Linux tool to show SLOC and SLOC modified, added, removed - metrics

I am currently using the SLOCCOUNT tool for gaining source lines of code (SLOC) for a codebase.
However, it doesnt support comparing two versions of the codebase and then report:
Lines of code (LOC) modified
LOC removed
LOC added
Can anyone suggest a linux based (preferably free) tool to do this?

I've used CODECOUNT for differencing baselines. This compares changes, deletions and additions between different code bases. It's provided free of charge by the University of Southern California.
They only provide source code. However, it built cleanly out of the zip file in cygwin using g++. They also claim support for Visual Studio, but I have not tried it.

I beleive diffstat utility does that.

It sounds like SLOCCount and SLOC Compare can show you the trend over time, but it isn't exactly what you are looking for.


how to use "robotlocomotion drake" codes in my project, for example "qp_inverse_dynamics"

i want to implement drake in my project, but i found it almost impossible.
Although there are notebooks and course explain robotics theory and how drake works,
But how could i use the codes in drake in my project. For example, i want to simulate a 6-Dof arm using V-rep and ROS, and i want to inplement force control to the arm using "qp_inverse_dynamics" in drake, do i need to include all files that "qp_inverse_dynamics" used, and construct the build system? There are tons of files.
I have made a quadruped robot using position control and PID controller, and have a little bit experience of using open source convex quadratic programs solver(osqp)。
And now, after build and tested drake using bazel, what coule I do to use codes in drake in my project? Or should I just write my own codes using the method in Underactuated Robotics notebook?
thanks a lot.
This repository is our working example of how to use drake in your own project:
We do support OSQP as one of many solver backends. There is a chance that you will find that you want some feature in drake that is not yet exposed in the binary installation, in which case please make a request on github. But I suspect it should work well for you.
N.B. The lectures you've pointed to on edX are a few years old now. The current version of the course is running right now, with streamed/recorded lectures available at

the difference between developement and stable compilers?

from here, I want to download GDAL library. I mean I want to download .h, .lib, .dll files. I'm working in visual studio 2010 and using visual C++:
Solution Configurations : Debug
Solution Platforms : Win32
In fact I don't understand what's the difference between Developement and stable libraries?
And which one should I download?
Even I don't know what other information you need to post here?
The "stable" library is one that's been tested so they believe it to be reasonably bug-free.
The "development" library is one they're currently working on. It's probably had some new features added. It may also have had some bugs added, the documentation may be somewhat out of date, etc.
As to which to download: especially at first you typically want the stable version. It has a much better chance of working as documented (and, for that matter, of just plain working).
The development version is primarily for one of two situations: either when/if you think you might want to contribute some work to the library itself, or if it includes a new feature that happens to be really crucial to your work, so you're willing to put up with possible shortcomings elsewhere to get that addition.

Looking for a Bug-workflow VS Extension

My company will move to TFS sometime next year but is currently relying on a patchwork solution involving Bugzilla (2.2), code commenting and build-user inboxes for managing bugfix workflow. I've been looking at writing some VS extensions (or using code snippets) to help automate and standardize this. I currently have a code snippet for standardized comments along with the "email code snippet" extension for emailing comments (which include build instructions) off to build-user inboxes. It's better than we had, but well short efficient.
The question: Are there any extensions, combination of extensions, or combinations of available extension code out there that does this sort of thing. Using visual Studio 2010 but constrained to Bugzilla 2.2. This will be a < 1yr solution, so a minimum of cost and complexity is a must.

The best way to start a project [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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When you are starting a personal programming project, what is your first step? I'm trying to start a project thats just an idea at the moment. I get lots of these and I dive right into the code and after a while just completely lose interest and or just forget about the project.
When you are starting, what is your first step? do you plan out the project? make a diagram? write some code on paper? How do you start a project in a manner that you know you will succeed?
The only thing that works for me: Create the smallest possible implementation of it that's somehow usable and then use it.
From 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit 2: Begin with the End In Mind.
With any project you need a clear goal, a point where you can say "I'm finished". A clear outcome will give you direction. Once you have that, you can start planning how to get there. The size and complexity of the project will determine how much detail your plan needs, but in general you'll want to feel your making progress against your plan quite regularly.
My next step is to sketch out a design of the modules that will be needed and the APIs between each module. If the APIs are clean then the modules are probably right. Then I start implementing the modules, testing as I go.
I spend a lot of time thinking about the various aspects of the project before I even touch a keyboard.
I go through what I've learnt from previous projects and write it down in various categories ('technical', 'promotion', etc)
Personal project or not, I always set up source code control. Git, Mercurial of Bazaar are examples of source code control tools that are not intrusive because you do not need to set up a master server. Just type a simple command to create the project, check your files in, commit. In the future, when you mess up one of your files, you will be able to 'undo'
I also set up a lightweight ticket system to keep track of 1.issues and 2.ideas
By "lightweight" I mean that if maintaining two text documents with these lists works for you, that's good enough.
Hope this helps.
I agree with the already given advice of:
Planning a minimal implementation that does something useful as a first complete release.
Have concrete goals about what you want to achieve to have something to compare your progress with.
I would also recommend beginning with a lightweight design of you overall architecture so you can have a roadmap of how to build your product.
I find it difficult to start building something when I don't have a clear idea about how it should look at least at a first level of decomposition. Think about what do you need besides functionality: high performance?, extensibility scenarios?, which ones?, usability goals?, high scalability?, ease of deployment and installability?, etc. Ask yourself: What components I will have to build in order to achieve those architectural qualities?.
And don't get me wrong, I'm a strong proponent of agile software development. You don't need to spend a lot of times designing your architecture (because it surely will have to evolve as you build and get feedback about what works and what doesn't), but having a blueprint of how to build your product based on its architecture should be useful in for planning your progress and setting realistic goals.
Define the goal for the project. Sounds like you are looking almost exclusively at the solution rather than the problem.
A program isn't useful to you or anyone else unless it addresses some problem. Writing code to get moving is great, but you appear to lose interest and focus after you start -- because you're looking at the code, not the problem.
Spend some time considering what led you to write this code. Ponder how other people might discover the same need, what path might take them to the same frustration you worked to solve.
Then, find some of those people and offer your (partial) solution, and you'll generate interest and suggestions among them all.
THAT will keep you going on your project. The fellow interest, the sharing, even the disagreements -- it's people who need software! Don't create solutions (software) looking for a problem (people). You started with YOU, with your need or desire, but focused on the code, and lost the impetus for the project.
Programming's a lot more fun when you're problem-solving. But you need to keep the problem in front of you. Sharing the problem builds community. That's what this is really all about, isn't it?
For my own personal projects I just dive right in. Of course, none of these have yet been sufficiently large as to require any sort of pre-planning. If this is going to be a serious project or a relatively large scale, it is always a good idea to flush out at least what each part of the program needs to do and a high level view of how they will do it.
Like the others, my personal projects always have:
A Final Goal
A Task List
Small usable units
Source control
As an additional motivator, I try to use a technology that I have never used before. Learning something new generally becomes the largest motivator for me.
Easy - don't start at all projects you're likely to lose interest in. Spend more time to make sure you want to commit yourself to an idea before beginning any work.
It depends on the project - how big is it?
If I'm writing the next Notepad clone I might just dive in, if I wanted to roll my own operating system it'd take a lot more non-coding work.
I like to do a lot of diagrams, the tool I use for most development is clean A4 paper and a pencil. Draw out the UI, workflow, basic classes, and how you're going to store any data - then the coding is just a computer readable way of writing what you drew already.
Source control le.g. SVN is a couple of keystrokes/clicks, so the overhead is low and the benefit is high, its handy to try stuff and just revert to an earlier state if they don't work.
Then just make the most basic protoype that will work - once something is actually going it is much easier to get enthused and add more. If it is overwhelming I'll find I think the problem is solved in my head, and thats enough.
First plan out the basic outline of the final application. Most important features, basic GUI, program flow, etc. Then refine that so that you don't take on too much at first, remove unnecessary features, and add what else you want in the first version. Then use that outline to start a task list to create the smallest possible working version of your application. Then it's much easier to add extra features and make it fully functioning.
I like Maximillian's answer.. to expand a little, my person projects are developed to solve something I'm working on already. So when I get tired of repeat work I'll prototype a solution. and then use it. If Its similar enough to one of my earlier projects I'll borrow as much code as I can and try to improve the level of my work, make it more professional.
Fusion's use of Source Control is important too. Takes 2 minutes to install SVN.
If you want to turn it into a public open source project, Producing Open Source Software is supposed to be a good read (available both online and in print).
If your personal project is similar to an existing open source project, you should consider contributing to that project instead. A couple of small contributions (bug fixes etc.) are
more valuable than a half finished project.
All of the above, but start to cement the plan in place.....
Go for some tools
SmartSheet - even if you are working on your own you should set out some stages and dates
yEd - and Graphity from

.Net XML comment into API Documentation

Is there an easy way to produce MSDN-style documentation from the Visual Studio XML output?
I'm not patient enough to set up a good xslt for it because I know I'm not the first person to cross this bridge.
Also, I tried setting up sandcastle recently, but it really made my eyes cross. Either I was missing something important in the process or it is just way too involved.
I know somebody out there has a really nice dead-simple solution.
I'm reiterating here because I think my formatting made that paragraph non-inviting to read:
I gave sandcastle a try but had a really hard time getting it set up.
What I really have in mind is something much simpler.
That is, unless I just don't understand the sandcastle process. It seemed like an awful lot of extra baggage to me just to produce something nice for the testers to work with.
You're looking for Sandcastle
Project Page: Sandcastle Releases
Blog: Sandcastle Blog
NDoc Code Documentation Generator for .NET used to be the tool of choice, but support has all but stopped.
Have a look at Sandcastle, which does exactly that. It's also one of the more simpler solutions out there, and it's more or less the tool of choice, so in the long run, maybe we could help you to set up Sandcastle if you specify what issues you encountered during setup?
You should also use the Sandcastle Help File Builder. It provides you with a ndoc like GUI for generating help files so you don't have to do anything from a command prompt.
Welcome to the Sandcastle Help File Builder Project
I've just set up Sandcastle again. Try installing it (the May 2008 release) and search for SandcastleGui.exe or something similar (it's in the examples folder or so).
Click Add Assembly and add your Assembly or Assemblies, add any .xml Documentation files (the ones generated by the compiler if you enabled that option) and then Build.
It will take some time, but the result will be worth the effort. It will actually look up stuff from MSDN, so your resulting documentation will also have the Class Inheritance all the way down to System.Object with links to MSDN and stuff.
Sandcastle seems a bit complicated at first, especially when you want to use it in an automated build, but I am absolutely sure it will be worth the effort.
Also have a look at Sandcastle Help File Builder, this is a somewhat more advanced GUI for it.
Follow this simple 5 step article and you are pretty much done. As a bonus you can use H2Viewer to view Html Help 2.x files.
I use NDoc3
