Performance of using static methods vs instantiating the class containing the methods - performance

I'm working on a project in C#. The previous programmer didn't know object oriented programming, so most of the code is in huge files (we're talking around 4-5000 lines) spread over tens and sometimes hundreds of methods, but only one class. Refactoring such a project is a huge undertaking, and so I've semi-learned to live with it for now.
Whenever a method is used in one of the code files, the class is instantiated and then the method is called on the object instance.
I'm wondering whether there are any noticeable performance penalties in doing it this way? Should I make all the methods static "for now" and, most importantly, will the application benefit from it in any way?

From here, a static call is 4 to 5 times faster than constructing an instance every time you call an instance method. However, we're still only talking about tens of nanoseconds per call, so you're unlikely to notice any benefit unless you have really tight loops calling a method millions of times, and you could get the same benefit by constructing a single instance outside that loop and reusing it.
Since you'd have to change every call site to use the newly static method, you're probably better spending your time on gradually refactoring.

I have dealt with a similar problem where i work. The programmer before me created 1 controller class where all the BLL functions were dumped.
We are redesigning the system now and have created many Controller classes depending on what they are supposed to control e.g.
UserController, GeographyController, ShoppingController...
Inside each controller class they have static methods which make calls to cache or the DAL using the singleton pattern.
This has given us 2 main advantages. It is slightly faster(around 2-3 times faster but were talking nanoseconds here ;P). The other is that the code is much cleaner
instead of
new ShoppingController().ListPaymentMethods()
I think it makes sense to use static methods or classes if the class doesn't maintain any state.

It depends on what else that object contains -- if the "object" is just a bunch of functions then it's probably not the end of the world. But if the object contains a bunch of other objects, then instantiating it is gonna call all their constructors (and destructors, when it's deleted) and you may get memory fragmentation and so on.
That said, it doesn't sound like performance is your biggest problem right now.

You have to determine the goals of the rewrite. If you want to have nice testable, extendable & maintainable OO code then you could try to use objects and their instance methods. After all this is Object Oriented programing we're talking about here, not Class Oriented programming.
It is very straightforward to fake and/or mock objects when you define classes that implement interfaces and you execute instance methods. This makes thorough unit testing quick and effective.
Also, if you are to follow good OO principles (see SOLID at ) and/or use design patterns you will certainly be doing a lot of instance based, interface based development, and not using many static methods.
As for this suggestion:
It seems silly to me to create an object JUST so you can call a method which
seemingly has no side effects on the object (from your description i assume this).
I see this a lot in dot net shops and to me this violates encapsulation, a key OO concept. I should not be able to tell whether a method has side effects by whether or not the method is static. As well as breaking encapsulation this means that you will need to be changing methods from static to instance if/when you modify them to have side effects. I suggest you read up on the Open/Closed principle for this one and see how the suggested approach, quoted above, works with that in mind.
Remember that old chestnut, 'premature optimization is the root of all evil'. I think in this case this means don't jump through hoops using inappropriate techniques (i.e. Class Oriented programming) until you know you have a performance issue. Even then debug the issue and look for the most appropriate.

Static methods are a lot faster and uses a lot less memory. There is this misconception that it's just a little faster. It's a little faster as long as you don't put it on loops. BTW, some loops look small but really aren't because the method call containing the loop is also another loop. You can tell the difference in code that performs rendering functions. A lot less memory is unfortunately true in many cases. An instance allows easy sharing of information with sister methods. A static method will ask for the information when he needs it.
But like in driving cars, speed brings responsibility. Static methods usually have more parameters than their instance counterpart. Because an instance would take care of caching shared variables, your instance methods will look prettier.
ShapeUtils.DrawCircle(stroke, pen, origin, radius);
ShapeUtils.DrawSquare(stroke, pen, x, y, width, length);
ShapeUtils utils = new ShapeUtils(stroke,pen);
In this case, whenever the instance variables are used by all methods most of the time, instance methods are pretty worth it. Instances are NOT ABOUT STATE, it's about SHARING although COMMON STATE is a natural form of SHARING, they are NOT THE SAME. General rule of thumb is this: if the method is tightly coupled with other methods --- they love each other so much that they when one is called, the other needs to be called too and they probably share the same cup of water---, it should be made instance. To translate static methods into instance methods is not that hard. You only need to take the shared parameters and put them as instance variables. The other way around is harder.
Or you can make a proxy class that will bridge the static methods. While it may seem to be more inefficient in theory, practice tells a different story. This is because whenever you need to call a DrawSquare once (or in a loop), you go straight to the static method. But whenever you are gonna use it over and over along with DrawCircle, you are gonna use the instance proxy. An example is the System.IO classes FileInfo (instance) vs File (static).
Static Methods are testable. In fact, even more testable than instance once. Method GetSum(x,y) would be very testable to not just unit test but load test, integrated test and usage test. Instance methods are good for units tests but horrible for every other tests (which matters more than units tests BTW) that is why we get so many bugs these days. The thing that makes ALL Methods untestable are parameters that don't make sense like (Sender s, EventArgs e) or global state like DateTime.Now. In fact, static methods are so good at testability that you see less bugs in C code of a new Linux distro than your average OO programmer (he's full of s*** I know).

I think you've partially answered this question in the way you asked it: are there any noticeable performance penalties in the code that you have?
If the penalties aren't noticeable, you needn't necessarily do anything at all. (Though it goes without saying the codebase would benefit dramtically from a gradual refactor into a respectable OO model).
I guess what I'm saying is, a performance problem is only a problem when you notice that it's a problem.

It seems silly to me to create an object JUST so you can call a method which seemingly has no side effects on the object (from your description i assume this). It seems to me that a better compromise would be to have several global objects and just use those. That way you can put the variables that normally would be global into the appropriate classes so that they have slightly smaller scope.
From there you can slowly move the scope of these objects to be smaller and smaller until you have a decent OOP design.
Then again, the approach that I would probably use is different ;).
Personally, I would likely focus on structures and the functions which operate on them and try to convert these into classes with members little by little.
As for the performance aspect of the question, static methods should be slightly faster (but not much) since they don't involve constructing, passing and deconstructing an object.

It's not valid in PHP,
Object Method is faster :


Is it bad to have many global functions?

I'm relatively new to software development, and I'm on my way to completing my first app for the iPhone.
While learning Swift, I learned that I could add functions outside the class definition, and have it accessible across all views. After a while, I found myself making many global functions for setting app preferences (registering defaults, UIAppearance, etc).
Is this bad practice? The only alternate way I could think of was creating a custom class to encapsulate them, but then the class itself wouldn't serve any purpose and I'd have to think of ways to passing it around views.
Global functions: good (IMHO anyway, though some disagree)
Global state: bad (fairly universally agreed upon)
By which I mean, it’s probably a good practice to break up your code to create lots of small utility functions, to make them general, and to re-use them. So long as they are “pure functions”
For example, suppose you find yourself checking if all the entries in an array have a certain property. You might write a for loop over the array checking them. You might even re-use the standard reduce to do it. Or you could write a re-useable function, all, that takes a closure that checks an element, and runs it against every element in the array. It’s nice and clear when you’re reading code that goes let allAboveGround = all(sprites) { $0.position.y > 0 } rather than a for…in loop that does the same thing. You can also write a separate unit test specifically for your all function, and be confident it works correctly, rather than a much more involved test for a function that includes embedded in it a version of all amongst other business logic.
Breaking up your code into smaller functions can also help avoid needing to use var so much. For example, in the above example you would probably need a var to track the result of your looping but the result of the all function can be assigned using let. Favoring immutable variables declared with let can help make your program easier to reason about and debug.
What you shouldn’t do, as #drewag points out in his answer, is write functions that change global variables (or access singletons which amount to the same thing). Any global function you write should operate only on their inputs and produce the exact same results every time regardless of when they are called. Global functions that mutate global state (i.e. make changes to global variables (or change values of variables passed to them as arguments by reference) can be incredibly confusing to debug due to unexpected side-effects they might cause.
There is one downside to writing pure global functions,* which is that you end up “polluting the namespace” – that is, you have all these functions lying around that might have specific relevance to a particular part of your program, but accessible everywhere. To be honest, for a medium-sized application, with well-written generic functions named sensibly, this is probably not an issue. If a function is purely of use to a specific struct or class, maybe make it a static method. If your project really is getting too big, you could perhaps factor out your most general functions into a separate framework, though this is quite a big overhead/learning exercise (and Swift frameworks aren’t entirely fully-baked yet), so if you are just starting out so I’d suggest leaving this for now until you get more confident.
* edit: ok two downsides – member functions are more discoverable (via autocomplete when you hit .)
Updated after discussion with #AirspeedVelocity
Global functions can be ok and they really aren't much different than having type methods or even instance methods on a custom type that is not actually intended to contain state.
The entire thing comes down mostly to personal preference. Here are some pros and cons.
They sometimes can cause unintended side effects. That is they can change some global state that you or the caller forgets about causing hard to track down bugs. As long as you are careful about not using global variables and ensure that your function always returns the same result with the same input regardless of the state of the rest of the system, you can mostly ignore this con.
They make code that uses them difficult to test which is important once you start unit testing (which is a definite good policy in most circumstances). It is hard to test because you can't mock out the implementation of a global function easily. For example, to change the value of a global setting. Instead your test will start to depend on your other class that sets this global setting. Being able to inject a setting into your class instead of having to fake out a global function is generally preferable.
They sometimes hint at poor code organization. All of your code should be separable into small, single purpose, logical units. This ensures your code will remain understandable as your code base grows in size and age. The exception to this is truly universal functions that have very high level and reusable concepts. For example, a function that lets you test all of the elements in a sequence. You can also still separate global functions into logical units by separating them into well named files.
High level global functions can be very easy to test. However, you cannot ignore the need to still test their logic where they are used because your unit test should not be written with knowledge of how your code is actually implemented.
Easily accessible. It can often be a pain to inject many types into another class (pass objects into an initializer and probably store it as a property). Global functions can often remove this boiler plate code (even if it has the trade off of being less flexible and less testable).
In the end, every code architecture decision is a balance of trade offs each time you go to use it.
I have a Framework.swift that contains a set of common global functions like local(str:String) to get rid of the 2nd parameter from NSLocalize. Also there are a number of alert functions internally using local and with varying number of parameters which makes use of NSAlert as modal dialogs more easy.
So for that purpose global functions are good. They are bad habit when it comes to information hiding where you would expose internal class knowledge to some global functionality.

TDD is a top-bottom or bottom-top design?

In my memory, most people told me I should design from top to bottom. If I want to implement a web page, I should image or draw this page on paper and then divide it into some functionality. For each functionality, I try design the external API, and implement their inside respectively.
But in TDD, they say I should consider a very very small functionality(a method?) first, write its test, fail, implement it and pass test. Composing them is the last step. I can't image how it gets good API.
And most strangely, they say TDD is not only unit tests and also function tests. I think it means top-bottom. If there is a functionality A composed of methods B, C and D. Because of TDD I write the function test for A first. But... B, C, D are all unimplemented. Should I use three stubs? If B depends on other three methods?
I used TDD to write some small programs. But when I striked an application with GUI, I got stuck.
Since TDD starts with what you can see from the outside (of whatever item you are working on at the moment), I'm not sure how it could qualify as bottom-up.
Taking TDD to the extreme (e.g., as in XP, aka extreme programming), you would certainly start from the end-user perspective, and only ever write as much code as you need to pass the tests created so far. If you find yourself starting with the tests for some internal function before reaching the point where the higher-level tests (plus good design for the code you are writing to make those tests pass) require this routine, you are working on some other paradigm, not strict TDD – because there was no test telling you to write that method in the first place. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but any problems you have with that is not really one of the TDD methodology.
For GUI programming, of course, you have the standard problem of automating tests, even before you created code. I only know of good tools for web apps for that; if you have good pointers on this topic in the desktop case, I'd sure love to see them.
I've been heavily writing rspec tests for my rails projects keeping a ratio of about 1:1.6 between code/tests. I never really had an issue of what to write first or what it depends on. If the method A that i want to write consists of B and C, then i would first implement B and C, again using the proper testing. To me the sequence is not so important as long as the tests are good and precise.
So, I don't really use stubs the way you describe it, but only if the functionality is already there and i just want to bypass/circumvent it.
BTW, it is considered a top-down approach. This is an excerpt from Rspec Book :
If you ask experienced software
delivery folks why they run a project
like that, front-loading it with all
the planning and analysis, then getting into the detailed design and
programming, and only really integrating and testing it at the end, they
will gaze into the distance, looking
older than their years, and patiently
explain that this is to mitigate
against the exponential cost of
change—the principle that introducing
a change or discovering a defect
becomes exponentially more expensive
the later you discover it. The
top-down approach seems the only
sensible way to hedge against the
possibility of discovering a defect
late in the day.
I would say it's top down. Say I had a single PDF that had 4 distinct documents in it and I was writing software to split them into 4 individual documents instead of a single document, the first test I would probably write is:
// Note: Keeping this very abstract
public void splitsDocumentsAccordingToDocumentType() {
List docs = new DocumentProcessor().split(new SinglePdfWithFourDocs());
assertEquals(4, docs());
I would consider the DocumentProcessor.split() method to be similar to "A" in your example. I could now implement the entire algorithm within the single method split and make the tests pass. I don't even need "B" or "C" right? Knowing that you're a good developer and you cringe at the thought of that 1500 line method you would start to look for ways to restructure your code to a more suitable design. Maybe you see that two additional objects (responsibilities) could be split out of this code:
1) Parsing the contents of the file to find the individual documents and
2) Reading and writing of the document from the file system
Let's tackle #1 first. Use a couple of "Extract Method" refactorings to localize code related to the parsing of the contents then an "Extract Class" refactoring, pulling out those methods into a class named, say DocumentParser. This could be analagous to "B" in your example. If you'd like, you could move tests related to document parsing from your DocumentProcessorTest to a new DocumentParserTest and mock or stub the DocumentParser in the DocumentProcessorTest.
For #2 it's pretty much lather, rinse, repeat and you'll end up with something like a DocumentSerializer class, AKA "C". You can mock this as well in your DocumentProcessorTest and you now have no file I/O and have test driven a component that has two additional collaborators without having to design your entire class (with individual methods). Notice that we took an "outside in" approach, which really enables the refactoring.

Avoiding large controllers in MVC

Controllers can become large and unwieldy when they contain large numbers of actions. Is this a significant problem in real-world use, and if so what are the strategies to mitigate it (or is is good enough to simply keep the action-count down per controller)?
Off the top of my head I can envisage the controller offloading the logic to action implementations in other types, grouped according to some meaningful heuristic.
In my experience, this mostly happens when I don't apply the "REST" knife aggressively enough. Sometimes the metaphor is not consistent with the way we think about a problem; for example, it's easy to think that "login" is an action on "account", but if you apply the REST knife, you realize that logging in is really "starting a new session" and you invert the idea by applying a "new" (or Create) action on a SessionController. Then you have a small controller responsible for creating and destroying sessions (logging in and logging out).
I'm sure a few people will not be fond of muddying the REST waters with the messy concept of authentication, so let's look at a more obvious example. I can have a BlogPost entity, and it can have a bunch of comments. Rather than having an action AddComment on the BlogPostController, I have the usual create/edit/delete methods on BlogPost, and another controller CommentController whose new/create actions expect a BlogPostId, and implements create/edit/delete methods.
I've run into some situations where I needed a non-REST-like action, such as "import a list of X from a CSV file", each of whom belongs to a Y; the "list" isn't really important as a domain concept, as I'm really just trying to add to an existing collection of Xes. In that case, I took what I perceive to be a slightly ugly approach of adding an "import" action to my XController. That code is the messiest code in any of my controllers, and I'd be inclined to factor it out into something with more contained responsibility (an XImporter class, perhaps), but for now it "works." I'm sure someone more clever than me would have a better solution.
So my argument is this: If you have lots of un-RESTy actions, there's a kind of code smell; perhaps you aren't modeling what you're controlling correctly. But if you have say, 1-3 unRESTy actions and attempts to rethink the problem don't lead you in the right direction, perhaps it's not worth worrying about.

Interface Insanity

I'm drinking the coolade and loving it - interfaces, IoC, DI, TDD, etc. etc. Working out pretty well. But I'm finding I have to fight a tendency to make everything an interface! I have a factory which is an interface. Its methods return objects which could be interfaces (might make testing easier). Those objects are DI'ed interfaces to the services they need. What I'm finding is that keeping the interfaces in sync with the implementations is adding to the work - adding a method to a class means adding it to the class + the interface, mocks, etc.
Am I factoring the interfaces out too early? Are there best practices to know when something should return an interface vs. an object?
Interfaces are useful when you want to mock an interaction between an object and one of its collaborators. However there is less value in an interface for an object which has internal state.
For example, say I have a service which talks to a repository in order to extract some domain object in order to manipulate it in some way.
There is definite design value in extracting an interface from the repository. My concrete implementation of the repository may well be strongly linked to NHibernate or ActiveRecord. By linking my service to the interface I get a clean separation from this implementation detail. It just so happens that I can also write super fast standalone unit tests for my service now that I can hand it a mock IRepository.
Considering the domain object which came back from the repository and which my service acts upon, there is less value. When I write test for my service, I will want to use a real domain object and check its state. E.g. after the call to service.AddSomething() I want to check that something was added to the domain object. I can test this by simple inspection of the state of the domain object. When I test my domain object in isolation, I don't need interfaces as I am only going to perform operations on the object and quiz it on its internal state. e.g. is it valid for my sheep to eat grass if it is sleeping?
In the first case, we are interested in interaction based testing. Interfaces help because we want to intercept the calls passing between the object under test and its collaborators with mocks. In the second case we are interested in state based testing. Interfaces don't help here. Try to be conscious of whether you are testing state or interactions and let that influence your interface or no interface decision.
Remember that (providing you have a copy of Resharper installed) it is extremely cheap to extract an interface later. It is also cheap to delete the interface and revert to a simpler class hierarchy if you decide that you didn't need that interface after all. My advice would be to start without interfaces and extract them on demand when you find that you want to mock the interaction.
When you bring IoC into the picture, then I would tend to extract more interfaces - but try to keep a lid on how many classes you shove into your IoC container. In general, you want to keep these restricted to largely stateless service objects.
Sounds like you're suffering a little from BDUF.
Take it easy with the coolade and let it flow naturally.
Remember that while flexibility is a worthy objective, added flexibility with IoC and DI (which to some extent are requirements for TDD) also increases complexity. The only point of flexibility is to make changes downstream quicker, cheaper or better. Each IoC/DI point increases complexity, and thus contributes to making changes elsewhere more difficult.
This is actually where you need a Big Design Up Front to some extent: identify what areas are most likely to change (and/or need extensive unit testing), and plan for flexibility there. Refactor to eliminate flexibility where changes are unlikely.
Now, I'm not saying that you can guess where flexibility will be needed with any kind of accuracy. You'll be wrong. But it's likely that you'll get something right. Where you later find you don't need flexibility, it can be factored out in maintenance. Where you need it, it can be factored in when adding features.
Now, areas which may or may not change depends on your business problem and IT environment. Here are some recurring areas.
I'd always consider external
interfaces where you integrate to
other systems to be highly mutable.
Whatever code provides a back end to
the user interface will need to support change in the UI. However, plan for changes in functionality primarily: don't go overboard and plan for different UI technologies (such as supporting both a smart client and a web application – usage patterns will differ too much).
On the other hand, coding for
portability to different databases
and platforms is usually a waste
of time at least in corporate
environments. Ask around and check
what plans may exist to replace or
upgrade technologies within the
likely lifespan of your software.
Changes to data content and formats are a tricky
business: while data will
occasionally change, most designs
I've seen handle such changes
poorly, and thus you get concrete
entity classes used directly.
But only you can make the judgement of what might or should not change.
I usually find that I want interfaces for "services" - whereas types which are primarily about "data" can be concrete classes. For instance, I'd have an Authenticator interface, but a Contact class. Of course, it's not always that clear-cut, but it's an initial rule of thumb.
I do feel your pain though - it's a little bit like going back to the dark days of .h and .c files...
I think the most important "agile" principle is YAGNI ("You Ain't Gonna Need It"). In other words, don't write extra code until it's actually needed, because if you write it in advance the requirements and constraints may well have changed when(if!) you finally do need it.
Interfaces, dependency injections, etc. - all this stuff adds complexity to your code, making it harder to understand and change. My rule of thumb is to keep things as simple as possible (but no simpler) and to not add complexity unless it gains me more than enough to offset the burden it imposes.
So if you are actually testing and having a mock object would be very useful then by all means define an interface that both your mock and real classes implement. But don't create a bunch of interfaces on the purely hypothetical grounds that it might be useful at some point, or that it is "correct" OO design.
Interfaces have the purpose of establishing a contract and are particularly useful when you want to change the class performing a task on the fly. If there is no need to change the classes an interface just might get in the way.
There are automatic tools to extract the interface, so maybe you'd better delay the interface extraction later in the process.
It depends very much on what you are providing... if you are working on internal things then the advice of "don't do them until needed" is reasonable. If, however, you are making an API that is to be consumed by other developers then changing things around to interfaces at a later date can be annoying.
A good rule of thumb is to make interfaces out of anything that needs to be subclasses. This is not an "always make an interface in that case" sort of thing, you still need to think about it.
So, the short answer is (and this works with both internal things and providing an API) is that if you anticipate more than one implementation is going to be needed then make it an interface.
Somethings that generally would not be interfaces would be classes that only hold data, like say a Location class that deals with x and y. THe odds of there being another implementation of that is slim.
Do not create the interfaces first - you ain't gonna need them. You cannot guess for which classes you'll need an interface of for which classes you don't. Therefore do not spend any time to burden the code with useless interface now.
But extract them when you feel the urge to do so - when you see the need of an interface - at the refactoring step.
Those answers can help too.


I'm about to start out my first TDD (test-driven development) program, and I (naturally) have a TDD mental I was wondering if someone could help guide me on where I should start a bit.
I'm creating a function that will read binary data from socket and parses its data into a class object.
As far as I see, there are 3 parts:
1) Logic to parse data
2) socket class
3) class object
What are the steps that I should take so that I could incrementally TDD? I definitely plan to first write the test before even implementing the function.
The issue in TDD is "design for testability"
First, you must have an interface against which to write tests.
To get there, you must have a rough idea of what your testable units are.
Some class, which is built by a function.
Some function, which reads from a socket and emits a class.
Second, given this rough interface, you formalize it into actual non-working class and function definitions.
Third, you start to write your tests -- knowing they'll compile but fail.
Part-way through this, you may start head-scratching about your function. How do you set up a socket for your function? That's a pain in the neck.
However, the interface you roughed out above isn't the law, it's just a good idea. What if your function took an array of bytes and created a class object? This is much, much easier to test.
So, revisit the steps, change the interface, write the non-working class and function, now write the tests.
Now you can fill in the class and the function until all your tests pass.
When you're done with this bit of testing, all you have to do is hook in a real socket. Do you trust the socket libraries? (Hint: you should) Not much to test here. If you don't trust the socket libraries, now you've got to provide a source for the data that you can run in a controlled fashion. That's a large pain.
Your split sounds reasonable. I would consider the two dependencies to be the input and output. Can you make them less dependent on concrete production code? For instance, can you make it read from a general stream of data instead of a socket? That would make it easier to pass in test data.
The creation of the return value could be harder to mock out, and may not be a problem anyway - is the logic used for the actual population of the resulting object reasonably straightforward (after the parsing)? For instance, is it basically just setting trivial properties? If so, I wouldn't bother trying to introduce a factory etc there - just feed in some test data and check the results.
First, start thinking "the testS", plural, rather than "the test", singular. You should expect to write more than one.
Second, if you have mental block, consider starting with a simpler challenge. Lower the difficulty until it's real easy to do, then move on to more substantial work.
For instance, assume you already have a byte array with the binary data, so you don't even need to think about sockets. All you need to write is something that takes in a byte[] and return an instance of your object. Can you write a test for that ?
If you still have mental block, lower it yet another notch. Assume your byte array is only going to contain default values anyway. So you don't even have to worry about the parsing, just about being able to return an instance of your object that has all values set to the defaults. Can you write a test for that ?
I imagine something like:
public void testFooReaderCanParseDefaultFoo() {
FooReader fr = new FooReader();
Foo myFoo = fr.buildFoo();
That's rock bottom, right ? You're only testing the Foo constructor. But you can then move up to the next level:
public void testFooReaderGivenBytesBuildsFoo() {
FooReader fr = new FooReader();
byte[] fooData = {1};
Foo myFoo = fr.buildFoo();
And so on...
'The best testing framework is the application itself'
I believe that a common misconception amongst developers is, they mistakenly make a strong association between testing frameworks and TDD principles. I would advise re-reading the official docs on TDD; bearing in mind that, there is no real relationship between testing frameworks and TDD. After all, TDD is a paradigm not a framework.
Upon reading the wiki on TDD (, I've come to realise that to an extent things are a little bit open to interpretation.
There are various personal styles of TDD mainly due to the fact that TDD principles are open to interpretation.
I'm not here to say anyone is wrong, but I would like to share my techniques with you and explain how they have served me well. Bear in mind that I have been programming for 36 years; making my programming habits very well evolved.
Code reuse is over rated. Reuse code too much and you'll end up with bad abstraction and it will become very difficult to fix or change something without it affecting something else. The obvious advantage being less code to manage.
Repeating too much code leads to code management problems and oversized code bases. However it does have the advantage of good separation of concerns (the ability to tweak, change and fix things without affecting other parts of the app).
Don't repeat/refactor too much, don't reuse too much. Code needs to be maintainable. It’s important to understand and respect the balance between code reuse and abstraction/separation of concerns.
When deciding whether to reuse code I base the decision on: .... Will the nature of this code change in context throughout the app codebase? If the answer is no, then I reuse it. If the answer is yes or I'm not sure, I repeat/refactor it. I will however revise my codebases from time to time and see if any of my repeated code can be merged without compromising separation of concerns/abstraction.
As far as my basic programming habits are concerned, I like to write the conditions (if then else switch case etc) first; test them, then fill the conditions with the code and test again. Keep in mind there's no rule that you have to do this in a unit test. I refer to this as the low level stuff.
Once my low level stuff is done, I'll either reuse the code or refactor it into another part of the app, but not after testing it very thoroughly. Problem with repeating/refactoring badly tested code is that, if it’s broken, you have to fix it in multiple places.
BDD To me is a natural follow on from TDD. Once my code base is well tested I can easily tweak behaviours by moving entire blocks of code around. Cool thing is about my programming habits is that sometimes I move code around and discover useful behaviours that I didn’t even intend. It can sometimes even be useful for rebranding stuff to seem like a completely different code base.
To this end my code bases tend to start out a bit slow and pick up momentum because as I advance toward the end of development I have more and more code to refactor from or reuse.
The advantages for me in the way that I code is that, I am able to take on very high levels of complexity as this is promoted by good separation of concerns. It’s also awesome for writing highly optimised code. However the well optimised code tends to be a bit bloated, but to my knowledge there is no way to write optimized code without a bit of bloating. If the app doesn't need high processor efficiency, there's nothing stopping me from de-bloating my code. I'm of the opinion that server side code should be optimised and most client side code normally doesn't require it.
Going back to the topic of testing frameworks, I use them to just save a bit of compiler time.
As far as following story boards is concerned, that comes naturally to me without actually considering it. I've noticed most devs develop in the natural order of story boards even when they are not available.
As a general separation of concerns strategy, in most apps I separate concerns based on UI forms. For example I’ll reuse code within a form and repeat/refactor across forms. This is only a generalistic rule. There are times when I have to think outside the box. Sometimes repeating code can serve well for making code processor efficient.
As a little addendum to my TDD habits; I do optimizations and fault tolerance last. I will try to avoid using try catch blocks as much as possible and write my code in such a way as to not need them. For example rather than catch a null, I will check for null, or rather than catch an index out of bounds, I will scrutinise my code so that it never happens. I find that error trapping too early in app development, leads to semantic errors (behavioural errors that don't crash the app). Semantic errors can be very hard to trace or even notice.
Well that’s my 10 cents. Hope it helps.
Test Driven Development ?
So, this means you should start with writing a test first.
Write a test which contains the code like 'how you want to use your class'. This class or method that you are going to test with this test, is not even there yet.
For instance, you could write a test first like this:
public void CanReadDataFromSocket()
SocketReader r = new SocketReader( ... ); // create a socketreader instance which takes a socket or a mock-socket in its constructor
byte[] data = r.Read();
Assert.IsTrue (data.Length > 0);
For instance; I'm just making up an example here.
Next, once you're able to read data from a socket, you can start thinking on how you'll parse it, and write a test in where you use the 'Parser' class which takes the data that you've read, and outputs an instance of your data class.
Knowing where to start writing tests and when to stop writing tests while using TDD, is a common problem when starting out.
I have found that it can sometimes help to write an integration test first. Doing so will help create some of the common objects you will be using. It will also allow you to focus your thoughts and tests, since you will need to start writing tests to make the integration test pass.
When I was starting with TDD, I read these 3 rules by Uncle Bob that really helped me out:
You are not allowed to write any production code unless it is to
make a failing unit test pass.
You are not allowed to write any more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail; and compilation failures are failures.
You are not allowed to write any more production code than is sufficient to pass the one failing unit test.
In a shorter version it would be:
Write only enough of a unit test to fail.
Write only enough production code to make the failing unit test pass.
as you can see, this is very simple.
