Using preferences in Firefox - firefox

How do I access user preferences in Firefox? I have the following code:
var control = document.getElementById(control_id);
if (control) {
control.setAttribute('color', nsPreferences.copyUnicharPref(prefstr, default_val));
But when I run this, I get the following:
Error: nsPreferences is not defined
Source file: chrome://backgroundtoggle/content/options.xul
Line: 9
I'm having trouble wading through the Mozilla documentation. How do I make this do what I want?

It looks like you need to include nsUserSettings.js in your .xul file:
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://global/content/nsUserSettings.js" />
This is where nsUserPreferences is defined.
See here for an example options.xul file. The script tag should be the first child element of prefwindow to ensure it gets loaded before your own code does.
Additional Information
This looks like a decent tutorial on how to write Firefox extensions. It seems to do a good job of consolidating all the relevant information on in one place, and contains links to when you need more details on a topic being covered. I do wish the navigation was a little better, but what can you do? Use the navigation pane on the left-hand side and click Tutorial to get started. You have to move through each section using the navigation pane, which took me few seconds to figure out, as I was looking for 'Next' and 'Previous' links on the page.


Convert D3 Observable to standalone webpage - like

I would like to run this D3 visualization
as a standalone webpage, like this one here
Does Observable have a function to export to a .html file? Or what would I need to change to make it standalone?
Sadly, it's not that easy any more.
They have "archived" and are pushing the adoption of ObservableHQ notebooks. You can actually embed notebooks with a little effort, but they are served from There are other options, but nothing that lets you easily pull out the html, javascript and css and host it yourself, as did. At best, you'll have to cobble a bunch more stuff together now. One method is to click the top-right context menu on some notebooks and select Export > Download code. Another possible option is this tool.
< relevant-humble-opinion > I don't know if d3 examples just got so good that the suits moved in... or if Mike Bostock (our story's hero) really believed we needed "dataflow"... but things look bad from here... nothing good seems to last... < /relevant-humble-opinion >
On an Observable example page, I clicked the triple three dots next to the fork option. Then chose export and then "download code".
I extracted the tar file to a folder on my machine. In the Readme it suggests that you run
$ npx http-server in a terminal, to run a local server on your machine.
Open up the location in your browser and it should show nearly the same thing as a web page. It should be close enough to what you are looking for.
Observable page used Reusable Choropleth Map

Lazy load CKEditor 4

Currently finding issue lazy loading CKEditor 4, appreciate any advice. What I tried:
Including ckeditor_basic.js but this already needs a CKEDITOR
Loading ckeditor.js on click but this complains
'Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because
of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience.' as well as
some others errors, fails badly.
Any advice appreciated!
If you would like to insert CKEditor script dynamically you can use technique from this code pen - It is important to wait for ckeditor.js to load before creating editor instance thus using setInterval to check if CKEDITOR object is available seems like a good idea.
In your comments you have written, you don't want editor to load every time you load the page. One of the reasons for that might be the size of ckeditor.js file.
If you think editor.js is too big it is important to answer yourself how much plugins you really need and then create editor accordingly to your needs using the online builder. Please have a look at below samples using dev-tools and notice the difference in ckeditor.js size: Full package has 600KB while Basic Package has only 400KB. If you just need the basic formatting then your ckeditor.js could get even smaller and should not be a problem when loading the page.
If you have created some custom plugins then recommended practice is to get CKEditor source code from Githhub, fork it, make changes/add custom plugins, build your editor. That way you will get minified and obfuscated editor instance which includes your custom plugins and again should not be a problem when loading the page.

Panel collapse icon is not displayed properly

As you can see below, the icon (in the right corner) is not displayed properly.
Usually, it is an arrow down, as you can see in the showcase of BootsFaces.
My <b:panel> looks like:
<b:panel title="Beiträge (1)" collapsible="true"look="info">
How can I display the correct icon?
I am not using any specific theme and I am using BootsFaces 0.7.0.
We've had a lot of trouble with this. Most likelely the Glyphicons rource file can't be loaded.
Make sure you've added a <h:head></h:head> tag (even if it's empty). Do not use the HTML tag (<head />).
Check the URL pattern of the web.xml. Many tutorials recommend to put the JSF files into a virtual folder, such as <url-pattern>/pages/</url-pattern> . Don't do that. There's nothing wrong with simple patterns like <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-pattern>. By the way, this is the default, so you can safely omit the url-pattern altogether.
If that fails, add the CombinedResourceHandler of OmniFaces. This always does the trick for me.
Check the URL in your browser. Maybe you entered localhost:8080/index.xhtml instead of localhost:8080/index.jsf?
If you're still stuck, open an issue on the BootsFaces GitHub repository ( But first read - your problem is probably already fixed there.

Unable to view content script references in the developer tools window

When I view my extension with the developer tools, I only see the generated background file, background.js; my content script doesn't appear under the content scripts tab. Any ideas why? The relevant part of the manifest looks like this:
"content_scripts": [{
"run_at": "document_end",
"js": ["postMsg.js"],
"matches": ["*"]
postMsg.js gets injected into the page, but never appears in the developer tool window, so I'm unable to debug it.
As long as you are on a page that matches the "Match patterns and globs" from your manifest, you will see the content script(s) under the Sources -> Content Scripts pane.
You may need to refresh (F5) the page (and/or your extension, then the page) to see it:
(Click for larger image)
For more information on matching that cryptic number to an extension, see this answer.
content scripts as a js file are never exposed by pages which are injected.. If your intention is debugging of content scripts it can be possible;
var getStyleofbody = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style;
to debug this i would first run this code in console of page that i am going to inject; After i get expected results i will move code to contentscript js file.
However for any errors after injection you can look at developer's console panel for all errors(they are listed there).
Let me know if you are confused
In 2018, if for some reason you've missed it:
Press the >>. From there select content scripts, and you'll be able to see the content scripts.
hf :)

Problem with Outlook plugin and webbrowser

I've created a couple of Office plugins. The plugin shows a set of html files installed on the clients computer. The plugin uses a COM-accessible assembly which shows a WinForm with a WebBrowser on it. The plugin makes the WebBrowser navigate to a file on the clients computer. The assembly is also used in other programs to show the same information.
When showing the local html files using a 'normal' browser (e.g. double clicking a file in Windows Explorer) the browser popup a security warning about running active content. This is because we have some javascript in it. This warning is supressed by setting the 'Allow active content to run in files on My Computer' in the Internet Explorer settings. This solves the issue using a 'normal' browser.
Funny enough the 'active content' warning is not shown when getting the same file using a Word/Excel/PowerPoint plugin. It calls the same assembly, using the same WinForm and using the same content. Despite the setting 'Allow active content to run from My Computer' being false, the content is shown without a warning and the javascript is executed.
Now, the problem and the real question is that Outlook does the reverse. No matter what I use for 'Allow active content to run from My Computer' the browser warning about the active content in the html file is shown. When I confirm the message and allow the scripts to continue, the javascript runs fine. So, even when I set the 'Allow active content to run from My Computer' to true, the warning is given.
I've gone through all (sort of) relevant settings in Outlook, but nothing helps.
I assume that Outlook is using some kind of private context for a webbrowser (probably because it is using a webbrowser object internally).
The real question is: how can I make the Outlook plugin respect the IE settings?
(I understand this is a long story and maybe not clear enough. Please let me know if I have to elaborate more).
I couldn't get rid of the security warning without lowering the security setting. And that is not an option: we are talking about a project that will be installed on millions of computers.
I decided to go another route. Let's see if we can make the browser trust the html pages. So, what to do to get rid of the 'Active content' warning.
First I investigated what exactly triggers the warning. That was easy: any tag in your html file will do. And I need script, so removing that isn't an option. But, when hosted from a website, the scripts run fine and don't suffer from a warning. So, I investigated if it is possible to run my files in the Internet-context.
I found out there is a way, at least for IE (which in my case is sufficient). If you save a webpage as a complete HTML file from IE, the browser adds a comment to the html to signal its origin. Something like: . If you later open that stored html file, the file is shown in the Internet context.
So, I tried adding to the html file. And, voila, the file is opened in the Internet context. The security warning about active content is gone and the scripts are executed fine.
But, that raised another problem. We have a couple of statements in the scripts and using that causes he cross domain browsing problems that in recent IE versions are blocked. Even if you use a relative path in the call, if fails and you end up with a blank window.
In our case, we can (probably) decide to get rid of the calls. But, if a reader ever finds a solution for using in this scenario, I would be very happy if you let me know.
So, for now: case closed...
Internet explorer use Mark of web in such cases
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
<!doctype html>
<!-- saved from url=(0023) -->
<title>A Mark of the Web Example.</title>
<p>Hello, World</p>
More info from here
