Can We execute an exe that is in client side? - client

Is there any way to execute exe(say notepad.exe) that is in client? If so.. how can i do that from server side.? I know its a security violation..still i want to know.

There are generally two ways to do this:
Via a security loophole in your system; which should be patched up as soon as possible.
Via a mechanism such as click-once, which requires the user to confirm that they want to download the application and run it.


How can I embed NetLimiter in my application

I have a C# client application that connects to multiple servers. I noticed that it is necessary to use NetLimiter activated rules in order to make my client connect correctly with higher priority when there is so many traffic on the client computer.
I did not find any documents about how can I embed and make rules programmatically in this application. However, I read here that someone tried to use Netlimiter API but failed.
I read somewhere that I can write my own application that uses TC API of the Windows in here and mark DSCP to make priorities. But I reached to this problem before setting flow options of my C# application.
Please guide me with this issue.
Look here. Connect() and SetRule() are the only APIs available.
NetLimiter seems to be a COM object, so to use it from C# you need something like this:
dynamic myownlimiter = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("NetLimiter.VirtualClient"));
myownlimiter.Connect("host", "port");
and then use SetRule() as described in the first link.

How to use Proxies && Proxy

I appreciate your help
I've never had the need to learn proxies until recently,
basically I have a Java application and I'm unsure if I can just setup a program so that my computer changes to use a different proxy every few minutes (out of a few 100-1000 proxies), or if I need to have the java application directly connect to a proxy in order for it to use the proxy? then finally I want to connect to website with basic get requests etc.
if anyone could kindly explain the process in order to accomplish what I explained and/or suggest how to go about performing this?
Thank you very much!
you can start with SamProxy 1.0 it is very efficient proxy built in java
you will need to update java JRE first.
There is readme File in project which will help you

Interact with local methods from a Chrome Extension

I'm not sure which technology I should be using, or even what exactly I'm trying to do is called, so I was hoping to just get some guidance on the issue.
We have a client/server architecture, and from the client side you should be able to send a command to the server side either by going from Browser -> Client -> Server, or just directly from Browser -> Server
My question is, what should I be looking in to to help me accomplish this task? I believe if I were to use a Chrome Extension, it would have to use NPAPI to interact locally with my PC, which is less than recommended ;)
The solution only needs to work on Windows, and will not be accessing any of the local users files.
Thanks for your help!
Within Chrome Extensions, you are allowed to access external resources if and only if you explicitly define the permissions (url pattern) in the manifest file.
Depending on the need of your application, you could use RESTful server approach or WebSockets server approach. Once you finish developing your server, your extension can communicate through it using existing web technologies (XmlHTTPRequest, WebSocket).
Assuming your going to use RESTful, what I would do is create a JavaScript service class/library that communicates to your backend (Server) using XHR, and include that in your background page within the extension. Then you can use Extension Message Passing to communicate to your service class.
Think of it as this, the scripts defined in the background context within your extension lives in between your extension and your server, acting like a facade. Search on GitHub/StackOverflow if you need questions regarding how, there are many useful posts/projects.

Can I use meteor for this?

I'm looking for a way to create an app which has a realtime web interface as well as an API which can be called by a node.js client while sharing most of its code.
I'd like to be able to manage data, monitor and execute tasks inside of my app via browser, but also have an automation/scheduling program which connects to my web app and tells it to run various tasks and get results of each task.
Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can connect to Meteor from the server, so I'm wondering if there's another approach? Is what I described even possible using Meteor?
I have done some testing using and I think I may be able to do it this way, but Meteor seems like it'd be really great for the realtime user interface.
Yes, you can use npm packages to do what you want. Just like standard Node.js programming.
There might be one error you run into when calling Meteor between external code, but it is easy to solve.
I guess in your case you could set up a TCP server that way and make it update a collection, then you could get the clients to update through the reactive collection publishing mechanism.

How can I run a Windows GUI application on as a service?

I have an existing GUI application that should have been implemented as a service. Basically, I need to be able to remotely log onto and off of the Windows 2003 server and still keep this program running.
Is this even possible?
EDIT: Further refinement here... I do not have the source, it's not my application.
Windows services cannot have GUIs, so you will need to either get rid of the GUI or separate your application into two pieces - a service with no UI, and a "controller" application. If you have the source code, converting the non-GUI code into a service is easy - Visual Studio has a 'Windows Service' project type that takes care of the wrapping for you, and there is a simple walkthrough that shows you how to create a deployment project that will take care of installation.
If you opt for the second route and need to put some of the original GUI code into a controller, the controller and service can communicate via WCF, .NET Remoting or plain socket connections with a protocol you define yourself. If you use Remoting, be sure to use a "chunky" interface that transfers data with as few method invocations as possible - each call has a fair amount of overhead.
If the UI is fairly simple, you may be able to get away with using configuration files for input and log files or the Windows Event Log for output.
Has anyone used a third party product like: Always Up?
Seems to do what I need. It's the capability to keep running through login / logout cycles I need. And the capability to ignore that it's a GUI app and run it anyway.
They must be linking into the exe manually and calling WinMain or something.
You can wrap it up into srvany, though you may need to assign it an actual user account (as opposed to LocalService or some such)
I've had good experience with winsw. I was able to convert quite easily my batch files to services using it.
I've used it for nginx as well, per this answer.
Do you actually need it to run as a service or do you just need it to stay running when you aren't connected? If the latter, you can disconnect instead of logging off and the application will continue running. The option should be in the drop down list after choosing Shut Down or you can call tsdiscon.exe.
Do you have the source? In many cases the difference between a stand alone application and a service are minimal.
Most of the changes are related to hooking the code into the service manager properly. Once done, you'll know that any problems that occur are a result of your programming and not any other program.
What happens if you create a service. That service is configure to interact with the desktop. Configure it to run a some user and to start automatic. From the service CreateProcess on this other application. I'd guess this is quick to try using C# (C/C++ was alot of code to even be a service if I recall). Would that work??
My first thought would be to create a virtual computer in a server-class virtual host (like Virtual Server, HyperV, VMWare). Those virtual machines will run as service (or whatever Hyper V does). The virtual machine would always be running - regardless of logging in and out.
Make this virtual computer auto login to windows (TweakUI can set this up) and then just launch the GUI app using a shortcut to the Startup folder. You can even remote desktop into it use the program's GUI (I bet Always Up can't do that).
You can use ServiceMill to achieve this operation.
Basically you install ServiceMill Server on your server.
Then click on right button over your executable file and "Install as a ServiceMill Service".
Next you configure some things (user/password, if you want to interact with desktop or if you prefer to hide the ui... and set the start mode to automatic).
Another tool from Active+ Software can be a solution, ServiceMill Exe Builder which allows you to create services from Command Line and this is great if you are using a Continuous Integration Server or if you plan to distribute your component as a service without having to think about service integration (plus it is royalty free).
FireDaemonPro turns most GUI apps into services; it's not free, but it might be worth getting it.
First I would have to ask why your service needs a user interface. Most likely it does not but you probably need a client that gets data from this service. The reason services don't usually have GUI's is they may not have a window environment to run in. Services can start and run without a user logged in to the machine. In this case there would be no desktop for the service GUI to run in.
Having said that you can set properties on the service to run as a user as suggested by Mark. You can also specify in the properties of the service to "Allow service to interact with desktop". Only do this if you know a user will be logged in.
A service shouldn't have a GUI, since it should run without any needing any intervention from a user, and there are all sorts of problems associated with finding and communicating with the correct users desktop.
Since, presumably the reason for asking this is to be able to remotely monitor the application, the way to do it would be to have two applications. The service side (written basically as a console application) and the client/monitoring GUI side. The service would use some remote connectivity (when I did this I used Named Pipes) to communicate with the client/monitoring application. Either should be able to run without the other, and certainly the service should be able to run with out the client.
