Impersonate another user in Visual SourceSafe - visual-sourcesafe

We had an employee leave the company, and they left some files checked out in our VSS database. What is the best way to impersonate that user, so I can release those files?

Within ssadmin you can reset their VSS password (so that you know what their VSS password is, so that you can then log in as them using their password).

You could try logging in as an admin and undoing their checkout. You'd lose any work they did locally but if you only care about releasing the file lock it doesn't matter.

The admin can undo the checkout.


TFS just reject my credentials. is there a way to reset credentials or create a new instance?

I was trying to check in some changes to tfs, then I got a prompt asking me for my credentials. My password seems not to work anymore (I don't know why). Since the tfs is for my own personal use and installed on my local machine, I'd just to start over, i.e. created a new instance of the source control.
First of all, is there a way, I can reset the password? If not, how do I create an new instance of tfs on my machine?
Thanks for helping.
Clean the Cache folder under: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\x.0\Cache.
Go to Control Panel--Credential Manager, remove all credentials.
Go to Team Explorer--Manage Connections--Connect to Team Project, click Servers, and remove your TFS, then re-add it.

TFS expired user

As usual I extensively searched for a solution before asking here, I'm really stuck.
I'm currently working on a customer TFS server and I have no administration rights whatsoever. Me and a colleague were using the same user account, which I know is a bad practice but again I had no choice here.
Today we found out that the account is expired and the customer is saying that it will not be reactivated. Instead they gave us a new account.
The problem is that in our local workspaces we had some uncommited changes. I'm trying to find a way to reassing the local workspace to a different user but every path I tried leads to a dead end.
One thing I tried was to access the current workspace and set it to "Public" so another user can work on it, but I can't access the current workspace as I am offline and the user is expired.
If I change TFS credentials and try to Get Latest Version or anything else I don't see the old workspace but only the workspace(s) of the new user, which has no "Use" access to my local workspace.
I also read that a manual merge of the changes (using KDiff or Winmerge) is discouraged as TFS doesn't see edits done outside VS so it wouldn't know the files have been modified. I personally noted this behaviour when I tried to change some nodes in .csproj files with Notepad++ and TFS didn't give me the file in the pending changes.
Anyone knows the proper way to work with a new user without losing the local changes?
1)Create a branch for the latest change set from the server
2) Check out the files to your workspace
3) Overwrite the files in worspace
4) Now the branch contains your changes
5) Merge the branch which contains your chnages with the latest.
You have three options:
If you are using TFS 2012+ and VS 2012+ you can create a new workspace as the new user and make it a 'local' workspace rather than a server workspace. Then just drop the changes in a VS will detect them.
If you are using an old version of TFS and/or VS you can use the 'go online' option (2010 only)
If you are using a really old version you may need to checkout the entire workspace before dropping the changes back in.
Update: In order to achieve a merge of the changes you could create a branch from the last/latest changeset that you 'got' from the server. Then just overwrite you files... You now have a branch with just your changes and you can then user the merge tool to stitch it back together.
note: Also note that you should check in code frequently (at least daily) to avoid this issue in the first place.

How can I regain access to my Team Foundation Server Workspace?

I restarted IIS on our TFS server, and ever since then I haven't been able to access my workspace.
Regardless of what I do, it continually creates a workspace owned by a service account, and not my corporate account.
A couple days ago I had opened SSMS 2008 with "Run as different user" and used that service account. That's the only way I can think that it got in the picture.
So if I run tf workspaces /owner:* I see two workspaces, one owned by me, and one owned by the service.
When I open VS2010, it loads the workspace owned by the service account, and I can't view the other workspaces. Running tf /delete on the wrong one deletes it and running tf /remove:* clears my cache, but when I open VS2010, it is created again.
I tried running VS2010 with "Run as different user" and used my credentials, with no luck.
Anyone have any ideas as to how to get my workspace back??
You can change the owner of a workspace using the /newowner flag to the tf workspace command. For example:
tf workspace /collection:http://server:8080/DefaultCollection workspaceName;oldOwner /newowner:newOwner
This should work as a stopgap measure to allow your old workspace to be owned by the service account. To update this, make sure that you do not have credentials saved for your TFS server in Control Panel -> Credential Manager. These credentials will always override your logged in user credentials or anything specified to runas.
So, not an answer, but a workaround.
I set the actual workspace to public, and now I can at least load it.
I have no idea why VS/TFS thinks I am a service account.
EDIT: Turns out I had the service account credentials for the tfs server saved in Credential Manager. Removing the credentials and restarting VS2010 resolved the issue.

How to make Source Safe read only?

Recently we migrated from VSS to SVN. But I don't want VSS removed totally, instead I want everyone can access it read only? Is it possible? How?
In VSS admin you can set each user to be read-only.

windows security

Good day
Im trying to implement a read/write privilege in a folder but no delete rights in windows server 2003. Does anyone knows how to set this kind of security? Thanks
"Change" permission is "RXWD" (read, execute, write, delete).
So if you remove the Delete right for that user it should work. Make sure you apply this permission to the folder, subfolders and all files. Also verify effective permissions for that this user (e.g. that this user is not part of some other group where he/she may get extra unwanted permissions)
The answer might be to use "DACL"s.
Had you tried the "Advanced" button?
