How to manage non-English-speaking customers? [closed] - project-management

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Closed 12 years ago.
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What are the best practices when managing a software project involving a non-English-speaking client?
What communication issues are relevant? Would you maintain documentation in both languages (especially updating the specifications regularly)?

The basic risk in such type of projects is miscommunication, so the top priority is
validating the understanding of both parties, i.e. you should not only validate that the customer understand what you say - you must also validate that you understand what the customer says. Then, with the explicit goal of validating communications and based on the resources you have to understand your customer's language and the resources your customer has to understand your language, you and your customer shall agree on how to handle communications for the project: documentation in both languages, single points of contact, written minutes of all communications, translation of all communications, etc.
To minimize the possibility of misunderstandings, it is better to have all official communications in just one language, if possible. If communications shall be held in more than one language, you must minimize the number of communication channels, i.e. you must not have everybody communicating with everybody else: liaisons should be designated to handle all communications. Single points of contact with known proficiency on the language(s) used in the project are crucial.
Casual communications shall be avoided. All conference calls and meetings shall have written minutes describing all agreements and action items - if multiple languages are being used, all minutes shall be translated by a single party and reviewed by the single point(s) of contact.
The practices I have just described, may seem an ugly burden to bear, but they will prevent a lot of headaches.
Good luck!

My native language is not English, so I'm on the other side. There were times when we had to write project documents in 4-6 languages.
Try to find somebody who understand English (like a key person). I try to avoid the communication in different languages on a project. Of course you can talk and write on different languages with project members, but if you talk or write to all members of the project at once, it should be one language.
Documentation should be maintained in as many languages as many involved. All documents should be updated on a regular basis and try to avoid the situation when you have to tell them that "the English is the current one". Find someone who is native in the target language and translate from English for you. It will be far more better, understandable, and more native than if you try the other way around.

This might be the perfect case in which you might want to switch over to Agile development. This puts less of an emphasis on large amounts of documents and you can provide work at the end of every interval for the customer to sign off on. If you don't know what Agile is, just google it, you'll get tons of information back.

Always follow up with a written confirmation of any verbal discussion. Most people can read foreign languages better then they can speak them. It also helps to pick one language as the standard for all documents and code.


How to prove to colleagues that use-cases are important? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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... and how to prove to management that use-cases can be informal and still useful?
Hi folks,
I came in the middle of a project and found out that there are no use-cases, user-stories, requirements, neither anything similar to a specification. Since the deadlines are short, the current dev team don't want to spend time on such things. I wanted to join that project, but by digging more I found out that the current development adds features just by considering their "wow-effect" and chooses what to add just by using the easiness that the underlying technology provides. I was surprised how they have managed to go so far (more than 4 months) without requirements, but this is what we have now. I believe that the way they have chosen is the most sure one to kill the product which has a good marketing value.
Am I right, and what would you do in a similar circumstances to prove the dev team/management to make use-cases/requirements before moving forward? Thanks in advance, kh.
P.S. Two copies of Cockburn's book are on the bookshelf...
You should give your colleagues the use-case spiel :D Tell them that use-cases are useful as they're:
A way of capturing business processes in a manner which is reasonably comprehensible by all stakeholders. This helps to bridge the gap between programmers, clients and users.
Traceable units of functionality. Use-cases are formed (ideally) in the analysis phase, referenced in the design phase, and can be used as sources for test cases later on.
Quick and easy to write up and useful, even if informal.
If you need more ammunition, you might want to read Use cases - Yesterday, today and tomorrow by none other than Ivar Jacobson.
If your colleagues still can't see the potential usefulness of use cases as a business analysis tool, then they're probably beyond help :P You should remind them that they're developing software to meet other people's needs and solve their problems in the long term, not to ostentatiously impress them in the short term with petty gimmicks. And so a little bit of direction and specification helps. Even if the use-cases themselves don't prove to be that useful, the simple act of coming up with them will force your colleagues to consider the actual underlying purpose of the software.
Ask questions, of both sides. Of development, ask them if they are certain that all of the ways in which they have considered using the application are all of the ways in which the end-users will want to use it; if they say they have, ask for proof. Of management, ask if they've ever used software that does everything they want, but still ends up being hard to use (they will have). These questions will seed the concept that what will be delivered might not be what is desired, on both sides; use that seed of an idea, then, to open up discussions (not documents, not at the start) on how the software will be used, and in what way any differences can be resolved. They'll get around to use-case documents eventually.
I am a product manager by profession, and my first reaction to your post is that ideas can come from anywhere, and if the dev team has decent ideas they should be incorporated into the product.
Having said that, a product can not develop a soul (a simple message) through a string of disconnected ideas that do not serve the ultimate purpose: solving the needs of a target user. And, ultimately it boils down to making the case that time is better spent on requirements/use cases that make sense for the product, while the opportunity cost of not having a clear strategy/end goal will lead to too many chefs and a jaded product message.
The ultimate way to make this message hit home is to involve other stake holders and have development demonstrate their work. Eventually, there will be disagreement and a more formalized (less cowboy) approach will lead to a more refined and simple product.
One of the problems you mention is tight schedule and scope creep induced by the devs themselves. Explain them, that by using use cases you can earn time by dropping features, which will potentially end up on the "never used" pile. With use cases you can find out what are the features customers need and will pay for and by removing unimportant features out of the scope you would have time to implement. Use cases apart from defining the scope also help to identify all the stakeholders, which might help you to focus even better while defining the scope and prevent forgetting about trivial things, which are not so apparent, but are a must if the product should be usable. The third most important thing about use cases is that they allow you to start thinking about corner cases which might be important for the customer before development and therefore you can find out with the customer what would be the ideal solution instead of letting the coder decide on his/her own under pressure of deadline.
Just show them.
Example is not the best way of educating people, it is the only one.
Lead by example focusing on extensions and exceptions. In other words emphasize the failure scenarios because everyone knows how the system should work. The real value of written Use Cases is identifying what should happen when something goes wrong.
That noted, consider you may have to live without written use cases. And, for the environment you describe, a major win is any sort of requirements documentation. Screen comps and/or prototyping are often easier to introduce.

How do ISO standards work (particularly ISO 9126) [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm taking a course in software project management and right now I'm writting a "quality plan"... We've discussed ISOs in class, and I would particularly like my fake company to say the project complies with ISO norm 9126.
The thing is I don't really know what that means. Is it just something you say to your client, does your company need to be affiliated under some international organization for standard compliance, do you have to have your project audited? How does it work?
By the way, if you have any tips on what I can say I'll do to guarantee project quality, just tell me.
Edit I know what ISO 9126 is, what I don't know is who's is responsibly to certify you, how do auditory works, or if auditory is at all necessary (if the project is small does it suffices to show the client you met the goals you talked about when applying ISO 9126?)
ISO qualification is all about making sure your company does everything in it's power to ensure a quality product. Quality is a broad term, but in actuality, what an auditor usually looks for to see if your company is ready to be ISO certified, is that mechanisms are in place to guarantee that a product does does what you designed it to do, and that you have verified that before your product leaves the door.
These mechanisms can be all sorts of things... but really start with a design plan (a list of WHAT your product will do), and a test procedure/list (to see if your final product/output does what the design plan says the product will do when it is complete). A lot of companies have things in place between these two steps, but the input/output steps are most critical.
Does your shipped product do what you designed it to do?
An auditor has to come in to certify you. There are various companies that do this. You can not simply say you are "ISO 9xxx certified". The auditor will give you a certificate. There are different types of ISO certification. And even after the certification, you get re-audited to keep your certification. The goal being that your product and the processes that guarantee its quality improve over time.
Wiki much?
Not sure but that looks to be a wealth of knowledge there on what you are asking.
ISO 9126 is an international standard
for the evaluation of software
quality. The fundamental objective of
this standard is to address some of
the well known human biases that can
adversely affect the delivery and
perception of a software development
project. These biases include changing
priorities after the start of a
project or not having any clear
definitions of "success". By
clarifying, then agreeing on the
project priorities and subsequently
converting abstract priorities
(compliance) to measurable values
(output data can be validated against
schema X with zero intervention), ISO
9126 tries to develop a common
understanding of the project's
objectives and goals.
The standard is divided into four
quality model
external metrics
internal metrics
quality in use metrics.

User stories for functional requirements [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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As we are a small company, I work as both a project manager and developer. The specifications I create for clients contain a number of elements used to describe and define the project, including user stories alongside any other elements I feel need to be included to define the project (e.g. wireframes, userflows, sitemaps etc.) to the client.
If a functional specification “describes how a product will work entirely from the user's perspective. It doesn't care how the thing is implemented. It talks about features.“. Then does anyone see any problem with using User Stories to define a functional specification for a website? Does anyone actually do functional specifications in this way?
Really I am trying to up my game a little, and wondering if this would approach would work for larger clients who perhaps have more stringent ideas on what a functional specification should contain, whereby a formal approach may be required. Definitely at the moment our clients respond well to our method of producing documentation.
I am interested in hearing what people who do project management professionally think about this.
I'm at odds with what a couple of other people have said.
First up the bit I agree with - stories are a great way of stating functional requirements. For my money they're one of the best ways of actually communicating requirements in a way end users will really take in. I've seen too many specs that get signed off without ever having been read.
The one thing I would say you might want to append to them is non-functional requirements - covering performance, security, data volumes, audit, archive and so on. While they can be covered in stories, sometimes they're better covered in a way that crosses all stories.
In terms of whether it's suitable for large companies this is where I disagree. In my experience (and I've done projects for Shell, American Express, a couple of multi-national banks and others) they're often no more formal than smaller companies so they'll be fine with stories. The reality is that a user in a large company is no better equiped (or interested) in reading class and sequence diagrams than they are elsewhere.
The size and complexity of the project may require more detailed requirements but it's the size of the project, not the size of the company that matters when you're determining how you document requirements.
For me the best requirements documentation is documentation that's suited to it's audience, and for me user stories hit the nail on the head most of the time - they're short enough and clear enough that when they sign them off they mean something because they've read and understood them (as opposed to the sign off of a 100 page spec which invariably means they haven't really read it), but good enough for the developers to work from too.
Yes, you can use user stories for your functional requires. I do it all the time, and have been for years. In my opinion, it works really well, and better than other systems I have used.
Would this approach work for larger clients? To make a gross generalization, no. They are going to have some system that use to define requirements, and likely its not user stories. If you come in with user stories, there is going to be a disconnect with the current practices, which you will have to work through.
I have been successful using user stories with larger organizations, but it take a concerted effort, which both parties need to be committed to.
What you're describing are the use-case scenarios that define the features, this is what is required from a usability perspective and is exactly what the client will understand and agree to. Screen mockups and flow diagrams will definately help both the client and developers.
An implementation specification may then be required to instruct developers on what needs to be included in the actual construction, the depth of this will be determined by your developers capabilities that include their knowledge of the house architecture/framework and methodologies/conventions and may include specifics on what impacts various parts of the application.
We also work in small teams (sometimes one or two developers) and believe the above is all that's required in this instance.
Larger companies with much larger teams may use Modeling Software, UML diagrams and other more detailed specifications. In the case where you the primary developer, you should still spend the time designing your application, but if nobody is going to review the designs and insist on all the formalities, your time is better spend implementing the software.

Good pointers that a software requirement is in fact political? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Probably an easy one:
Are there any rules of thumb or pointers that could help recognise political requirements?
Let’s say one of stakeholders (your boss, a head of another department or an actual user) asks for a feature or particular characteristic of software being developed by yourself or your team. Is there a litmus test to determine whether requirement is political?
This question is really simple and is not about how to deal with political requirements or whether they are bad or good for software. How do you tell that whatever you have been asked to do is to pursue someone’s tacit or actually openly stated political agenda?
Will it really help you to know? I mean - if you're already embroiled in political games you'll know anyway. If you're not it isn't something you'll be able to use.
If you're going to have to implement the feature anyway I'd say just get on with it. Finding out that it's part of some management game will only demotivate you.
That said - if you're working on the sort of application that's so themware that you can't tell whether it's a real user feature or a political lever of some sort then it's probably a safe assumption that everything is political.
I would say that you should assume that all requirements are political.
If you are in a situation where more than one person is responsible for determining the set of features you implement, then every feature is effectively a negotiation between those people. That negotiation makes those features political.
However, even if there is only person deciding what features ship, there is still a pretty strong chance that those decisions are political. In any organization of reasonable size (say more than ten people), you are going to have politics. The politics in that situation will differ than the "design by committee situation". They will focus on currying the favor of the person who decides which features ship, rather than on "if you support my feature, I'll support yours" that exists in the committee scenario. That process, however, is still political.
I'm not trying to say that it's not possible to have a development environment free of politics. It is. However, I would say that to pull of it off that you need:
A small, tightly knit team
A boss that focuses on creating an environment that fosters creativity, and delegating creative ownership, rather than focusing on control over the creative process.
Smart, highly talented and creative people that share a strong sense of purpose and aesthetic values.
Missing any one of those things, you are doomed to a repetitive deluge of office politics.
The best idea is to find out what all the features are to be used for, i.e. find out not only how a feature is to be implemented, but also learn why it should be done. It really helps to know the background of the desired solution. It might even allow you to suggest an alternate feature set that might better suit your customer (maybe even play your own political game).
As long as there is anything you do not understand, do not do the project. It will only cause problems at some point.
Obviously it's a tricky question and much depends on your definition of the 'political'.
I would start with the simple question:
* Are the authors/originators of the requirement really using the software in question?
The requirement could come from your boss but it could be a translated valid requirement of the real user
Here are some I've seen:
It directly contradicts other requirements
It is clearly not feasible technically
It is "out in left field" ... it doesn't fit into the defined problem space
It contradicts common sense
BEWARE ... sometimes this results from your use-cases being wrong or incomplete. I've also purposely allowed some of these to proceed to development (e.g Eye-candy that sells the product but is useless or at least generally not used by the operators).
Use the SCRUM approach. Don't describe a feature as
"It should be doing this and that in the following way"
While the sentence above describes all you need to know to implement the feature, it does not justify the feature. My SCRUM book says features should be written down as a story. A story looks like this:
"As a <user-role>
I need a <functionality>
So that I get <business value>"
A feature that cannot be justified using such a story is an unjustified feature and thus there is no use to actually implement it.
"As a visitor of a web portal I need a way to authenticate, so I can access my customer data, but nobody else can"
Now you don't only know that you need an authentication for your web portal, you also know who needs it (the visitors, basically everyone planing on using it more intensively) and you also know why it is needed, as it gives the user some value.
Other examples:
"As a passenger I need a list of all my booked journeys, so that I know when I'm going to travel where and won't lose the overview"
"As a book keeper, I'd like to have the sales tax being automatically printed to each bill based on customer data, so that I don't have to enter it manually each time I'm printing a bill"
If every feature needs to be written like that, you'll automatically see if a feature is for the customer, because it is really necessary, or just something your boss/company wants to have and also why they want to have it (what is the big picture behind it? Why are they doing it?).
The use of ambiguous words or phrases is often political.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Templates of Technical and Functional Specs [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So basically I am looking for good templates for writing both technical and functional specs on a project or work request.
What do you use? How deep do you get while writing the specs? Any additional general tips you could provide would be appreciated.
My company needs these badly. I work for a contractor and right now we do not use these documents at all.
EDIT: I have read Joel's take about Painless Specification, I really liked it, but are there any other opinions :)
On general tips;
We are implementing a process of
1) Business Requirements Statement (BRS)
2) Functional Specification
3) Technical specification
The BRS covers what the business problems are, and what the requirements are around solutions, testing, security, reliability and delivery. This defines what would make a successful solution.
The functional spec details what is needed, how it should look, how long fields should be, etc.
The technical spec details where the data comes from, any tricky code that may need to be considered.
The customer owns the requirements. The developers own the tech specs, and the functional spec is a middle ground. Testing is done against the tech specs (usually unit testing) then against the functional specs (usually system testing) and then against the requirements (UAT).
The important part of this (and we are struggling with) is that the developers still need to deliver to the functional spec, and the original business requirements. In reality the functional and tech specs are just there for clarity.
In short, my main tip is to first work out the process you wish to implement. Then seek agreement from all parties involved in your proposed process, then work on the templates to fit. The templates themselves are only are a small part of the change you want to make.
Not a template, but Joel has written a couple of articles on writing a functional spec. He also has sample here.
You can buy templates from ieee and other places, but I have always ended up making my own.
For a technical spec, "Code Complete" by Steve McDonnell has a good checklist, you can draw some info from that. At my last job, I just made a template out of his section headers, and tweaked it from there.
As far as a functional spec, the important thing is to define all the interfaces:
UI (screen mockups)
Software interfaces (plugins, etc.)
Hardware interfaces (if appropriate)
Communications interfaces (Services, email, messaging, etc.)
There should also be a section for business rules, things that are important functionally that are not covered in any interface definition.
If you want to purchase a book, Software Requirements by Karl Wiegers has templates for a few documents as an appendix. Unfortunately, I'm at work and that particular book is at home. If someone has it handy, they might be able to confirm that.
I happen to like this one, among others: ReadySet.
He sells a pro version too.
This is the best one I have found:
Start off simple, and work your way from there. Since this is your first experience working with this, use a word document with bullet points. Write it, re-read it and provide enough detail that it makes sense. For technical specifications, you may want to lead the developer toward a solution, but for functional specifications the "how" should be completely missing.
I would suggest to have a look at the Roberston's Volere template here. They are part of the Atlantic Systems Guild, together with people like Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister of "Peopleware" fame.
As the template is copyrighted, I will not reproduce it here, but give you some of the main headers:
The Purpose of the Project
The Stakeholders
Mandated Constraints
Naming Conventions and Terminology
Relevant Facts and Assumptions
The Scope of the Work
Business Data Model and Data Dictionary
The Scope of the Product
Functional Requirements
Look and Feels Requirements
There are many more, but this should give you an idea. The most interesting part of the template is the requirements shell that lists functional requirements on a kind of cue card. Again copyrighted, but truly valuable.
Look here in chapter 9.
