Single Remote Desktop session in Server 2003 [closed] - windows

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a headless server running Windows Server 2003, and administer it via VNC. It is set to auto login to a specific user account.
I want to change to using Remote Desktop/Terminal Services. However, when I log in remotely a new user session is created (in addition to auto logged in session). Essentially I want a remote desktop connection to take over the default session in the computer (how XP does it). Does anyone know how?
P.S. I am NOT after a single remote session, instead a single GLOBAL session :)

To logon as the 'console' user (the one to be used for logging in locally) then you use a parameter for mstsc.exe From a command prompt type in mstsc /h to see the help. MSTSC /ADMIN /V:YOURSERVERNAME
(depending on the version that you have)

Please excuse the self answer, but for those using OS X and Remote Desktop Connection, all you need to do is append " /console" to the IP address of the computer you wish to connect to.

Here's how you can switch over.
Start task manager
Switch to the users tab
There should be two users listed. The one you logged on with and the original session you are trying to connect to.
Right click on the one you want to connect to and select "Switch" or "connect". I can't remember the exact one.

On the server: Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Terminal Services Configuration > Server Settings > Restrict each user to one session
Alternately, you can log in to the console (the session that would display on the monitor, if present). From XP-era clients, that's (command-line) "mstsc /console /". For Vista-era clients, it's "mstsc /admin /". That option is probably present somewhere in the RDP client settings screen, and tools like Terminals also expose it.


How to prevent multiple users from simultaneously accessing an Azure VM?

We created a VM as a replacement for physical machine with rarely used software on it.
When I tested it I noticed when a second user accesses the VM, the first user is kicked out and sees the message "You have been disconnected because another connection was made to the remote computer".
However, on another VM that wasn't set up by me, I'm getting the warning "Another user is signed in. If you continue, they’ll be disconnected. Do you want to sign in any way?"
What VM or Windows setting(s) do I need to change to display this message on the new VM?
I found the following answer on serverfault more helpful than the "copy & paste reply" by Jabbar.
The message you want will appear for the 3rd user on Windows server:
By default a Windows VM in Azure is configured for remote administration, which allows up to 2 users to access the machine to undertake remote administration of that machine. If a third user attempts to connect you will see this message. you will see this if a user has disconnected, but not logged off so their session is till running and using a slot.
Windows Server will, by default, let 2 concurrent users log on. Windows 10, will only allow only 1 user.

Duplicity does not work with lftp+ftps backend [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Trying to backup Ubuntu 18.04.1 server using duplicity to a FTPS (FTP over SSL) server. The password is stored in the FTP_PASSWORD environment variable as suggested. The duplicity command is:
duplicity /path/to/backup ftps://user#hostname/some/dir
The problem is that this translates into the following when it turns around and calls lftp
open -u 'user,pass` ftps://hostname
This will not work until you change the open command to (without the ftps:// prefix on the hostname:
open -u 'user,pass` hostname
What I cannot figure out is either:
How to tell duplicity not to build up the open command with the ftps:// prefix.
How to get lftp to work with the prefix
Note: The FTPS server works fine with other FTP clients, and even works properly with lftp as long as I build up the open command correctly.
I had the same problem that lftp worked fine with ftps when I just wrote the hostname.
Duplicity whereas did fail with some TLS unexpected packet errors.
Solution was:
instead of writing ftps:// write ftpes://
duplicity /path/to/backup ftpes://user#hostname/some/dir
This changes how and when credentials will be encrypted by lftp.
that seems wrong, clearly states urls are viable
open [OPTS] site
Select a server by host name, URL or bookmark. When an URL or bookmark
is given, automaticallycally change the current working directory to the
directory of the URL. Options:
--user user use the user for authentication
--password pass use the password for authentication
--env-password take password from LFTP_PASSWORD environment variable
site host name, URL or bookmark name
cmd:default-protocol (string)
The value is used when `open' is used with just host name without
protocol. Default is `ftp'.
so removing ftps:// simply makes lftp connect via ftp which is probably not what you want.
i'd suggest you to enable duplicity max. verbosity '-v9' and find out why lftp fails to connect via ftps://

How to maintain separate sessions for Remote applications launched from same pc with same credentials

I am Launching 2 different remote apps on a pc , 1 Unified session id is assigned for both the applications (both remote apps are part of 1 RDP session). How can we have separate session id's assigned for each remote app?
Or is there any way to get the sessions per remote app?
I am using win 12 r2 server.
Found the solution
There is a setting disableconnectionsharing:i:1 which you have to add in RDP file.
for more details refer
Was disappointing that i did not receive reply from stack overflow and even msdn. Any ways found a answer..

Check if a remote desktop connection is active in Windows 7

As part of a business solution we are offering several remote desktops to a user base. Currently the users must go system by system attempting to connect and find one that is not already being used. I'd like to see if there is a command that can be run to quickly query an IP and see if there is an active remote connection already.
I've run across a 'wmic' solution already, but this only seems to work if the person running the command has admin access on the destination machine. I don't need a username returned or any information other than if there is a currently in-use remote connection.
Any idea's?
Researched solutions that didn't pan out listed below:
wmic /node:IP ComputerSystem GET UserName ---Returns only if requestor is an admin
qwinsta /server:IP ---RPC is not enabled on all machienes
eventvwr IP ---Too technical and time consuming for end users
Thanks in advance
query session /SERVER:servername

How to programmatically setup a dialup connection

I have a question - is there some way to set a login and password for a certain dial up connection?
I am able to create a Dial Up connection, however I'm unable to "save" the password and login into Windows (so it would remember them).
Please note that I want to do it without the Windows GUI, ideally just using regedit/cmd or windows default tools (that can be executed from cmd).
I needed to do this for Windows CE so I used the remote registry editor to compare before and after adding a dial up connection. I found the settings in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Comm\RasBook\ConnectionAddedByMe], hopefully you can do the same locally.
