Oracle Hierarchical Query Performance - performance

We're looking at using Oracle Hierarchical queries to model potentially very large tree structures (potentially infinitely wide, and depth of 30+). My understanding is that hierarchal queries provide a method to write recursively joining SQL but they it does not provide any real performance enhancements over if you were to manually write an equivalent query... is this the case? What sort of experiences have people had, performance wise, with using oracle hierarchical queries?

Well the short answer is that without the hierarchical extension (connect by) you couldn't write a recursive query. You could programmitically issue many queries which were recurisively linked.
The rule of thumb with everything database is, especially oracle, is that if you can issue your result in a single query it will almost always be faster than doing it programatically.

My experiences have been with much smaller sets, so I can't speak for how well heirarchical queries will perform for large sets.
When doing these tree retrievals, you typically have these options
Query everything and assemble the tree on the client side.
Perform one query for each level of the tree, building on what you know that you need from the previous query results
Use the built in stuff Oracle provides (START WITH,CONNECT BY PRIOR).
Doing it all in the database will reduce unnecessary round trips or wasteful queries that pull too much data.

Try partitioning the data within you hierarchical table and then limiting the partition included in the query.
(key NUMBER, key_hier number, info VARCHAR2, part NUMBER)
RANGE (part)
loopy PARTITION(mid)
key = key_hier
key = <some value>;
The interesting problem now becomes your partitioning strategy. Oracle provides several options.

I've seen that using connect by can be slow but compared to what? There isn't really another option except building a result set using recursive PL/SQL calls (slower) or doing it on your client side.
You could try separating your data into a mapping (hierarchy definition) and lookup tables (the display data) and then joining them back together. I guess I wouldn't expect much of a gain assuming you are getting the hierarchy data from indexed fields but its worth a try.
Have you tried it using the connect by yet? I'm a big fan of trying different variations.


How does oracle manage a hash partition

I understand the concept of range partitioning. If i have a date column and i partition on that column based on month, then if my query has a where clause just filtering for a month, then i can hit a particular partition and get my data, without hitting the full table.
In Oracle docs i read that if a logical partitioning like 'month' is not available,(e.g, you partition on a column called customer id) ,then use a hash partitioning. So how will this work? Oracle will randomly divide the data and assign it to different partitions and assign a hash code to each partition?
But in this situation, when new data comes in, how does oracle know in which partition to put the new data? And when i query data, it seems there is no way to avoid hitting multiple partitions?
"how does oracle know in which partition to put the new data?"
From the documentation
Oracle Database uses a linear hashing algorithm and to prevent data
from clustering within specific partitions, you should define the
number of partitions by a power of two (for example, 2, 4, 8).
As for your other question ...
"when i query data, it seems there is no way to avoid hitting multiple
If you're searching for a single Customer ID then no. Oracle's hashing algorithm is consistent, so records with the same partition key end up in the same partition (obviously). But if you are searching for, say, all the new customers from the last month then yes. Oracle's hashing algorithm will strive to distribute records evenly so the latest records will be spread across the whole table.
So the real question is, why do we choose to partition a table? Performance is often the least compelling reason to partition. Better reasons include
availability each partition can reside on a different tablespace. Hence a problem with a tablespace will take out a slice of the table's data instead of the whole thing.
management partitioning provides a mechanism for splitting whole table jobs into clear batches. Partition exchange can make it easier to bulk load data.
As for performance, physical co-location of records can speed up some queries- those which are searching records by a defined range of keys. However, any queries which don't match the grain of the query won't perform faster (and may even perform slower) than a non-partitioned table.
Hash partitioning is unlikely to provide performance benefits, precisely because it shuffles the keys across the whole table. It will provide the availability and manageability benefits of partitioning (but is obviously not particularly amenable to partition exchange).
A hash is not random, it divides the data in a repeatable (but perhaps difficult-to-predict) fashion so that the same ID will always map to the same partition.
Oracle uses a hash algorithm that should usually spread the data evenly between partitions.

HBase Inner join and coprocessors

I am planning to do a project for implementing all aggregation operations in HBase. But I don’t know about its difficulty. I have only 6 months for completing that project. Should I go forward with it? I am planning to do it in java. I know that there are already some aggregation functions. But there in no INNER JOIN like queries now. I am planning to implement such type of queries. I don't know it’s a blunder or bluff.
I think technically we should distinguish two types of joins:
a) One small table + One Big Table. By small table I mean table which can be cached in memory of each node w/o seriously affecting cluster operation. In this case Join using coprocessor should be be possible by putting small table in the hash map, iterating over the node local part of the data of the big table and this way producing join results. In the Hive's term it is called "map" join
b) Two big tables. I do not think it is viable to get it production quality in short time frame. I might state that such functionality is realm of MPP databases and serious part of their IP.
It is definitely harder in HBase than doing it in an RDBMS or a different Hadoop technology like PIG or Hive.

Why is Solr so much faster than Postgres?

I recently switched from Postgres to Solr and saw a ~50x speed up in our queries. The queries we run involve multiple ranges, and our data is vehicle listings. For example: "Find all vehicles with mileage < 50,000, $5,000 < price < $10,000, make=Mazda..."
I created indices on all the relevant columns in Postgres, so it should be a pretty fair comparison. Looking at the query plan in Postgres though it was still just using a single index and then scanning (I assume because it couldn't make use of all the different indices).
As I understand it, Postgres and Solr use vaguely similar data structures (B-trees), and they both cache data in-memory. So I'm wondering where such a large performance difference comes from.
What differences in architecture would explain this?
First, Solr doesn't use B-trees. A Lucene (the underlying library used by Solr) index is made of a read-only segments. For each segment, Lucene maintains a term dictionary, which consists of the list of terms that appear in the segment, lexicographically sorted. Looking up a term in this term dictionary is made using a binary search, so the cost of a single-term lookup is O(log(t)) where t is the number of terms. On the contrary, using the index of a standard RDBMS costs O(log(d)) where d is the number of documents. When many documents share the same value for some field, this can be a big win.
Moreover, Lucene committer Uwe Schindler added support for very performant numeric range queries a few years ago. For every value of a numeric field, Lucene stores several values with different precisions. This allows Lucene to run range queries very efficiently. Since your use-case seems to leverage numeric range queries a lot, this may explain why Solr is so much faster. (For more information, read the javadocs which are very interesting and give links to relevant research papers.)
But Solr can only do this because it doesn't have all the constraints that a RDBMS has. For example, Solr is very bad at updating a single document at a time (it prefers batch updates).
You didn't really say much about what you did to tune your PostgreSQL instance or your queries. It's not unusual to see a 50x speed up on a PostgreSQL query through tuning and/or restating your query in a format which optimizes better.
Just this week there was a report at work which someone had written using Java and multiple queries in a way which, based on how far it had gotten in four hours, was going to take roughly a month to complete. (It needed to hit five different tables, each with hundreds of millions of rows.) I rewrote it using several CTEs and a window function so that it ran in less than ten minutes and generated the desired results straight out of the query. That's a 4400x speed up.
Perhaps the best answer to your question has nothing to do with the technical details of how searches can be performed in each product, but more to do with ease of use for your particular use case. Clearly you were able to find the fast way to search with Solr with less trouble than PostgreSQL, and it may not come down to anything more than that.
I am including a short example of how text searches for multiple criteria might be done in PostgreSQL, and how a few little tweaks can make a large performance difference. To keep it quick and simple I'm just running War and Peace in text form into a test database, with each "document" being a single text line. Similar techniques can be used for arbitrary fields using the hstore type or JSON columns, if the data must be loosely defined. Where there are separate columns with their own indexes, the benefits to using indexes tend to be much bigger.
-- Create the table.
-- In reality, I would probably make tsv NOT NULL,
-- but I'm keeping the example simple...
CREATE TABLE war_and_peace
lineno serial PRIMARY KEY,
linetext text NOT NULL,
tsv tsvector
-- Load from downloaded data into database.
COPY war_and_peace (linetext)
FROM '/home/kgrittn/Downloads/war-and-peace.txt';
-- "Digest" data to lexemes.
UPDATE war_and_peace
SET tsv = to_tsvector('english', linetext);
-- Index the lexemes using GiST.
-- To use GIN just replace "gist" below with "gin".
CREATE INDEX war_and_peace_tsv
ON war_and_peace
USING gist (tsv);
-- Make sure the database has statistics.
VACUUM ANALYZE war_and_peace;
Once set up for indexing, I show a few searches with row counts and timings with both types of indexes:
-- Find lines with "gentlemen".
SELECT * FROM war_and_peace
WHERE tsv ## to_tsquery('english', 'gentlemen');
84 rows, gist: 2.006 ms, gin: 0.194 ms
-- Find lines with "ladies".
SELECT * FROM war_and_peace
WHERE tsv ## to_tsquery('english', 'ladies');
184 rows, gist: 3.549 ms, gin: 0.328 ms
-- Find lines with "ladies" and "gentlemen".
SELECT * FROM war_and_peace
WHERE tsv ## to_tsquery('english', 'ladies & gentlemen');
1 row, gist: 0.971 ms, gin: 0.104 ms
Now, since the GIN index was about 10 times faster than the GiST index you might wonder why anyone would use GiST for indexing text data. The answer is that GiST is generally faster to maintain. So if your text data is highly volatile the GiST index might win on overall load, while the GIN index would win if you are only interested in search time or for a read-mostly workload.
Without the index the above queries take anywhere from 17.943 ms to 23.397 ms since they must scan the entire table and check for a match on each row.
The GIN indexed search for rows with both "ladies" and "gentlemen" is over 172 times faster than a table scan in exactly the same database. Obviously the benefits of indexing would be more dramatic with bigger documents than were used for this test.
The setup is, of course, a one-time thing. With a trigger to maintain the tsv column, any changes made would instantly be searchable without redoing any of the setup.
With a slow PostgreSQL query, if you show the table structure (including indexes), the problem query, and the output from running EXPLAIN ANALYZE of your query, someone can almost always spot the problem and suggest how to get it to run faster.
UPDATE (Dec 9 '16)
I didn't mention what I used to get the prior timings, but based on the date it probably would have been the 9.2 major release. I just happened across this old thread and tried it again on the same hardware using version 9.6.1, to see whether any of the intervening performance tuning helps this example. The queries for only one argument only increased in performance by about 2%, but searching for lines with both "ladies" and "gentlemen" about doubled in speed to 0.053 ms (i.e., 53 microseconds) when using the GIN (inverted) index.
Solr is designed primarily for searching data, not for storage. This enables it to discard much of the functionality required from an RDMS. So it (or rather lucene) concentrates on purely indexing data.
As you've no doubt discovered, Solr enables the ability to both search and retrieve data from it's index. It's the latter (optional) capability that leads to the natural question... "Can I use Solr as a database?"
The answer is a qualified yes, and I refer you to the following:
Using Solr search index as a database - is this "wrong"?
For the guardian solr is the new database
My personal opinion is that Solr is best thought of as a searchable cache between my application and the data mastered in my database. That way I get the best of both worlds.
This biggest difference is that a Lucene/Solr index is like a single-table database without any support for relational queries (JOINs). Remember that an index is usually only there to support search and not to be the primary source of the data. So your database may be in "third normal form" but the index will be completely be de-normalized and contain mostly just the data needed to be searched.
Another possible reason is generally databases suffer from internal fragmentation, they need to perform too much semi-random I/O tasks on huge requests.
What that means is, for example, considering the index architecture of a databases, the query leads to the indexes which in turn lead to the data. If the data to recover is widely spread, the result will take long and that seems to be what happens in databases.
Please read this and this.
Solr (Lucene) creates an inverted index which is where retrieving data gets quite faster. I read that PostgreSQL also has similar facility but not sure if you had used that.
The performance differences that you observed can also be accounted to "what is being searched for ?", "what are the user queries ?"

Super large matrix generation from MySQL tables?

I have two MySQL tables with one containing a set of 6000 users and another set of 10000 ratings they have provided for products. I'd like to make a matrix of feature vectors that have for each row that denotes a user a 1 or 0 if they have given a rating to a particular product (or even the rating value). What is the best way to accomplish this (given too that the matrix will be sparse?).
I'm curious as to what implementations I can test out with tools at my disposal (like MySQL or MATLAB) - the end purpose is to perform clustering of similar users. Somehow I think a 10,000 column MySQL table won't make my db admin happy... at all.
The obvious way of storing a sparse matrix in SQL is to use three columns, where user and product together are the primary key, and the extra column is the rating.
It does not make sense to do the actual processing with the SQL database. This is just a huge overhead, and makes things slow. Just get the data out into a primitive and fast data structure, do the analysis, then eventually translate the output in whatever output format you need.
SQL is good when you need only part of the data or have to perform changes, need locking and all this. But I'd never run the computation directly on the database, because unless you can load your low-level linear algebra libraries into your database, it will be slow.

SQL query to search faster or using hash table

If I am looking for a record in the database, is writing a sql query to search the database directly faster OR is reading the entire data from the database into a hashtable and then searching in O(1) time faster?
This question is for experienced programmers who have faced such issues in the past.
If you know the primary key of the row or the column you are searching on is indexed, then doing the retrieval" using SQL will be much faster. Especially if your table does not fit into memory.
Making direct sql query to database would obviously be much faster, than first reading all the records into a hash table and searching from it. This will not only save your time in loading all the records firstly into a hash table and then searching through them. 2ndly it will also save lots of memory, that your hash tables will consume.
I have experienced this kind of situations. Hope this helps you!
Sql Server Database is more faster and better than Hash-table.
one important reason behind.
Hash table reads the data once from secondary storage and then loaded into memory.
now, it is easy to identify that what will happen?
By Storing data in a huge manner, system will be slow. it will difficult to manipulate and retrieve the records.....
Despite, DBMS is being considered well convenient environment as compare to hash table. if you are trying to get results with few thousands of records then you do not have need to create index. it depends on need. Thus, it is much easy to get answers from remote machine with three tier applications. it takes care about row count, IO Speed etc.
If the SQL table is not indexed you'd have to benchmark to find your answer. Since there are lots of factors such as the row count, IO speed, network speed (if database is on a remove machine), it is hard to just give an answer to the question
On the other hand, indexing the table is a better choice. Just, leave the DBMS's job to DBMS.
