What is the best way to learn Expressions Blend 2? [closed] - expression-blend

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is the best way to quickly get up to speed on Microsoft Expressions Blend 2?
Are there some good web sites that can get me started or does someone have a good book that they would recommend?

Expression Blend is used in creating Sliverlight XAML. I would start with sliverlight.net
This is where you should get started.
Here is Scott G blog on Blend and Sliverlight.

There is a decent book: Foundation Expression Blend 2 by Victor Gaudioso.
It covers the basics of what the various widgets in Blend do. FWIW, it worked for me.


Doctrine 2 Tutorials or books? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm trying to find any tutorials or books to get started with Doctrine 2, but seems there are not many resources especially for 2. If you know any tutorials or books please let me know. Thanks
actually, the documentation is good if you are using it the way they are using it. But if you are using other objects, you will have a hard time finding documentation for it anywhere.
I think the official documentation is really good, and there is no need for any other resources... There is a series of articles I know about, but it's in czech, so I suppose you're not interested :)

What would you want in an ideal debugger? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
Just food for thought:
What features would you consider in an ideal debugging tool?
What about debugging tools for distributed systems?
What do you think is missing from current debugging tools?
Being able to step backwards would make me very happy C person.
I would really like to see some more artificial intelligence in debuggers. Like they should be able to know which bug I was looking for and fix it automatically. Distributed AI would be even better. One day I dream of submitting a README to github and the code would be written for me automatically, 100% bug-free of course.

Why should I switch to CodeRush from ReSharper? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
For a long time I have been working with ReSharper.
But after seeing CodeRush being used in a tutorial video, I started to wonder if I should consider to try CodeRush as well.
But before giving a try I wanted to ask you if you've had a chance to work both with ReSharper and CodeRush, so that you could share your objective opinions on their advantages and disadvantages over each other.
Download a demo of CR and give it a shot.
If you've already spent good money on RS, think about the ROI and the (possible) learning curve for CR, although the learning curve should be sorted out during the evaluation :-). The company where I am is using the Developer Express suite of products (which include CR) and I am loving it. I find it very productive and useful.
Disclaimer: I am a DevExpress "fanboi."

What's a great program for creating visual software mockups? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have a presentation due in about three hours and rather than handing in something I drew in pencil, I'd rather turn in something nicer to the client.
Is there something out there that lets me pick and drag common controls to create mockups?
Balsamiq, hands down.
Visio isn't bad if your willing to pay for something. It comes with widgets that resemble actual windows components.

Initial skeleton for Firefox extensions? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I always seem to have a hard time starting a new Firefox extension. Can anyone recommend a good extension skeleton, scaffold, or code generator? Ideally one that follows all the best practices for FF extensions?
This one works nice: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/developers/tools/builder
Of course googling for "firefox extension generator" is where I found it ;)
Look up this eclipse plugin:
It will take care of the skeleton and 50 other things, you will love it.
