Ruby off the rails - ruby

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Sometimes it feels that my company is the only company in the world using Ruby but not Ruby on Rails, to the point that Rails has almost become synonymous with Ruby.
I'm sure this isn't really true, but it'd be fun to hear some stories about non-Rails Ruby usage out there.

One of the huge benefits of Ruby is the ability to create DSLs very easily. Ruby allows you to create "business rules" in a natural language way that is usually easy enough for a business analyst to use. Many Ruby apps outside of web development exist for this purpose.
I highly recommend Googling "ruby dsl" for some excellent reading, but I would like to leave you with one post in particular. Russ Olsen wrote a two part blog post on DSLs. I saw him give a presentation on DSLs and it was very good. I highly recommend reading these posts.
I also found this excellent presentation on Ruby DSLs by Obie Fernandez. Highly recommended reading!

I use Ruby extensively in my work, and none of it is Rails (or even web) based.
My domain is usually client-side Windows applications (wxRuby GUI) and scripts, automating Excel, Internet Explorer, SQL Server queries and report generation (win32ole COM automation). I also use the sqlite, pdf-writer, and gruff libraries for various data munging and graph generation tasks.
Rails' success has been great for Ruby, but I agree that Rails has received so much attention that Ruby's value beyond the web is often overlooked.

We are mainly a C++ shop, but we've found several areas where Ruby has proven quite useful. Here are a few:
Code Generation - Built several DSLs to generate C++/Java/C# code from single input files
Build Support
scripts to generate Makefiles for unix from Visual Studio Project Files
scripts for building projects and formatting the output for Cruise Control
scripts for running our unit tests and formatting the output for Cruise Control
scripts for manipulating Visual Studio projects and solutions from the command line
Integration Tests - We can crank out tests much quicker and cleaner using Ruby than C++
QA's entire testing suite is written in Ruby
Ruby is basically my go to tool for where it makes sense. And it makes sense in a lot of places.

Google Sketchup uses Ruby as an embedded scripting language. You can use it to perform all sorts of 3d modeling and import/export tasks. The scripting works with the free version and there's even decent documentation.

Ruby with a homebrew extension written in C++ does all the heavy pixel pushing for my photography processing. I was using Python+numpy but when doing artsy stuff, Ruby is just more fun. Also the relative lack of, or lesser maturity of, good image processing libraries makes me feel less like i'm reinventing wheels. I am clueless about Rails, other than i've heard of it, have a fuzzy idea what it is, and actually have a book on it (unopened)

We use Watir (Ruby library) to test our .net web application.

Check out Shoes, a simple API for building GUIs in Ruby aimed at novice programmers.

Or you could use Ruby to make music ala Giles Bowkett's Archaeopteryx. This presentation by Giles about Archaeopteryx is one of the best presentations ever. I highly recommend it.

RubyCocoa and MacRuby. Possible to make full Cocoa-based GUI apps without Rails. And then you get to use Interface Builder, too.

I worked on a museum project last year that used a lot of Ruby. (http://
The part that I spent most of my time on was an interactive floor map. The Map on the floor has sensors so when people walk on it lights are triggered and displays in the wall show images or videos and audio tracks are played.
All the control code for this part of the exhibit is ruby. I wrote C interfaces with ruby wrappers to communicate with the floor sensors and the lighting controllers. The system queries a MYSQL database for the media files to be displayed and then tells computers in the walls to play the media via UDP.
It's the most reliable part of the entire exhibit.
Ruby was used for the other major part of the exhibit, the Wall though I didn't have much to do with that. Most of the graphics were prototyped in ruby using interfaces to OpenGL, a bit of Cocoa and a physics library before being ported to pure Obj-C.

Puppet and Chef: DevOps
I didn't see a mention of Puppet or Chef in the 30 answers that preceded my arrival. Ruby appears to dominate current work in cloud automation and is the base, extension, and templating language of these two big players. They are used primarily to distribute system and application configuration information for server arrays and for general IT workstation management.
The DevOps field is quite Ruby-aware. Today, Perl has a competitor. While a really simple script may often still be written directly for sh(1), a complex task now might be done in Ruby rather than Perl.

The only site I've done with Ruby at work is using Rails, but I'd like to try Merb.
Other than that I do a lot of little utility programs in Ruby - for instance an app that reads RSS feeds and imports new posts into a dabase.
It's fun, so I also write some dumb stuff just because it's so quick. Yesterday I wrote an app to play the Monty Hall problem 100,000 times to help a friend convince her professor that switching is the correct strategy.

I almost take insult that ruby is a rails thing. It is like back when CGI was the latest trend and everyone figured that if you knew perl you must be doing it only because you programmed CGI apps. Ruby is just a scripting language for me, although not as mature as python so I somewhat regret having to jump through some of its hoops and recent changes, I still like it and use it. Although I work in a java shop and therefore groovy is the ideal choice for a scripting language, I still use ruby at home and for throw away scripts that aren't needed to be shared at work.
I was considering getting into RoR from all the buzz and how quick/simple it is, but after looking over rails I didn't see anything at all that was amazing or even the least bit innovative or rapidly fast about its development compared to any other framework. The only benefit I saw was that I could code in ruby, which would be nice, but initial setup, server maintenance and scaling is more difficult, thus re-offsetting the pleasure of coding in ruby.

I created a presentation -- coincidentally named Off The Rails -- to discuss Rack-based web applications:
The git repo includes slides in Markdown format and sample code (in the form of running applications and middleware). Here's the abstract:
Ruby on Rails is the most popular web application framework for Ruby. But it's not the only one! If you think Rails is too big, or too opinionated, or too anything, you might be happy to learn about the new generation of so-called microframeworks built on Rack. And since Rails 3 is itself a Rack app, you don't have to give up Rails to get the benefit of Sinatra routes or Grape APIs.
And here are some references:
This talk lives at
Yehuda's #10 Favorite Thing About Ruby
Hope you find it useful!

I'm mostly a Web developer, and I learned Ruby to use Rails, but I like the language so much that I started developing a desktop Swing application in Ruby, using JRuby and Monkeybars. I'm competent in Java, but don't much like using it, and the Swing API is horrible, so putting Ruby on top has been a big win.

We mainly use rails, but we have plenty of other non-rails ruby things - for example a standalone authentication daemon thing for centralized authentication of users, and an 'image processing server' which runs arbitrary numbers of ruby processes to process images in parallel.
Oh, and don't forget good old Rake :-)

Ruby is also used for Desktop application. Especially the use of JRuby to develop Swing desktop application.

I've used Ruby at work for
A data extractor, generating csv files from binary output.
A .ini file generator, turning a simple syntax into a repetitive .ini format.
A simple TCP/IP server, acting as stand-in for the customer's system during testing.

We use Ruby to implement our test automation software. This includes test framework and driver code for Selenium RC, WATIR and AutoIT.
Ruby is powerful enough to create comprehensive applications that can interface with Test tools like Selenium or WATIR, while at the same time reading from data files, interacting with a remote Windows UI and performing near transparent network communication. All while running on Windows or Linux.
The uncluttered syntax makes it ideal for new and inexperienced programmers to read. While its totally OO nature makes it easy for these same programmers to apply good (recently learned) OO techniques, from the start.
The flexible nature of Ruby's syntax also makes the use and creation of DSLs much easier. This allows less-technical people to get invovled, read and possibly create there own tests.

I have used Ruby for code generation of C# and T-SQL stored procedures in a project with unstable requirements. The data model was encoded in a YAML file and .erb templates were used for the classes and stored procedures. It also allowed for a much more DRY solution than would have been possible with straight C# as repetitve code could be factored out into a single method in the code generator.

Where I work, we use Ruby to do a number of different one-off type batch jobs. One example of that is a job that interacts with Amazon's S3 service. At the time, the Ruby S3 library was probably the easiest one out there for us to get up and running in a short amount of time.

I wrote an order processing expert system (see DSL answer as well), converted 100k lines of customer specific perl into about 10k lines of ruby handling dozens of customers. No web components at all, no Rails.

I am a webdriver user. ruby is used by webdriver for automating the build process thanks to rake. see for details

Heh, great question.
I used Ruby to convert Excel spreadsheet airport facility data to sqlite3 for the android phone platform while making an app for pilots.

I use Ruby with Sinatra which is much simpler than Rails. I did use Rails but just found that it has turned into a bit of a monster, although Rails is still amazing compared to web frameworks available for Java.
The main feature of Ruby that I love however is "eval" and "method_missing", which Rails actually uses for example in ActiveRecord so that you can use the amazing "find_by-field-name-" queries.

I used Ruby for a lot of back-end code simply because I was the only person who was tasked to do it and needed a nice clean language that allowed me to be very productive and write easy to maintain code. I find Ruby allows me to do that easier than Perl and Python. Other people's mileage might vary on that but it works well for me.
Besides that, I like how Sequel and Nokogiri work. I also used ActiveRecord for a while separately from Rails.

We use some Ruby for file manipulation but have not been able to incorporate rails yet.

I've used Ruby a lot professionally for quick scripts for things like shuffling files around. I'm the same way in that I was using Ruby first before touching Rails at all.

In Boulder there was an excellent group of Ruby users who met monthly. This point was made - that Ruby does have an existence beside its use in Rails. Plain Ruby users do exist, are begging for attention, have neat things to show, and can find each other at user group meetings.
They also had better pizza than the Python group, who met also the same day of the month. Can only pick one...

While we do have several Rails apps at work, we also use Ruby for some fairly intensive non-web stuff.
We've got an SMS delivery daemon, which pulls messages from a queue and then delivers them, and credit card processing daemon which other apps can call out to, which makes sure there's a central audit trail.


Can you use ruby for web pages other than ruby on rails?

Is Ruby primarily only used in ruby on rails? Is it used on the server side for general work like php is? Also, I haven't seen a lot of hype about rails anymore. Is Ruby and/or RoR dead or fading away?
I ask because I was interested in RhoMobile for building mobile apps, but I didn't want to get into using an antiquated language.
edit: Can i use Ruby for web pages if I don't want to use rails? (I do not mean another framework. I mean like php.)
Regarding your question about Ruby and/or RoR dead or fading away, look at the job trends
There are many web-frameworks for Ruby, not just Rails, Sinatra being one of them.
You shouldn't be deciding to use a language or technology, because there is or there is not a hype around it.
If a product is able to solve your problems, then you should use it. I know people building stuff in Smalltalk nowadays (who would have thought, right?), because it's great and it works.
Take a look at Sinatra, for example.
Also there is a lot of tools written entirely in ruby.

XMPP libraries for Ruby

There are several XMPP client libraries for Ruby available, what is your experience with them and which one would you recommend?
What kind of thing are you looking to write in XMPP? The choice very much depends on what you want to do. These are the ones I have had experience of:
XMPP4R is one of the most popular. However the project is no longer actively maintained. I've always found the API to be a little clunky.
Blather, really cool DSL for writing things. Relies on EventMachine, so nice, fast and simple. However may not play nicely if you want to use in a non-evented webserver (like Passenger). It is also difficult to work with in an IRB console, which can make experimenting harder.
There are a few projects which build upon these base libraries for creating things like bots, Although I've no experience of them.
For the project I work on we communicate extensively from within Rails so use our own thing (Jubjub, and xmpp_gateway). However the project is still in early days so don't expect the same kind of polish as from other libraries - it's just trying to solve a different problem, and works for us.

Framework for non-web Ruby project

I'm looking for a simple Ruby framework for a non-web project. I'm very familiar with Rails, so when I write pure Ruby I miss:
The different environments (development, test, production)
The console rails c
And many other utilities provided by rake or rails
I know I can require ActiveSupport and friends, but it's not what I need. It's mostly the development framework that I miss.
One thing I investigated is to do my project as a gem (even if I don't need a gem at the end). Using jeweler for instance provides versioning. I'm sure there are better ways but I can't find any. What would you use ?
Alright, that is somewhat of a three-part question. A threstion, or triesti... actually that doesn't work. Threstion it is then.
One thing to understand about Rails is that it isn't magical. It's code, written by mortal humans who have faults (such as oversized-egos) but who are also incredibly damn smart. Therefore, we can understand it after perhaps a little bit of studying their work.
1. Rails environments are lovely
The code behind the Rails environment management is actually quite simple. You have a default environment which is set to development by this line in railties/lib/rails/commands/server.rb. You could do much the same thing in your application. Run a bit of initialization code that defines YourAwesomeThing.environment = ENV["AWESOME_ENV"] || "development". Then it's a matter of requiring config/environments/#{YourAwesomeThing.environment}.rb where you need it. Then it's a matter of having configuration in those files that modify how your library works depending on the environment.
I couldn't find the line that does that in 3-1-stable (it's gone walkies), so here's one that I think does it in the 3-0-stable branch..
As for the lovely methods such as Rails.env.production?, they are provided by the ActiveSupport::StringInquirer class.
2. Rails console is the Second Coming
I think rails console is amazing. I don't want to create a new file just to manually test some code like I would have done back in the Black Days of PHP. I can jump into the console and try it out there and then type exit when I'm done. Amazing. I think Rails developers don't appreciate the console nearly enough.
Anyway, this is just an irb session that has the Rails environment loaded before it! I'll restate it again: Rails is not magical. If you typed irb and then inside that irb session typed require 'config/environment' you would get (at least as far as I am aware...) an identical thing to the Rails console!
This is due to the magic that goes on in the initialization part of Rails which is almost magic, but not and I've explained it in the Initialization Guide Which Will Be Finished And Updated For Rails 3.1 Real Soon I Promise Cross My Heart And Hope to Die If Only I Had The Time!
You could probably learn a lot by reading that text seemingly of a similar length to a book written by George R. R. Martin or Robert Jordan. I definitely learned a lot writing it!
3. The Others
This is where I falter. What other utilities do you need from Rake / Rails? It's all there, you just need to pick out the parts you need which is actually quite simple... but I can't tell you how to do that unless you go ahead and paint those targets.
Anyway, this is the kind of question that is exciting for me to answer. Thanks for giving me that bit of entertainment :)
I just noticed the BONUS fourth question at the end of your question. What would be the point of versioning your project? Why not use a version control system such as Git to do this and just git tag versions as you see fit? I think that would make the most sense.
First of all, Rails goal as a web framework is to let you mostly forget about the low-level details of a web based application (interacting with a web server, a database, etc.) and provide you with high-level abstractions which allow you to concentrate yourself on the actual job: Getting your application done.
There is such a huge diversity of non-web applications, that it is simply impossible to have a framework that "makes them all".
It is useful to understand what a framework is, and why and when you should use it.
Let's say you would have to build a dog house. You would buy some wood, nails and a hammer to build it the way you want from scratch, or you could go to Walmart and buy a DIY doghouse kit.
You will get a manual with detailed instructions on how to build your dog's "dream doghouse", and you will get it faster done than when making it from scratch, but you will be limited to the wood that comes with it and may be forced to use their nails or screws, and in some cases you would also need to buy a special screw driver.
The DIY kit is your framework. Some smart guys already provided you with the basic tools of making your doghouse, you only had to figure out (or not, if you had a manual) how to do it given their "framework".
Now, let's say you would build a skyscraper. The materials, tools and conventions (the framework) used would probably not be the same as they would when building a doghouse, and it would be over-kill to use a "skyscraper framework" to build a doghouse.
You wouldn't write Twitter client with the same set of tools and conventions as you would when writing a banking application with a billion concurrent users.
Rails is just one framework which provides you with a set of many, many good (and useful) conventions to write a web application, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the ultimate way to go. You can choose another framework, and maybe you will like the conventions for writing your application even more than the ones provided by Rails; or you could write all from scratch which would not limit you to what is provided by a specific framework and maybe make it even better.
To answer your question: Think of what you want to write and don't let yourself be narrowed down by the set of tools and conventions provided by a framework, as they will surely be if you choose this path.
Buy yourself some books about Design Patterns and read some great software, and then you may understand why the authors did not choose an application framework. Indeed, they've developed their own conventions and defined the behavior of what it should do; and once again, the "Rails way" isn't the only way, which doesn't make it the bad way. :)
I would appreciate constructive criticism as I really tried to provide a good answer.
Have you looked at Monkeybars? It's a Rails-inspired MVC framework that runs on top of JRuby and Swing to build desktop applications. I like it a lot.

How long to will it take to learn Ruby as a scripting language?

I am required to automate software tests for my job and I currently use groovy to do this. However, I am thinking about adding Ruby to my repertoire. Mainly because I can see myself working on a rails project in the future.
How long do you think it would take to become relatively proficient at scripting with Ruby? I am talking mainly navigating around a DOM with webdriver/webrat and programatically doing text/file changing work.
One weekend of intense dedication.
Seriously, it's a matter of how much time you have got on your hands and what's your previous experience. If you've dabbled in Perl or Python, you'll probably have an easier time picking up Ruby than if you had just used Java before.
Depends on how much experience you have with other programming languages. You should be able to learn the basic ruby syntax in an afternoon. And then work on learning the testing libraries might take another couple of days of playing around with them. You certainly wont be a ruby expert but you should be able to hack together some test scripts pretty quickly.
You could start here -
Ruby in Twenty Minutes
Then maybe go here -
17 Videos Covering Basic Ruby Techiques
If you have programming experience I would say 2 weeks of intense focus on ruby will get you 99% of way....the major features of ruby that distinguish it from other scripting languages are its intrinsic use of iterators (you almost never code for or while loops) and associated code blocks. Once you become familar with these the rest of it falls into place.
A minute to learn ... a lifetime to master.
With no previous technical experience I started learning ruby, html, css etc at the same time and it took me 2 years before I could get something up and know what was actually going on. Rails of course makes all of this faster and if you already know other programming languages you could tackle the basics and be functional in 6 months.
Ruby has Nokogiri, which is an excellent HTML/XML parser. It supports both CSS and XPath accessors, making it very easy to navigate through a parsed HTML file's DOM.
Building on top of Nokogiri is Mechanize, which was based on Perl's WWW::Mechanize. It makes it easy to navigate through a website's pages, extracting fields, filling out forms and submitting them, tracking cookies and sessions, etc. Because Mechanize is built on top of Nokogiri, you can get at the underlying DOM and use the same CSS and XPath accessors.
Ruby has several different testing environments. Test::Unit comes with Ruby and is easy to use. There's also Autotest, RSpec, Shoulda and Cucumber to name a couple others. Autotest is nice because it will watch your directory and run tests as you modify the files, so you're instantly aware if you break something.
I came to Ruby from a Perl and Java background, with C/C++ before those. To me, Ruby is like a child of Java and Perl because it has some similarities to both, but at the same time the things that were annoying with both those languages are nicely sidestepped on Ruby. It's almost as if Ruby was the logical growth, or next generation, of the other two. I think that's partly the benefit of hindsight, and of Matz' intention to make Ruby be a language for programmers, not machines.
I tried learning Rails in parallel with Ruby, but caught Rails as it changed from v1 to v2. All the books were out of date and wrong, most websites were wrong, and finding good information was tough. Eventually I realized the confusion was in the documentation and backed away from Rails for six months and concentrated on Ruby, using it daily at work. I began using it almost exclusively because I was able to more succinctly express ideas in it than I could in Perl. I could write more tersely in Perl, but it wasn't as readable, which is important to me because that helps make code maintainable.
Now, a few years later, I prefer Ruby over any language I've ever used. I still program in Perl but evangelize Ruby at work, and use it any time I need to write something that touches a database, because of Sequel, or to write web front ends to the databases using Rails, Sinatra or Padrino, combined with HAML.
Depends, are you using any other scripting languages? Ruby is pretty straight-forward to some people. I found it easy to remember most of the common method names. If you've worked with other languages to any decent extent then it shouldn't be more than a week to be deeply enjoying the language. If it's your first time programming, you need to get a good solid grip on Object Oriented Programming to truly appreciate it.

Sinatra success stories [closed]

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Have you used Sinatra successfully? What kind of a project was it? In what situations would you recommend using Sinatra instead of Rails or Merb?
I've dabbled with Sinatra, but haven't really written anything serious with it.
As you said above, there's a list at, although a lot of the applications listed there seem to link to GitHub pages, which I assume are often people experimenting with Sinatra and publishing their results online. Then, there's also the Sinatra mailing list, where you might find links to some interesting projects.[*]
As for your question on when to use Sinatra, I personally would answer "for smaller projects." When you want something up and running very quickly, it seems like Sinatra is an excellent choice. It's also great for people who like Ruby. With that I mean, when you're doing something in Rails, you have to do it "The Rails Way". Rails is the framework upon which you're building your application, and you have to adhere to its customs and conventions. Sinatra, on the other hand, feels like a library. You feel like you're writing Ruby, if you want to connect to a database, you use the library you like/think is appropriate for the job, if you want to output HTML you choose the templating library you like, and if you want a simple web framework, you choose Sinatra. Sinatra is not something upon which you build your whole application, it's something you use beside the rest of your application.
So, as you may have gathered, I'm quite fond of Sinatra, and I would use it for personal (or small-scale) projects. It's easy to set up and easy to use, as long as you know what you're doing. Looking through, it seems like that's what most people are using it for, see for example Is Lost on yet? and Calendar About Nothing.
[*] Edit: I found a thread here, with people linking to their projects. There seem both larger and smaller projects. Very interesting stuff.
There is a list at
Still, I'd like to hear a bit more about them. I also suspect that there are lots of successful Sinatra projects outside that list.
I just released TweepDiff ( written in Sinatra. Anything else would have been overkill but I would use Sinatra for bigger projects too.
I think sinatra is best suited for micro-applications development (no big surprise, it's a micro-framework)
Sinatra provides you with a sufficient level of abstraction to build almost everything you want quickly. And what I like about sinatra is that the framework gives you tight control over what your app is actually doing, you can really "feel" what you are writing. So, I would say Sinatra is a subtly balanced framework.
I also think Sinatra is attractive for "people who likes writing Ruby" as said before. You start writing ruby class before implementing a sinatra interface. (good exemple of this kind of workflow here :
I wanted to be able to run succinct self-contained Ruby scripts from my web server. As far as functionality goes, it would be similar to a CGI library. Sinatra was perfect. One sinatra app later and I have a collection of scripts accessed through simple sinatra style routes.
Whenever I need to write a web application that doesn't depend on a database, I suspect sinatra will be my first port of call.
I'd have to echo most of the above comments. We're in the process of implementing a Sinatra/HAML stack for browsing and basic reporting on data.
I really like the combination of simplicity and direct connection to Ruby. If something isn't working in the browser, it's pretty easy to port it out to a straight Ruby program for debugging.
There's definitely a feeling of building a dog house with Sinatra versus the Taj Mahal with Rails. It's easy to comprehend (it's also helping me understand the need for MVC and Rails).
Altogether very cool stuff and very fast. I haven't stressed it yet, so I can't say how well it'll behave in the real world.
I made using sinatra, all I can say is that it is a fantastic little framework for any site that doesn't directly use or doesn't have a database.
Though I do feel sinatra has reach it's limit with the current site, and any extensions will be written using Rails or other framework.
I use Sinatra for small 'one function' kinds of apps (My current blogging engine might be a good example). I think the simplicity of Sinatra works best for little utilities and basic API front-ends (Twitter apps, etc).
For larger scale apps there is even the Sinatra-based Padrino Framework with some of the niceties that you would usually reach for Rails to provide.
