I'm trying to get the label of some network resources mapped as drives. When I use DriveInfo.GetDrives(), local volumes have the VolumeLabel filled parameter as expected, but in network drives it is an empty string. How can I get those labels?
You can use WMI for this - not sure of the exact query (it's been a while), but here's an example of how to get network drive free space:
I think replacing 'name' with 'VolumeName' in that example will give you what you need.
WMI reference here just in case:
Never use WMI
Use net apis.
I see cautions about treating network drives as looking like lettered drive. Can you turn it on its head?
So. What are the cautions about mapping a drive to a your-choice-of-name share in the usual way. For example share name "01-D-drive". In file explorer under network (for my local machine) I now have another "neater" more logical way to access my drives (shared with appropriate permissions) that gives me ordering and naming possibilities. Cautions might be raised that the performance is not the same--is it prohibitively expensive? Another step might be to map these "local" shares to a network path so I have top level access in file explorer to the "drives" e.g. define network resource to this local path //my-local-computer/01-D-drive. Where will this break down? Here's an example:
Open share on //my-local-computer to see (and use). --note: lettered drives are still there in file explorer
don't want to open share (surely even more overhead??) and reference in c
etc, etc and so forth. this silly editor is trashing my paragraphs--try adding a blank line
There's very little overhead in using the redirector to access local UNC shares instead of local drives. I don't think you'll see a difference in either throughput or latency.
PS: After actually testing this, there is quite a difference. Throughput is very close but latency (open file, dir scan, or recursive traversal) is much slower:
dir /s on 2012R2 file server, 20,000 dirs, 61,000 files:
local drive letter: 3 s
UNC share: 43 s
Using the event viewer, I can see that the event log has entries such as "The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk1\DR1." and "The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk1\DR7.".
Using VC++ code, I want to translate this device path (e.g. \Device\Harddisk1\DR1) to a drive letter such as C: wherever applicable (I understand that not all the devices will map to a drive letter).
Using FindFirstVolume and FindNextVolume I am able to loop through all the volumes and for each, I am using QueryDosDevice to get the device name and GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName to get the drive letter.
The problem I am having is that when I use the above method to get the device names, I end up with device names such as "\Device\HarddiskVolume3", "\Device\HarddiskVolume2", etc.
I do get these mapped to the drive letters. However, I am not sure how these map to the device name format I see in the event log entry.
So, in summary, my question is:
How do I map the device name format "\Device\HarddiskVolume%d" to the format "\Device\Harddisk%d\DR%d" where each %d is a number.
This isn't C++ code, but two applications written in C++ show this information, at least to check your results. I don't believe the source of either application is readily available.
NirSoft's DriveLetterView matches drive letter to \Device\HarddiskVolume%d in the Drive Letter and Device Path columns.
SysInternals' WinObj matches drive letter to \Device\HarddiskVolume%d and \Device\Harddisk%d\DR%d to PhysicalDrive%d.
Updating #Dan-H's answer:
NirSoft DriveLetterView doesn't show the DRnumber, as in \Device\Harddisk1\DR1
But it does show the \Device\HarddiskVolumeN and the \PhysicalDriveN and the X:\ drive letter
The \Device\HarddiskN number and the \PhysicalDriveN number are the same.
So knowing that, you can take the \Device\HarddiskN number from \Device\HarddiskN\DRx and look at the corresponding \PhysicalDriveN in DriveLetterView and then look at the corresponding X:\ drive letter.
WinObj has had some improvements since 2014. It's now up to v3.10 as of 07/20/2021.
Note, have to run as administrator, otherwise it doesn't show as much info.
Also note, sorting the columns is incredibly helpful in finding information. As is the new search.
GLOBAL?? is the most useful in the left nav pane.
Sorting GLOBAL?? by column Symbolic Link Target you can map
to \PhysicalDriveN
to Harddisk1Partition1
to \Device\HarddiskVolumeN
to X:\ drive letter
You can also use WinObj search to find these mappings.
The volume numbers do not match command line tool diskpart; that has its own volume numbering scheme. But the \PhysicalDriveN and HarddiskN appear to match diskpart numbering (but I'd confirm before relying on it).
I am using OpenVirtualDisk and AttachVirtualDisk functions to mount VHD files, but I couldn't find how to specify a drive letter while mounting the vhd file.
I would like to specify the drive letter for e.g (G:, H:, K: etc) to mount.
Can anyone please help?
Haven't tried it myself, but probably by attaching it without a drive letter first (see flags) and then calling SetVolumeMountPoint or DefineDosDevice yourself. Both allow you to pass in the desired drive letter. (Which of course carries a race condition. Even if you thought the drive letter was free, it may not be once you call SetVolumeMountPoint)
Given a drive letter, how do I get the OSImage InstallTo Partition ID and Disk ID without using the registry?
The WMI class Win32_DiskPartition is what I need. Now to figure out how to use WMI to get this information from a drive letter.
Win32_LogicalDisk is also useful, MSDN Example, and this stackoverflow answer.
Update: Hmm, this doesn't work! Not in the Windows Installer anyway (WMI is missing from Windows PE!!) so I am using the other answer QueryDosDevice (e.g. \\.\PhysicalDisk1\Partition0) and hacking it together. This sucks Microsoft, accept a damn path in your installer.
Answer: IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS works to get the Disk ID. And DeviceIoControl IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX (thanks TLama) gets me the Partition ID.
Have you tried simply calling QueryDosDevice?
I have several USB drives connected to a WinXP SP3 computer, and I need to tell them apart programatically - I need to find which drive letter corresponds to which device (in this case, one device ~ one volume). I can get their Volume IDs and drive letters using mountvol, looking something like this:
C:\WINDOWS\> mountvol
Also, using devcon or the Device Manager, I can see the device IDs:
C:\WINDOWS\> devcon resources *STOR*
Name: Generic volume
Name: Generic volume
Name: Kingston DataTraveler2.0 USB Device
However, I haven't found a way to link the device ID and the volume ID/letter, like the "Safely remove hardware" dialog does (therefore I assume it's possible):
(source: piskvor.org)
As you may see, these are the same devices that I see in devcon and the same volume that mountvol sees; but so far I haven't found the link between them.
I've found some related questions, but those seem to use the approach "whatever you find first is your USB device", which is not very useful in my case, since there will be several similar devices (same vendor, often same product type) connected.
#MSalters' answer looks promising: On XP, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices has REG_BINARY values \DosDevices\x: (where x is [A-Z]); the comment is (UTF-16) name of the correct device (e.g.
\DosDevices\A: = "\??\STORAGE#RemovableMedia#7&190c24e5&0&RM#{53f5630d-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}\", which corresponds to
STORAGE\REMOVABLEMEDIA\7&190C24E5&0&RM seen above in the device list).
Will see if that's the way to go.
It's a non-trivial question. There is no official API for it, as far as I can tell. So, you need an undocumented API: the registry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices contains entries for both drive letters and volume IDs. If you look at the actual data, you'll find that it identifies the drive. Look at the binary data as a Unicode string. It will point you to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ENUM\. However, XP and Vista differ in exactly what subkeys are referenced there, and how. (Vista is easier, so try that first).
There is an official API to do this. See this sample:
The principle is that each storage volume on Windows is assigned a global number. First, you ask your drive for its number (by opening "\X:" and sending a IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_DEVICE_NUMBER request). Second, you go over all disk devices and ask each one for its number (by opening it, through a different path, so you can't just string-compare).
Once you find a disk device carrying the same number as you queried your drive, you know you have a winner.