Sort numbers by sum algorithm - algorithm

I have a language-agnostic question about an algorithm.
This comes from a (probably simple) programming challenge I read. The problem is, I'm too stupid to figure it out, and curious enough that it is bugging me.
The goal is to sort a list of integers to ascending order by swapping the positions of numbers in the list. Each time you swap two numbers, you have to add their sum to a running total. The challenge is to produce the sorted list with the smallest possible running total.
3 2 1 - 4
1 8 9 7 6 - 41
8 4 5 3 2 7 - 34
Though you are free to just give the answer if you want, if you'd rather offer a "hint" in the right direction (if such a thing is possible), I would prefer that.

Only read the first two paragraph is you just want a hint. There is a an efficient solution to this (unless I made a mistake of course). First sort the list. Now we can write the original list as a list of products of disjoint cycles.
For example 5,3,4,2,1 has two cycles, (5,1) and (3,4,2). The cycle can be thought of as starting at 3, 4 is in 3's spot, 2 is in 4's spot, and 4 is in 3's. spot. The end goal is 1,2,3,4,5 or (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), five disjoint cycles.
If we switch two elements from different cycles, say 1 and 3 then we get: 5,1,4,2,3 and in cycle notation (1,5,3,4,2). The two cycles are joined into one cycle, this is the opposite of what we want to do.
If we switch two elements from the same cycle, say 3 and 4 then we get: 5,4,3,2,1 in cycle notation (5,1)(2,4)(3). The one cycle is split into two smaller cycles. This gets us closer to the goal of all cycles of length 1. Notice that any switch of two elements in the same cycle splits the cycle into two cycles.
If we can figure out the optimal algorithm for switching one cycle we can apply that for all cycles and get an optimal algorithm for the entire sort. One algorithm is to take the minimum element in the cycle and switch it with the the whose position it is in. So for (3,4,2) we would switch 2 with 4. This leaves us with a cycle of length 1 (the element just switched into the correct position) and a cycle of size one smaller than before. We can then apply the rule again. This algorithm switches the smallest element cycle length -1 times and every other element once.
To transform a cycle of length n into cycles of length 1 takes n - 1 operations. Each element must be operated on at least once (think about each element to be sorted, it has to be moved to its correct position). The algorithm I proposed operates on each element once, which all algorithms must do, then every other operation was done on the minimal element. No algorithm can do better.
This algorithm takes O(n log n) to sort then O(n) to mess with cycles. Solving one cycle takes O(cycle length), the total length of all cycles is n so cost of the cycle operations is O(n). The final run time is O(n log n).

I'm assuming memory is free and you can simulate the sort before performing it on the real objects.
One approach (that is likely not the fastest) is to maintain a priority queue. Each node in the queue is keyed by the swap cost to get there and it contains the current item ordering and the sequence of steps to achieve that ordering. For example, initially it would contain a 0-cost node with the original data ordering and no steps.
Run a loop that dequeues the lowest-cost queue item, and enqueues all possible single-swap steps starting at that point. Keep running the loop until the head of the queue has a sorted list.

I did a few attempts at solving one of the examples by hand:
1 8 9 7 6
6 8 9 7 1 (+6+1=7)
6 8 1 7 9 (7+1+9=17)
6 8 7 1 9 (17+1+7=25)
6 1 7 8 9 (25+1+8=34)
1 6 7 8 9 (34+1+6=41)
Since you needed to displace the 1, it seems that you may have to do an exhaustive search to complete the problem - the details of which were already posted by another user. Note that you will encounter problems if the dataset is large when doing this method.
If the problem allows for "close" answers, you can simply make a greedy algorithm that puts the largest item into position - either doing so directly, or by swapping the smallest element into that slot first.

Comparisons and traversals apparently come for free, you can pre-calculate the "distance" a number must travel (and effectively the final sort order). The puzzle is the swap algorithm.
Minimizing overall swaps is obviously important.
Minimizing swaps of larger numbers is also important.
I'm pretty sure an optimal swap process cannot be guaranteed by evaluating each ordering in a stateless fashion, although you might frequently come close (not the challenge).

I think there is no trivial solution to this problem, and my approach is likely no better than the priority queue approach.
Find the smallest number, N.
Any pairs of numbers that occupy each others' desired locations should be swapped, except for N.
Assemble (by brute force) a collection of every set of numbers that can be mutually swapped into their desired locations, such that the cost of sorting the set amongst itself is less than the cost of swapping every element of the set with N.
These sets will comprise a number of cycles. Swap within those cycles in such a way that the smallest number is swapped twice.
Swap all remaining numbers, which comprise a cycle including N, using N as a placeholder.

As a hint, this reeks of dynamic programming; that might not be precise enough a hint to help, but I'd rather start with too little!

You are charged by the number of swaps, not by the number of comparisons. Nor did you mention being charged for keeping other records.


Big O runtime analysis for 3-way recursion with memoization

I'm doing some practice interview questions and came across this one:
Given a list of integers which represent hedge heights, determine the minimum number of moves to make the hedges pretty - that is, compute the minimum number of changes needed to make the array alternate between increasing and decreasing. For example, [1,6,6,4,4] should return 2 as you need to change the second 6 to something >6 and the last 4 to something <4. Assume the min height is 1 and the max height is 9. You can change to any number that is between 1 and 9, and that counts as 1 move regardless of the diff to the current number.
My solution is here:
I'm trying to figure out the big O runtime for this solution, which is memoized recursion. I think it's O(n^3) because for each index, I need to check against 3 possible states for the rest of the array, changeUp, noChange, and changeDown. My friend maintains that it's O(n) since I'm memoizing most of the solutions and exiting branches where the array is not "pretty" immediately.
Can someone help me understand how to analyze the runtime for this solution? Thanks.

Why does Floyd's cycle finding algorithm fail for certain pointer increment speeds?

Consider the following linked list:
The above list has a loop as follows:
Drawing the linked list on a whiteboard, I tried manually solving it for different pointer steps, to see how the pointers move around -
(slow_pointer_increment, fast_pointer_increment)
So, the pointers for different cases are as follows:
(1,2), (2,3), (1,3)
The first two pairs of increments - (1,2) and (2,3) worked fine, but when I use the pair (1,3), the algorithm does not seem to work on this pair. Is there a rule as to by how much we need to increment the steps for this algorithm to hold true?
Although I searched for various increment steps for the slower and the faster pointer, I haven't so far found a single relevant answer as to why it is not working for the increment (1,3) on this list.
The algorithm can easily be shown to be guaranteed to find a cycle starting from any position if the difference between the pointer increments and the cycle length are coprimes (i.e. their greatest common divisor must be 1).
For the general case, this means the difference between the increments must be 1 (because that's the only positive integer that's coprime to all other positive integers).
For any given pointer increments, if the values aren't coprimes, it may still be guaranteed to find a cycle, but one would need to come up with a different way to prove that it will find a cycle.
For the example in the question, with pointer increments of (1,3), the difference is 3-1=2, and the cycle length is 6. 2 and 6 are not coprimes, thus it's not known whether the algorithm is guaranteed to find the cycle in general. It does seem like this might actually be guaranteed to find the cycle (including for the example in the question), even though it doesn't reach every position (which applies with coprime, as explained below), but I don't have a proof for this at the moment.
The key to understanding this is that, at least for the purposes of checking whether the pointers ever meet, the slow and fast pointers' positions within the cycle only matters relative to each other. That is, these two can be considered equivalent: (the difference is 1 for both)
slow fast slow fast
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
0→1→2→3→4→5→0 0→1→2→3→4→5→0
So we can think of this in terms of the position of slow remaining constant and fast moving at an increment of fastIncrement-slowIncrement, at which point the problem becomes:
Starting at any position, can we reach a specific position moving at some speed (mod cycle length)?
Or, more generally:
Can we reach every position moving at some speed (mod cycle length)?
Which will only be true if the speed and cycle length are coprimes.
For example, look at a speed of 4 and a cycle of length 6 - starting at 0, we visit:
0, 4, 8%6=2, 6%6=0, 4, 2, 0, ... - GCD(4,6) = 2, and we can only visit every second element.
To see this in action, consider increments of (1,5) (difference = 4) for the example given above and see that the pointers will never meet.
I should note that, to my knowledge at least, the (1,2) increment is considered a fundamental part of the algorithm.
Using different increments (as per the above constraints) might work, but it would be a move away from the "official" algorithm and would involve more work (since a pointer to a linked-list must be incremented iteratively, you can't increment it by more than 1 in a single step) without any clear advantage for the general case.
Bernhard Barker explanation is spot on.
I am simply adding on to it.
Why should the difference of speeds between the pointers and the cycle length be
coprime numbers?
Take a scenario where the difference of speeds between pointers(say v) and cycle length(say L) are not coprime.
So there exists a GCD(v,L) greater than 1 (say G).
Therefore, we have
v=difference of speeds between pointers
L=Length of the cycle(i.e. the number of nodes in the cycle)
Since we are considering only relative positions, essentially the slow is stationary and the fast is moving at a relative speed v.
Let fast be at some node in the cycle.
Since G is a divisor of L we can divide the cycle into G/L parts. Start dividing from where fast is located.
Now, v is a multiple of G (say v=nG).
Every time the fast pointer moves it will jump across n parts. So in each part the pointer arrives on a single node(basically the last node of a part). Each and every time the fast pointer will land on the ending node of every part. Refer the image below
Example image
As mentioned above by Bernhard, the question we need to answer is
Can we reach every position moving at some speed?
The answer is no if we have a GCD existing. As we see the fast pointer will only cover the last nodes in every part.

Highest possible sum across 2D array

What is the best way to find the highest possible sum across a 2D integer array? You can't repeat columns and rows. Eg.
1 3 6
4 5 2
3 1 3
Max sum: 3+5+6=14
I know there is a method called the Hungarian algorithm, but that seems to be more suitable for finding minimum sum.
Yes, you can use the hungarian algorithm.
You need to modify the search criteria to look for largest sum instead of the smallest on. You also need to run Bellman-Ford instead of Dijkstra for the search component (because Dijkstra can't compute maximum sum path).
You can't run into a constantly increasing loop because the selected nodes are already paired using their maximum value, so any change would yield a lower total sum. The algorithm will chose to rearrange the connections if the loss from the already connected nodes is less than the gain from the newly connected one. You don't need to worry about it.

Minimum number of operation needed to sort a sequence of numbers in stack

We have N numbers in a stack and we want to sort them with minimum number of operations. The only available operation is reversing last K numbers in top of the stack (K can be between 2 and N).
For example to sort sequence "2 3 4 5 1", we need 2 steps:
2 3 4 5 1 ---> 1 5 4 3 2 ---> 1 2 3 4 5
Is there any polynomial algorithm to find minimum number of steps needed?
I think you are talking about the famous Pancake sorting algorithm.
Quoting from wikipedia : "The maximum number of flips required to sort
any stack of n pancakes has been shown to lie between (15/14)n and (18/11)n,
but the exact value is not known. The simplest pancake sorting algorithm requires
at most 2n−3 flips.
In this algorithm, a variation of selection sort, we bring the largest pancake
not yet sorted to the top with one flip, and then take it down to its final
position with one more, then repeat this for the remaining pancakes.
Note that we do not count the time needed to find the largest pancake, only the
number of flips; if we wished to create a real machine to execute this algorithm
in linear time, it would have to both perform prefix reversal (flips) and be
able to find the maximum of a range of consecutive numbers in constant time"
It can be done in 2N-3 steps (worst case)
Find the position of '1'
Shuffle it to the end (one step)
Shuffle it to the beginning (reverse all N)
Find the position of 2
Shuffle to the end
Shuffle to the beginning (reverse last N-1)
When you get to consider element N-1, it is either already in the right place, or at the end. Worst case you need one more reversal to finish. This gives you 2N-3.
It is possible you can do better for a given sequence when you take advantage of some intrinsic order. I have a hunch that an initial step that maximizes the "order" of elements might be good- that is, do an initial step such that the "number of elements that have all elements smaller than them to their left" is greatest. For example, starting with 43215, an initial complete reversal gives 51234 (order number =3), after which my algorithm gets the correct order in just two steps. I'm not sure if this is general.

Quickly determine if number divides any element in a set

Is there an algorithm that can quickly determine if a number is a factor of a given set of numbers ?
For example, 12 is a factor of [24,33,52] while 5 is not.
Is there a better approach than linear search O(n)? The set will contain a few million elements. I don't need to find the number, just a true or false result.
If a large number of numbers are checked against a constant list one possible approach to speed up the process is to factorize the numbers in the list into their prime factors first. Then put the list members in a dictionary and have the prime factors as the keys. Then when a number (potential factor) comes you first factorize it into its prime factors and then use the constructed dictionary to check whether the number is a factor of the numbers which can be potentially multiples of the given number.
I think in general O(n) search is what you will end up with. However, depending on how large the numbers are in general, you can speed up the search considerably assuming that the set is sorted (you mention that it can be) by observing that if you are searching to find a number divisible by D and you have currently scanned x and x is not divisible by D, the next possible candidate is obviously at floor([x + D] / D) * D. That is, if D = 12 and the list is
5 11 13 19 22 25 27
and you are scanning at 13, the next possible candidate number would be 24. Now depending on the distribution of your input, you can scan forwards using binary search instead of linear search, as you are searching now for the least number not less than 24 in the list, and the list is sorted. If D is large then you might save lots of comparisons in this way.
However from pure computational complexity point of view, sorting and then searching is going to be O(n log n), whereas just a linear scan is O(n).
For testing many potential factors against a constant set you should realize that if one element of the set is just a multiple of two others, it is irrelevant and can be removed. This approach is a variation of an ancient algorithm known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Trading start-up time for run-time when testing a huge number of candidates:
Pick the smallest number >1 in the set
Remove any multiples of that number, except itself, from the set
Repeat 2 for the next smallest number, for a certain number of iterations. The number of iterations will depend on the trade-off with start-up time
You are now left with a much smaller set to exhaustively test against. For this to be efficient you either want a data structure for your set that allows O(1) removal, like a linked-list, or just replace "removed" elements with zero and then copy non-zero elements into a new container.
I'm not sure of the question, so let me ask another: Is 12 a factor of [6,33,52]? It is clear that 12 does not divide 6, 33, or 52. But the factors of 12 are 2*2*3 and the factors of 6, 33 and 52 are 2*2*2*3*3*11*13. All of the factors of 12 are present in the set [6,33,52] in sufficient multiplicity, so you could say that 12 is a factor of [6,33,52].
If you say that 12 is not a factor of [6,33,52], then there is no better solution than testing each number for divisibility by 12; simply perform the division and check the remainder. Thus 6%12=6, 33%12=9, and 52%12=4, so 12 is not a factor of [6.33.52]. But if you say that 12 is a factor of [6,33,52], then to determine if a number f is a factor of a set ns, just multiply the numbers ns together sequentially, after each multiplication take the remainder modulo f, report true immediately if the remainder is ever 0, and report false if you reach the end of the list of numbers ns without a remainder of 0.
Let's take two examples. First, is 12 a factor of [6,33,52]? The first (trivial) multiplication results in 6 and gives a remainder of 6. Now 6*33=198, dividing by 12 gives a remainder of 6, and we continue. Now 6*52=312 and 312/12=26r0, so we have a remainder of 0 and the result is true. Second, is 5 a factor of [24,33,52]? The multiplication chain is 24%5=5, (5*33)%5=2, and (2*52)%5=4, so 5 is not a factor of [24,33,52].
A variant of this algorithm was recently used to attack the RSA cryptosystem; you can read about how the attack worked here.
Since the set to be searched is fixed any time spent organising the set for search will be time well spent. If you can get the set in memory, then I expect that a binary tree structure will suit just fine. On average searching for an element in a binary tree is an O(log n) operation.
If you have reason to believe that the numbers in the set are evenly distributed throughout the range [0..10^12] then a binary search of a sorted set in memory ought to perform as well as searching a binary tree. On the other hand, if the middle element in the set (or any subset of the set) is not expected to be close to the middle value in the range encompassed by the set (or subset) then I think the binary tree will have better (practical) performance.
If you can't get the entire set in memory then decomposing it into chunks which will fit into memory and storing those chunks on disk is probably the way to go. You would store the root and upper branches of the set in memory and use them to index onto the disk. The depth of the part of the tree which is kept in memory is something you should decide for yourself, but I'd be surprised if you needed more than the root and 2 levels of branch, giving 8 chunks on disk.
Of course, this only solves part of your problem, finding whether a given number is in the set; you really want to find whether the given number is the factor of any number in the set. As I've suggested in comments I think any approach based on factorising the numbers in the set is hopeless, giving an expected running time beyond polynomial time.
I'd approach this part of the problem the other way round: generate the multiples of the given number and search for each of them. If your set has 10^7 elements then any given number N will have about (10^7)/N multiples in the set. If the given number is drawn at random from the range [0..10^12] the mean value of N is 0.5*10^12, which suggests (counter-intuitively) that in most cases you will only have to search for N itself.
And yes, I am aware that in many cases you would have to search for many more values.
This approach would parallelise relatively easily.
A fast solution which requires some precomputation:
Organize your set in a binary tree with the following rules:
Numbers of the set are on the leaves.
The root of the tree contains r the minimum of all prime numbers that divide a number of the set.
The left subtree correspond to the subset of multiples of r (divided by r so that r won't be repeated infinitly).
The right subtree correspond to the subset of numbers not multiple of r.
If you want to test if a number N divides some element of the set, compute its prime decomposition and go through the tree until you reach a leaf. If the leaf contains a number then N divides it, else if the leaf is empty then N divides no element in the set.
Simply calculate the product of the set and mod the result with the test factor.
In your example
{24,33,52} P=41184
Tf 12: 41184 mod 12 = 0 True
Tf 5: 41184 mod 5 = 4 False
The set can be broken into chunks if calculating the product would overflow the arithmetic of the calculator, but huge numbers are possible by storing a strings.
