onLoad or similar for Ajax? - ajax

Good day,
I was wondering if there is a way to make Ajax move on to the next code segment only when all the elements included in the server-side code page are fully loaded. When the retrieved data is text-only there’s no problem, but sometimes there are photos included.
This is part of the code I have been using:
xajx.onreadystatechange = function(){
document.all.div1.innerHTML = xajx.responseText; = “”;
The thing is that when the response is retrieved (readyState set to 4) and div1 is displayed, the Photo has not been completely loaded yet, so actually the user can see the process of the picture slowly appearing, as he would in any other “normal” case. What I want to do is making div1 available for display only once all the components are fully loaded while meanwhile the system does its stuff in the background. Before Ajax I used hidden iframes like everybody, so I could enclose an onload event handler within the iframe tag (or in an external script), so div1 would appear only after the iframe has fully loaded, photos included.
Any idea?

You can use the 'onload' event on images themselves. You'll need to work out how to attach that event when you are downloading the code dynamically as in your case.


Ember JS best way to show a full screen loading screen button press

I'm new with Ember and I would like to show a full screen overlay when a user presses a "get stuff from the server" button.
What is the best way to achieve this?
Does Ember already provide something built-in? Or is it that the only way is to have a piece of HTML in one of my templates, to show/hide it when the promise where I make the AJAX call returns?
You have a few options available to you.
The first concerns a route change. Conventionally speaking, if the user is hitting a button that transitions to another route, a separate route can be created to handle this in-between loading experience.
To describe this briefly, if you have a route named foo, creating a sibling route named foo-loading with an associated template, will show a "foo-loading" page state while things are being fetched, and then dismiss it once things are good.
Alternatively, as you've hinted, if the call to action for a user intends an updated result on the same route, a loading service could be useful. In your application template, you could have a loading div that is hidden by default. Prior to initiating an AJAX request, you could turn the loading state on and reveal the loading div. Then, once the AJAX call is settled, the finally block could include a call to conceal the loading div.
This latter approach would involve a conditionally loaded block in the primary application template, a loading service handling show and hide, and a loading template.
You could use ember-modal-dialog to create a loading screen component that gets rendered when you're waiting for your ajax request.
For example:
// view.js
showLoadingScreen: true
// view.html
{{#if showLoadingScreen}}
// loading-screen.html
<div class="loader-full-screen-class"></div>
The advantage of the component/ember-modal-dialog is that this pattern is usually implemented as a modal, and this library is the standard in ember. The component then allows you to put it anywhere you need it to be.

Can I delay loading of some controls on an xPage to after page loaded

is it possible to delay loading of some controls on an xpage?
This is the problem: let's say you have a control that does a fultextsearch and displays the result in a repeat control. this ft search might take a long time and will hold the webpage loading in a waiting state until the search result is ready.
I want my page to load most of the data initally, and some "time consuming" controls should be loaded in to the page as a sperate request after the inital load.
this way the user will immediatly see the webpage, but some of the data on the page will load a little bit later without holding the webpage in a waiting state from the server.
The downside to using rendered is that all the value bindings will still evaluate, even if the corresponding markup isn't sent to the page. So the trick here is making sure the components don't even exist until you want them to.
Every component has a getChildren() method. This returns a mutable List of components, which has a add() method. This allows you to add components to the page on the fly, either while the page is loading, or later during an event. For the purposes of what you're trying to do, you would want to defer adding the "expensive" components until a subsequent event.
Create an event handler attached directly to the view root (), give it a unique ID (e.g. "loadExpensiveComponentsEvent", set its refresh mode to partial, set a refresh ID to whatever div or panel will contain the search results, and set its event name to an arbitrary event (e.g. "loadExpensiveComponents"). This prevents your event from being triggered by actual user behavior. Set the event's code to SSJS that will inject your components.
Then add a script block () to trigger the event after the page has loaded:
XSP.firePartial(null, "#{id:loadExpensiveComponentsEvent}");
Your page will load without the search result components. Once the page has fully loaded, it will trigger the component injection event automatically.
For guidance on how to code the injection event, open the Java file that has been generated from your existing page to see what components need to be injected and what to set their values to.
You can pack them into a panel and set their rendered status to rendered=#{viewScope.pageFullyLoaded}. Then in the onLoad event have a XSP. partialRefresh request where you set viewScope.pageFullyLoaded=true
A little ugly but doable. Now you can wrap that code into your own custom control, so you could have a "lazyGrid", "lazyPanel" etc.
Not sure why I did not think of this before. the dynamic content control in extlib actually solves this problem. the dcc can be triggered onClientLoad both using javascript and ssjs afer the page has loaded.
one problem I am facing now is that I am already using the dcc on my site so I need to put another dcc within my dcc. and this seem to be a bit buggy. I have reported it to the extlib team on openNTF.

AJAX and iFrame: Calling AJAX from inside the iFrame to Update an Outside DIV

I have a page where a user can upload a file along with some other input. Because I wanted this to be AJAX-like, I resorted to using an iFrame to accomplish this.
After the file is uploaded and an iFrame is loaded with a response page, I need to update a DIV outside of the iFrame with an AJAX call. The reason for separate updates, is that the result of the outside DIV depends on the input that the user provided with the file input.
Can this be done? Am I approaching this the wrong way?
Thank you!
UPD: Can the returned client code from within the iFrame "see" elements outside that iFrame?
Write your code in the onload event of the page loaded into the iframe. Then top will give you the top frame or parent will give you the parent frame.
Yes , it can be done. But you can do away with,the need for an AJAX-call , to update the outside the div.
Have your, servlet(assuming you are using JSP/servlets) that accepts the mutlipart request(the servlet that accepts the upload), return the intended response (to be shown on the refreshed iFrame), and ALONG WITH IT, the necessary information from the file input. This way you have all the necessary details on the client, in one response. A simple javascript function can achieve , updating the outer div with the information from the file input.

Detect when AJAX changes HTML in a DIV in WebBrowser

After I load a page through a WebBrowser, and I click a link that fires an AJAX script, I need to detect when the AJAX java script finishes loading HTML changes into a div. Since no DocumentCompleted event is fired when the AJAX script is run, I don't know when it finish running. Is there a way I can attach an event to be raised after I know 100% that the javascript finished changing the div?
The project is in C#.
I did something similar recently (using jQuery):
// do stuff
Granted, I also use jQuery to set the HTML of that div. I suppose one non-jQuery approach for you could be to set HTML through your own function, which in turn can fire an onchange event.
#New in town: From my experience that is not correct. I use this on multiple DIVs that never get focus in the first place, and it works well and consistently. The normal behavior is as you describe, and normally only applies to the INPUT and SELECT elements, but this is not the case with jQuery.
There is no event. You must patch the JavaScript callback that the browser runs when the reply for the AJAX request comes in. This will contains code like "div.innerHTML = ...". Just put your code below that.

Best approach for using AJAX loaders?

I've implemented a few poor solutions for bringing up an AJAX loader before dynamically updating a content DIV, but none seem to be "universal", and I find each time I do it I'm reworking it. If I have a DIV with content that updates depending on what a user clicks on the page, and I want to display the loader over this content DIV, what is the best approach? I've seen some developers have the loader always on the page, and they just display it block or none, and I've seen others append it to the DIV. What about when you also have multiple areas that can update? I'm thinking something repeatable that I can call with a function, maybe passing a few parameters.
Some JavaScript libraries allow listening to opening and closing requests. Check out Prototype's request Responder
You would do something like this:
onCreate: function() {
onComplete: function() {
if (Ajax.activeRequestCount < 1) $('loader').hide();
As for visual representation of loading, you may want to identify the different parts of your page which may require separate loading graphics and subclass the Request object, each time indicating the type of request.
Is it a field being saved? new FieldUpdateRequest(field)
Is it the page being loaded? new Request();
Is a container being updated? new PartialRequest(div);
Then capture each subclasses type and show or hide a different loader graphic.
There is unfortunately no quick solution, hal. You could build a generic script for appending loader graphics to containers, that should save you some repetition. If you do, mind posting it here :)?
You could use a JQuery progress bar or something similar in a different library.
