I am trying to set up a Continuous Integration process. For my various build tasks(compiling, testing, documentation etc.)I need to have tools that perform these tasks(csc, NUnit, NDoc etc.). My question is should these tools too go into my source control repository?
Why I think that they should is because I read in some online article that the developer environment should be as much similar to the build server environment. To fulfill this requirement, the article suggested that you put everything that is required for your build in the repository and when you check out the code(or the build server checks out the code) you are ready to build the project right away without first installing any other tools. But on the other hand if I put these tools with my source code in the repository then the build server will have to install them whenever a build is run.
Is it OK to install these tools? Won't it increase the time for each build unnecessarily?
It's often more trouble than it's worth to try to check in tools to source control. Rather, write a list of software requirements that must be installed before the source can be checked out and built (one thing that would need to be on this list in any case is the source control system itself). If you rely on software being in source control, some tools might need to be installed in certain paths or be otherwise configured (registry entries come to mind).
I would certainly not check in the compiler itself to source control, and I probably wouldn't check in NUnit or NDoc either. Just install these beforehand, as they are not likely to change too much over the lifetime of your project. Your build script might want to check that the expected version(s) of the required software packages are installed before the build may proceed.
Unless you're customizing the tools there's probably no reason to put their source code in your repository. However there are excellent reasons for putting your config files in the repository.
Re-installing the tools for every single build is overkill and will slow you down.
However it's by far better to have a server dedicated to the continuous integration so that you know its state ; you sure nobody installed anything that may have an impact on the outcome of the build.
If you want to be able to re-generate today's build next year, you need to be able to re-create your environment first. Make sure you'll be able to re-install your tools (exact same version), either by keeping them on your server (installing the newer versions in different directories), or storing the whole package in your configuration management tool.
Think about how you would create another continuous integration server, either to have two of them, or for a second site, or to recover after a disaster. Document how the continuous integration server was set up.
What really needs to be version controlled, is the build scripts, that access the right versions of the tools, especially if you opt for installing several versions of the tools.
I am looking for a tool to manage the collection of binary files (input components) that make up a software release. This is a software product and we have released multiple versions each year for the last 20 years. The details and types of files may vary, but this is something many software teams need to manage.
What's a Software Release made of?
A mixture of files go into our software releases, including:
Windows executables/binaries (40 DLLs and 30+ EXE files).
Scripts used by the installer to create a database
API assemblies for various platforms (.NET, ActiveX, and Java)
Documentation files (HTML, PDF, CHM)
Source code for example applications
The full collected files for a single version of the release are about 90MB. Most are built from source code, but some are 3rd party.
Manual Process
Long ago we managed this manually.
When starting each new release the files used to build the last release would be copied to a new folder on a shared drive.
The developers would manually add or update files in this folder (hoping nothing was lost or deleted accidentally).
The software installer script would be compiled using the files in this folder to produce a SETUP.EXE (output).
Iterate steps 2 and 3 during validation & testing until release.
Automatic Process
Some years ago we adopted CI (building our binaries nightly or on-demand).
We resorted to putting 3rd party binaries under version control since they usually don't change as often.
Then we automated the process of collecting & updating files for a release based on the CI build outputs. Finally we were able to automate the construction of our SETUP.EXE.
Remaining Gaps
Great so far, but this leaves us with two problems:
Rebuilding Assemblies The CI mostly builds projects when something has changed, but when forced it will re-compile a binary that doesn't have any code change. The output is a fresh build of a binary we've previously tested (hint: should we always trust these are equivalent?).
Latest vs Stable Mostly our CI machine builds the latest versions of each project. In some cases this is ok, but often we want to release an older tested or stable version. To do this we have separate CI projects for the latest and stable builds - this works but is clumsy.
Thanks for your patience if you've got this far :-)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
After some time searching for solutions it seems it might be easier to build our own solution, but surely someone else has solved these problems before!?
What we want is a way to store and manage binary files (either outputs from CI, or 3rd party files) such that each is tagged with a version (v1.2.3.4) that allows:
The CI to publish new versions of each binary (but reject rebuilt versions that already exist).
The development team to make a recipe for a software release (kinda like NuGet packages.config) that specifies components to include:
package name
path/destination in the release folder
The Automatic package script to use the recipe collect the required files, and compile the install package (e.g. SETUP.EXE).
I am aware of past debates about storing binaries in a VCS. For now I am looking for a better solution. That approach does not appear ideal for long-term ongoing use (e.g. how to prune old binaries)... amongst other issues.
I have tried some artifact repositories currently available. From my investigation these provide a solution for component/artifact storage and version control. However they do not provide tools for managing a list of components/artifacts to include in a software release.
Does anybody out there know of tools for this?
Have you found a way to get your CI infrastructure to address these remaining issues?
If you're using an artifact repository to solve this problem, how do you manage and automate the process?
This is a very broad topic, but it sounds like you want a release management tool (e.g. BuildMaster, developed by my company Inedo), possibly in conjunction with a package management server like ProGet (which you tagged, and is how I discovered this question).
To address some specific questions you have, I'll associate it with a feature that would solve the problem:
A mixture of files go into our software releases, including...
This is handled in BuildMaster with artifacts. This video gives a basic overview of how they are manually added to releases and deployed to a file system: https://inedo.com/support/tutorials/buildmaster/deployments/deploying-a-simple-web-app-to-iis
Of course, once that works to satisfaction, you can automate the import of artifacts from your existing CI tool, create them from a BuildMaster deployment plan itself, pull them from your package server, whatever. Down the line you can also have your CI tool call the BuildMaster release management API to create a release and automatically have it include all the artifacts and components you want (this is what most of our customers do now, i.e. have a build step in TeamCity create a release from a template).
Rebuilding Assemblies ... The output is a fresh build of a binary we've previously tested (hint: should we always trust these are equivalent?)
You can mostly assume they are equivalent functionally, but it's only the times that they are not that problems arise. This is especially true with package managers that do not lock dependencies to specific version numbers (i.e. NuGet, npm). You should be releasing exactly the same binary that was tested in previous environments.
[we want] the development team to make a recipe for a software release (kinda like NuGet packages.config) that specifies components to include:
This is handled with releases. A developer can choose its name, dates, etc., and associate it with a pipeline (i.e. a set of testing stages that the artifacts are deployed to), then can "click the deploy button" and have the automation do all the work.
Releases are grouped by "application", similar to a project in TeamCity. As a more advanced use case, you can use deployables. Deployables are essentially individual components of an application you include in a release; in your case the "Documentation" could be a deployable, and maybe contain an artifact of the .pdf and .docx files. Deployables from other applications (maybe a different team is responsible for them, or whatever) can then be referenced and "included" in a release, or you can reference ones from a past release.
Hopefully that provides some overview and fits your needs. Getting into this space is a bit overwhelming because there are so many terms, technologies, and methodologies, but my advice is to start simple and then slowly build upon it, e.g.:
deploy a single, manually uploaded component through BuildMaster to a share drive, then manually deploy it from there
add a deployment plan that imports the component
add a second plan and associate it with the 2nd stage that takes the uploaded artifact and deploys it to the target, bypassing the need for the share drive
add more deployment plans and associate them with pipeline stages and promote through them all to "close out" a release
add an agent and deploy to that instead of the default localhost server
add more components and segregate their deployment with deployables
add event listeners to email team members at points in the process
start adding approvals if you require gated "sign-offs"
and so on.
We recently brought Golang into the company that I work in for general use, but we hit a snag in the roll out because Go can use the go get command to get packages from the internet. Typically when we roll out Java and Python we are able to limit where the developer can pull packages from by pointing them to our internal artifactory.
So with Python we can change where they pull from by altering the pip command to pull from our internal artifactory, and with Java we can alter their settings.xml and pom.xml to point to our internal packages.
I know that during development you can fetch and pull in dependencies into your local then compile them into a standalone binary. What i am looking for is some mechanism that stops people from going out and pulling from the open internet.
Does something like this exist in Go? Can I stop people from going to the internet and go get 'ing packages?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It depends on your definition of "roll out", but typically there are three stages:
Development - at this point you can't prevent arbitrary go get calls, apart from putting the development machines behind restrictive proxies or similar technical measures.
Deployment - since Go programs can (should) be deployed as single binaries, go get is not used at all during deployment.
Building deployment artefacts - this is probably your issue:
The usual approach is not to fetch dependencies when building Go programs. Instead, dependencies are fetched during development, and made part of the source tree using vendoring, for example by using the dep tool.
At this point, the build step no longer needs to fetch any dependencies. The choice of which dependencies are allowed now becomes part of the rest of your process, such as code reviews.
I know this may be overkill for a single developer solution (personal project and not yet enterprise software), but I was wondering how to better respond to my needs.
I would be needing to accomplish the following:
Run integration tests (none UI for the moment) at least daily in order to see if any of my commits breaks the build.
Build the entire solution daily to see if any of my commits are incomplete and would cause problems when checked out on another folder.
Be run on my personal computer at least once a day (using another computer to automate the build process is not an option for the moment)
I know that automated build software such as Jenkins are easily capable of doing the previous (even on the same machine as committed?), but I was wondering if lighter solutions are available. Ex: Post-commit actions on the repository?, scripts?, planned tasks etc...
Forgot to mention that I was using a Windows machine with a c# project running nunit tests. I use visual studio 2012 to compile solution and run tests with nunit. I use tortoise svn and Ank svn as repository browser.
You might make a crontab(5) entry to periodically (e.g. daily) run your build or tests.
I have a crontab entry invoking some shell script to fetch the source tree by svn or git version control in a fresh place and build it daily.
You could consider using inotify(7) facilities, perhaps thru incron, to have a test run as soon as you modify some file (e.g. an executable).
Look also at D.Moreno's garlic project (which I never used).
You could also simply have some Makefile targets for tests, and run them from emacs. I have
(load-library "compile")
(global-set-key [f8] 'recompile)
in my ~/.emacs so I just compile things by pressing the F8 key in my emacs editor.
Use Jenkins - no reason not to, considering its reasonably lightweight itself (despite being a java app). Its very self-contained too, backup involves stopping the Jenkins service and copying the installation directory so it's not going to pollute your OS.
Anything else you come up with is going to be too complex (in terms of maintaining a bundle of scripts, scheduled tasks and so on) or just as 'heavyweight'. You might as well save your time and use the tool that fits from the start.
I have what I hope is not a unique situation...
...and I'm looking for suggestions.
I am looking for a better synchronization plugin for Eclipse than FileSync
I am looking for a distributed (preferably) version control system that will allow me and the other developers in my team the ability to work with local files and have that repository automatically upload changes and revision history to our development box
A combination of the two.
Most revision control applications I've tried are catered more to the compiled code workflow where you only check in when you have a compilable code base, and that makes sense to me. We, however, are working with Coldfusion pages on a remote development server which complicates the process of check-ins, quick updates and debugging. Now, I don't necessarily want to have to check in every time I want to test code (because that would be a nightmare...) but it would be nice to have something that tracks changes throughout the day and logs those changes in a revision control automatically (Dev would state intention in dialog on opening the project?) while keeping the files on the development server in sync with all the programmer's machines. It would be awesome if it tracked changes locally and did one auto check-in per day (at some scheduled time, preferably as a background process), but I've not seen anything like this.
Currently we are shoe-horned into using Serena PVCS (because they have free licenses mainly) and it's not a very fast solution when we all work in different States, our development server is in a State that none of us work in, and the repository is in an even different State. (No control over this!) It normally takes Eclipse 10-15 minutes to synchronize ~500 files with the PVCS server and check-ins are "Eclipse-lockingly" slow. (ie: when checking in, forget using Eclipse for anything.)
I would like to have a workflow process that manages all our workfiles locally, synchronizes those changes to a remote development server and pulls down any changes that happen to be up there. I do not count on having any/many conflicting merges during this because we all work on different parts of the same site. However, it may happen.
I have played around with Bazaar, and this is what made me think about having a distributed revision system, but I'd like to have that auto-merge with the remote repository (the development server in this case) and I did not find a way to do that when local files were updated. I will have to admit I have not looked into Git or Mercurial much and was hoping that someone could share their experience with me on feature sets or solutions if one of these other options will work.
To give a back history, this came about when one of our developers started using FileSync in Eclipse and started overwriting all our changes because the Eclipse FileSync plugin is only one way... from the dev box to the server. Boss asked why we weren't checking in all the time... we blame the speed... I get tasked to find a solution.
Also, a centralized solution like SVN was already turned down (because we have Serena and a crew of people that are supposed to manage this... but I've been waiting two days for even a response to an issue log I submitted concerning our lack of speed issue, so if we can self manage a solution [thus distributed and why I looked at Bazaar] that would be awesome.)
A DVCS like Git or Mercurial would definitely be a sensible choice, especially for:
distributed development
distributed repos (including one dedicated for those checks of yours)
That notion of dedicated repo is not a new one and has been used before (for local repo used for testing before pushing to a remote repo), but it can easily be adapted for the kind of automatic pushing you are looking for.
For a strong Eclipse integration, I would go with Git (even though EGit is not fully baked yet): all Eclipse projects (for the development of Eclipse) itself are or will be soon on git repo.
Eclipse is committed to replace its current native CVS integration with a complete native Git integration.
I have a few Visual Studio Solutions/Projects that are being worked on in my company, which now require a scheme for automatic nightly builds. Such a scheme needs to be able to check the latest versions from SVN, build the solutions, create the appropriate downloadable files (including installers, documentation, etc.), send e-mails to the developers upon errors and all sorts of other nifty things. What tool, or tool-set, should I use for this?
I used to use FinalBuilder a few years ago and I liked that a lot but I'm not sure if they support such features as nightly-builds and email messages.
At my work we use CCNET, but with builds on check-in more than nightly - although it's easily configured for either or both.
You can very easily set up unit testing to run on every checkin as well, FXCop testing, and a slew of other products.
I would also advise checking out Team City as an option, because it has a free version, and the reporting and setup is reportedly much simpler (it does look nice to me). It does have a limit of somewhere around 20 team members/projects, before it hits a pay-for window.
That said, we started with CCNET, and have grown several products too large to look at Team City on the free version and are very happy with what we have.
Features that help with CCNET include:
XML based configuration - you can usually copy and paste most of what you need.
More or less you'll be able to plug your treesurgeon script in as your build script, and point CCNET at that as an executable task to run the compilation.
Lots of documentation and very easy to set up nunit, ncover, fxcop, etc.
Taskbar app that will let you know the status of your projects at any time, and it can also fire off an email or keep an RSS feed with the same information.
But I'd definitely go with running a CI build on every check-in - for the most part will run the unit tests before checking in, but let the CCNET server handle run any applications/assemblies that would have dependencies on the assembly we're checking in, and they get re-built, and re-tested on every checkin.
Given that CCNET is free free and takes very little time to set up - I'd highly recommend just going for it and seeing if it suits you, then expanding from there.
(There's another thread here where I posted pretty much the same/with a few alterations - but some of the other comments may help too! Automated Builds)
Edit to add: You can easily set up your own deployment scheme for CCNET, and there are a tonne of blog posts out there to assist, and email notifications can really be set up fairly granularly, either on all successes, all failures, when it changes from success to fail, etc. There's also built in RSS, and you could even set up your own notifiers for other systems.
FinalBuilder does support emailing and just executing FinalBuilder each night will give you nightly builds. You don't really need other software for that if you don't want to.
You could also use CCNet to trigger a build when needed and have it execute FinalBuilder for the build. You can then decide if FinalBuilder or CCNet should email.
Finally FinalBuilder has a Server version which is sorta like CCNet in that it is a continues integration tool using FinalBuilder. See http://www.finalbuilder.com/finalbuilder-server.aspx
Of course the biggest advantage of CCNet is that it is free and open source.
Although it costs, I highly recommend Visual Build. It works with MSBuild, and old tools like Visual Basic. It is scriptable, and can do everything from making installers to simple Continuous Integration.
We just started using Hudson here at the office.
Its free and open-source, it has a very user friendly UI. Plus there are tons of options and plugins available.
I was up and running in a matter of minutes after installing it. All the other devs here are loving it.
All in all, its a very elegant solution for Continuous Integration or Nightly Builds.
I've recently started using CruiseControl.NET (http://confluence.public.thoughtworks.org/display/CCNET/Welcome+to+CruiseControl.NET). It works reasonably well, although configuration could be easier. CruiseControl.NET is free and open source, and seems to integrate with most standard tools, although I've personally only used it with CVS, SVN, NUnit and MSBuild.
Supports a wide variety of source control and build systems. Very customizable. Open Source. Setup takes some time, but it's not too horrible.
Buildbot is open source and very powerful too. You should take a look at it.
Cascade supports doing a build on every single change committed to the repository.
I would not recommend doing only nightly builds -- that's a pretty long window where a build break can slip in before it's reported.