How to associate external files with an assembly - visual-studio

Let's say you have a class library project that has any number of supplemental files that also need to be included with the compiled assembly (e.g. simple text files or even a legacy unmanaged DLL that's wrapped by the assembly as an interop layer). While embedding the supplemental files into the assembly itself is relatively straightforward, we have situations where this is not possible or just undesirable. We need to have them as "sidecar" files (i.e. files alongside the assembly, potentially in subdirectories relative to the assembly)
Adding those files to the project with an appropriate value for "Copy to Output Directory" specified appears to be sufficient for projects that are completely self-contained within a solution. But if a separate project in another solution adds a reference to the assembly, it does not automatically pickup its sidecar files. Is there a way in the project to somehow mark the resulting assembly such that anything referencing the assembly will also know it needs to include the associated sidecar files? How do you do this?

You can use al.exe, but there also appears to be a C# compiler option. You want to create a multifile assembly using the /linkresource C# compiler option. Instructions are here, but the command is similar to this:
csc /linkresource:N.dll /t:library A.cs
Where N.dll is a native DLL that will go wherever the managed assembly goes (including into the GAC.) There's a very clear description at the link I provided.

Have you tried creating a setup for your solution ? There's an option of including sidecar files targeting to application installation directory.
Another option would be to include the sidecar files in the Assembly resources and un-wrap them to disk when run for the first time.

What if you create a merge module containing the library plus its dependencies? Your installer will then need to reference this module, but you will ensure all of the necessary files will be present.

Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a lot of built-in support in Visual Studio for this, although I can definitely see the use case.
If you use Subversion for your source control, then you could link in an external reference as an externals definition. This would bring in the source code, and you'd be making a reference to the necessary assembly as a project reference instead of a DLL reference, and then the copy to output directory rules would come into play.
If that's not possible, another solution would be to include commands in the pre/post-build events of your in-solution project to copy the most up-to-date sidecar files from the remote assembly on a build. Of course this comes with the caveat that it doesn't set itself up automatically when you include the DLL in your project; you have to take manual steps to set it up.

I deal with this some time ago. Its a common problem.
You can create some postbuild actions:
Hope this helps... :)

It appears to me that you're using the wrong type of reference. There are two types of references- Reference and ProjectReference. Reference is an explicit reference to a specific assembly. ProjectReference is a reference to another project (say .csproj).
What you're looking for is ProjectReference. VS and the default MSBuild targets are setup to do CopyLocal. If you set CopyToOutputPath true for your "sidecar" files, any ProjectReferences to this project now will also pull in the same files.
I'm not sure if you can to ProjectReferences across solutions in the IDE. I deal a lot with MSBuild where sln files are not relevant and this is how I deal with it.

What we did in our project is that we created as separate build file to do all those stuffs.
In your build file you can have tags to build your main solution, then add tags to copy files you need after build.
NAnt is also your option, but right now I'm happy using Rake as my build/debug automation.
Since this cannot be integrated within Visual Studio, what I'm doing is I create a task (either in MSBuild, NAnt or Rake), that executes vsjitdebugger.exe in the end to attach it to my Visual Studio when debugging.
These are just my styles for now, you can maybe create your own style.


How incorporate a MSBuild custom task into Visual Studio solution?

I have a project where there are files in a particular non-standard textual format. When these files are touched/modified, I want to run a certain custom compiler on them to generate XML, which is part of the output of the whole solution.
I'm considering creating a MSBuild task to do this. It will take as input the non-stadard file names and output the requisite XML files. The task will then be used in the other projects in the solution.
I want new developers on this project to have minimal setup. That means, I want to be able to take a clean copy of my solution directly from source control and have the build first build the custom task, then apply it as necessary to the other projects in the class.
I'm concerned that the build output of the project that builds the custom task needs to copy its output assembly to some known location so that the other projects can refer to it. What is the proper way of going about doing this?
You're about to walk into a mess here, because Visual Studio is going to lock the custom task Assembly when it's first used, thereby causing any further builds in Visual Studio (i.e. Build > Solution) to fail.
As #stijn commented, you should override the Build target and use another method of building the assembly with the custom task, e.g. using the Csc task or spawning another MSBuild.exe process (see answer to linked question).
The way I decided to go though was to create a separate solution, e.g. "Build Tools", containing the custom task assembly (among other tools), and required that it be built before anything else. I personally find the notion of checking-in prebuilt binaries of this source very unpalatable. If developers didn't want to build the Build Tools solution, they would copy the output from some nightly build.
Unfortunately there isn't an easy way of getting around "hardcoding" a known (relative) location. Using $(SolutionDir) usually works - just not if you try to run MSBuild on the project directly, instead of the solution (VS is a bit more intelligent when you open a project by itself).

How to pull output (.dll) from one project to another?

As the part of a bigger solution, I have two projects.
One is c++ library packed as a DLL, and other is .NET wrapper for it.
What would be the best way to indicate to Visual Studio that output DLL from first project is to be pulled into the destination folder of second project, and more: for projects that use wrapper, will they pick up also the DLL from the first one.
I could do it with post-build steps, but I'm after something more sophisticated. Is that possible?
EDIT: we could also ask: "How to add unmanaged reference?"
I guess I found a solution, that might be satisfying...
in wrapper project, I'll add a DLL that is now present in the output directory of the LIBRARY. Any configuration will do.
Pre-build step for the wrapper project should COPY output of the library that is currently configured to be built into the source directory directly
option for the file will be 'do not build' and 'copy to output directory if newer'
in version control, that file will be IGNORED by version control (I use svn, hope it's possible in others as well).

What is the best way for multiple solutions/projects to reference a common assembly?

I have several Visual Studio solutions/projects (some VB, some C#) that all reference a common DLL at design time. This DLL does not have to be copied to the output folder as it is only needed while writing code. Every few months this DLL will be updated to a newer version and all of my projects need to reference the updated version.
What is the best way to handle this?
You have to use a Shared Assembly, shared in GAC (Global Assembly Cache).
Say, you have programmed a class, a piece of software, whatever you have, and you want to make it a shared assembly.
First you make it an assembly by creating a new Class Library Project in VS and transporting all of the code to that project. Don’t build/run it yet! Note that we just transport the code but the assembly (the .DLL file) is not actually made yet, because we have not built the project yet.
Before building the assembly, we have to create/share a key by which the assembly is known, in 2 steps:
a) create the key by executing the cmd below in VS cmd:
sn -k "C:[DirectoryToPlaceKey][KeyName].key" b) share it by adding the attribute below to the AsseblyInfo.vb/cs file in the properties folder of your Class Library project:
In VB.Net:
In C#:
[Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("C:[directory containing the key file][KeyName].key")] (just copy and paste this into the AssemblyInfo.vb/cs file, but write your directory and file name instead).
Now, you MAKE the assembly by building the project. Just build the project (just press F5 once, at least!). By doing so, the .dll file we need (the assembly) is created in the “bin” folder in the same folder of the project.
Now we share it by Copying the .dll file into the GAC (Global Assembly Cache: it’s where all the assemblies are gathered together. The directory is: “C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL” but you don’t need to know that since the tool below does that for you~) by executing the command below in the VS cmd:
gacutil -I "C:[PathToBinDirectoryInVSProject]\myGAC.dll"
YOU'RE DONE! You may now reference and use the shared assembly from all your applications, and whenever you want to update, just update the shared assembly.
Hope that helps!
You can create nuget resources, and use Nuget Server (Lastest version of teamcity support it) - and all updates w'll be handled by nuget.
Other approach is to create common folder and all project point's to dll in this folder (relativly) in this case you need to udate dll in one folder (after rebuild solution dll'll be updated automaticly)
Ofcourse you can allways install dll in GAC (Global Assembly Cache) this is handled by tool called gacutil.exe (in net is lot of example how to handle it).

Visual Studio 2008, MSBuild: "replacement" projects

My solution has a library project which needs a special environment to be built (lots of external libraries and tools)... but it is not vital to our application. We'd like to avoid installing these tools when not necessary (most of our developers work on other parts of code).
We have created another project which has the same API, but has an empty implementation and is compilable without those external tools. I'd like to be able to easily switch between those projects and still get all the references in other projects correct.
I don't know VS/MSBuild very well, but willing to learn whatever is necessary. Is it possible? I am looking for ideas... We're using Subversion, and solutions involving some hacks inside VCS are also welcome.
It sounds as if your library project is one that can be separated from your primary solution, taking the tool baggage with it. Doing that, you could build the speciality solution separately, an link the compiled assembly from the main solution.
Create another build-configuration for your project.
So you will have at least 2 build-configurations e.g. Debug_SpecialNeeds and Debug.
For discussion, I'll assume you have a project directory containing your solution file, a "RealLibrary\RealLibrary.csproj" project file (your "real" library, with the dependencies), and a "MockLibrary\MockLibrary.csproj" file (your "mock" library, with the empty implementations).
If I understand correctly, you want to easily "swap" the MockLibrary for the RealLibrary in your solution, and vice-versa.
The easiest/hackiest way to do this, assuming your solution (and dependent projects) are configured to look for the "RealLibrary.csproj" project, is to rename the "RealLibrary" directory (it doesn't matter to what), and rename the "MockLibrary" directory to "RealLibrary" and rename "MockLibrary.csproj" to "RealLibrary.csproj". This will effectively "trick" your solution and dependent projects into loading the "mock library" even though they are referencing the "real library".
A slightly more complex (and perhaps cleaner) solution is to actually modify your "sln" and "csproj" files to reference "MockLibrary.csproj" instead of "RealLibrary.csproj". In the "sln" file, you'll need to change the path to the project in the section near the top:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
# Visual Studio 2008
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "RealLibrary", "RealLibrary\RealLibrary.csproj", "{E1714F9A-E1D9-4132-A561-AE2B4919391C}"
You need to change that path "RealLibrary\RealLibrary.csproj" to "MockLibrary\MockLibrary.csproj". If you're going for completeness, you can change the name as well (or perhaps just use a generic name like "Library" for the name).
Likewise, in the dependent csproj files, you'll need to find all instances of the "ProjectReference" node where you reference "RealLibrary.csproj" and modify the path. These sections look like this:
<ProjectReference Include="..\RealLibrary\RealLibrary.csproj">
You could relatively easily write some scripts to perform this swap. However, I think there's a deeper problem here that can be addressed more directly. I'll post that as a separate answer, but I wanted you to have the actual answer you were looking for first.
The deeper problem I see here is that your library "needs a special environment to be built", specifically because it depends on "lots of external libraries and tools". I would suggest that you NOT go down the path of creating the mock library, but instead focus on getting the library to build correctly without a special environment. You can achieve this by including all of those dependencies in source control along with your project, and reference those dependencies via relative paths inside your working copy. In my build environments, I try to avoid static environmental dependencies as much as possible (ideally limiting it just to the .NET framework itself).
To get the dependencies into source control, you can either check them directly into the project itself, or you can check them into a different location and then "reference" them in your project via svn:external definitions. In my environment, I have a separate "bin" repository used just for these kind of third party library dependencies, and then many dependent projects can pull them in via externals.
If you can eliminate your library's build-time environmental dependencies, your build will be much more robust and it will be much easier for developers to work with the project.

Visual Studio msbuild

I have a question regarding the commandline options of msbuild. I am
currently using msbuild to build projects using the existing solution
files. These solution files have references to external dll which have
different paths on each machine. I am currently writing a build script
and passing the specific path to the project file via the /p: switch of
My current build line is:
msbuild test.sln /p:ReferencePath="c:\abc" /p:ReferencePath="c:\rca"
What i have noticed that Reference Path now contains only c:\rca and
not c:\abc. this is causing problems for me since, the external dlls
lie in two different directorys. I am allowed to keep multiple
reference paths via visual studio, but not via the commandline.
Is there any known way by which i can do this
I believe you can use this /p:ReferencePath="c:\abc;c:\rca"
At least that is what that link is hinting at, they are using %3B to encode the ";" within the build file.
Although the correct syntax for providing more the one reference path is listed above, I would suggest solving the root cause which in my opinion is the different locations of your referenced assembly. I would suggest you put all thirdparty dependencies, apart from the framework assemblies in your source code repository for the following reasons:
Relatitve paths are consistent across computers
The source code is always in sink with the correct version of your thirdparty assembly (if you for instance need to build an old version of your software 2 years from now).
Upgrading your thirdparty assembly is as easy as upgrading on one machine and then committing your changes to the repository. (In a previous project we even went as far as checking in the entire java runtime environment and were quite happy with the given setup.)
Try seperating your pathes with a semi-colon (;)
Like this:
You may be better off by synchronizing your libraries across machines. I have found that Visual Studio makes this easy. Simply add a solution folder, and add your libraries there. Then, in each project, reference the libraries from this common place. This way, each developer has them in the same place.
This will remove one of variables you have when trying to script out builds.
The command line options for setting the reference path will work just fine (assuming you escape the semi colon, it seems both %3B and ; will work). However, when the argument was passed in from nant (and I needed multiple paths), creating a 'Visual Studio Project User Options file' seemed to work better.
I just emit (echo) a file to the file system with the following format:
<Project xmlns="">
I give the *.user file an appropriate name (given a project file MyProject.csproj, my user file would be MyProject.csproj.user)
