focus on the top ones.
The other piece of advise is to remain humble. Realize that if you wrote something so large under real deadlines and someone else saw your code, they would probably have problems understanding it as well. There is a skill in writing clean code, and there is a more important skill in dealing with other people's code.
The last piece of advise is to try to leverage the rest of your team. Past members may know information about the system you can learn. Also, they may be able to help test behaviors. I know the ideal is to have automated tests, but if someone can help by verifying things for you manually consider getting their help.
I particularly like the diagram in Code Complete, in which you start with just legacy code, a rectangle of fuzzy grey texture. Then when you replace some of it, you have fuzzy grey at the bottom, solid white at the top, and a jagged line representing the interface between the two.
That is, everything is either 'nasty old stuff' or 'nice new stuff'. One side of the line or the other.
The line is jagged, because you're migrating different parts of the system at different rates.
As you work, the jagged line gradually descends, until you have more white than grey, and eventually just grey.
Of course, that doesn't make the specifics any easier for you. But it does give you a model you can use to monitor your progress. At any one time you should have a clear understanding of where the line is: which bits are new, which are old, and how the two sides communicate.
You might find the following post useful:
As it is said in the post, don't discard a complete overwrite that easily. Also, if at all possible, try to replace whole layers or tiers with third-party solution like for example ORM for persistence or with new code. But most important of all, try to understand the logic (problem domain) behind the code.

When is it good (if ever) to scrap production code and start over? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I was asked to do a code review and report on the feasibility of adding a new feature to one of our new products, one that I haven't personally worked on until now. I know it's easy to nitpick someone else's code, but I'd say it's in bad shape (while trying to be as objective as possible). Some highlights from my code review:
Abuse of threads: QueueUserWorkItem and threads in general are used a lot, and Thread-pool delegates have uninformative names such as PoolStart and PoolStart2. There is also a lack of proper synchronization between threads, in particular accessing UI objects on threads other than the UI thread.
Magic numbers and magic strings: Some Const's and Enum's are defined in the code, but much of the code relies on literal values.
Global variables: Many variables are declared global and may or may not be initialized depending on what code paths get followed and what order things occur in. This gets very confusing when the code is also jumping around between threads.
Compiler warnings: The main solution file contains 500+ warnings, and the total number is unknown to me. I got a warning from Visual Studio that it couldn't display any more warnings.
Half-finished classes: The code was worked on and added to here and there, and I think this led to people forgetting what they had done before, so there are a few seemingly half-finished classes and empty stubs.
Not Invented Here: The product duplicates functionality that already exists in common libraries used by other products, such as data access helpers, error logging helpers, and user interface helpers.
Separation of concerns: I think someone was holding the book upside down when they read about the typical "UI -> business layer -> data access layer" 3-tier architecture. In this codebase, the UI layer directly accesses the database, because the business layer is partially implemented but mostly ignored due to not being fleshed out fully enough, and the data access layer controls the UI layer. Most of the low-level database and network methods operate on a global reference to the main form, and directly show, hide, and modify the form. Where the rather thin business layer is actually used, it also tends to control the UI directly. Most of this lower-level code also uses MessageBox.Show to display error messages when an exception occurs, and most swallow the original exception. This of course makes it a bit more complicated to start writing units tests to verify the functionality of the program before attempting to refactor it.
I'm just scratching the surface here, but my question is simple enough: Would it make more sense to take the time to refactor the existing codebase, focusing on one issue at a time, or would you consider rewriting the entire thing from scratch?
EDIT: To clarify a bit, we do have the original requirements for the project, which is why starting over could be an option. Another way to phrase my question is: Can code ever reach a point where the cost of maintaining it would become greater than the cost of dumping it and starting over?
Without any offense intended, the decision to rewrite a codebase from scratch is a common, and serious management mistake newbie software developers make.
There are many disadvantages to be wary of.
Rewrites stop new features from being developed cold for months/years. Few, if any companies can afford to stand-still for this long.
Most development schedules are difficult to nail. This rewrite will be no exception. Amplify the previous point by, now, a delay in development.
Bugs that were fixed in the existing codebase through painful experience will be re-introduced. Joel Spolsky has more examples in this article.
Danger of falling victim to the Second-system effect -- in summary, ``People who have designed something only once before try to do all the things they "didn't get to do last time", loading the project up with all the things they put off while making version one, even if most of them should be put off in version two as well.''
Once this expensive, burdensome rewrite is completed, the very next team to inherit the new codebase is likely to use the same excuses for doing another rewrite. Programmers hate learning someone else's code. No one writes perfect code because perfection is so subjective. Find me any real-world application and I can give you a damning indictment and rationale for doing a from-scratch rewrite.
Whether you ultimately rewrite from scratch or not, beginning a refactoring phase now is a good way to both really sit down and understand the problem so that the rewrite will go more smoothly if truly called for, as well as giving the existing codebase an honest look to really see if a rewrite's needed.
To actually scrap and start over?
When the current code doesn't do what you would like it to do, and would be cost prohibitive to change.
I'm sure someone will now link Joel's article about Netscape throwing their code away and how it's oh-so-terrible and a huge mistake. I don't want to talk about it in detail, but if you do link that article, before you do so, consider this: the IE engine, the engine that allowed MS to release IE 4, 5, 5.5, and 6 in quick succession, the IE engine that totally destroyed Netscape... it was new. Trident was a new engine after they threw away the IE 3 engine because it didn't provide a suitable basis for their future development work. MS did that which Joel says you must never do, and it is because MS did so that they had a browser that allowed them to completely eclipse Netscape. So please... just meditate on that thought for a moment before you link Joel and say "oh you should never do it, it's a terrible idea".
A rule of thumb I've found useful is that if given a code base, if I have to re-write more than 25% of the code to make it work or modify it based upon new requirements, you may as well re-write it from scratch.
The reasoning is that you can only patch a body of code so far; beyond a certain point, it's quicker to do over.
There's an underlying assumption that you have a mechanism (such as thorough unit and/or system tests) that will tell you whether your re-written version is functionally equivalent (where it needs to be) as the original.
If it requires more time to read and understand the code (if that is even possible)
than it would to rewrite the entire application, I say scrap it and start over.
Be very carefull with this:
Are you sure you aren't just being lazy and not bothering to read the code
Are you being arrogant about the great code you will write compared to the rubbish anyone else produced.
Remember tested-working code is worth a lot more than imaginary yet-to-be-written code
In the words of our estemed host and overlord, Joel - things you should never do,
it's not always wrong to abandon working code - but you have to be sure about the reason.
I saw an application re-architected within 2 years of its introduction into production, and others rewritten in different technologies (one was C++ - now Java). Both efforts were were not, to my mind, successful.
I prefer a more evolutionary approach to bad software. If you can "componentize" your old app such that you can introduce your new requirements and interface with the old code, you can ease yourself into the new environment without having to "sell" the zero-value (from a biz perspective) investment in rewriting.
Suggested approach - write unit tests for the functionality with which you wish to interface to 1) ensure the code behaves as you expect and 2) provide a safety net for any refactoring that you may wish to do on the old base.
Bad code is the norm. I think IT gets a bad rap from business for favoring rewrites/rearchitecting/etc. They pay the money and "trust" us (as an industry) to deliver solid, extensible code. Sadly, business pressures frequently result in shortcuts that make the code unmaintainable. Sometimes it's bad programmers... sometimes bad situations.
To answer your rephrased question... can code maintenance costs ever exceed rewriting costs... the answer is clearly yes. I don't see anything in your examples, however, that lead me to believe this is your case. I think those issues can be addressed with tests and refactoring.
In terms of business value, I would think it's extremely rare that a real case can be made for a rewrite due solely to the internal state of the code. If the product's customer-facing and is currently live and bringing in money (i.e. is not a mothballed or unreleased product), then consider that:
You already have customers using it. They're familiar with it, and might have built some of their own assets around it. (Other systems that interface to it; products based on it; processes they'd have to change; staff they'd maybe have to retrain). All of this costs the customer money.
Re-writing it might cost less in the long term than making difficult changes and fixes. But you can't quantify that yet, unless your app is no more complex than Hello World. And a re-write means a re-test and a redeploy, and probably an upgrade path for your customers.
Who says the re-write will be any better? Can you honestly say your firm is writing sparkly code now? Have the practices that turned the original code to spaghetti been corrected? (Even if the main culprit was a single developer, where were his peers and management, ensuring quality through reviews, testing, etc.?)
In terms of technical reasons, I'd suggest it could be time for a major rewrite if the original has some technical dependencies that have become problematic. e.g. a third party dependency that's now out of support, etc.
In general though, I think the most sensible move is to refactor piece by piece (very small pieces if it's really that bad), and improve the internal architecture incrementally rather than in one big drop.
Two threads of thought on this one: Do you have the original requirements? Do you have confidence that the original requirements are accurate? What about test plans or unit tests? If you have those things in place it might be easier.
Putting on my customer hat, does the system work or is it unstable? If you've got something that's unstable you've got an argument to change; otherwise you're best of refactoring it bit by bit.
I think the line in the sand is when basic maintenance is taking 25% - 50% longer than it should. There comes a time when maintaining legacy code becomes too costly. A number of factors contribute to the final decision. Time and cost being the most important factors I think.
If there are clean interfaces and you can cleanly delineate module boundaries, then it might be worth refactoring it module by module or layer by layer in order to allow you to migrate existing customers forward into cleaner more stable codebases, and over time, after you've refactored every module, you will have rewritten everything.
But, based on the codereview, doesn't sound like there would be any clean boundaries.
I wonder if the people who vote for scrapping and starting over have ever successfully refactored a large project, or at least seen a large project in poor condition that they think could use a refactoring?
If anything, I err on the opposite side: I've seen 4 large projects that were a mess, that I advocated refactoring as opposed to rewriting. On a couple, there was barely a single line of original code that remained, and major interfaces changed in significant ways, but the process never involved the entire project failing to function as well as it originally did, for any more than a week. (And top-of-trunk was never broken).
Perhaps a project exists that is so severely broken that to attempt to refactor it would be doomed to failure, or perhaps one of the previous projects I refactored would have been better served by a "clean re-write", but I'm not sure I'd know how to recognize it.
I agree with Martin. You really need to weigh the effort that will be involved in writing the app from scratch against the current state of the app and how many people use it, do they like it, etc. Often we may want to completely start from scratch, but the cost far outweighs the benefit. I come across bits of ugly looking code all the time, but I soon realize that some of these 'ugly' areas are really bug fixes and make the program work correctly.
I would try to consider the architecture of the system and see whether it is possible to scrap and rewrite specific well defined components without starting everything from scratch.
What would usually happen is that you can either do that (and then sell that to the customer/management), or that you find out that the code is such a horrible and tangled mess that you become even more convinced that you need a rewrite and have more convincing arguments for it (including: "if we engineer it right, we would never need to scrap the whole thing and do a third rewrite).
Slow maintenance would eventually cause that architectural drift that would make a rewrite more expensive later.
Scrap old code early and often. When in doubt, throw it out. The hard part is convincing non-technical folks of the cost-to-maintain.
So long as the value derived appears to be greater than the cost to operate and maintain, there's still positive value flowing from the software. The question surrounding a rewrite this: "will we get even more value from a rewrite?" Or alternatively "How much more value will we get from a rewrite?" How many person-hours of maintenance will you save?
Remember, the rewrite investment is once only. The return on the rewrite investment lasts forever. Forever.
Focus the value question down to specific issues. You listed a bunch of them above. Stick with that.
"Will we get more value by reducing cost through
dropping the junk that we don't use
but still have to wade through?"
"Will we get more value from dropping the junk that's unreliable and breaks?"
"Will we get more value if we understand it -- not by documenting, but by replacing with something we built as a team?"
Do you homework. You'll have to confront the following show-stoppers.
These will originate somewhere in your executive foodchain from someone who'll respond as follows:
"Is it broken?" And when you say "It's not crashed as such," They'll say "It's not broke - don't fix it."
"You've done the code analysis, you understand it, you no longer need to fix it."
What's your answer to them?
That's only the first hurdle. Here's the worst possible situation. This doesn't always happen, but it does happen with alarming frequency.
Someone in your executive foodchain will have this thought:
"A rewrite doesn't create enough value. Rather than simply rewrite, let's expand it." The justification is that by creating enough value, users are more likely to buy in to the rewrite.
A project where scope is expanded -- artificially -- to add value is usually doomed.
Instead, do the smallest rewrite you can to replace the darn thing. Then expand to fit real needs and add value.
You can only give a definite yes to rewriting in case if you know completely how your application works (and by completely I mean it, not just having a general idea of how it should work) and you know more or less exactly how to make it better. Any other cases and it's a shot in the dark, it depends on too much things. Perhaps gradual refactoring would be safer if it is possible.
If possible, I typically would prefer to rewrite smaller portions of the code over time when I need to refactor a baseline. There are typically many smaller issues such as magic number, poor commenting, etc. that tend to make the code look worse than it actually is. So, unless the baseline is just awful, keep the code and just make improvements at the same time you are maintaining the code.
If refactoring requires a lot of work, I recommend laying out a small re-design plan/todo list that gives you a list of things to work on in order so that you can bring the baseline to a better state. Starting from scratch is always a risky move and you are not guaranteed that the code will be better when you are finished. Using this technique, you will always have a working system that improves over time.
Code with excessively high cyclomatic complexity (like over 100 in a large number of modules) is a good clue. Also, how many bugs does it have / KLOC? How critical are the bugs? How often are bugs introduced when bug fixes are made. If your answer is a lot (I cant remember norms right now), then a rewrite is warranted.
As early as possible. Whenever you get a premonition that your code is slowly turning into an ugly beast that is very likely to consume your soul and give you headaches, and you know the problem is in the underlying structure of the code (so any fix would be a hack, e.g. introduce a global variable), then it's time to start over.
For some reasons people don't like throwing away precious code, but if you feel your better off starting over, you are probably right. Trust your instinct and remember that it wasn't a waste of time, it taught you one more way of NOT approaching the problem. You could (should) always use a version control system so your baby is never really lost.
I do not have any experience with using metrics for this myself, but the
"Software Maintainability Metrics Models in Practice" discusses
more or less the same question asked here for two case studies they did.
It starts with the following editor's note:
In the past, when a maintainer
received new code to maintain, the
rule-of-thumb was "If you have to
change more than 40 percent of someone
else's code, you throw it out and
start over." The Maintainability Index
[MI] addressed here gives a much more
quantifiable method to determine when
to "throw it out and start over." This
work was sponsored by the U.S. Air
Force Information Warfare Center and
the U.S. Department of Energy [DOE],
Idaho Field Office, DOE Contract No.
I think the rule was...
The first version is always a throw away
So, if you learned your lesson(s), or his/her lessons, then you can go ahead and write it fresh now that you understand your problem domain better.
Not that there aren't parts that can/should be kept. Tested code is the most valuable code, so if it isn't deficient in any real way other than style, no reason to toss it all out.
When is it good (if ever) to scrap production code and start over?
Never had to do this, but logic would dictate (to me, anyway) that once you pass the inflection point where you're spending more time reworking and fixing bugs in the existing code base than you are adding new functionality, it's time to trash the old stuff and get a fresh start.
If it requires more time to read and understand the code (if that is even possible) than it would to rewrite the entire application, I say scrap it and start over.
I have never completely thrown out code. Even when going from a foxpro system to a c# system.
If the old system worked then why just throw it out?
I have come across a few really bad system. Threads being used where not needed. Horrible inheritance and abuse of interfaces.
It is best to understand what the old code is doing and why it is doing it. Then change it so that it is not confusing.
Of course if the old code doesn't work. I mean can't even compile. Then you might be justified in just starting over. But how often does that actually happen?
Yes, it totally can happen. I've seen money be saved by doing it.
This is not a tech decision, it's a business decision. Code rewrites are long term gains, while "if it ain't totally broke..." is a short term gain. If you are in a first year startup that is focused on getting a product out the door, the answer is usually to just live with it. If you're in an established company, or the errors with the current systems are causing more workload, therefor more company money.. then they might go for it.
Present the problem as best as you can to your GM, use dollar values where you can. "I don't like dealing with it" means nothing. "It'll take twice the time to do everything until this is fixed" means a lot.
I think there are a number of issues here that depend largely on where you are at.
Is the software working well from a customer perspective? (If yes be very careful about changes). I would think there would be little point re-witting unless you were expanding the feature set if the system was working. And are you planning to expand the features and customer base of the software? If so then you have much more reason to change.
As much as anything just trying to understand some else's code even if well written can be difficult, when badly written I would imagine almost impossible. What you describe sounds like something that would be very difficult to expand.
I would take into consideration if the application does what it is intended to do, is required for you to ever make modifications, and are you confident that the app has been thoroughly tested in all scenarios that it will be used in.
Do not invest the time if the app does not need alterations. However, if it doesn't function as you need and you need to control the hours and time invested to make corrections, scrap it and re-write to the standards that your team can support. There's nothing worse than terrible code that you have to support / decipher but still have to live with. Remember, Murphy's Law says it will 10 at night when you'll have to make things work, and that is never productive.
Production code always has some value. The only case where I would truly throw it all out and start again is if we determine the intellectual property is irrevocably contaminated. For example if someone brought large amounts of code from a previous employer, or a large percentage of the code was ripped from a GPLd codebase.
I'm going to post this book every time I see a discussion on Refactoring. Everyone should read "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" by Michael Feathers. I found it to be an excellent book - if nothing else, it's a fun read, and motivational.
When the code has reached a point that is not maintainable or extensible anymore. Is full of short-term hacky fixes. It has lots of coupling. It has long (100+lines) methods. It has database access in the UI. It generates a lot of random, impossible to debug errors.
Bottom line: When maintaining it is more expensive (i.e. takes longer) than rewriting it.
I used to believe in just re-write from scratch, but it is wrong.
Changed my mind.
What I would suggested is figuring out a way to properly refactor the code. Keep all existing functionality and test as you go. We have all seen horrible code bases, but it is important to keep the knowledge over time you application has.

At what point does refactoring become not worth it?

Say you have a program that currently functions the way it is supposed to. The application has very poor code behind it, eats up a lot of memory, is unscalable and would take major rewriting to implement any changes in functionality.
At what point does refactoring become less logical then a total rebuild?
Joel wrote a nice essay about this very topic:
Things You Should Never Do, Part 1
The key lesson I got from this is that although the old code is horrible, hurts your eyes and your aesthetic sense, there's a pretty good chance that a lot of that code is patching undocumented errors and problems. Ie., it has a lot of domain knowledge embedded in it and it will be difficult or impossible for you to replicate it. You'll constantly be hitting against bugs-of-omission.
A book I found immensely useful is Working Effectively With Legacy Code by Michael C. Feathers. It offers strategies and methods for approaching even truly ugly legacy code.
One benefit of refactoring over rebuilding is that IF you can do refactoring step by step, i.e. in increments, you can test the increments in the context of the whole system, making development and debugging faster.
Old and deployed code, even when ugly and slow, has the benefit of having been tested thoroughly, and this benefit is lost if you start from scratch.
An incremental refactoring approach also has helps to ensure that there is always a product available which can be shipped (and it's improving constantly).
There is a nice article on the web about how Netscape 6 was written from scratch and it was business-wise a bad idea.
Robert L. Glass suggests that
Modification of reused code is particularly error-prone. If more than 20 to 25 percent of a component is to be revised, it is more efficient and effective to write it from scratch.
Well, the simplest answer is if it will take longer to refactor than it will to rebuild, then you should just rebuild.
If it's a personal project then you might want to rebuild it anyway as you will probably learn more from building from scratch than you would from refactoring, and that's one big objective of personal projects.
However, in a professional time-limited environment, you should always go with whatever costs the company the least amount of money (for the same payoff) in the long run, which means choosing whichever takes less time.
Of course, it can be a little more complicated than that. If other people can be working on features while the refactoring is being done, then that might be a better choice over having everyone wait for a completely new version to be built. In that case rebuilding might take less time than just the refactoring would have taken, but you need to take the entire project and all contributors of the project in to account.
When you spend more time refactoring than actually writing code.
At the point where the software doesn't do what it's supposed to do. Refactoring (changing the code without changing the functionality) makes sense if and only if the functionality is "as intended".
If you can afford the time to completely rebuild the app, don't need to improve functionality incrementally, and don't wish to retain any of the existing code then rewriting is certainly a viable alternative. You can, on the other hand, use refactoring to do an incremental rewrite by slowly replacing the existing functions with equivalent functions that are better written and more efficient.
If the application is very small, then you can rewrite it from scratch. If the application is big, never do it. Rewrite it progressively, one step at a time validating you didn't break anything.
The application is the specification. If your rewrite it from scratch you will most likely run into a lots of insidious bugs because "no one knew that the call to this function was supposed to return 3 in that very specific case" (undocumented behaviour...).
It's always more fun to rewrite from scratch so your brain might trick you into thinking it's the right choice. Be careful, it's most likely not.
I've worked with such applications in the past. The best approach I've found is a gradual one: When you are working on the code, find things that are done multiple times, group them together in functions. Keep a notebook (you know, a real one, with paper, and a pencil or pen) so that you can mark your progress. Use that in combination with your VCS, not instead of it. The notebook can be used to provide an overview of the new functions you've created as part of the refactoring, and the VCS of course fills in the blanks for the details.
Over time, you will have consolidated a lot of code into more appropriate places. Code duplication during this period of time is going to be next to impossible, so just do it as best as you can until you've reached a point where you can really start the refactoring process, auditing the entire code base and working on it as a whole.
If you've not enough time for that process (which will take a very long time), then rewriting from scratch using a test-first approach is probably better.
One option would be to write unit tests to cover the existing application and then start to refactor it bit by bit, using the unit tests to make sure everything works as before.
In an ideal world you'd already have unit tests for the program, but given your comments about the quality of the app I'm guessing you don't...
No document, no original writer, no test case, and a bunch of remaining bugs.
Uncle Bob weighs in with the following:
When is a redesign the right strategy?
I’m glad you asked that question. Here’s the answer. Never.
Look, you made the mess, now clean it up.
I’ve not had much luck with small incremental changes when the code I inherit is really bad. In theory the small incremental approach sounds good, but in practice all it ends up with is a better, but still poorly designed application that everyone thinks is now YOUR design. When things break, people no longer think it is because of the previous code, it now becomes YOUR fault. So, I would not use the word redesign, refactor or anything else that implies to a manager type that you are changing things to your way unless I was really going to do it my way. Otherwise, even though you may have fixed dozens of problems, any problems that still existed (but weren’t discovered) are now going to be attributed to your rework. And be assured that if the code is bad then your fixes will uncover a lot more bugs that were simply ignored before because the code was so bad to begin with.
If you truly know how to develop software systems then I would do a redesign of the whole system. If you don’t TRULY know how to design GOOD software then I’d say stick with the small incremental changes as you may otherwise end up with a code base that is just as bad as the original.
One mistake that is often made when redesigning is that people ignore the original code base. However, redesign does not have to mean totally ignore the old code. The old code still had to do what your new code has to do, so in many cases the steps you need are already in the old code. Copy and Paste then tweak works wonders when redesigning systems. I have found that in many cases, redesigning and rewriting an application and stealing snippets from the original code is far quicker and much more reliable than small incremental changes.

Debugging is a bad smell - how to persuade them?

I've been working on a project that can't be described as 'small' anymore (40+ months), with a team that can't be defined as 'small' anymore (~30 people). We've been using Agile/Scrum (1) practices all along, and a healthy dose of TDD.
I'm not sure if I picked this up from Agile or TDD, more likely a combination of the two, but I'm now clearly in the camp of people that looks at debugging as a bad smell. By 'debugging' I'm not referring to the more abstract concept of figuring out what might be wrong with the system, but the specific activity of running the system in Debug mode, stepping through the code to figure out details that are otherwise inscrutable.
Since I'm fairly convinced, this question is not about whether debugging is a bad smell or not. Rather, I'd like to know how I can persuade my team-mates about this.
People that believe debugging mode is the 'standard' mode tend to write code that can be understood only by debugging through it, which leads to a lot of time wasted since every time you work an item on top of code developed by someone else, you get to first spend a considerable amount of time debugging it (and, since there's no bug involved.. the term is becoming increasingly ridiculous) - and then silos happen. So I'd love to convince a few of my team-mates that avoiding debug mode is a Good Thing (2). Since they are used to live in Debug mode, however, they don't seem to see the problem; to them, spending hours debugging someone else code before they even start doing anything related to their new item is the norm; they don't see anything wrong with it. Plus, as they spend time 'figuring it out' they know eventually the developer that worked that area will become available and the item will be passed on to them (leading to yet another silo).
Help me come up with a plan to turn them from the Dark Side !
Thanks in advance.
(1) Also referred to as SCRUM (all caps). Capitalization arguments aside, I think an asterisk after the term must be used since - unsurprisingly - our organization 'tweaked' the Agile and Scrum process to fit the perceived needs of all stakeholders involved. So, in all honesty, I won't pretend this has been 100% according to theory, but that's beside the point of my question.
(2) Yes, there will always be times when we'll have to get in debug mode, I'm not trying to absolutely avoid it, just.. trying to minimize the number of times we have to dive into it.
If you want to persuade your coworkers that your programming practices are better, first demonstrate by your productiveness that you are more effective than they are, at least for some tasks. Then they'll believe you when you explain how you get so much done.
It's also sometimes easier to focus on something concrete. Do your coworkers even talk in terms of "code smell"? Perhaps you could focus on specifics like "When the ABC module fails, it takes forever to debug it; it's much faster to use technique XYZ. Here, let me demonstrate." Then afterwards you can mention your basic principle, which is yeah the debugger is a useful tool, but there's usually other more useful ones.
This is a cross-post, because the first time around it was more of an aside on someone else's answer to a different question. To this question it's a direct answer.
Debugging degrades the quality code of
the code we produce because it allows
us to get away with a lower level of
preparation and less mental
discipline. I learnt this from an
accidental controlled experiment in
early 2000, which I now relate:
I took on a contract as a Delphi
coder, and the first task assigned was
to write a template engine
conceptually similar to a reporting
engine - using Java, a language with
which I was unfamiliar.
Bizarrely, the employer was quite
happy to pay me contract rates to
spend months becoming proficient with
a new language, but wouldn't pay for
books or debuggers. I was told to
download the compiler and learn using
online resources (Java Trails were
pretty good).
The golden rule of arts and sciences
is that whoever has the gold makes the
rules, so I proceeded as instructed. I
got my editor macros rigged up so I
could launch the Java compiler on the
current edit buffer with a single
keystroke, I found syntax-colouring
definitions for my editor and I used
regexes to parse the compiler output
and put my cursor on the reported
location of compile errors. When the
dust settled, I had a little IDE with
everything but a debugger.
To trace my code I used the good old
fashioned technique of inserting
writes to the console that logged
position in the code and the state of
any variables I cared to inspect. It
was crude, it was time-consuming, it
had to be pulled out once the code
worked and it sometimes had confusing
side-effects (eg forcing
initialisation earlier than it might
otherwise have occurred resulting in
code that only works while the trace
is present).
Under these conditions my class
methods got shorter and more and more
sharply defined, until typically they
did exactly one very well defined
operation. They also tended to be
specifically designed for easy
testing, with simple and completely
deterministic output so I could test
them independently.
The long and the short of it is that
when debugging is more painful than
designing, the path of least
resistance is better design.
What turned this from an observation
to a certainty was the success of the
project. Suddenly there was budget and
I had a "proper" IDE with an
integrated debugger. Over the course
of the next two weeks I noticed a
reversion to prior habits, with
"sketch" code made to work by
iterative refinement in the debugger.
Having noticed this I recreated some
earlier work using a debugger in place
of thoughtful design. Interestingly,
taking away the debugger slowed
development only slightly, and the
finished code was vastly better
quality particularly from a
maintenance perspective.
Don't get me wrong: there is a place
for debuggers. Personally, I think
that place is in the hands of the team
leader, to be brought out in times of
dire need to figure out a mystery, and
then taken away again before people
lose their discipline.
People won't want to ask for it
because that would be an admission of
weakness in front of their peers, and
the act of explaining the need and the
surrounding context may well induce
peer insights that solve the problem -
or even better designs free from the
So, FOR, I not only agree with your position, I have real data from a controlled experiment to support it. It is, however, a rather small sample. More elaborate tests are required before my conclusions are supportable.
Why don't you take what I've said to your team and suggest trials. You have more data than they do (I just gave it to you) and in order to have a credible basis for disagreeing with you they basically have to test the idea, and the only way to do that is to give your idea a go.
You should be ready for it to all fall apart, though, because the whole thing is predicated on the assumption that the developers have the talent and experience to rise to the challenge of stronger design in the absence of step-through debugging.
Step-through debugging was created to make debugging easier. The direct effect of lowering the bar is that people with less talent can participate - if you build a tool that even jackasses can use, you will get jackasses using it -- a lot of them, if the newly accessible activity is well-remunerated.
This causes an exodus of people with talent because they generally use that talent to do rare and precious things in order to be well paid without working too hard, and the market doesn't want to pay for excellence because it cannot distinguish talent well enough to know when paying for it is justified.
Another thought: more recent work with problems on production servers, where it was impossible to install a debugger, has shown the importance of having a codebase for which maintenance doesn't depend on the availability of a debugger. Code that's grown in the absence of debuggers is much less hassle. Choose not to use them when you can change your mind, and then when you can't change your mind it won't be so awful.
Since I'm fairly convinced, this question is not about whether debugging is a bad smell or not.
Well, your local Church might be more appropriate place for your question then.
That aside, convince them by arguments. You might want to reconsider your fundamentalist stance, however, because this is the very opposite of persuasive. One thing you might want to do is drop the term “debugging” in your whole discussion and replace it by “stepping through the code” or the likes, emphasizing that you oppose the uninformend guesswork/patchwork practice of probing that you condemn rather than an informed reflection about the code.
(I would still disagree with you, but that's besides the point since you didn't want a discussion.)
I think the real problem here is
People that believe debugging mode is
the 'standard' mode tend to write code
that can be understood only by
stepping through it
This, if true, should be self evidently wrong and there should be no need to discuss it. If it's not evident it's because they don't see how the badly written code could be improved. Show them, do code reviews where you show how that code could be refactored in a way that is clear without stepping through it.
Code stepping will automatically diminish once better code is written, it just doesn't work the other way around. People will still write bad code and if they avoid stepping through it that will only lead to more wasted time (damn I wish I could step through this spaghetti mess), not to better code.
There is something wrong here, but it's hard to put my finger on it. Perhaps the real issue is that the code has other smells that make it difficult to readily understand. I agree that with TDD one ought to use the debugger less rather than more, since you'll be developing the code in small increments. But, if you can't look at the code and understand it, perhaps it's because the design is too coupled -- there are too many interrelated classes required to make things work.
If the code really needs to be so complex that observation won't suffice, then maybe you need to invest in some good commenting, explaining what is happening -- though I would prefer to see things refactored to the point where comments are not needed. My suspicion is that the debugger may be a symptom rather than the problem.
I know that for me, switching from traditional, code-first development to test-first development has resulted in less time spent debugging...and it's not something I miss. Typically I'll only involve the debugger when its not obvious why the code I just wrote to pass a test, didn't.
This is going to sound like the argument you said you don't want to have, but I think if you want to convince your teammates, you're going to have to make a stronger case. I don't understand your objection. I frequently step through code I'm trying to understand with the debugger. It's a great way to see what's going on. You have not established your claim that people who use the debugger in this way tend to write code which is otherwise difficult to understand. The only convincing way to do so would be through some kind of case/control study which tried to measure and compare the readability of code written by people with varying approaches to the debugger. And you have not even told a plausible story explaining why you think using a tool to understand code execution tends to lead to sloppier code construction. For me it's a complete non sequitur.
A "plan" to convince them of the advantage of another approach is by establishing metrics linked to the number of time you debug the same function for different bugs.
By analysis the trend of that metric, you may convince them that non-regression tests are more useful to spend time writing, and will help them to debug more efficiently.
That way, you do not write completely off the "debug" habit, but you convince them of establishing a solid set of test, allowing them to focus on really useful debug session, if needed.
Should you consider this course of action (metrics), you should know its implementation involves the all hierarchy (stakeholder, project manager, architect, developers). They all need to be implicated in those metrics in order to act on them.
Regarding developers, you could try to suggest:
some new ways of closing a bug case (close it only with the test scenario played to reproduce that bug, meaning they need an independent test in order to, if needed, launch their debug session)
a clear relationship between those metrics and their evaluation by the management (it would be a bad practice to debug over and over the same function)
a larger involvement in architectural decisions: sometimes, knowing some functional or applicative features rather than just classes and code can incite a developer to think more in term of black-box test rather than white-box (which can more easily lead to debug session)
a participation into "operational architecture" process (where you need to deploy your app, and make full front-to-back integration test). Again, a larger picture of the all system can help a developer to get more interested in features rather than 'lines of code'
I think a better phrasing of this question would be "Is non-TDD a code smell?" TDD seems to lead to less time spent in the debugger due to more time spent writing/failing/passing tests. Without TDD, you are more likely to spend time in the debugger to diagnose errors.
At least within Visual Studio, using the debugger is not that painful, so the challenge for you would be to explain to your teammates how TDD would make their development more enjoyable, productive and successful. Just avoiding the debugger is probably not reason enough for a team to switch their development methodology.
Right on roadwarrior.
debugging isn't the problem, it's poorly commented and or documented code and bad archetecture. I work on a smaller team but when a bug does surface, I do step through the code. frequently it's a very small job because the app is well planned out and the doc's on the code are clear.
That said lets get to my point. Want the team to not debug... comment, comment comment. Nothing beats down the urge to debug faster. Sure they'll still do it, but they'll be more likely to step over well documented code.
Oh and though it should go without saying, I'll do it anyway. don't have bugs in your code. :)
I agree with those above who expressed the relative irrelevance of this "debugger issue."
IMO, the 2 most important goals of a developer are:
1) Make the software do what it's supposed to do.
2) Write the code so that a maintenance developer 2 years down the road enjoys the experience of changing existing or adding new features.
Before you make a plan, you should decide how important this change is to you. Although I agree that debugging is a smell, it is also a very well accepted and ingrained practice for developers, so convincing them that they should stop doing it won't be easy or quick - and for good reasons. How much energy do you want to put into this topic?
Second, why do you want to persuade them in the first place? If your motivation is to help them, is it really their top priority problem? When you help people in ways they want to be helped, change becomes easy.
Once you have decided that you want to go on with your change initiative, you need to take into account that different people are convinced by different things. Some people will already be convinced by trying something new and exciting. Some will be convinced by numbers (metrics). Some by getting told about it while eating their favorite type of cookie (seriously!), some by hearing about it from their favorite guru. Some by reading about it in a magazine. Some by seeing that "everyone else is doing it, too". Etc. pp.
There is an insightful interview with Linda Rising on this topic at InfoQ: She can say it much better than me. The book is quite good, too.
Whatever you do, don't press too much, but also don't give up. Change can happen - especially if you take resistance as a resource -, and sometimes it happens at unexpected times, so always keep a sense of wonder.
#FOR : You have a second problem too, here it is :
sadly it doesn't seem the devs are interested in being more productive (they get paid the same anyway)
How do you intend to make them want to be more productive when there is nothing (visible) for them to gain?
Designing software by debugging is a good practice.
The number of environments supporting this way of developing is very small: the best known is Smalltalk. In Smalltalk, you can write a test describing your objects protocol without the methods being implemented. Running this test will then trigger the debugger, and you can add the method to the right class in the debugger, and can continue stepping through the code until all functionality is implemented and the test is green.
This needs a compiler to be available at run-time, and first-class invocations. It offers a very short feedback cycle, and is one of the primary reasons for Smalltalks' productivity
